
12 Reviews
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24 August 2022
Don't know why this film has such low ratings. It is very well made, with a lot of attention to detail. Acting is very good and so is the plot. Sure, maybe a bit sent,metal. But since when does that deserve a bad rating. Recommended for the story and the acting.
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The Rook (2019)
Ok, but very contrived dramaturgy
18 August 2022
This a well-produced, decent series. Acting is mostly solid, plot thickens in a rewarding way. The big negative thing I have to say is that there are occasional scenes where you just can't see why the main character wouldn't act differently and " enter". For instance while on the verge of being forcibly driven away in her own car, alone in the back seat, seeing an important contact, why wouldn't she just open the door, given that the car isn't moving at that point. Makes no bloody sense and really brings the mark down when you're watching a plot driven thriller.
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Titane (2021)
26 December 2021
And eminently watchable if you like films with imagination and flair. Or just stick with Star Trek Discovery:-) And apparently I need to write some more for or I can't review.
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Stunning film
19 September 2021
It starts out like a Danish Taken, or something in that vein. Then the it quickly fills with a load of characters and events that are fairly stereotypical. But that's just the first 10-12 minutes... THEN, well, the film throws you a loop in virtually every other scene. Plot twists, character developments, emotional turn-abouts. Absolutely brilliant. Even the few predictable scenes are just perfectly written , acted and timed. I wish I could watch a film as good as this every week or so. Unfortunately, this is a one-in-a-hundred sort of film. If your mind can rally your brain past superhero fiics, you have to watch this.
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Bulletproof (2018–2021)
Two bullies pretend to be cops
1 March 2021
It's farily high pace, has some smart dialogue and decently likeable characters. But in this day and age why are these two London cops essentially being put forward as bullies? Almost no episode goes by without some form of torture towards suspects, witnesses and even police informer, they get get kicked, punched or slapped around almost as soon as the scenes begin.. If this series was in part created to perhaps counteracts BAME stereotypes (i.e. Blacss are violent) or to promote the British police force as being progressive and inclusive, why all this ceaseless bullying? (Did they go to Eton before becoming cops?) Also, there's quite the tendency to have the evil culpirtis speak with Eastern European accents and/or have foreign names. So much for the progressive agenda of this series, in other words. Look, it's a cop series, it's supposed to be entertainment. And it is. And farily good, at times. But there are aspects that stick in your craw. Unless of course you like cops to be bullies and smack people around randomly at will... Maybe you wnet to Eton youself?
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
Was Season 2 made to get it cancelled?
9 October 2020
Season 1 is excellent science fiction. Season 2 is ridiculous in a trashy soap sort of way. It's almost like Netflix wanted to cancel the series, but had a contract to fulfill. The acting is seriously under par and the script reeks of cheap emotionalism and needless posturing. Why, oh, why, when the novels are so good and this could easily have been a brilliant series. So, in conclusion, watch S01, then read/re-read the novels!
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Makes perfect sense
29 January 2019
Don't listen to the nay-sayers. This is one of the better remakes/revivals of an Agatha Christie I have seen in ages. Poirot is brilliant and the slight flavour of contemporary problems mirrored in the 1930's isn't without it's poignancy. And the finale invites us to share in Poirot's dark past and is all the more brilliant for it. Watch and enjoy!
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Hard Sun (2018)
Not bad, though not SF either
17 May 2018
I know there are some problems with weird subplots, completely off the chart timings etc. But it's actually a pretty decent detective series. Though the science fiction part is let's say, underdeveloped:-) So, I don't really know what people are complain about. I mean Lost in Space is mass-produced crap with plot-holes the size of black holes and a pretence at science that is borers on cringeworthy, but it still gets high ratings. In short, I'll easily watch a few more seasons of this. (And maybe in time the male lead Jim Sturgess will lose some of his annoying smugness that he seems to bring to all the roles I've seen him in.)
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Lost in Plot Holes
8 May 2018
There are some good things, but by having SO many weird plot gaps that are basically based on the assmption that the audience really has NO knowledge of even basic science, this series is a serious let-down of everything that is Science Fiction. I m0ean, WHO writes scripts this bad? On top of that there's inconsistencies in character behavior that are absolutely pathetic.
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Detroit (2017)
10 minutes in, its breathless
12 January 2018
Just finished watching this amazing film by the director who also legitimised torture in her previous film. Perhaps this is her attempt to redeem herself. Regardless, she has created a film that takes a large-scale drama (the Detroit riots) and manages to convincingly bring our focus into a chamber drama with an insanely bigoted white cop and a bunch of accidental hotel guests (with just two exceptions - you guessed it - black). As a film it takes your breath away with the suspense that just keeps building. As a portrait of 1967 USA, it also seems on the money ( though that is hard for me to judge other than from what I happen to know of history). WHat strikes me is that it seems amazingly little has changed in the US of A in the 50 years since. Watch this film! (As it's a safe bet Trumpski won't.)
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Red State (2011)
A little gem!
13 May 2016
This is a really good film – don't let the rating fool you:-) Tight plot, no wasted scenes. Some great dark humour, but also a really tense main plot. It shows up everyone and everything for the foolishness it is: teenage lust, fire-and-brimstone preachers, government agencies, dogs (!), terrorist legislation, you name it and the film slams it. Do yourself a favour and see this film – please! That way you will not miss out some beautiful, vintage Kevin Smith dialogue: "What do you recon a cross like that costs?" — "You mean in dollars or in common sense?". So, to conclude – this is a film that deserves a lot rating that it has, in my opinion. Kevin Smith has never shied away from complicated topics and this is no exception. But the lightness of touch makes this film more of a tongue-in-cheek satire than some of his other much darker films.
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The Company (2007)
Cold War will be cold war
15 November 2015
A good production, decent actors and a fairly tight script makes this an enjoyable watch! Fast-forwarding through decades of Cold War espionage is hardly a new idea, but this one does it with a nice balance of the real and the fictional. However this is all brought down by the overall script: The series must have been made for the US and UK audience only. My guess is they are the only ones willing to accept unquestioningly the Soviet operatives almost without fail being portrayed as stone-faced, leering fanatics. Whereas the Yanks and Brits are naturally, mostly just decent dudes, somewhat concerned with morality and generally "the good guys". A shame on an otherwise fairly good little series! (Have not read the book, so have no comments on that aspect.)
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