
9 Reviews
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The Purge (I) (2013)
bad in every word
6 July 2013
this is definitely the worse movie, most idiotic and low idea i've seen in a very, very long time. and trust me when i say this because i've seen a lot of Steven Segal movies and damn, i stayed to see the final on most of them. worst 1 hour and something i've lost of my life. everything is predictable or idiotic, the characters lack any trace of credibility, the ending is a total predictable, so predictable that i could see it after the 15th minute. if the wife wasn't afraid to walk in the dark i would left the theater after that 15th minute. my advice....DON'T EVEN TRY LOOKING IT nor watch it. your life would be much, much richer. beat your dog or sleep...even go pay a visit to the mother- in-law and hear stories from her better than this piece of dirt
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Dead Mary (2007 Video)
stupid movie....what a waste of time.
25 December 2007
I just saw this movie so i'm entitled to say: this movie really sucks. bad acting...stupid or no storyline....stupid must be coordinated by a drunk guy. I rented this movie after a friend tipped me. Watched and then phoned him back to ask him a thing or two. He laugh at me saying...dude don't be mad...i was trying not to be the only idiot that wasted 1h and 45 min of his life. was a prank dude... get over it. yeah... i got wanna get it..steal it. You want to be smart and live 1 hour and 45 min anything else in the world. damn it... i just realized...i wasted money on electricity too. bye...must cut back.
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great movie
28 January 2004
what can i say...i don't enjoy much the sequals but this one rocks the hell out...if you have seen the first part don't want to loose the second although it's such a sad movie...but this is the best part. I personaly didn't like banderas part very much but J Deep is in his best days.The plot is very simple...a quasi-revolution ploted by the drug cartels and a crook general , the personal enemy of the MARIACHI...and from here see it for your self.Be prepared even to drop a tear...but it;s great.The soundtrack is absolutly beautiful...i really didn't knew that Selma did indeed has such a great voice.My advice :This is a !) mark don't wanna miss!
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pretty good stuff
24 October 2003
the movie it self is not much but although is a pleasure to watch it because it's that kind of relaxing movies. Still i recognize that i haven't seen the first part so it might be boring for the viewers of the complete series, i don't know that. Have you ever wondered if you have the power to go back in time knowing your past world history what would it be if you change it acccording to your good-right moral sistem, would it really be in for a better world? what if hitler would never existed, what if something have had worked in other way that you really knew but if someone had changed before you have ever been born, how can you know that it was the other way around, It's a puzzle allright but a nice one. Only they know the real truth, only they are allowed to travel through time to put history on the natural course, to be sure that what time sealed by its passing would stay the same. It's a lousy job because only them know if they failed or suceeded because they are the only ones that can see the history changes.The time cops are the ones you owe your present life because they defend it by defending the lives of your ancestors. My advice:see the movie cause it will be a pretty nice experience. And if after you saw it you will begin to wonder, let's be realistic:nobody can travel through time!:))
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it sucks
21 October 2003
it sucks and that says it all awfull story, awful acting everything is just pathetic i rented the movie for a night with my friends. after an hour of watching we throw it away...we didn't even wanted to see how it ends...we didn't care. i saw a lot of bad movies that i beared to watch till end but this one was too much my recomandation....don't go on cinema, don't rent it and god hope don't buy it.harrison ford better stick with playing indiana jones or a fugitive or anything then a cop or a salesman. the other guy better become a bus-boy or anything else than an actor(i didn't even learn his name ...didn't worth it). I give this film a great 1(ONE) and say that AWFUL IS NOT ENOUGH!
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much better than the first one
5 October 2003
much better than the first one, a great realisation, a new story with the same 3 pesky kids and the same old enemy Vauldemolt but remains the fascination of the story that is good for your kids and for you also. See new monsters, get in touch with a fake wizard and see what new spells the kids learn. also there will be the stupid game with the brums and flying balls....with you know what ending anyway it pays to see it
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it's a good thing that....
9 June 2003
it's a good thing that someone gave Gere a role because he was going in a dark corrner. but don't expect a big lite on this because i think his performance is way low my expectations. If you are looking for prophecies try reading a Nostradamus book because you will find much more there. really the tension i was expecting is absolutely 0. Not much to see if you are looking for a good movie. My oppinion is a 5.5 movie and most of it because the director...if you see it you know what i mean. If you wanted to buy it better try rent it or watch it on cable for free (the best choice).
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try something else like taking a shower
9 June 2003
this movie is a joke and i think Travolta was insane to put his name on the screener. It's a story of the humans reduced to slaves by an allien civilisation and as an answer to that they returned to Stone age and waiting for the gods to come and save them. But noooooo, there is this guy who isn't happy with this position of "man animal" and becomes like a miracle the most innteligent beeing on the planet. He forgets how to throw stones but learns how to nuke the allien bastards. Such a joke! Travolta, the leading bad allien is no more than a stupid intigant who sleeps around and gets in the pants on the wrong chief daughter and gets booted to the "ugly blue planet". His performance as a bad boy made me burst in tears of furry that i was stupid enough to buy the movie. So if you want to throw away your money do as i did. if you are smart read this and better try a shower and cool off.
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it's a great movie
9 June 2003
if you really want to see a great movie i reccomend it to you entirely.Tom Cruise is just perfect, the story is great and new, the directoring is just great the intensity is at maximum. I have never thought that i'll give a movie 10 but for this one 10 is really just not enough. Steven Spielberg just done it with this great one. If you really want for 2 hours to get in a perfect world where the crimes are stopped before comitting just watch it. And don't be suprised if you'll find that even that the future is predicted before, if you know it you can change it if dare to choose. My oppinion choose MINORITY REPORT...just beautifull!
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