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Three-Body (2023– )
Novel Sci-Fi
11 March 2024
This is a good series - good scripts, good acting - but it is undermined by poor editing - it's dragged out for 30 episodes as a drama - which begins to feel like it's being played out in real time!

When it should have been condensed into a 6-episode sci-fi thriller.

600 words remaining. Oh my!

What does a good sci-fi need?

Complexity: The story should be able to transport the reader to a different world and have a complex fictional world. Nuance: The story should have a deeper meaning or message that is not immediately apparent. Imagination: The story should be imaginative and explore new ideas and concepts.
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Nefarious (2023)
Christian promo
7 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This isn't a typical horror movie.

It is in fact, a Christian promotional video, which dramatizes the spiritual arena in the life of humans. And as such, it's a pretty good movie - with decent acting, script, production and direction etc. So, if that's your thang, you won't be disappointed. However, if you're looking for a scary horror movie, you will be sorely disappointed - as this movie unfolds like a play - i.e., a tense conversation between two characters in a tense room, beyond which there are no jump-scares, special effects or plot twists.

Having said that, it is worth a watch on a slow night.
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Delingpod (2019 Podcast Series)
Journey inside the Rabbit Hole
8 April 2023
This is a great podcast - for the red-pilled free-thinkers.

James interviews a broad variety of interesting and /or famous guests, in a witty, open-minded and investigative manner - which is quite refreshing in today's media malaise!

The general topics are just about anything that the "liberal" elite deem (and litigate) to be "misinformation", "mal-information" or just out-and-out tinfoil-hat conspiracies - such as, that the CIA had anything to do with propping up or toppling foreign governments, drug-running or assassinating people (JFK, RFK, MLK, etc) whom they'd deemed a personal threat. That two commercial airplanes could topple three NTC buildings at free-fall velocity. That MNRA "vaccines" have done more harm than good. Etc, etc.

My only criticism is James Bible-thumping. The wider audience doesn't care for it - not because we're Luciferians, but because we've been down that particular rabbit hole already!
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The Whale (2022)
Drama Porn
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Whale is a good movie. It has great direction, production and acting. But it's emotive agenda is O. T. T. It's much like watching a mother slap a baby in the face for an hour and a half.

It's not The Wrestler, where we see a community of over-the-hill performers juggle their failing careers and families in a realistic, social setting.

Morbid obesity is a rapidly growing (no pun intended) social issue in an ever-richer - and isolated - world. But there's no reference to that in the Whale. Indeed, The Whale's preoccupation with one man's self-destruction - becomes a parody, as he shovels handfuls of food into his mouth. Obese people don't usually eat or live like that! The Whale is a grotesque caricature, rather than a true dramatic portrayal of life.
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PEN15 (2019–2021)
Cougar ALERT !!
2 January 2023
The plot outline - a comedic story of middle school, seen through the eyes of two 7th grade girls - dealing with (boys!) the awkwardness of being a teenager.

Except, both of the leading actresses (or actors, if you prefer) were in their 30s when this series began - and they look like every year of it - like illicit cougars preying on easy meat!

Seriously, aren't there any actresses half their age, capable of filling these roles - with (hashtag) actual lived-experience?

And here I was, led to believe that all Hollywood actresses over 30-years-of-age are put out to pasture !!

It just looks ridiculous - 30-something women trying to act like naive schoolgirls !!
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
10 outta10
25 June 2022
The Umbrella Academy is without doubt, one of the best TV shows in recent decades - if not centuries.

It's an excellent adaption of the award-winning Dark Horse Comics series, created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba - which combines brilliant writing and illustrations, to tell the story of a brilliantly dysfunctional and gifted family of costumed heroes, who fight for each other and sometimes us - against temporal apocalypses, super-villains, inner demons, wayward pedestrians and the man.

The show boasts a great cast, scenery, dialogue, action, special effects and production values.

It's one of the few shows available which I must binge-watch each and every new season released - and thank god that Netflix drops each season whole, like a whole, freshly-baked loaf of bread - instead of the old-fashioned procedure of rationing 'slices' every week or two!
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Bleed with Me (2020)
Sumptious dark drama
17 August 2021
I love this movie. The people who found this boring were watching the wrong movie! It's not a fast-paced drama, thriller or horror. For me, there isn't a dull moment in the 1:20 hr movie.

But to be fair, while there is an omnious air of anticipation throughout he movie, nevertheless, it isn't exactly a horror movie.

What it is, is a dark, psychological drama i.e. Is the heroine being preyed upon by her apparent? Friend - or is she delusional. And the three young actors enacting this drama are riveting - especially Lauren Beatty!

And the setting is the 4th character! A charming log cabin within a beautiful winterland wilderness. Which was so captivating, that I almost felt that I was there on vacation with them!
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Saint Maud (2019)
Saint Maud is NOT a horror film!
23 May 2021
Saint Maud is a great, character-driven drama.

A foreboding drama, yes, but definately NOT a horror film - despite the ominous music. My interpretation of a horror film is lots of scary frights and jumps. This film has none of that, until it's very end.

That's all I wanted to say. It's a great film, but if you're expecting a horror film - you're probably going to be a bit disappointed.
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Final Space (2018–2021)
Superb Series
12 May 2021
Final Space has to be one of the best animated series ever!

I love the dark humour, epic sci-fi art and plots and intricate characters.

Best of all, it has heart and soul - far beyond the hollow virtue-signalling that most other shows espouse. Final Space has some of the cutest characters and relationships you'll ever see! "Chuckity-puck!"

Season 2 wasn't quite as good as season 1, for me, because it takes itself a little too seriously. However, all of what I wrote above still applies - it's still an amazing show - it just feels a little heavier and less spontaneous now.

This show is okay for all age groups. There is a little violence and swearing, but it's nothing that kids won't see or hear in the school or neighbourhood.

Treat yourself (and your family) to Final Space.
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30 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first Wonder Woman was a great movie, through and through. 1984 however, is nothing like the first one.

There's very little action, but what there is is poorly CGI'd. The plot is pretty thin - be careful what you wish for, and don't be greedy - which by coincidence, is the technocrat's theme for 2021 ie the "Great Reset".

The film doesn't make any sense! Diana, (Wonder Woman) and Steve Trevor - the WWI pilot from the 1st film (whose spirit now inhabits the body of a present day "handsome guy") need to travel to Egypt to save the world. Only Steve hasn't brought his passport! So they break into the Smithsonian Museum to steal a jet plane - which happened to have a few working planes in the back, fuelled and ready to go! But wait a minute - why not use "handsome guy's" passport - especially since that's who Steve now resembles, to everyone except Diana. Diana exhibits some sudden new abilities, like rendering their plane invisible, and gliding / flying around the world! Finally, at the climax of the movie, Diana doesn't beat her enemies into defeat - she appeals to their better natures - and they all decide to turn over a new leaf. "Sorry about all that death and destruction back then, folks. My bad."
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Excellent series - bar episode 10
6 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a wonderfully engrossing series - with a contagious theme of creativity, spontaneity and inspiration. The overall quality of writing, sets and acting is top notch. The cast of actors are perfectly suited to portray their charactors, with Eve Lindley standing out ahead of everyone else in her breakout role.

Episodes 1-9 cry out to be binge-watched - as we're introduced to the core characters and the charming mystery in which they quite literally find themselves - and endeavour to solve.

But episode 10 was confusing and disappointing. It follows the show's writer Jason Segel as he engages in navel gazing and a familiar mystery game of his own - but helped out by his fellow actors, no longer in character.

Jason resolves his issues near the episode's end, then he breaks the 4th wall and addresses the show's viewers (us) directly - with the relevation that this episode or show isn't really about him Jason Segel or 'Peter'. It's about "You!" we're told.

To illustrate this, we're shown a lot of short self-videos in quick succession, from various global inhabitants, each with a chorus of "You!" This was no doubt to fill us with a sense of inclusion, but smacks of virtue signalling. But then the focus widened, from "you" to "us", which didn't sound forced. TV series are a team effort. Life is a team effort. But then we know this - we're not in 10th grade - I don't see how a 2nd season can pick up from that 4th wall revelation!
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Prodigal Son (2019–2021)
Manhunter - but quirky
24 September 2019
Prodigal Son is a good criminologist drama series, in the vein of Hannibal, wherein the brilliant young criminologist (Tom Payne) has more in common with his subjects than is healthy. In this case, it's hereditary - his old man (Michael Sheen) is a renowned serial killer.

The show's only flaw is that it's producers - in an attempt to broaden its audience - have tempered the show's dark drama with the lighthearted zaniness so often seen in daytime shows like the 'unlikely buddy cop' shows.

And while a comedy crossover may prove more popular, I'm sure a lot of viewers like myself, will feel that the studio executives have effectively robbed the series of integrity and greatness - by watering it down with mediocrity and compromise.
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TV matinee
1 February 2019
This is an old fashioned TV matinee, based on an old fashioned novel. If you're expecting a taut, modern psychological drama you'll be disappointed. The acting is good, the locations are okay. But it's a simply enough story about bullying. There are no tangent themes or plots. Just cruelty and injustice. It doesn't deserve such a high rating.
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Predictable non-horror
10 January 2019
I had high hopes for this movie, given it's stellar cast. But sadly it was awful. It's a bland, predictable story.
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Veronica (I) (2017)
Don't waste your time
10 January 2019
This is like a bad 1980s movie. It deserves a rating of 3-4, not 6.2. There's little or no suspense or frights. If you want to watch a good Spanish horror movie, watch Aterrados, Satan's Slaves or The Devil's Backbone.
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TV movie
11 December 2018
As a fan of both Rami Malek (from Mr. Robot) and Freddie Mercury, I'd been looking forward to this movie for months. Sadly, I was disappointed. Rami puts in a decent performance, but fails to capture Freddie's sharp tongue - as seen his Freddie's interviews.

There really isn't much substance to the movie - it feels like a TV movie. It shows little of Freddie's life before Queen, beside 5 minutes of his work as a baggage hander at Heathrow Airport, and his traditional homelife. I was hoping to see something of his childhood in Zanzibar and schooling in post-Empire India.

Instead, the movie begins with Freddie replacing Smile's lead singer, persuading them to cut an album and change their name to Queen, and then they're a success! Then the bulk of the movie is a slow montage of Queen's hit songs and world tours, against the underwhelming back story of Freddie's marriage (of convenience) failing.

The movie fails to detail the licentious German gay scene that Freddie embraced with abandon during his solo career. The movie culminates with Queen's reunion and Live Aid performance, framed as the highlight of their career.

And there the story ends - omitting Freddie's final years, as he showed great courage in continuing to produce great songs while his illness ravaged him - in the full glare of the worldwide media. Freddie just put on a little make-up and a smile and soldiered on, until the end. The movie should have ended at Freddie's deathbed. Surrounded by his family and friends, and hundreds of fans holding vigil outside the hospital.

This movie is worth watching if you're a Rami or a Freddie fan, but I'd recommend watching the documentary 'Freddie, the Great Pretender' if you want to watch a very moving depiction of Freddie Mercury.
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Nightflyers (2018)
Suspenseful space thriller
2 December 2018
The show is well made - with a decent script, set, acting and (spooky) mood. There are enough mysteries to keep me watching - what's the deal with enigmatic Captain Roy and the Vulcran aliens; who or what is sabotaging the ship; and what's wrong with Earth?

My only gripe is how the crew and the 'L1 psychic' are stereotypically 'street' and working class. Is it too much to expect a professional personel, on such an important space mission?
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The drugs don't work
20 May 2018
Benedict Cumberband is an excellent actor, but this portrayal of an experienced junkie is so painfully inaccurate and over the top that it resembles a 1980s Republican drugs awareness info-mercial.

Nobody has body spasms on cocaine or heroin. Heroin withdrawal isn't life threatening and it doesn't lead to auditory hallucinations.

I wanted to give the show a chance but yet another madcap Brit' stereotype is too nauseating to watch.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
21 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Another stellar production from Netflix's Marvel Knights collection.

Great themes - highlighting how readily vulnerable people are incarcerated and sectioned-off in the West. When in reality, most of their problems are inherently socio-economic.

And Iron-First has perhaps the best cache of actors involved yet - aside from Finn Jones, anyway! He looks great - and he's a great physical actor - he genuinely moves like a martial arts expert. But that's about the extent of his acting repertoire. The rest of the cast were much more compelling.

And the 'corporate story-line' - as good as it was - should have been the secondary - behind Danny's role as a superhero on the streets of NYC.

Ideally with cameos from one or more of the other 'Defenders' i.e. when they were infiltrating the Hand's drug warehouse - staffed with blind lackeys - Daredevil would have fit right in! Or whenever they needed a bulletproof hero to face armed militia - why didn't the 'Night-Nurse' call on Luke Cage? Still ... I'm looking forward to Season 2.
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Another (2014)
artistic soft porn - without much porn.
15 February 2016
Besides the crow motif, this film is nothing like the Omen films. It is at best, artistic soft porn - without much porn. The plot and the acting are atrocious. Don't waste your time. Antichrist - with William Defoe is a much better horror film.

Besides the crow motif, this film is nothing like the Omen films. It is at best, artistic soft porn - without much porn. The plot and the acting are atrocious. Don't waste your time. Antichrist - with William Defoe is a much better horror film.

Besides the crow motif, this film is nothing like the Omen films. It is at best, artistic soft porn - without much porn. The plot and the acting are atrocious. Don't waste your time. Antichrist - with William Defoe is a much better horror film.
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Grey Skies (2010)
Just awful
23 October 2011
This is probably the worst movie that has ever befallen me in my whole career as a movie-buff / slouch.

Horrible writing - a 9th grader could write scarier scripts. Horrible acting - the cast make Ben Afflek look like de Niro. Horrible f/x - on par with Sesame St. Good location - but thoroughly neglected. Half-decent plot - besmirched & buried beneath everything else. Production - isn't too bad for a budget film.

It would be in everyone's interest if Kai Blackwood abandons his dream of a directing career, and concentrate on his day job instead. Look out for this gem in your local supermarket's bargain bin!
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The Escapist (2008)
not too bad
18 June 2011
not a bad film: good atmosphere, cast, acting & OST c/o Leonard Cohen.

it bares a resemblance, and even a few lines, to Shawshank Redemption. but then a lot of prison films do now.

however, the UK prison depiction was wholly inaccurate. British prisons have had in-cell lighting, kettles & tvs for over a decade. cons have never 'run' a whole prison, ever, anywhere. and the whole hazing/raping aspect - is a purely American phenomenon. and still you call us Brits fags!! also, there aren't any library cards as such, the common currency inside is drugs, tobacco & foodstuffs.

also, kat is an African herb, with amphetamine like qualities - as opposed to something you could knock together in an ad-hoc laboratory with oranges & fruit cake.
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