
2 Reviews
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Didn't read the book-Don't understand why Amir acted the way he did
16 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying that I ended up liking this movie...However, the first 20 minutes almost had me walking out of the theater. The problem I had was there was no explanation of why Amir got angry with Hassan to the point of forcing he and his "father" out of the house by lying about a theft after he witnessed the brutal beating and rape. A young boy of his age having such a life long friendship would have told someone. And since there was bleeding, obviously Hassan's "father" would have figured out something. I was upset with the total lack of compassion on Amir's part, but then to have him set up Hassan as he did was just as violent as the rape. Especially knowing what life was becoming outside of the family's compound. His actions made no sense to me. I am not one of the book readers and maybe it's better explained there, but in the movie, it left me cold. After the Russian invasion, the movie got much better until the last 10 minutes which was purely sappy and obviously the Dreamworks SKG touch.
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Bolero (1981)
A great international
18 July 2004
I happened to be in Paris when this film was released. I was able to see it three times in 2 weeks at a theater who did English Subtitles. What an incredible movie. Unfortunately, it was released within months of Blake Edwards "10" which also used "Bolero" as it's main theme and that movie went over big time in the US, so distributors had a problem getting this film out. I wish they would re-release it. The thing I enjoy the most about it is the director's multiple uses of the actors. Many play their characters children and grandchildren. It is also an incredible look at a time when the world was trying to blow each other up and it shows that people everywhere just want the same things. A brilliant film.
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