
7 Reviews
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A million ways to laugh hard!
30 May 2014
Well I really enjoyed Seth's first movie TED and this one looked equally as good. So with high hopes from the trailer I went and saw it this evening! It was a really enjoyable film I liked the story and I laughed a lot through this! This is probably not a movie for my Bluray collection but I will definitely be adding it to my DVD collection!!! Both me and dad agreed we would see it again in the cinema! The cast were great and I laughed a lot in this movie. Considering this is Seth's second ever Directorial I think he did a cracking job. If you've seen TED, its on the same comedy lines as that film and at some points I was in stitches!! As we were walking over to the cinema I was told that the critics weren't raving about it, which did put a little doubt in my mind. But that was wiped away as the film got started. It gives you amazing scenery, I think a nice story which flows through the film and a belly of laughs. Also it has Charlize Theron in it! So I'd say don't listen to the critics and go have some fun!
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About Time (I) (2013)
How can people slate this movie???
9 September 2013
I just don't understand how people are not liking this film. It is just perfect!!! Any Richard Curtis movie I rate against Love actually, because to me that is his best film and one of my all time favourites! But About Time for me beats love actually hands down. The film is so well thought out and the cast is just so good! I have seen this movie twice already as it was such a great story. The main focus of the film is about love and family so don't be too worried about the travelling in time, it fits into the film so well and makes some great comic moments when things go wrong. Don't listen to the haters, this really is a fabulous movie! It is a sad thought though that this could be Richard's last film he is going to direct, I hope not, but if it is, what a way to end his brilliant films!

Well done Richard Curtis! 10/10
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Quartet (2012)
A Very enjoyable film!
2 February 2013
I found this pleasantly surprising. It was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I found the first 5 minutes a bit boring and I thought I had made a grave mistake. But luckily it got better and better. I found Billy Connolly very funny in this film. His character is brilliant and I laughed so much at him.

Overall the film is defiantly one to watch, a very charming film and a brilliant cast. Set in rural Britain and based on retired opera singers. Now I am not a fan of Opera but this was done really well done and was a very interesting film and a brilliant concept. I think the whole family would enjoy this one!
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Jack Reacher (2012)
Reacher is good
29 December 2012
I haven't read the Reacher books yet but I am about to, dad is a big Reacher fan and he did say he was a little disappointed that Cruise was chosen as Reacher. But his opinion changed after seeing the second trailer for this film. I have been looking forward to this movie for quite a while as it does look really good from the trailers. After seeing it I feel it was a good movie, but for me it was a bit slow at times when he is gathering the evidence. The action sequences in this film are done really well and are very believable. I thought the car chase was outstanding and for me the best part of the movie. It was done very well with influences of the car chase in bullet, meaning no explosions just the car and the driving. Dad felt the movie was very good and he liked Cruise as Reacher, I also felt Cruise portrayed Reacher very well. But for me I felt that some of the characters could have been explained a bit more. I was asking myself at points in the movie what's his story, how does he fit in? Dad said it was very faithful to the book which is good. Overall I feel it was a decent movie, the story was good and the action was good but I felt at points it was a bit slow and could have had more depth in characters. I would like to see another Reacher movie and hope that they will start a franchise from it as I would love to see most books done as movies! A good solid movie which can be enjoyed by all the family!
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Rain Man (1988)
One of the Best films I have seen for a long time
15 December 2012
My friend kept egging me to watch this film with him, but after watching the trailer I still wasn't convinced. But I decided to see if I liked it within the first 15 minutes. Literally this was one of the best films I have seen in a long long time. Dustin Hoffman playing the brother is one of the best acting performances I have seen! He plays it so well. Tom Cruise is great as the brother who is the rich guy with his own business. It is a great movie watching both of them getting to know one another and I can see why this film has gotten so many Oscars! It has some great comic moments in the film and it is shot very well. It has a mixture sadness and happiness, it is a great family film!

This is movie is in my Top Ten! Ten Stars!!!
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Sightseers (2012)
Not a good film at all
15 December 2012
After watching the trailer the film looked really good, well that was a very misleading trailer. I found that the film was very poor indeed, the plot was non existent and the characters were not even funny. I don't understand how all the critics gave it such good reviews. Maybe its just me, but I have to say this is one of the worst films I have ever seen. It was on par with The Keith Lemon Movie, which was dreadful as well. The scenery was the only good part of the film. People in our theatre walked out about 15 minutes in. The group I was in while watching this film, we kept looking at each other wondering if we should walk out and leave. Most of us just kept looking at our watches, hoping it would end soon. The film is 88 minutes long, it felt almost 6 hours in that theatre! I would not recommend this film to anyone!
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A Very Good Welcome Back To Middle Earth!
15 December 2012
When I was growing up the lord of the rings was being released and because I was young I didn't really get the full enjoyment out of Lord of the Rings due to the fact I couldn't get into the movie as I didn't understand most of it. So when I heard Peter Jackson was doing the hobbit, for the past year I have been umming and areing if I should actually go and watch this film. But I decided it would be good to go as this is the start of the whole story. And I was completely blown away by this film. It was so good to return to middle earth and now because I am a lot older I could really enjoy the just amazing story and the jaw droppingly beautiful scenery. It is a long film but your money is just so worth it. Martin Freeman as Bilbo is just perfect, he really connects with the character, and I have to say this is one of his best performances ever! A utterly fabulous film which ends so well, it will be torture waiting a whole year for the next one!
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