
2 Reviews
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This is a counterpoint.
28 December 2017
Does this deserve 10 stars? No. But a certain one star review admitted they did not even finish a single episode in full. That, in my opinion, does not give them the right to even review.

I liked this show. It's not the best. But I am sick of these new "reviewers" who cannot sit through 45-ish minutes to review (while claiming to take reviewing seriously) yet can feel good saying this is worse than troll 2 or thankskilling or birdemic. Those are at least fun.

If you review, stop being a stupid elaborator. Seriously? 1/10? One of the WORST shows you have seen? Make ratings MEAN something again. Stop your dumb feelings-only blogs exaggerating everything, and leave an honest review.

It's not good. But it DEFINITELY isn't 1/10.

Screw this new age of reviewers.
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The Kid (1921)
Quite a surprisingly good movie.
10 November 2015
As someone who has missed out on multiples of "classic" movies, I decided for this next year to watch the movies on IMDb's top 250 movies. To work up to now (and also to avoid seeing sequels before originals) I started with "The Kid," the classic Charlie Chaplin movie. I knew who he was and could tell you what he looked like, but had never seen one of his films.

This movie was really well done, for the time it was filmed and the plot they had. The facial expressions of everyone involved were descriptive enough to get the message across, despite it being a silent film. I was especially impressed with the kid, "John," and his acting, from the various moods conveyed through his face to his cooking and acting. Little things, such as when he was preparing food and gave a little nod, signaling the food was done to his tastes.

The plot is easily understood, even with only a short amount of written dialogue, and should not be intimidating to audiences who are unfamiliar with silent films. A woman wants to drop her child off so he can be properly cared for, and after a huge mix up, ends up being looked after by The Tramp, himself. She goes on to become famous, and upon discovering her son is still alive five years later, tried to get him back.

Despite it having a bit of slapstick comedy and being so old, there were parts where I honestly chuckled out loud, and parts where I felt a bit sad. The music adds to the scenes nicely, as well.

It is a short movie, coming in under an hour, and is apparently a masterpiece of Chaplin's, so I am going to go ahead and recommend this movie to everyone. You give it 15 minutes, and you are already almost a third of the way through. And if you really do not like it, you never have to see it again, but you will have seen it. I do not regret seeing this film.
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