
4 Reviews
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Gloomy Sunday (1999)
A wonderful achievement in film
30 September 2003
This was my favourite film I saw at the Calgary International Film Festival this year. It was amazing.

"Gloomy Sunday" delivers in all aspects of world cinema. The plot is intriguing and keeps your attention. It is an interesting story.

That along with great performances from Joachim Król and Erika Marozsán make this film even more worth seeing. The location of Budapest is beautiful, the camera work is great; the film had comedy, action, suspense and thrills all wrapped up into one. Something for everyone. I am definitely looking foreword to Rolf Schübel upcoming film "Blueprint". I'm sure we'll see more of what we got in "Gloomy Sunday", which is exactly what cinema needs.

Rolf Schübel's "Gloomy Sunday" 9/10
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A beautiful film
28 September 2003
I returned from the Calgary International Film Festival tonight after seeing this film, and it left me thinking. I like films that do this. Actually make you think after you've left the theatre.

This film is immensely different than that of mainstream films. That is what makes it interesting. It's also based on true events, which makes it even more intriguing.

The film itself is very well done. It captures the emotion and the vulnerability of people, not only in war-time Budapest, but everyone everyday.

The acting is fine, although, as with most foreign films, you need to pay close attention to the subtitles, or wind up getting lost. The characters conveyed the situation to me through their own words, and the English translation just made it better.

The plot is good. The film is slow, I won't lie, but the ending is fabulous. This is a film that takes place during the Second World War; however it is not a war film. It is something very different.

This film is a definite must see for any world-cinema type people. 8/10
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A film with a great sense of humour
27 September 2003
I just got back from seeing this film at the 2003 Calgary International Film Festival. I had read good things going into it, and I was pretty well satisfied.

I won't give a synopsis of the story since if you read the other comments, it's there, however I will give a general overview of how I thought the film performed.

The acting was great. I really didn't have a problem with it. It was convincing, and to see some of the minor characters really stand out because of what they do and the way they do it was really nice to see. Gerald Lepkowski does a wonderful job as Roberto. We get to see his somewhat simple life and what is important to him. Shirley Henderson does a great job as well.

The plot is simple, but it works. There are a few surprises through out the film that are great. It makes it not predictable and keeps you interested because you aren't sure just what you'll find.

This is more of a comedy than a mobster type movie. And as that I think it does just fine. There are a lot of one liners, but they're amusing. As a mobster movie, this isn't, although you would think this by looking at it. It is very much about cousins, and family. 8/10
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Try Seventeen (2002)
Suprisingly pleasant
22 September 2003
I pre-ordered this movie about a month ago only because it had Franka Potente in it. Normally, I wouldn't really touch this type of film with a 10 foot pole. The impression that before I watched it was that it was more of a movie that your girlfriend would drag you to. Although I'm sure this will happen, guys can relax in knowing this is a decent film.

The acting of the three main characters was decent. I wouldn't say any of them were outstanding. Elijah Wood did an average job, nothing special. Franka Potente was the best out of all of them, but I'm probably biased. The other actors in the film were all pretty much clichéd and horrible, although I didn't mind the cliché's too much.

They gave me something to laugh at. The attempt at humour through out the film was poor, and a monkey could have come up with half it, however I still found myself chuckling at certain points.

The plot is pretty weak. We don't really learn anything about the characters at all. All we know is they all live in the same building and that's as much background as we got.

Predictable? Well I suppose that depends on how smart you are, but yes the plot is predictable. It didn't annoy me.

I think the key to this movie is to go in expecting nothing and you'll come out happy. I had fun with this film. 7/10.
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