
7 Reviews
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Us (II) (2019)
Was waiting for all the bad stuff people talking about....
9 March 2024
But it never came. The first time I have to disagree with the consensus here on IMDb. I really liked this movie.

Dark, creepy, threatening atmosphere of impending doom.

Good soundtrack featuring some classics.

Likeable family,.... Liked the actors, the acting, the chemistry betwern them.

The movie looked very good too.

A detail perhaps but nice to see their friends were a white family.

The antagonists we're spooky as hell! Was sitting at the edge of my seat almost the whole movie through! Without too much FX or blood this movie manages to be very scary at times!

The premise of this film was very original. Never came across it anywhere else. Some people found it too impossible, too weird, nonsensical, beyond the limits of what they want to accept is possible in movies.

I have to disagree with those folks. I've watched a lot of stuff going way further and besides, movies are stories born out of the imagination of a storyteller. To me, imagination has no boundaries.

Give this one a chance.
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See (2019–2022)
Blew me away. Evey episode.
2 June 2023
To be honest I've only just finished the first season but man! What a ride it was!. Sucjh strong characters! Baba Voss, Paris, the twins, Maghra, Tamacti Jun All of them, so different, each one their own strenghts and weaknessess, their own story and background, and they've been brought to life by outstanding actors. A special mentionning of the queen: in spite of some reviewers not liking her I think she is awesome and very intresting! Cinematogaphy is wonderfull, the decors: ruines, the only reminders of long forgotten times in contrast to beautifull landscapes of forests, rivers and mountains. The clothing, the villages, the way people speak, how they move:the actors never forgetting they are supposed to be blind. I have to say for not being blind they sure can do some incredible stuff but their other senses have been evolving and adapting, growing stronger each generation for 600 years so yeah, I a can imagine people would be possessing superhuman (to us at least) senses like smell, intuition, hearing... The pacing is just right, never a dull moment, nothing seems rushed... And of course Jason Momoa. He really carries this series a,d does this so well! What a great and versatile actor he is! So far, great series!
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Sisi (2021– )
Written by women for women
29 December 2022
Hence the terrible misrepresentation of reality. The abundance of blatant mistakes and inaccuraties. About 80 % of the story never happened.

Men: violent, incompetent buffoons.

Women: political masterminds who had men like Von Bismarck, Napoleon, Franz Jozef and Andrassy standing on the sidelines while the women: Sisi, Ludovika and Sophie solved one crisis after another, cleaning up the mess the men left behind.

Women didn't matter then. They meant nothing to their spouses and stayed as far away from politics as possible.

Once you're passed the feminist bs this show becomes oddly entertaining.
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American Horror Stories: The Naughty List (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
It was a parody...
19 February 2022
I presumed that it was obvious that this episode was a parody, a caricature even of famous YouTube filth like Jake and Paul Logan, James Charles, , Sean Dawson and all those others fools. They're obsessed with likes, subscribers, fame, and money and out of fear of becoming irrelevant their content becomes more and more extreme until they totally lose contact with reality and go way too far...and in doing so losing everything.

Of course the characters are unlikable. The people they're based on are so what did you expect?

This episode was meant as a parody and a very good one.
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American Horror Stories: Drive In (2021)
Season 1, Episode 3
That was fun!
25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was so cool! I loved the idea of a movie turning people into homicidal maniacs. Very original. Also very much liked their transformation Something I wasn't expecting that at all! The violence and gore had kind of a Romero (Trilogy of the dead) vibe to them.

So far this formula (a series of stand-alone episodes) seems to be working.

I hope they continue to deliver new ideas.
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The Godfather (1972)
10 stars because this very well made film, 0 stars because of it's message
26 December 2018
This film is in the top 10 movies of most of my friends. I can see why: it's a very good movie BUT... I higgly dislike the main side effect of this movie and how many people seem to suffer from it: romanticising the mafia, making heroes out of the worst people on the planet. If you think the public is sophisticated enough to see through this and grasp the real message of the film: mafia = evil, Don Corleone is less evil than the others but is still evil, than guess again.
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Strange how people have such different opinions about this movie...
26 November 2018
Some people find it to be awful others beyond exellent. When I first saw it a decade ago I liked it. Yesterday, as I decided to watch it again, I wondered if I would still like it. And yes, ofcoure I did, even more than before. Maybe corny now and then and maybe a bit too much tragedey happens to this family and yes they try to hard to get viewers to cry but there's so much more to love! The cast, the acting (those damn Irish brothers! So well acted they made me hate Ireland!) Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Julia Ormond, those Indian fellows, all of them did a great job. Usually after I saw a movie I can't remember the characters names because I can't get the actors' real name out of my head when watching a movie but now I did remember them. All of them. And that says a lot. Not many movies succeed in this. What I loved the most and what so many other films lack is the ending. Still get cold shivers when I think of it. Awesome.
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