
9 Reviews
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Jumper (2008)
19 February 2008
Starring: Hayden Christensen, Jamie Bell, Samuel L. Jackson, Rachel Bilson, Michael Rooker, AnnaSophia Robb, Max Thieriot, and Diane Lane.

The movie is about an ordinary guy who you feel sorry for at first, who learns he has power all to himself. However, he uses the power in a bad way, and faces the consequences that come his way.

Not much of a review is it? Part of me doesn't want to spoil it for those who have not seen it, part of me didn't understand the movie 100%, and part me felt that that's pretty much the plot right their.

Perhaps my hopes were set a little to high from not seeing a movie in ages, I just wanted to see something. So maybe instead of just letting my mind go blank and just watching it like that, maybe I expected a little to much.

The director Doug Liman, is known for films that I have not seen, it feels like he was teasing us the whole time, like just giving us this movie as an appetizer, and giving us the full meal for Jumper 2, which by the end, you pretty much get the feeling their will be a sequel. In another words, I guess you can say we were given enough, but were still left hungry for more.

The good things about the movie are that's it's short (Granted, to short), the action scenes are pretty good (The movie begins to pick up once Cox is fights Davey), and the Locations/photography is great.

But the bad, where to start? The plot just seemed to complicated for me, and seemed to "Jump" all over the place. The script, is mediocre at best, there's is no real memorable quotes in this film, if you ask me. The pacing was way to fast, you didn't have enough time to really understand the character's (Poor character development). But the thing that got me the most was all the pauses in between where actor's are supposed to speak. Hard to explain, really noticeable between David and Millie when they meet for the first time. They say a few things, then there's nothing for like 10-20 seconds, and then finally the scene ends or they finally speak. It's as if they are waiting for the director to yell "Cut". It doesn't happen the whole film, but when it does, you want to shout "Say Something, anything". But it seems the actor's where reading from a blank script, even a "Strange Weather Were Having This Time A Year" would have been something to break the silence. But again maybe I am being a little to hard on the film.

Now for the performances. It's said by everyone else that Jamie Bell stole the film. I would not go as far to say that, but he seems to be the only one in the cast having fun. You watch the movie and you can tell the he clearly is enjoying himself, and I'm sure better movie roles are in his future. But granted, Jamie is given all the good lines, and the focuses to much on his character, and not enough on anyone else's. So everyone else suffers from underdeveloped characters and dialog that they are given. Hayden, Samuel, and Diane, all household names in their own way aren't given much to do, so the movie does not do them justice.

More on Hayden Christensen. What can I say? I really feel sorry for the guy because all the crap he's been dealt from people. As a fan of his, that's what brought me to seeing movie. Considering what he was given, he did alright, but the film didn't offer anything new for him. Didn't challenge him. But this is one where he doesn't show off his Abs for the camera. He needs to work with director's that say "Okay, Hayden, I Want You To Lose Yourself, And Be One With Your Character." And not director's that go "Okay, Hayden Lose The Shirt, And Smile For The Camera". The man is more than just a pretty face, something a lot of people disagree on. Not his best performance by any means, not the best actor of our generation, but again he gave another performance where he dragged you in, and makes you wonder what he will do next.

Guess that's enough of a review. Overall, not bad, not good, just okay. Action movie fans probably won't be disappointed, just see the movie with an open mind. If you're a Hayden fan and want to see one of his newer movies, see this, but check out Awake first, you may end up enjoying that film more.

My rating: 5 out of 10 or ** out of **** stars.
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Awake (2007)
11 December 2007
The movie is about Clay Beresford, a handsome, successful millionaire who has it all, but underneath he has a bad heart which needs to be taken out. Along with this he has a secret relationship with Sam (Alba) that he's kept from his Mother (Olin) for a long time. Will the operation kill him, or the news of his Mother finding out about their relationship kill him? In the end he goes under the knife by choosing his friend (Howard) to operate on him with no worries, but little does he know he's about to find out more than he bargained for in this drama/thriller.

Hard to write a review for a movie where you don't want to give anything important away. The trailers for the movie did a good job at not giving anything important away. I walked into the movie with an open mind, and came out thinking "Wow" just a stunned reaction to what I had just seen. No other movie I have seen this year has had me leave the theater blown away.

The acting is good by the whole cast. Jessica Alba is good as Sam who is attractive, but as another side to her that Clay doesn't know about. Terrance Howard is good as the doctor who has some of the films funny lines, and delivers a good narration at the beginning and end of the film. Lena Olin is wonderful as Clay's overbearing Mother, who just wants what's best for him. Now we come to Hayden Christensen. His first starring role since "Shattered Glass", he proved he could carry the film their, and this film is no different. He proves in this film he can play the suave, charming, leading man type, something he hasn't done prior to this movie. He is just phenomenal, and the scenes with him and Olin are outstanding. I came into the movie thinking his performance wouldn't be the great, but I was wrong.

The movie is no where near as bad as you might think it is. It's made in a Hitchcock like way with being scary, but not being gory. Maybe the movie isn't 100% accurate, and maybe it does have it's flaws, but you know what? Who cares?! It's just a movie, if you seen it with an open mind, and have nothing in your head about surgery then you will enjoy the film as much I did.

Not the best film ever made, but for making me leave the theater being completely moved at what I just seen I give it 10 out of 10. Recommended for anyone who like scary thrillers, this movie won't disappoint.
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Christensen and Company.
6 December 2007
The story is about a young reporter named Stephen Glass. He's kind to everyone, hard working, funny, and has a way with telling story's. Until he writes 1 feature that is discovered by a rival of the New Republic magazine that Glass works for to not be entirely accurate, and it's up to the new head of the New Republic, Chuck Lane, to question if Stephen's stories are fact or fiction.

The movie is filled with familiar faces, not A list familiar faces, but still some people who you may have seen elsewhere. Steve Zahn from "You've Got Mail", and other things, does a good job as the man who discovers Stephen's piece. Melanie Lynskey from "Ever After", and other things, is funny here in a small role. Hank Azaria from "Simpsons" fame is good here as Stephen's old editor, who Stephen confides in most. Chloe Sevigny is good as the 1 person that truly is behind Stephen, up to the end. Peter Sarsgaard, who before this didn't have huge roles in movies, is great here as someone that feels sorry for Stephen at first, but then explodes as he realizes just what Stephen is. This movie made Peter a name in Hollywood, and he's went on to bigger things since.

Now we come to Hayden Christensen. This is another movie that shows he is a wonderful actor. He doesn't play a cliché character here, in this movie he plays a real person, and does a wonderful job doing so. He doesn't show of his smile or his chest in this one, here he plays a likable nerd who just wants to give people what they want in a story. The chemistry between Christensen and Sarsgaard is amazing. Not only does Hayden show how good he is at playing it straight, but it also shows briefly that he is good at Comedy too. In any case, this was his first starring role, and he proved he good carry it along with a great cast. Not a big budget movie, not a movie to change the world, but a good movie to just sit back and relax too when your in the mood to watch a movie.
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The Movie That Made Hayden Christensen A Star.
6 December 2007
The story is about George Monroe, a man who is middle aged, divorced, has a job he hates, and has never fulfilled his dream to billed a house. After getting fired from his job and having a heart attack, he realizes what he has been missing his whole life. And spends whatever days he has left to build his dream home, and to reconnect with his son Sam.

A simple story is taken up a touch by terrific acting from a terrific cast. Kevin Kline is wonderful as George, who you can't help but like. Kristen Scott Thomas is good as his divorced wife, who starts to see a side of him that she never saw before. Jenna Malone is good as the daughter who has a sweet side while experimenting with boys, sex, etc. Mary Steenburgen is wonderfully funny and touching as the neighbor, arguably she has all the films funny moments. Although Kevin and Mary are great, they both have won Oscar's in the past, so this film wasn't their moment to shine. In comes a then unknown Hayden Christensen who before this movie had only small parts in films. He really makes you feel for his character all the way through the film, and it takes a great actor to do that. He is truly remarkable in this movie. Star Wars didn't make him a Star, this movie did. So to those that want to see his early work, see this movie first to see just how good he is.

The film isn't the best Comedy/Drama, for that I give it *** out of ****, but for it's emotional impact and tear jerking ending I give it 10 out of 10. This is a movie that gets better with each viewing. So if you like Comedy's and Drama's then you won't be disappointed here.
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The Beast Of Yucca Flats: Sound's Scary Huh? Oh It Is.
15 June 2007
I watched this movie just Yesterday and think to myself, what can I say about this film that has not already been said? Well I was looking in a magazine and came across an add for a DVD that said "50 Horror Classics". Liking horror movies, I thought I would buy it, to my shock I read all the movies and have not heard of any of them, still it was only 12 dollars for me for 50 movies, so that's not bad because I don't anyone who would want to buy this film alone for 12 dollars.

Now I said in my Summary that this film is scary, I have a feeling any person who would see this movie would probably scream more here than seeing a movie such as "Jaws". Or if you manage to not scream you will most likely be bored to death, which I was. As watching it my eyelids kept closing, but I had to keep opening them. Great film for insomniac's. Now I want to comment on Coleman Francis. For specifically his "Commentary" not all of it was bad, and he does have a good speaking voice, but some his lines just make no sense, are redundant, or could just make you scream. My personal favorite? "Flag On The Moon, How Did It Get Their?" Just the time it was said made no sense, as does the line itself. As other users have said you really have to the film for yourself to make note of his Commentary. Reading the quotes section won't do you much good.

Why I gave this movie 2 out of 10? Because their were 2 things about the film I liked.

1. At the beginning when the woman is killed, I actually found it interesting of a ticking clock in the background as it gets louder when the "Killer" gets closer to her, then stops when she is dead. Their is no sound of course in the scene, but I liked it good opening scene for the movie, does not make sense later, but I liked it.

2. The Music. Some would say it was cheesy and stuff. I kinda liked it, at least the Music made sense with what was going on with the movie. It could be worse Coleman could have just played "Kumbya My Lord" during the whole film. But some users might say it would not have made much of a difference. Honestly, if it were not for the Music I probably would have just went right to sleep.

The little amount of acting in the film, is either good or bad, however you want to judge it. Tor Johnson could convince anyone as a monster because of his huge build. But like others have said he does nothing a monster would do. The whole Bunny Kissing thing at the end is an example, if you like Bunny Rabbit's like me, that might save the film for you. Conrad Brooks went on to more films, and is still acting today. However, I could not spot him in the movie, sure he is in their somewhere. Most notably Condrad was in Tim Burton's movie version of Ed Wood, sure he told Tim Burton a handful about this film and other's he did with Ed Wood. In fact it would probably be entertaining to meet this guy, to here his "Commentary" on this film.

Guess that's all I have to say. I used to have "Daredevil" as the worst film I have ever seen, but this movie is the new winner of that award. At least it's the worst I have seen thus far. Thow I am sure their are worse out their that I have yet to see. Guess that's another reason I gave it a 2. Many people including myself say that after watching a movie it makes them think. That's true, I think to myself sometimes "God That Movie Was Good". However after seeing this movie you might have a thought like mine "How Did That Flag On The Moon Get Their?"
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This movie may have bad shark effects, but the actors save the movie.
28 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Okay i could go on and on about the shark in this movie. But i won't because you have most likely already heard enough about the shark from other reviewers. So basically the shark in this movie is "Fake".

Moving on the acting in this movie to me saves it. Especially by Lorraine Gary. Now the whole idea of this movie is that Ellen Brody thinks that the shark is seeking revenge on her family. And she must kill the shark before it kills her and the rest of the Brody's.

Ellen is just going crazy because she keeps losing a member of her family. And the fact that she as seen the shark at least twice in Jaws And Jaws 2. Even though the shark in this movie is not the same from the first 2 movies. She only thinks it is. This element of the plot seems logical to me.

And Ellen goes to the Bahamas to try and escape the shark, but it follows her there. (Let's just say the shark owns a speed boat and got to the Bahamas in record time.) After the shark shows up and kills another person she decides enough is enough and goes to kill it. THE END.

Now back to the acting part of this movie. All of the actors in this movie did what they could do with the script and all of them were successful to me. I don't know what it is about Lorraine Gary but i think any movie she is in is worth watching. However i do feel sorry for Lorraine that she had to come out of retirement to do this movie but that put aside she still was the best actor in this movie out of everyone else in it. At least thats my opinion.

So all in all i will say watch this movie if you like Lorraine Gary. Because this was her last movie. And i give this movie 5/10 really just because Lorraine Gary is in it.

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it does not suck!
26 July 2003
nickelodeon is one of the coolest cartoon places and spongebob is one of there coolest shows i know alot of people who talk about it all the time. now the only thing that was ever sucked about spongebob was squidward when he sucked eggs in high school in the one episode but i digress. p.s. i hope your new show my life as a teenage robot scores big on the ratings!
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ChalkZone (1998–2009)
very good show!
25 July 2003
i have watched every single episode of chalkzone and i liked everyone of them i also like hey arnold,the fairy oddparents,spongebob,and catdog, but my favorite gameshow on nickelodeon is legends of the hidden temple but sadly it only lasted from 1993-1995 but i sure hope none of the other shows get cancelled anytime soon! p.s. keep up the good work nickelodeon!
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ChalkZone (1998–2009)
one of the BEST shows on nickelodeon!
25 July 2003
I have been watching nickelodeon ever since 1995 i think the best gameshow was legends of the hidden temple but sadly it was cancelled but it was definatlly not because of poor ratings. now chalkzone on a scale from 1 to 10 i give it a 8 because good actors, good jokes, great music, good background, and many more. now anyone who says the fairy oddparents is a stupid show odviosley has never watched nickelodeon before either that or their brain is in another place besides there head! about that show it is very funny and i can compare that show to the simpsons because just as much laughter. as for spongebob one word excellent! nickelodeon keep up the good work and don't cancel any of the good shows!
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