
11 Reviews
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Poignant and artfully constructed story
19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A greatly paces melancholic story. I have to mention the actors that brought out the emotion of the characters so very well. Every time Lily Gladstone is in the frame you always have a sense of sad foreboding and she carries that role so well. Even with the mildest dialogues, her expressions, body language are so exact that they tell the story in just that. Dicaprio plays his role to utter and absolute perfection, you always have that sense of irritation that he is going to say or do something idiotic through out the film while also sympathising with him. De Niro just gets under your skin the entire time, another perfectly played part. The story itself is extremely sad and infuriating at the same time, and I am happy to have watched this film and learnt about these native tribes and people. Even the length of the movie didn't seem a deterrent it did not drag at any point. Exemplary film making.
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Boyz n the hood 21st century
18 June 2022
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Don't try to remake a classic. This movie was aimed at speaking about the realities of African American men growing up in Oakland but seems like it was made by the very folks the protagonist hates so much. People who don't really know. There are so many tropes and clichés that by the end of the movie you can just guess what he's going to say next. JD's casting could and should have been better, the over the top hardass black father is so tired right now, we have much better movies covering these topics. The essence is good the execution is as very poor. Worth a one time watch.
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Back to the original
13 March 2022
This movie was brilliant. It reminded me of the original classics from the 80s and 90s. No unwanted arcs of the characters wasting time. It was all about the monsters.
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Man Down (2013–2017)
Funniest show I've ever watched
24 August 2020
I stumbled upon this show after watching the In Betweeners and I'm so glad I did. It's the only show where I am legitimately laughing OUT loud. The humour is ridiculously good and there is no effort at all from the cast to do any of it.
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Dark (2017–2020)
This is a masterpiece
16 June 2020
The show is a mind bending spectacle of masterful story telling, suspense and truly remarkable characters. I want to tip my hat to whoever wrote this storyline cos there will never be another like it.
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Skylines (I) (2019)
Great Show, interesting characters
29 September 2019
As a fan of another German crime show "Dogs of Berlin", I thoroughly enjoyed Skylines. The cultural aspects as well as the underground rap scene is rayed very well. The characters are interesting and mysterious and each of them have their own story. Definitely a must watch.
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Leila (2019– )
MasterPiece! India's version of The Handmaids Tale
27 August 2019
Dystopia. Lot of idiots don't understand it. Show is artfully narrated and very well shot. Have to watch it.
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Destroyer (2018)
Long winding, conflicting timelines, horrible character arcs
24 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could have been so many things but is horribly executed. Nicole Kidman just CANNOT pull off the ageing alcoholic cop, it's painful to watch. The character arc is ridiculously skewed and more often than not you're wondering what is even going on? Who are those people? Why are so many side characters being introduced for NO REASON??? The plot is weak. For someone to hold a grudge and go on a 15 year downward spiral, you'd think something more concrete than a minor botched bank robbery could have been the basis of the plot. The parallel past and present timelines only confuse you more. To be honest you don't know anything about any of the characters even AFTER the movie is over. It's got a horribly abrupt ending with a very confusing time overlap that seeks to explain itself in the last 5 minutes. Awful awful movie don't waste your time.
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The Predator (2018)
Worst of the franchise
18 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is garbage. Storyline is non existent. what is going on with the alien dog that decides to act like a labrador and that plot line headed nowhere. Olivia Munns character makes no sense. The jokes and cheesy one-liners are painful because they're not funny at all. What's worse ? The goddamn Predators hardly get any screentime! You're going with the evolutionary storyline, how about focusing on the ACTUAL evolutionary traits! UGH. The movie needs a remake.
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Ghoul (2018)
Brilliantly done show
11 October 2018
Propoganda aside, the show is masterfully narrated. It doesn't drag and it's got a great air of suspense. The premise is actually what makes it that much more scary. For everyone else reviewing and reading reviews who think this is a new story, sorry to disappoint. It's a carbon copy of Outpost, another underrated masterpiece might I add. However full marks to the creators and actors for making this show and adapting well. I won't rate anything 10 unless it's original and this idea is unfortunately not.
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Every Cliche in Hollywood
26 August 2018
This movie is like the kind of mumbo jumbo someone who has lived their entire life in the Midwest watching fox news would churn out. The story line is weaker than a teen drama. Pulls at all the emotional heart strings and has more cliched conversations than I can bear to mention.
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