
8 Reviews
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Sling Blade (1996)
Good film but flawed
22 December 2003
I saw Sling Blade for the first time a couple of weeks ago...and I expected the movie to be good...and it was but with flaws. The plot seems to be too unrealistic. A mentally-Challenged man get's to live free after murdering someone,goes and befriends a young boy and family,(strangers may I add) and they allow him to live with them. That's crazy! And I know it's a movie and not based on a true story but who Mother would allow their son to befriend and live with a Mentally-Challenge stranger?

And another thing that bother me alittle was the predictable dialouge. Like I said I never saw the movie up until two weeks ago,and I was starting to speak what the character's were saying before they spoke! A few times I was just getting bored from predictabilty of the speech in the film... I know these were 'Southerners' but those one word,two word answer's were alittle annoying.

Despite my obvious dislikes of the film... I will say everyone deserved some type of recongnition for their performances. Billy Bob Thornton delivered in a performance that he may not be able to top. Dwight Yoakam,was completed 'over the top' I hated him and his character,and thought he desevered what happened to him at the end. Natalie Canerday was excellent as the supporting,loving Mother...and Of course John Ritter. Just seeing him with that haircut made me interested in what he had to say. Everyone says this was one of his great performances but unfortunaly like most work he did after 'Three's Company' he didn't have much to do,or say. But I will say that he is more restrained then what you used to seeing him,and it was enjoying him to see him act differently.

Overall,I enjoyed the film...good acting. No great acting but not the perfect scirpt and that's a damn shame because the film could've been even better.

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Average Joe (2003– )
14 November 2003
When I first saw promos about this show I thought to myself 'yeah another dumb reality show.' But these 'average' guy's have kinda won me over,and sure has Melina. These guy's though competetive at times,are truly some of the nicest guy's i've seen on T.V. And Melina,just seems to be like just a easy going,nice girl! I think that she was )if it's true that she didn't know about how they guy's looked) is a good sport for continuing on with the show.

'Average show' maybe but there could be a good message here,maybe it isn't about all looks,and I think Melina is trying hard to realize that herself.

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Carpool (1996)
26 October 2003
Tom Arnold really shined in the movie,i've always liked him and it was great to see him get a leading role. David Paymer played the role of the 'all work, no pleasure,up tight dad' role very well. Even Mr.Hammermin was hilarious at the end when the group gave him slogans for their carnival project. The children played their roles well,with child innocence it's great to see grown people especially men bond with their kids and that's what I got from watching this movie... 7 out of ten!

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It's a classic!
6 October 2003
One of the finest movies I have viewed...Good script, original plot of a man who is haunted about JFK's assassination when he was assigned to protect him on that Cold November day in 1963. Thirty years later another anti-social lunatic wants to assassinate the current president. The secret service agent loses his partner along the way,to the crazed gunmen who schemes,lies and murders anybody in his path who'll stand in his way of his mission.

The movie accompanies with a great memorable score,and a restrained but meaningful romance between Russo and Eastwood....which displays how difficult it is to have a romantic life in that kind of work. Malchovich is great,sure many other candidates could have played the role that he played,but how many could acted with such craftiness,and intellect that he displayed in the movie?

Needless to say,I thought this was a great movie...everytime it's on television I have to watch it..and I own it on dvd! I'm a big Eastwood fan,this only boosted his already fabulous career,and Malchovich's best role to date!
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The Wash (2001)
2 October 2003
If you find 'hip-hop comedy' funny,then this will make you laugh..funny scences with Slim-shady,Shaq..Snoop Dogg acted more like a bully in this movie,and DR.dre acted more like a gentlemen..Agin it's a forgetable movie but a forgetable funny movie to boot,lol!

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Fathers' Day (1997)
Don't be so hard on this movie
2 October 2003
Sometimes critics can be too hard on some's like everyone expects every movie they watch to become a 'classic' or an academy award nominee. Well 'Fathers Day' is neither but take the movie for what it's worth. I've never been a big fan of Billy Crystal,but he he did a good job as far as acting like the 'older brother' to Robin Williams in this movie. Williams was funny as always,doing his usual bits.. the ending of the movie was better than the beggining I think,with the son telling but men who was the real father,and finally they both found out it was neither of them. Will,this movie be remembered thirty years from now? No. But it would be refreshing to watch on a lonely sunday afternoon. Hey,I have plenty of time on sundays,and why not share a few laughs from watching this movie?

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Malcolm X (1992)
29 September 2003
One of the finest films Denzel Washington every has acted in. A brillant job he did first as 'Detriot Red' most people probably aren't fimilar with Malcom's previous way of life,but from what i've read about 'Detriot Red' he was portrayed well in this film in then some.

There never was really a boring spot in the film...verey dramatic of your attention,kept your attention. The film covered all points of life,childhood how he is the only black in his school,and how his teacher discourages him from becoming his dream of being a lawyer. As a man in his twenties,where he becomes a con artist...his time spent in jail,his conversion into Islam..and they whole period of that,in his exile out of Islam,which led to his tragic and untimely death.

I give it 9/10 stars Denzel arrived after this movie,that's for sure!
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A delightful film
28 September 2003
I've seen this movie over a hundred of times,and what can I say? It's one of Robin Williams best films... he may be better at stand up,but he's so talented and he showed it in this film. 'Mrs Doubtfire' is a delightful film,good for family but that dosen't mean it's content is for five year olds only. The movie has a beautiful blend of drama as well,when Miranda (Sally Filed) tells Daniel (Robin Williams) she wants a divorce,and the actual hearing in court,when Miranda gets awarded full custody. 'Mrs Doubtfire' was a well directed film,and the whole cast was brillant (yes even Pirece Bronsan) I recommend this film to any family who wants to laugh together,or any one who has a broad sense of humor. ;)

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