
11 Reviews
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Ran (1985)
A perfect movie.
2 June 2022
Meticulous, intricate and brilliantly told story by a master of filmmaking.

A mesmerizing look at feudal Japan and a great family's power struggled played out with Shakespearean weight. Absolutely beautiful imagery, fantastic acting, memorable characters and one of the best plots of all time.

My only complaints for the film would be superficial and minor, grasping to fund issues. I really don't think movies get better than this.

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Blow Out (1981)
An absolute masterpiece.
7 January 2022
Between story, directing, editing, score, casting and performances, there is so much to rave about in this classic film.

It's masterfully directed, and to me it's Brian De Palma's best work. As close to a perfect film you can get from the peak era of real auteur cinema.

As high a recommendation I can give any movie. If anybody reads this fairly information free and praise heavy review and is influenced to watch it, I hope they love this all time great thriller as much as I did. It's one of the very best examples of why I love movies.

Please enjoy!
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Slightly above a loveless exercise in movie making and money printing.
26 November 2021
2 hours and 43 minutes that felt longer than Once Upon a Time in America with none of the payoff. To me it was bland, rote and derivative of better James Bond films. Much better.

It was going down the list checking boxes instead of entertaining. Questionable motives and reasoning. No charm. Attempts at humor were unfortunate. The new 007 had no character and seemed shoehorned into the film, adding very little. No reason to be invested since they invested no time in her personality. Ana de Armas had little to do and was much more memorable. Rami Malek is usually excellent, wasn't given much to work with either. Daniel Craig was fine. Jeffrey Wright is always great.

The score of 5 was for how little I enjoyed watching, but appreciation for talent going through the motions which is at least something.

Some fantastic stunts though.
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Old Henry (2021)
A modern classic western.
25 November 2021
A fantastic script, great directing and excellent casting and acting. Authenticity and appreciation for the genre, an homage without being derivative and a still movie that stands on it's own amongst some of the best.

I feel like this movie will be regarded as a classic in the very near future.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
The last funny show on television.
26 October 2021
When Larry retires it may be the end of comedy on TV.

There's an unfortunate trend in comedy at the moment where any humor will offend someone somewhere but Curb is untouchable. Larry David makes it possible to get a pass due to the brilliance of his character. Like a master he rides the line of "good taste" or whatever someone with a low tolerance of character based humor might say, but when it crosses over the line it's deftly, with the purpose and satire of any of the comedy greats.

No show is as sharp, clever or awkward. It's the magnum opus from a mad genius.

Every new episode is a gift for freakin humanity.
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Probably not actually a 7 but I grade recent movies on a curve.
25 October 2021
Somewhat silly. Occasionally cute. Never that serious and most entertaining. If you have a high tolerance for some fun cheese you'll probably get a little bit of a kick out of watching this film.

Good lead, some great surrounding talent. Jude Law is awesome. It's no masterpiece but there are decent scenes and some clever moments... and some powerfully stupid ones which make for an interesting watch. The story is terrible, but I think that adds value in some cases, like in this one.

I'd give a 6, but if a movie doesn't frustrate me with some of the more frustrating trends of recent films I'll automatically want to add a point or two. It didn't pander too much at all.
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Night Stand (1995–1999)
Please release this show somewhere.
21 October 2021
It's the funniest show I've ever seen and I for some strange reason it's impossible to watch.

TV will never be this good again. It's a genius show and an absolute crime I can't give anybody money to own the full show because I'd do it in a heartbeat and I know I'm not the only one who misses this show.

Bring it back!
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I have to believe many of these reviews are paid.
9 September 2021
I'd like to write an in depth review but I feel like there's not enough to these movies for that. They just feel like everything else.

If you've seen one of these movies recently you have an idea of what you're in for. If you're into that you'll enjoy it, if you're burnt out on movies feeling the same and characters sounding the same and acting the same and being very the same it will be just another Disney movie in 2021 to kill 2 hours with and get nothing out of.

I've been watching Chinese action stars since I was a child. I'm aware of the main actors comments about not being aware of Chinese heroes before himself somehow because he's done zero research and doesn't enjoy classic cinema in his own time.... and is a 2021 person and wants to just say things, virtue signaling I believe it's called.. but I'd recommend he check some of those movies out instead as they're much more interesting.
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Ignore the 1 star reviews and race warring. Great film.
2 September 2021
I hate what's happened to film in 2021 as much as the next guy, but I can appreciate when a film powers through all that nonsense and makes something really worth watching. Somehow.

**I'm not sure what trailers people were watching if they have the thought it didn't properly represent the film.** Tonally I thought it was very accurate to the film. There were no surprises in that regard. Honestly it showed way too much of the movie, I regret seeing it after watching the whole film as it spoiled quite a few cool things I'd eventually see.

I've seen this happen with a few movies. Drive comes to mind, where people didn't pay any attention to the feel or mood of trailers, expecting Fast and Furious 14 but getting an actually fantastic movie instead... then walking out of the theatre like it's the movie's fault for being way better than you wanted it to be. If a trailer skillfully/accurately shows what a movie is about, it's on the viewer to judge accordingly. Very confusing.

This is my cynicism in film goers showing through, to each their own, but their negative reviews stating this movie is a 1 are completely false and is why I had to write my own review.

This movie won't be for everyone. Some people will hate it, like most everything else in the world nobody sees things the same way. This is for people who are looking to enjoy something different, not that the influences aren't apparent. See it for yourself, it will be divisive.. but for the people who enjoy it, they'll appreciate the effort, especially in 2021.

I hope people keep going out on a limb and having a little faith in the audience... then ignoring some of the stupider reviews so they can keep that faith and keep making entertaining movies.
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This film is a reminder for me of what movies can be.
2 September 2021
It's an achievement. A stunning display of effort and craftsmanship with creativity and entertainment brimming from every scene.. and a beautiful reminder of how amazing movies can be when someone of vision takes full control of their projects without the Disneys and the Weinsteins of the world making a bland and generic film.

I would love to see more director's like Miller in modern cinema. This was one of the best experiences I've had seen a movie in theater as well. Perfect big screen movie, in my opinion.

It's a beautiful film and unlike anything else, which really makes it worth a watch anyway as there are way too many similar movies. 10/10.
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Black Panther (2018)
It's a very bland, forgettable film.
17 August 2021
Once I was done watching, it was like I hadn't just watched a movie. I got nothing out of it. It wasn't terrible, I would have gotten something out of that. It was just a neutral film, devoid of anything I could find entertainment in.

I should state out of all of the marvel movies I've seen, which is close to all, I've enjoyed maybe 5. A lifelong comic fan I keep hoping I might eventually really like one.. but if you're not a fan of these generic disney factory blockbusters, like myself, Black Panther will be more of the same. It was massively overrated and I truly don't understand any hype for the actual movie itself.

It's like so many other things... but to each their own!
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