
17 Reviews
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Inside (I) (2023)
Definitely not for everyone, and that's fine.
15 April 2023
Plenty of people have commented already, both positively and negatively. I'm in the positive camp. I'll try to help you figure out if this could be for you.

Art, life, human experience, ecology, our place in the world and in our minds. That, for me, is what this film is mostly about.

Arthouse, yes, but gorgeously so.

If you are a student of film or cinematography or photography this movie keeps serving up shots you wish you could create.

Dafoe's performance is brilliant - in a subtle and internal way.

If you thought Aranofsky's Mother was worth watching, this is for you (although completely dissimilar). If you have enjoyed Baraka, Samsara and the rest, this is probably for you.

In terms of plot, it is minimal and has no thrills to speak of.

I think it's important to say that there's nothing wrong with not liking the film, feeling bored by it, not wanting to see it. Those who will enjoy it are not above anyone else - those who are disinterested are not below anyone else.

I hope this has helped someone.
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Neither elated nor disappointed. Decent movie.
24 February 2023
Just seen it and hopped on to IMDB to say: I feel that if this film had come from another director, it would not be scored so low. It has become a trend to trash Shyamalan's work.

There were moments when the acting could have been better - I think maybe everyone had a moment like this.

Cinematography and editing were competent if not particularly inspired or ground breaking.

Overall, this was an engaging view. Not the best film I've ever seen, maybe not one that will stay with me, but a decent film nonetheless. When his debut came out, everyone lauded the director as the new Hitchcock and he has had precious few films since then which seemed to please everyone. For me, I would say around 70% of his films have hit the mark.

If you are expecting a mind shattering thriller, this is not it. If you want to escape for an hour and a half into a well put together movie, it's worth a look.
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Hacks (2021– )
Absolutely nailed it
15 June 2021
I find decent comedy really hard to find. Obviously it's subjective.

But it's not easy to find something which consistently keeps me engaged and makes me laugh.

This show is pretty much perfect.

Brilliantly drawn characters, some of whom are over the top but not too many and only in order to lampoon the type they are based on.

The two female leads are pretty much flawless.

Script is sharp, dialogue is well observed and very well paced.

Production quality is high enough so it doesn't feel like you're watching a standard TV show but never so high that it distracts from the real focus - people and relationships.

I love everything about this show. Praying it gets renewed. One of the best new shows to come along for a while.
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Phobias (2021)
27 March 2021
I don't know who this film might appeal to.

It's shares DNA with Creepshow and shows no real improvement on that film, despite decades separating them. Some of the cinematography is ok (particularly in the first section) but that is no reason to watch it,

Acting is poor to bad, script is generally poor, stories are poorly developed and don't connect. There is no phobia in any of the stories (in case that's what you wanted). It's rare for me to have nothing good to say about a film.

I write this review for those who, like me, are struggling to find something to watch in 2021 and feel this might be worth a try. It's not. Best avoided.
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Come True (2020)
Honestly, great! But....
23 March 2021
I will keep this brief, no need to go into details on plot. Cinematography was great throughout, really good and intelligent use of the camera. Editing, I thought, was spot on. Maybe a bit overkill on the blue tones, but it was that kind of film. Performances were very believable throughout. Production design and special effects were used only when required and were all the more impressive for it.

In many ways, this reminded me a little of the non-studio made films of the 80s, but with a much more refined sensibility. Similar in quality to It Follows. Music overall was good, though we did have some music video moments, but by the time they arrived I was on the side of the film-makers so didn't let it bother me.

Not strictly speaking a horror film, but with too many horror type elements to simply be called a thriller. Effective story telling, generally good pacing (a couple of sections could have been cut down a touch, especially towards the end)

So I give it an 8 out of 10 because I think it genuinely deserves that rating. If you like film in general, I think you'll enjoy this.

But...I don't know how to say anything without spoiling. Worst possible dismount imaginable, a cardinal sin. I would have accepted pretty much anything else.
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Mortal (2020)
AVOID ALL SPOILERS - a flawed but very enjoyable movie
27 November 2020
First of all, I watched this having only seen the trailer a while back and not having read ANYTHING about it. I think that helps.

So, the bad. CGI is poor at times. There are a few unexplained occurrences which characters should really question. Dialogue is occasionally stilted and the actors can't make it work in those few, brief moments.

Now the good: Pacing of story is spot on - it's not relentless but never drags. Acting is on the whole quite good. Cinematography is very pleasing throughout, backed up by some excellent lighting. If you are a fan of super-human/fantasy films, the story is engaging and better than average.

I'm not going to say much more than that. It is easily 8/10 (for the genre) and provided a thoroughly enjoyable Friday night's movie-watching. I am quite picky with film and TV and enjoy a wide range of genres and eras. There was much to enjoy here, I recommend it!
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The Platform (2019)
A little heavy handed but still engrossing
21 March 2020
While some in the reviews liken this to Parasite, I am old enough to remember La Cabina and feel that there is more of that tradition of Spanish film in The Platform's DNA. With a little Cube thrown in.

I'll keep this short. I enjoyed the film and its commentary on society/government. It was a little heavy handed but in an exploration of these issues I think perhaps that is unavoidable. I would add that it stayed away from the cheesy 'moral of the story' tones that other countries might include.

Solid performances all around, good cinematography and masterful editing ensured that I was locked to the film right to the end. Ah...but the end though. I guess I have my thoughts on what it could be saying but I felt a little dissatisfied. Not sure what I wanted instead, but something more than was delivered. No regrets though, an entertaining, thought-provoking and remarkably timely film.

Recommended if you are happy to consider the meaning of what you are watching and do not shy away from gore (no shade intended, a fair warning to those considering viewing)
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The Grudge (2019)
Score is too low - this was a pleasant surprise
17 March 2020
I went in not expecting *that* much - poor reviews plus a Sony release (sorry Sony, but....) What I got was an effective continuation of the Ju-On property (no pun intended) which provided plenty of chills and a few jumps. Solid work in all areas - acting, cinematography, editing. Ok, so some areas seemed a little overexposed at times and the score could maybe have been a touch better but I'm grasping for things to criticise.

If you're a fan of horror in general, if you're a fan of the original Japanese classic, if you're looking for a decent diversion - this is a solid choice.
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Devs (2020)
My new favourite
13 March 2020
Everything here is well executed, every aspect. Will you like it as much as I do? You need to try two or three episodes to find out. If you liked Maniac, OA, Counterpart, Mr Robot (S01) - this will probably be for you. Nothing more for me to say. Try it. Stunning.
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Glad to see something like this still being made
6 March 2020
Having had the benefit of enjoying the boom in films in the 80s (Hellraiser, Xtro, Repo Man, Videodrome etc etc) it's nice to see stuff like this being made. I understand it's not for everyone but if you appreciate cinema in all its forms, there's plenty to enjoy here. Story is fine - nothing especially new but it's been a while since I saw something along these lines, so I was happy to roll with it. I thought performances overall were pretty good - especially pleased to see Mary Stuart Masterson on screen again. The male leads did well, the female characters didn't have a lot to work with but did their best with what they had. The kids, I thought, were very good. Cinematography and editing were nicely done - a great example to show film students since it represents a good blend of classic camerawork with some more creative choices - well balanced, I thought. Score was good, effects overall were suitable. Best film ever? No, of course not. But honestly, a decent film and refreshing to see something with an indie edge but without too much posturing. It's a dark, fun Friday night movie. Well done to all involved.
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Eve (V) (2019)
Hi score reviews are fake, low scores are bitter
23 February 2020
Tricky one this.... Overall, not bad. Some misdirected/poorly acted scenes between Alex and Liam but the two lead actresses did a pretty good job throughout. Too much of a lean on wide angle lens shots - and the fact that I picked up on it should show how much it was misused. Pretty sure I understood the end, but it's slightly ambiguous which is not a bad thing. It's not a GREAT film but it's not awful either. If you have an interest in films (as opposed to purely being a consumer of them) I'd say it's worth a watch. I didn't regret seeing it, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone I know either. Looks like a first feature for a lot of the creatives, and I think it was a strong showing with a lot of really nice choices. Without being derivative it reminded me a little of the Hammer House Of Horror series from the 80s and also (weirdly) the 60s Avengers TV show (Emma Peel and Steed) - in a good way. Don't be mislead by the super high scores, but don't be put off by the super low ones either.
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Who is this for?
30 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Plenty of other reviews have detailed the plot, with some simply saying 'it sucks' and others rating it incredibly highly. I believe the true rating lies in-between and despite my feelings of the film, I think 7 is both the highest and the lowest it deserves.

Ultimately, I was left confused as to who this film is aimed at. It's certainly not for children, but it's not really compelling adult fare either. Characters are rather two dimensional (even Mark) and as some have noted, the CGI segments are inexplicably long, despite adding little to the story. It's not really middle-America material (I don't think) due to the shoe interest, while those who might be drawn to such a character will find this side of him portrayed as little more than a quirk.

And then in the final few minutes, there are a ton of questions! (spoilers ahead) Mark's ability to kick an addiction with no side-effects in two to three days is suspect to say the least. Nicol is thanked, but for what? And once the declaration of love has been rejected, suddenly sushi is an appealing option? And the sushi partner is ok with being second choice?

Ultimately this film is somewhat confused, neither one thing nor the other. I love an emotionally engaging movie, but this wasn't it for me. I don't really regret watching it, but I would not recommend it to others, despite the best efforts of all involved. I may, however, seek out the original documentary.
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Impulse (2018–2019)
Quite smart and well-made. Worth a watch for sure.
14 June 2018
A fair few reviews on here, so I'll try not to cover the same ground.

I came to this show for the superpowers but they take a back seat for much of the series in favour of drama, intrigue and teen-life. Without the sci-fi element I may not have watched and that would have been my loss. The acting (including the main actress who comes in for some flack in some other reviews) is on point throughout, neither over nor under played. Film-making is well-done - again avoiding extremes and simply serving the story really well. Pacing is spot on.

Major issues (that affect people in real life) are handled intelligently, honestly and without hyperbole. Both male and female characters are three dimensional enough to be believable and engaging. Few characters are black and white, almost all have shades of grey.

So far (I'm up to episode 7) this has been a refreshing addition in a rather quiet time of the year. If you want a bit more grit with your super-hero tales, are happy to see female lead characters who are actually human and have an appreciation for well crafted TV then this will either provide a pleasant diversion or you'll find a show that nudges you towards bingeing.

More like this please, makers of TV shows!!!
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Red Sparrow (2018)
I do not understand the positive reviews. Don't waste your time.
13 May 2018
I feel sorry for Jennifer Lawrence. This movie clearly took a lot of work on her part to make and she does a pretty good job with the material she had.


The positive reviews seem to assume that those who didn't like this were unprepared for a thoughtful twisty spy thriller. I WAS prepared for a thoughtful twisty spy thriller, full of tension and surprises. What I got instead was a VERY pedestrian, nondescript waste of my time. Non-engaging, completely linear, unremarkable, unsurprising.

I honestly can't be bothered to write more about it. Suffice to say that I am very disappointed. Watch Hanna or the excellent Counterpart TV show - hell, watch Atomic Blonde! This was a real let-down. The negative reviews have it right.
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Atomica (2017)
Honestly, there's no reason to watch this
2 October 2017
I so rarely write reviews, despite watching an awful lot of movies. This one was poor enough that I was motivated to pop down a warning for any who might think 'Ah, I'll give it a go'

I don't mind a low budget approach to SciFi, I can look past less than perfect FX and CGI, I don't even consider bad science a deal-breaker.

Bad writing, bad acting, insanely obvious 'twist' and lack of satisfying dismount, however - that's enough to get me to put finger to keyboard and declare this a real dud. The actress playing Abby was awful, bless her. Though, to be fair, the script was pretty sub-par so she didn't have a lot to work with. Dominic did his best but the shot choices, off-pace editing and, again, poor source material meant his efforts simply came across as hammy. With better direction on all areas, he at least could have salvaged some dignity. Tom Sizemore was barely in it and had little to do.

The premise of the film is not the worst, and in more capable hands could have been at least an entertaining diversion. However, the actual final result looks like a rushed, b-grade (at best) made for TV gap filler for when the decent shows are on hiatus. SyFy has shown what they are capable of with The Expanse (among others). This was simply not a good movie on any level.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Slipping Standards
20 March 2017
Amazed to see Iron Fist get such a high rating on IMDb - and agree that since the comic book character is white, this is not a case of white washing. I would also agree with other reviewers (elsewhere) that there is a degree of 'Orientalism' to the whole thing, but considering the original (70s) source material I think this is understandable and the writers reduced it as much as possible.

HOWEVER - I still think this is distinctly sub-par (I felt the same about Nick Cage) for the following reasons:

1) Danny/Finn - I feel the problem here is split between the writers doing an awful job and Finn being....let's be kind and say 'not right for the part'. There is no depth (AT ALL) to his acting though, to be fair, there is not much room for it in the script. When he throws out cod-Confuscian quotes it's irritating, rather than an insight into the life he has lead since the crash. Not being funny, but his Tai Chi form is appalling, as is his spoken Chinese (this is also true of many of the Chinese actors though....) He's not Zen, he's not funny, he's not even really a fish out of water since he adapts so very quickly to his new surroundings. As I said, split between writing and acting, just not someone I want to watch.

2) Fights - lacking imagination and realism. Think of the first season of Daredevil and how beautifully shot they were, what commitment the performers put behind each kick and punch. Iron Fist should really be even better, but it's way down on the scale. To be fair, I thought much the same of the fights in DD season 2. But come on, this is a Kung Fu TV show. At least make the fights good.

3) Asinine story. I mean really, the plotting is awful, the dialogue is appalling, the characters (other than Ward) are either two dimensional or exhibit behavior which is so opposed to what they've done/said previously that it makes no sense.

It's barely better than CW's The Flash. Barely. Jessica Henwick does a pretty good job, as does Tom Pelphrey - he I think has done really well here, setting up the very straight edge Ward so well that later story lines really chart a change in character. Jessica Stroup is OK, but she has little to work with.

Super disappointed with this, had been looking forward to it. Some people are enjoying it which makes me think they are either really quite young or very non-discerning viewers. And there's nothing wrong with that, at all, it's not meant as a jibe. But if Netflix/Marvel can make that first season of Daredevil, then that should be the minimum standard for acting/dialogue/character arc/plot/action.
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Exceeded Expectations
9 August 2016
I like a heart-warming tale/life lessons movie on occasion - not all the time, just when I'm in the mood for it. This one is an absolute belter. There's no path here that you have not already been down, but there is a fresh quality to the script and performances that ultimately mean the clichés go by without irritating. Every member of the cast delivered performances as nuanced as the material allowed. The central relationship between care-giver and charge was handled with humour and humanity.

I don't want to say too much, except that I really enjoyed the ride and I think it is one that deserves to be seen by more people. Also, a very good dismount at the very end of the movie, which is often a stumbling block. Heartily recommended if you are in the mood for this type of fare. Great job all round.
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