17 Reviews
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In Her Shoes (2005)
24 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film is arguably the worst waste of film in the history of movie dim. The only reason I exposed myself to it is my wife wanted to watch it, and I consented - on her recommendation.

Why anyone would want to spend ~2 hours watching a character who is 1) a hopeless alcoholic, 2) a thief, 3) completely disrespectful of the property of others (emphasis on family members), 4) totally devoid of morality, 5) absent any sense of responsibility, and 6) a parasite in a lodging and monetary sense is beyond me.

In full transparency, the actor who played the decadent blonde did it very well. I simply do not believe such a character is worth time out of my life.
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A humbling portrayal of a downplayed bit of WWII
19 June 2022
It took me 8 years to see this film, and I was taken on an emotional roller coaster.

Casting - wonderful. Scripting, the same. Wardrobe and scenery were impressive. I truly had no idea the depth and breadth of this time in history.

It would be unfair to single out any particular performer. With that said, great kudos to George Clooney for more than his acting. He deserves credit for the screenplay, directing and producing.

Like many other in this thread, I am puzzled at a 6.1 IMDB score. Pitiful!
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Far and Away (1992)
The Film Had Me Till the End
17 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was encouraged to watch this film by my recently-wed bride. She was quite enthusiastic about it, and was sure I would "love it."

She was generally correct, as I found the casting - costuming - staging - writing to be quite good. I believe both Kidman & Cruise fit their roles nicely. The interaction between the two was convincing as it transitioned from one level to another.

Historically, overall, the film was accurate. The land rush was portrayed much as described in historical references.

Up to the ending scene, I was sold on the film in its entirety as a goid, solid work. Of course, IMHO, I do not consider remotely close to Howard/Grazer "best of." Nonetheless, it was pretty impressive.

For me, the end scene caused a great deflation of my exuberance for the piece. To repeat an unnecessary portrayal as was unnecessary at the beginning was beneath the Howard/Grazer camp.

The film did not recoup the budgeted dollars at U. S. box offices. Fortunately, the rest of the world brought total revenue to in excess of 2x the budget.

John Williams, as always, hit it out of the park with a magnificent score.

I was going to rate the movie an 8, until the end. For the silliness of the final scene, I cut that in half.
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15 March 2021
This is a marvelous film. Great story. Takes the viewer through a multitude of emotions. Character development. Scripting. Story line. Moral.

I am very glad to have invested it viewing this film.
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Concussion (2015)
An Outstanding Condemnation of a Horribly Corrupt League and "sport"
13 January 2020
I was and am incredibly impressed by the film. It depicts a corruption grown to obscene height and breadth and depth.

It further depicts, vividly, the purity and professionalism of a very committed, enormously credentialed doctor.

When the two entities collided, the viewer is left to draw their own conclusions. To do so, they must reckon with the person in the mirror. They must confront their own morality.

Which is more important? Preservation of life, or perpetuation of a multi-billion dollar corporation without GENUINE heart and soul.

The viewer can make up their own mind.
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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
7 August 2019

I went to see "Kitchen" but was not showing until Friday.

Begrudgingly, I purchased a ticket for "Once Upon a Time" solely because of my like of Brad Pitt & Dakota Fanning.

I can say my time was wasted as I sat through the entire film. I kept waiting for a flowing storyline. I kept watching for relevant, necessary scenes. It has some, at best.

I will not speak in specifics about the film, as I don't believe spoilers have any business in a review. Suffice to say, this film was a 90% disappointment to me.

Do your research. Caveat Emptor.
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I Am Overwhelmed & Disappointed...
23 September 2018
...at the horrible ratings this film is getting.

How can anyone not see & savor the multiple emotional trips upon which this film takes the viewer.

From the lead male, to the lead female, the young girl - even the dog - the story steers viewers throughout the scope of humanity. Supporting cast are well-selected.

If you're looking for Han or Indy, move on, for you'll be seeing a side of Harrison Ford not duplicated. Open your heart and mind, and embrace a lovely yet provocative film.
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Fire with Fire (II) (2012)
Great Story Line -Good Crossover From Fire to Crime
26 August 2018
Josh Duhamel was a credible cast for the role. No exceptional talent, but he portrayed the firefighter role.

The action is well-placed - not over-done. No gratuitous scenes, violence or sex.

I disagree with the suggestion of Bruce Willis not being necessary to the story. His presence was valuable, considering the handling of Josh Duhamel's character. Conflict between agencies.

As to the synopsis on the title page herein, it is sad the poster dwells in the past. The lead character in the story is not a "fireman." He is a firefighter. ~7% of all firefighters are FEMALE! It's time to enter the 21st century.
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I Feel Pretty (2018)
What a Delightful Vehicle - With Meaningful Messages!
27 April 2018
First of all, I find Amy Schumer a very fun actor. Her physical presence, and ability to deliver when it counts, drew me to the film.

With that said, I thoroughly enjoyed the film - from beginning to end. Ms. Schumer's physicality, facial inflections, verbal delivery and overall performance were well worth the cost of admission.

I am not the type of reviewer who includes spoilers, unless absolutely necessary. In this review, there are no spoilers. There is a message, however, of the life lessons learned from the story. Many are the times when one gets meaning, entertainment, but not both. In the case of I Feel Pretty, the viewer gets it all.

I am aware there are uber-militant feminists who are lambasting the film. Mores's the Pity. Clearly, they are poisoned by their militancy - to the point of objectivity and careful analysis. "I Feel Pretty" is a fun experience. Don't be surprised if you walk away with a good feeling about the story, and deliver that expected "Ahhhhh!"

I don't know what viewers are looking for in film, but the overall IMDB viewer ratings are very disappointing.
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Midnight Sun (2018)
Delightful, Hard, Beautiful, Devastating - A Masterpiece!
31 March 2018
From the trailer running at a local theater venue, I was reticent to indulge in the film. I read more about it - synopses, et al - and decided to give it a chance. Wow, am I glad I did.

Midnight Sun is NOT another "he's" sick/"she's" sick) kind of film. It's far more about the peripheral impact of the disorder XP (Xeroderma Pigmentosum). The story is, in truth, far more about a young woman who does what she can, working around and living with an irreversible affliction.

The story is about important relationships, as well as support of the overall life of the young woman. It is about people who really care, and those who APPEAR to show an absence of empathy.

The first 1/3 of the film is committed to setup. Once that's been established, it picks up speed - nicely capturing the picture of mainstream high schoolers. Each has an albatross around their respective necks - and, that is part of the magic of the story as it evolves.

I recommend this film highly. While anyone in their teens and beyond will be touched by it, those who have experienced chronic, threatening disorders in their family will especially relate to the portrayal in the film.

Contrary to other posts herein, the film is NOT "emotionally manipulative." It IS a beauteous, compelling piece that gives one cause to pause - and reflect on the gifts that come in many forms.
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A 900 Foot Home Run!
21 March 2018
What a life experience! This story - this portrayal - takes a civilized viewer through every possible emotion in existence. I am

It is a sociological masterpiece, challenging the mind and spirit of every viewer with a scrap of humanity in them.

I'll regrain from details that make the film "boffo." Suffice to say, however, the actors - nearly every one - was very good to stellar. IMHO, Reese Witherspoon ran away with it. What great writing for her character.

Much can be learned - and much self-reflection - can occur. Contrary to those slamming the film, it is not "preachy." On is a social mirror that reminds us of the good - the bad - the ugly in global cultures.

It is humbling!
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2 Broke Girls (2011– )
A Womderfully Delightful Program
11 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am sitting here reading horribly derogatory reviews, and my head is swimming with"WTF" all over it!

Two Broke Girls is very entertaining, in an adult way. Casting is great, at the starting and support levels. The featured actors are near-genius pairing. One, a spoiled rich kid who ended up on the seat of her pants; the other a "raised in a car" commoner. They are so wonderfully different, they cannot help but mesh.

It is a highly sexually-charged story line, and the writers deserve great credit in keeping the audience's attention. Rapid repartee is a stimulating, challenging form of humor. The two lovely actors deliver with more than a modicum of chemistry.

How anyone finds them "ugly" is beyond me. They're not perfect, and that is as it should be. Long, lean, leggy blonde meets short, voluptuous dark-haired sexpot. They feed off each other very successfully.

I am thrilled to see this vehicle v. the crap talent and the ridiculous "reality" shows that make me retch.

Who knows? The two broke girls may even come to know each other in the biblical sense?!

The show is a blast - a gas - or however you wish to describe it. If you don't like the program, I believe you're taking life too seriously. Two Broke Girls is an emotional stimulus, and a great safety valve!
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Noah (2014)
Morbid Disappointment in What COULD Have Been a Marvelous Portrayal
5 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It has been a very long time since I've seen a movie so pitifully crafted. "Pulp Fiction" is one that was a huge wasted of time, money and effort.

Last night, sitting through "Noah," I was pleased with the story's development - characters, et al. I was OK with the actors and their capture of their respective roles. Costuming was a bit weird, e.g. - Noah wearing a button-up coat. In the grand scheme of things, not a huge problem. CG was also nicely done, so kudos to that creative talent! I would say the first 1/2 or so of the film was pleasing. It very rapidly went downhill - at breakneck speed! The last 1/2 of the film was a complete adulteration and desecration of the Biblical story. Most troubling was the absence of spouses of all three sons of Noah. Reference has been made in my religious education (since early Sunday school) to Noah, his wife, their sons and their wives. The film's creator apparently needed to make an "it's all about me as an artist" thing.

Another HUGE pile of Male Bovine Excrement was the stowaway bad guy on the Ark. After returning home from the film, I dug into whatever sources I could, and find NO reference to a stowaway.

I could go on, but the point - I trust - is made. It is amazing how so-called creative talent can have such disrespect for a classic story of our world's evolution.

Had I known what I was in for PRIOR to entering the auditorium, I would not have gone in the first place.
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You Will NOT Be Intellectually Stimulated . . . .
10 August 2013
....but you WILL be greatly entertained! Jason Sudekis continues to grow in his film career. Not a Clark Gable - not a George Clooney - but a seemingly solid performer.

For the Jennifer Aniston fans, you will NEVER regret seeing this film. Ms. Aniston was so amazingly "hot" - this performance is unequaled in her career. Ms. Aniston is arguably one of the most beautiful, sensual, sexual, amazing female actors in the industry today. In my opinion, she ranks with the likes of Halle Berry.

Very good support cast, and some twists and quirks in the story that will cause you to say "Wow!" Go see the film, sit back, and simply enjoy. You will enjoy multiple emotional experiences.
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A Delightful Film
8 June 2013
It was a pleasure to see this film. While I've never cared much for Owen Wilson (typically in annoying roles), he was surprisingly adept in The Internship.

I went principally to see Vince Vaughn in a film that was not a stereotypical "guy" (say 'Neanderthal') piece. I was not disappointed.

Mr. Vaughn carried a great role to greatness. His delivery - his timing - his ability to spew B.S. (as he did in this film) is really impressive.

Delightful support cast: juvenile-type manager, Indian female (stunningly lovely, and a capable actor), and a Japanese male who played a multi-faceted role very well.

Of course, there had to be a "dick" in the film - someone one really wants to punch-out (even if one is not normally prone to violence).

I could go on, but will simply say "the film is worth the money and time investment." Open your heart - disengage your brain a bit - and just enjoy.
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You Cannot Possibly Fai! to Love This Film?
10 September 2011
My wife and I went to an evening showing of this film, and were supremely pleased and entertained. The small auditorium in which the film was shown was approximately 1/2 full. Suffice to say, the roars and yuks from the attendees filled and overflowed the venue.

Exceptional dialog, with outstanding supporting cast, make this film beyond wonderful. For "A" list performers to accept supporting roles v. demanding starring roles speaks volumes to the story, the writers, producers/directors, and the film itself. They were all good sports.

Each actor made their fine individual contributions, for the greater good. In my opinion, Jennifer Aniston was the REAL star. Her delightfully-decadent character and portrayal of the Depraved Dentist was delightful. She played it to the hilt, and was very convincing. I admit to arousal in virtually all of her scenes. She has never been more beautiful, more sexy, more sensual. I'm confident she had great fun making this film.

Kevin Spacey was exactly who/what I expected him to be. He can take a role - any role - and truly make it his own. He genuinely was a boss you would "want to take out!" My wife and I will likely see this film again. If you're prepared for some ribald humor and sexual titillation, as well as amazing humor, by all means see this film.
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Zookeeper (2011)
How Can You NOT Love This Film?
9 July 2011
My wife and I just returned from seeing "Zookeeper," and were thoroughly delighted and amused. Excellent creation of the animals, with very nicely mouth movements to coordinate with the dialogue.

Scripting was excellent - absolutely hilarious. The voicing for the animals (especially the monkey) was top-notch.

Those who believe this is a children's' movie is really missing the mark. At our viewing of the film (1:15 p.m. matinée), there were approximately 50 attendees - NO CHILDREN! Age ranges were from early 20s to mid 60s. The audience was roaring throughout the film, and continued to do so as they filed out of the auditorium - reflecting on their favorite parts. Some of the audience members stood in the lobby of the theater - strangers, mind you - chatting about the film and sharing some additional laughs.

I have already read some so-called "movie critics" who are body-slamming this delightful film. Clearly, they depict in invalidity of what is a so-called "professional critic." As for me and my wife, and the audience at our viewing, it is absolutely a "Thumb's Up" experience.

Beyond worth seeing. If you appreciate silly humor, and hearing some of your favorite actors' voices, AND enjoy a pleasant - though predictable - ending, this is a MUST SEE!
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