
3 Reviews
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Longmire (2012–2017)
Another great show ruined after a few seasons.
27 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The show started strong, an unconventional police procedural about a small town sheriff solving crime, that turned into a mess in the last two seasons.

All too often we see this happen to good shows in television. They get so mired down in the subplots and personal relationships that they lose track of the show's premise, which is what attracted people to the show to begin with.

In the last few season we saw Walt Longmire turn from an admittedly unconventional but good sheriff, into an overly obsessed lunatic hell bent on blaming everything bad that happens on one man, his nemesis Jacob Nighthorse. Virtually no crimes were solved, as the few that did occur were treated as a subplot, while they concentrated more and more on the characters personal lives and problems.

The final season amounted to nothing more than two or three episodes worth of story stretched out over ten, I found my self fast forwarding through many a scene just to get past the emotional fluff and advance the actual story.

On a side note, the ending has me wanting the show to be picked up again, with different writers of course, as I'd love to see Cady Longmire as the towns new sheriff.
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The Good Wife (2009–2016)
Good start that went downhill
27 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've always loved a good courtroom drama, and for that reason alone this show had me hooked from the start. However, like so many other shows these days, after a few seasons they drifted away from that, spending countless hours devoted to interpersonal relationships and subplots. By season 5 they were hardly spending any time on actual legal cases.

I understand the need for character development, but it should never come at a cost of the show's main premise. They took an interesting show about the law and spun it off into a never ending soap opera of who's sleeping with who, politics, back-stabbing and melodrama.
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Not really a family film.
7 December 2011
Not exactly what I was expecting from an animated Disney movie. In fact, for an animated feature I doubt children would even understand most of this film, let alone enjoy it. If you're looking for a cheerful family flick, you simply wont get that here. Though an animated feature, this movie stays accurately true to the original book written by Charles Dickens in 1843, both in tale and in dialogue .

It's my opinion that this would have been better filmed as a motion picture rather than an animated feature. Like most people, I expect animated movies to be more fun, even a serious tale like A Christmas Carol could have been told with a few light-hearted laughs thrown in to lift the mood.
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