
35 Reviews
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One Day (2024)
9 February 2024
Garbage. Another parody of an utterly awful venal, shallow modern white male who needs the endless virtuous female friend to give him any worth. The male lead is ludicrously over privileged in a way not even 1% are, yet represents all men... so he is utterly useless, venal, shallow, manipulative narcissist with endless list of personal faults who has to keep finding himself in the endlessly wise, compassionate, female lead. By way of counter balancing she has an endless list of personal virtues and is just too good, too meaningfully philosophically empowered to get a real job in the cruel commercial world.
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Catering Christmas (2022 TV Movie)
Does what it sets out to do very well
7 December 2023
This does what it sets out to do very well, a straightforward, down the line Christmas film but managed to do so in a more engaging and entertaining way than many such manage. It kept things pretty simple, didn't try any gimmicks, just solidly delivered on its premise in a nice short run time. Yes it follows most of the tropes of a Christmas rom-com and doesn't offer any real surprises, it just does what it does in a way I found engaging and enjoyable, which is most definitely not always the case for this sort of film. If you don't like this then maybe you shouldn't be watching a Christmas movie in the first place, and it's fine if they aren't to your taste.
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Wilderness (2023)
Promising start but drifts away
20 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Starts really quite promisingly and Episode 1 was pretty good but it then just meanders off and keeps going down hill. By the end of episode 5 I was falling asleep and just couldn't be bothered to carry on. None of the main characters are engaging, yes it's anti-men but the women are all just as horrible so it's an equal opportunity for horribleness. There's a glaring plot hole that would explode the whole thing and it's just never addressed: the women murdered was wearing the coat of her adulterous lover, it's why she was mistaken for him and killed, and he unknowingly reported it as missing .... This should clearly link the victim to the adulterer in about 30 minutes, but that never happens.
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Elvis (2022)
Over stylized, starts with utterly Baffling flurry of flash backs
4 March 2023
Over stylized, starts with utterly Baffling flurry of flash backs From several diverse points of view means it impossible to make any real sense of it. Kept hanging in for the story to settle down but it didn't in the time I was prepared to give it as just couldn't make sense of it, wasn't enjoying it so gave up. Just trying to be too clever and assumes the casual viewer knows enough about the Elvis origin story and o put together all the random bits and pieces of narrative it throws at you. Very disappointing as had heard good things about this but from Elvis nuts and I guess they did know enough already to make it make sense.
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Disappointing, inaccurate, Awards bait
20 February 2023
Very disappointing. It starts in 1917...well the German Army was so flush with men it was returning Reserves back to industry and farm work. It retreated back in early Spring on the Western Front to well built, prepared new defensive lines and dug in with deep bunkers almost immune to shellfire from high ground where they could better target the Allies, forced to move their own trench line forward to very poor locations chosen by their enemy. Where exactly was the German attacks shown in the film in 1917? They hunkered down in those well built trenches in a defensive strategy, yet we see them in attack, from poorly built trenches with shallow bunkers that collapsed under one shell strike...that's just not what Germany was doing in the West in 1917. The British and French, yes, not the Germans.

Then all of Sudden it jumps to the last few days on the War and some French or Belgian civilians around with cattle and geese... the occupied zone was effectively depopulated and livestock slaughtered years earlier. In those last few days the German Army in the west was routed, utterly disorganized, completely demoralized, chronically short of every sort of supply imaginable and near starving, often near mutiny, in headlong retreat...not camping out in the woods like some forest holiday camp. It's shown like a vindication of the "stabbed in the back" calumny that justified WW2; no, the German Army was utterly defeated, in complete shambles unlike what was shown.
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The Rig (2023– )
Gave up after 3 episodes
10 January 2023
Great cast, great set, promising start but then the writing went woke and down hill rapidly and by the end of episode 3 it's was on but I wasn't watching anymore. Nd the characters I had started to care about I wasn't bothered about any more. Could have been six hours entertaining episodes but just had to start jamming the woke nonsense down your throat and that lost me. There could have been a natural disaster of a type that happened in prehistory and we forget to be cautious about...but no. Or go full supernatural and horror direction, trapped on a rig to build the tension...great opportunity missed.
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Whinge Along with H&M
11 December 2022
Oh what a Whinge, endless whinge. Well really, who wants to be. Multi millionaire and never have to really, really worry about how to...well, live, actually, after all, by heck it's an utterly miserable life this multi millionaire lifestyle. We should all feel so sorry for them, much better to live worrying about paying bills, keeping warm, putting food on the table, etc., so, so much better than being some multi millionaire slumming it in a 14 bed, 14 bathroom California mansion. Really, don't Aspire, don't have dreams, don't be happy, just be miserable and whinge. Meg, like everyone calls her Meg, seemed to think she was marrying in to a family with a family business...well, in her terms, she was marrying in to a Perpetual Presidency, perpetual Head of State, and so much of what they complained about pretty naturally flows from her decision to do that, her choices, no one else's.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
6 August 2022
Gave up late Episode 2 I think, maybe early 3, can't be sure as I had drifted off, just dull people leading a dull life on a dull island ... was it building to something...I just didn't care enough to wonder and sure as heck wasn't wasting more time to find out. It's a short drama series and 2 episodes in it can't still be so short of drama, mystery or suspense and hold an audience.
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Black Bird (2022)
Tooooo slooooow when the 2 leads are so irritating/uninteresting
5 August 2022
So slow, so very, very slow and when both Mai leads are so uninteresting and irritating you have to give up, which I did a little in to Episode 4. Couldn't face any more. An interesting messed up Police/FBI investigation got lost in the background.
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WeCrashed (2022)
We Crashed ... Out
8 June 2022
Part way in to Episode 2 the unrelenting monotone of the Leto performance just got too much and the complete lack of any change in tone didn't allow room for anything else in the story to engage you.
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The Split (2018–2022)
Oh the agonies of vastly privileged rich people living in luxurious London...such garbage
7 April 2022
Oh yawn, very rich.people living an opulent live in elite metropolitan London, again, and would you believe it, they are lawyers and surgeons. Living a life of success and wealth but so lost in their own banalities they have no comprehension of the vast privilege they live in. And having " family dramas". Utter garbage. Repetitive tropes, unimaginative, rich peoples misery porn. We ordinary people struggling to pay actual bills don't need this garbage.
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BBC "Misery Hospital" Porn
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Garbage. It's just "Misery Hospital" Porn mostly from the POV of an odious, obnoxious, privileged, arrogant, outrageously reckless and negligent to to the point patients die because of it, sarcastic, abusive Doctor who seems to think it's funny, and we should think it's funny, when he demeans and belittles Oiks, even when they are colleagues with some actual humanity who can't cope and partly, quite largely, due to him have a tragic end. And it's based on a true story?
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Freaky (2020)
A teen homecoming of age rom con of slasher mass murdering chainsaw massacring teen romcom horror story
5 February 2022
The title says it all...or have I missed some of the genres and tropes It rips off, as smashes and grabs loads of from every Friday Night popcorn genre it's thrown in to the pot. It doesn't take itself seriously, doesn't expect to be taken seriously and does what it sets out to do very well. Don't overthink, or even think, about it's mish of mash ups just enjoy.
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The Responder (2022– )
25 January 2022
What, no bodycam? Set 30 years ago maybe a very remotely plausible throw al the cliches in to one person, anti-police, anti-Thatcher, but at heart a Heart Of Gold Northern Hero, (played by a Southerner) so typical BBC propaganda. But it's set now in todays digitally recorded and connected world and so it's complete and utter garbage when location tracking and bodycam exist.

Another stinker from the BBC.
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Showtrial (2021–2024)
A yawn of yet another BBC woke police procedural
14 November 2021
Fell asleep sometime in episode 2 and turned it off when I woke up. We don't need another, slow, tedious police procedural with especially with super lashings of BBC Woke.
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12 November 2021
I am probably not in the target demographic but sat back on a Friday evening and really enjoyed it. Does what it sets out to do very well, which too many films fail to do.
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Vigil (2021– )
Gave up during Episode 4
14 September 2021
So many absurdities about life in a Sub could be overlooked as the murder mystery seemed beguiling at first but the plot rocketed out of control and soon in to Episode 4 as the plot absurdities mounted up it was on but I wasn't watching anymore, and won't again. Who care who did it...not me.

Don't let all the rubbish in Ep. 1 fool you that it might be good "despite it", no, it really is that rubbish.
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Tedious Toffs in Toffdom
10 May 2021
Awful pretentious Luvvy guff about tedious toffs. Turn Toff Off is my advice.
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Does what it sets out to do
12 March 2021
It's just a meathead action popcorn movie, that's what it sets out to do, that's what it does. Take it seriously and you miss the point. Friday or Saturday night after a busy week, some snacks, a few beers and boom, bang, biff your cares away for a couple of hours. Taken for what it is, solid effort.
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The Crown: Fagan (2020)
Season 4, Episode 5
Crass, simplistic and crude political bias
12 December 2020
Full on rubbish. Easily with worst episode of the worst series of The Crown. An absurd "hero" to convey crass simplistic political clap trap.

Awful, just awful.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
14 November 2020
Heat sensitivity cameras, motion sensing alarms, freeze spray, plush rugs...all easy to get these days,, just play that everyone thinks she is deranged. Utter, utter drivel. Gave up after 30 minutes, 29 too long.
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Ad Astra (2019)
What a mess
17 July 2020
Awful, waited far too long before giving up on it. It's just a mess.
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(Over) Ripe melodrama
13 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Unoriginal, over ripe melodrama, yet another in which All Men Are Sex Obsessed Pigs, All Of Them (i have counted that as a Spoiler). Don't bother sticking with it, it's really not worth it.
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12 July 2020
Gave up watching after an hour and that was too long. Don't bother. It's all over the place.
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It has to get doesn't
4 May 2020
I kept thinking it has to get better, but it doesn't. Disjointed, slow, repetitive, derivative, my wife had the right idea; fall asleep.
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