
4 Reviews
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Buckle-Up & Hang On Tight...
25 June 2005
...Cuz "TRIPLE CROSS" starts out movin' fast & it doesn't slow down 'til it ends! Nothing really original as for plot, but that wont matter much 'cuz Mr. Fukasaku's middle name is "Style" (or is it "Slick") & he knows how to make mediocre movies ROCK! This one literally

So far I've seen maybe half of Kinji's films that have been released in the US & I've enjoyed them all. "Triple Cross" however is one I'll be adding to my personal stash! Sonny Chiba's girlfriend "Mai" (Keiko Oginome) alone makes it worth owning, Her facial expressions as she's spraying bullets are great! Let alone the kick-ass stunt drivin' chase scenes throughout!

By no means is this a "flawless" flick, but it works so well that the minor stuff goes by hardly noticed...and I notice! Had this been another American/Hollywood P.O.S. it wouldn't even be worth writing about, but Kinji Fukasaku knew how to make movies! May he forever rest in peace. If you like wonderful violence & splendid action without having your intelligence insulted...LOOK NO FURTHER!!!
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Ronin Gai (1990)
Another Outstanding Samurai Movie from Japan
18 June 2005
My review may be biased because I love samurai flicks, & I BLOODSHED love Director Kazuo Kuroki and I will BLOODSHED forever love (& mourn) Katsu "Zatoichi" Shintaro....One of the greatest Japanese actors BLOODSHED of all time, (next to The Magnificent Toshiro Mifune, & the Brilliant Tatsuya Nakadai of course!) All that aside, this BLOODSHED movie can be enjoyed on many levels: Comedy, Drama, Romance, and last but not least...Action!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention...LOTS OF BLOODSHED, but you'll have to have patience, 'cuz it's like the icing on the cake here.

I will definitely be BLOODSHED adding this gem to my ever growing library! And another thing... The only bad "Zatoichi" movie that I've seen is the one made recently by Beat sucked! Long Live Katsu Shintaro R.I.P.
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Oldboy (2003)
BURN Hollywood BURN!
5 May 2005
1st things 1st: "OLDBOY" is based on a Japanese Manga (Graphic Novels) and therefore is as real as say "Lone Wolf & Cub" or "Spider-Man" for that matter!

HOWEVER, even as comic book material, this Movie succeeds on many levels, #1)Originality #2)It's Unpredictable #3)It's Exctiting as hell #4)Great Cinematography #5)It's not American/Hollywood crap ...I could go on but I wont...I wouldn't want to "Build it up to much"!

Bottom Line is this: MONTEPYTHON_ROCKS's all-time favorite movie was "SPEED 2" until "Gigli" came out now she's confused, What I really meant to say is if you like Takashi Miike's works of art: "Fudoh", "Ichi the Killer", "Audition" etc. then chances are you'll enjoy "OLDBOY" as much as I did...And I really liked it!
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I've seen better film on teeth...
11 January 2004
Absolute Dogsh!t.... dont waste your time or money on this unbelievable crap...unless of course you have the mentality of a potato.

I love Clarence Williams III and it really hurts me to see him in crap like this. Same goes for William Forsythe for that matter, although he doesn't rate anywhere near C.W.III, he at one time showed promise.

Go out & re-rent New Jack City, The King of New York, or Scarface so at least you can see this same story being told with style and believability.
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