
59 Reviews
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It could have been a 10
26 June 2024
And it may yet be in a Director's Cut, provided the scenes have actually been shot but edited out for time, rather than never being part of the script.

The problem is the large time jumps, so that despite being a "Furiosa origin story", we are still missing a lot of information about Furiosa's background.

What happened between her childhood and adulthood?

How did she avoid becoming a concubine?

How did she manage to pass for a boy for so many years?

How did she learn to drive?

How did she learn to shoot and fight?

How did she learn to create a functioning artificial arm for herself?

How did the war unfold (we only see the start and the finish)?


It makes the story rather uneven.

However, as an action B-move it IS a clear 10, no expense is spared, the look and feel is very much like Fury Road, and as such it is right up there with the best, if you can overlook the inconsistent storyline.

I still recommend you watch it, because it certainly has that special "Aussie Mad Max feel" and utter madness, and it is highly enjoyable in that respect.

It just isn't all it could have been, which is a shame and leaves you slightly dissatisfied.
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Atlas (2024)
This is an unbelievably dumb sci-fi movie
29 May 2024
First let's deal with J-Lo, the least believable action hero in the history of action movies, even as an anti-hero.

The whole movie she fluctuates between screaming in panic, having in-debt emotional conversations with an AI, and acting tough in such a transparent way, that a child can see she is playing tough, rather than actually being tough.

Either the director is terrible, or her being the producer has given her leeway to come up with her own character entirely, and failing terribly at it.

Then there are all the sci-fi aspects.

For some reason the AI-enemies are humanoid, they are walking, talking, breathing and acting like humans - despite being build on a planet 2.5 million lightyears away - they are carrying hand held weapons, they are wearing touch screens on their forearms - and the list goes on - it just makes absolutely no sense.

The travel aspect is also senseless. They travel to a planet 2.5 million light years away from earth, but nobody is put in cryo sleep, they make it there in hours, and J-Lo's character is introduced to the rest of the crew 30 minutes before reaching the target planet.

The planet is supposed to be inhospitable to humans, but somehow the production forgot that halfway through the movie, when suddenly J-Lo no longer needs to be in a contained space with oxygen, but is instead held prisoner in a medieval type dungeon, complete with chains - which has lightbulbs - as if AI robots need that :D

I could write a lot more, but honestly this whole thing was so annoying, that I can't be bothered.

It get's a 3 for the CGI, which is nice - but everything else is moronic.
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Highly unrealistic and historically inaccurate.... but...
11 May 2024 really IS very entertaining.

The kill count is staggering, the swagger has a "James Bond'ish" feel to it (which is very fitting given the subject matter), the effects are great, acting decent, and generally I was very entertained throughout.

However if you like your historical action movies accurate, and the action scenes "realistic", this is not it.

This is an action romp, set in WW2, and a very well made one, .

Though I must say - as a Dane - that transforming Anders Lassen into a midwestern beefcake, is rather disappointing... and most definitely marks the movie down for me... as does the "Churchill" character which just feels off, there is some arrogance and some verbal artistry missing.

I give it a 7, and when it comes on flow TV at some point, I'll watch it again, without looking at my phone throughout (much).
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
To anyone who remembers the 1980's Richard Chamberlain "Shogun"...
29 February 2024
...this is not that.

While it was certainly groundbreaking and a huge hit at the time, in retrospect great parts of it was rather cheasy and cheapish, and come on, none of us REALLY bought Richard Chamberlain as a rugged and battle hardened sea officer ;)

The 2024 version feels a great deal more modern and budgeted bigger.

It's rougher, it's dirtier, the action scenes are crafted much better, the camera work is much better and reminds you of a Hollywood blockbuster, the lighting and visuals are stunning to the point of being art, and they are underlined by sound effects and a score which amplifies the mood of every scene perfectly.

The script is much richer and intricate than the original series, with better dialogue allowing the much enlarged gallery of characters more complexity and debth, which is especially important to American and European audiences, when depicting a very "foreign" culture... and it is all perfectly executed by a stellar cast, some of whom are getting their international breakthrough on this show.

I just love it, it's probably not only the show of the year, but something we will constantly crave more of in years to come, and which competitors will try to copy.

I should mention this is based off the first 6 episodes, so we are yet to see large scale battle scenes (but looking at the teaser clips, they look exellent), and we are yet to see the all important ending so I will reserve a possible 10 for then - but I am quite hopeful that is where it lands.

It's a show that makes you annoyed it is a limited series, by nature of James Clavell having written only one novel on feudal Japan.. but I actually predict this will be such a big hit, that FX will attempt to have scripts written for either a prequal, continuation - or spin offs - because that period of Japanese history is ripe with potential - and come on, who doesn't like samurais?

This is a must see show, even if you don't like samurais, even if you don't like period dramas, even if you don't like foreign language entertainment, even if you don't like subtitles - because if you don't watch it, you will be the person left out of the conversation, when the topic becomes entertainment.

Enjoy :)
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2024– )
I wasn't a fan of the movie.
4 February 2024
But this is actually worse in some respects.

It's a shame because it's a missed opportunity, as the cast is great including the many guest stars, and the acting is actually good, apart from the action sequences.

What lets it down is the script and the directing.

The script is missing a backstory, almost completely.

We have no idea who these people are, why they have made the choices they have, or for that matter why they are supposed to be competent killers... and at the end of season 1 were are barely any wiser.

It makes the characters one dimensional and rather uninteresting.

As for the directing it's mostly about the action scenes, as they are simply not put together well enough.

In hand to hand fight scenes everyone moves too slow, stuff that shouldn't hurt particularly is highly impactful, while stuff that should put a man down they just shake off.

In gun fights they don't move like professionals, they don't handle weapons like professionals, they make impossible long range one handed shots on the run with pistols, but can't hit a barn door with a submachine gun at 5 paces.

Even just the act of running makes them seem untrained.

Not to mention to dumb usual Hollywood mistakes, where people can take cover from bullets behind a couch or the door of a refrigiator, and bullets that miss the target magically also miss the full wall of glass right behind the target.

It makes the whole thing seem outdated, disingenuous and cheap.

I'll score it a middle of the road 5, and watch for massive improvements in season 2, or I'll stop watching.
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After Midnight (2024– )
Too many forced laughs
24 January 2024
It was a good idea, and a format that has worked before - get a bunch of comedians together in a game show setting, which allows them to freestyle.

Some of the best examples are British, like the legendary "Mock The Week" or "Have I Got News For You".

Unfortunately this version of the concept is lacking in many areas.

First of all Taylor Tomlinson is just too "nice" (in a rather annoying "American housewife" kind of way).

It's clear she desperately wants her first show to be a hit, but when that translates into forcefully laughing at stuff that isn't really funny, it comes across as disingenuous and fake.

She needs to get savage with it (including with her guests), like the hosts of the aforementioned British shows, if she wants the show to go beyond 1 season and wants the comedians performing on the show to bring their A-game.

Secondly many of the comedians cast are just not good enough at thinking on their feet, which results in far too many jokes that fall completely flat, despite the host and audience trying their best at immitating a laugh track, while the audience at home are thinking "why are they laughing so hard?".

The casters should focus on casting comedians that are quick witted - they are usually the ones that handle hecklers the best when doing stand up.

Third I am hugely annoyed by the points system (which I grant is probably JUST me :D).

Why give the players 100 points for a good "joke" - instead of just giving them 1? What's the point to someone getting "1700" points instead of "17", for making 17 good jokes?
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Beef (2023– )
Once you pop, you can't stop.
23 December 2023
I kept putting off getting started on this one.

Sure it scored well here and elsewhere, but still the premise didn't make me want to jump right in.

Afterall what does a middleaged Danish guy know about "the Asian experience in America" and how can he relate even in the slightest?

And also in these times, who really wants to watch a show about people being angry at each other, our SoMe fill us with that non-stop?

Well I finally got around to it... and ended up binging the whole thing, staying up all night the day before Christmas... and then felt compelled to write a review... because it is really very good indeed (and because I now have to keep myself up all day, in order not to ruin Christmas :P).

First - it's not a show about Asians - well it is, most the cast is Asian and there are references to being brought up a certain way, but really the story and the emotions are universal... we can all relate at some point or other.

Secondly - the premise is just a jumping off point - sure it is the.common thread and drives the story, but where you really get into this show, is all the interesting side characters and side stories, that are woven into the main story beautifully, so nothing seems out of of place and makes the whole thing wonderfully complex.

There is plenty of material for several seasons, especially if they are crafted as well as the first one, but actually it is good enough that it could stand alone as a mini series, with an awesome ending.

What is it similar to you may ask?

I honestly don't know, to me it is highly original and I can't really think os a show which is similar in look and feel.

I highly recommend it - but I recommend you start when you have plenty of time, because you WILL get hooked, even if you think the show is not for you.

Enjoy :)
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It's one of the dumber additions to the MCU... but...
20 July 2023
...there IS a "but" (more on that later)

  • This review is based off the first 5 episodes.

First the criticism.

In a universe so full of extraordinary superheroes and alien technology, it makes absolutely no sense that "good old Fury" is running around on his own, with a normal run of the mill pistol, to try to "save" earth from being taken over by aliens.

It's just unbelievable dumb in its premise, and despite excellent production quality (as is the norm for the MCU) the show is on track to get a 3.

BUT (and here is the kicker)... then enters Olivia Colman.

Her character lifts the entire show by 3 points, all by herself.

That understated, witty, stiff upper lip character just makes it all worth while.

More or less every time she is on screen you chuckle, if not laugh out loud.

Imagine taking her from "The Crown", with a few (obvious) changes, and then making her a much funnier stone cold killer, with absolutely no boundaries.

I'd happily watch an entire show based off just her character.

It takes the show from a waste of time, in an already overcrowded universe, to being something you find yourself grudgingly continuing to watch, despite all the illogical poorly thought out BS going on around her, just to watch what she does next.

I dearly hope they expand her character and give it a bigger part as the show develops, and I hope they are not dumb enough to kill her off, as that would instantly make me lose interest in this otherwise senseless drivel.
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Extraction II (2023)
Yes, the movie is a huge cliché
18 June 2023
But it's not a movie you watch for the "story" - which admittedly has a lot of flaws.

It's a movie you watch for the non-stop action, and fight scenes so wild and well orchestrated, that it makes the John Wick franchise (which has a much better story line) seem almost sedate.

  • And the fight scenes are glorious, it almost makes you sweat just watching it, the hits just keep on coming and coming and coming.

The whole thing is highly entertaining, and if you are looking for an instant thrill ride I recommend giving this one a go.

Yes it makes slightly more sense if you have watched the first one (which isn't as good), but you are not watching this for it to "make sense", you are watching it for the instant thrill gratification, so you don't really need to watch the first one.

It's not art, it's entertainment, but bloody good entertainment, so take it for what it is and enjoy :)
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Jury Duty (2023)
It's a nice of The Truman Show/The Office/Pranked...
21 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
...but it doesn't really work.

What kills it is the need for longevity, the need for the show to shoot for weeks on end, so that it ends up having enough material for an entire season of TV.

It means that nobody can be too over the top, nobody can truly act out, nothing really crazy can happen, because that would give the game away to the mark.

For that reason, what we end up with is 8 episodes of slightly uncomfortable situations, that aren't really laugh out loud funny (because they can't be), and aren't really dramatic (because we are all in on it).

It get's kind of boring pretty quick, and by episode 3 I found myself wanting to fast forward to the reveal... which by the way wasn't that great either... a missed opportunity, when they could have preempted the reveal by something truly shocking or over the top funny... but instead went with a simple calm announcement from the "judge".

I think the concept can work, but it would have to be more improvisational, shot over a shorter time span (maybe just 2-3 days), so that everything can get ramped up.

For now, this (first?) season is a "meh".
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Echo 3 (2022–2023)
I am SO confused!
2 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watched the first 3 episodes last week.

A story about a female CIA operative being kidnapped by guerillas in Colombia, and her special forces husbond and brother - both of whom love her very much - going down there to get her out.

So far so good... seemed like a cool premise.

Now I just completed episode 4.

The guerillas have moved her across the border into Venezuela, to a secret prison in the jungle, and upon finding that out, the reaction from her brother is to just give up and go on a bender in some Colombian border town, while her husbond has gone back to the US, where he has apparently given up on ever seeing her again, and is focused on being romantically involved with a woman he just met, and positioning himself for a senate seat... DAYS after his wife was kidnapped.

It makes absolutely no sense, at all.

I'll give it another few episodes, to see if it starts making sense... but I do not have high hopes for this one.
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Moonhaven (2022)
I've only watched episode 1...
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...but I have to ask (myself, since nobody in here can post an answer):

Why on earth (pun intended) are people being put into artificial sleep for a trip to the moon?

With 2022 technology that trip takes 3 days, so 200 years from now it's probably a single day... at the most.

I'm SO tired of Hollywood churning out sci-fi shows, where nobody has bothered to research even the most basic science, which ought to be a prerequisite for writing/producing sci-fi.

It leaves you with a feeling that the show is a complete waste of time, so I will be giving it an average 5 (because I have only watched one episode) and give up on watching the rest of the show..
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Ricky Gervais: SuperNature (2022 TV Special)
Not quite as good as his previous stand up shows
26 May 2022
First off, I am neither "woke" - nor "anti-woke" - and thus judge the performance solely on the quality of the material.

And unfortunately this time around, it appears a little lazy, and is not at all at the level of the previous 4 shows (never watched the first one).

It seems the show was written, not primarily for laughs, but rather to try and cause a stir... and sadly in my book it achieves neither with success, quite possibly because of a reverse order of priorities.

Sure, there is a chuckle here and there, Gervais IS a funny guy... but most of the material appears strained, with a few familiar old jokes (worded differently) thrown in - like the material on "fat people".

I think Gervais sat down, provoked by other comedians getting "cancelled", with a mission to write a show that proved he could still get laughs, while offending some of the "woke" audience... but the jokes just aren't good enough, and the offences tempered to such a degree, that they are not really effective.

The result is mediocre, and thus a score of 5.
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Peacemaker (2022– )
I must admit...
14 January 2022
...I'm not a John Cena fan... at all... and I didn't like The Suicide Squad movie, especially the Peacemaker character, that came across as an unbelievable dumb caricature.

But this show (based off the first 3 episodes released) is actually very good indeed.

It's a crazy, no holds barred thrill ride... and it is FUNNY.

  • and whatever James Gunn did to John Cena, to make him to explore the character in depth and make it less shallow, is actually working.

Not to mention the soundtrack, which is just awesome!

It reminds me of the excellent Happy! Show in style and form, though a little less cartoonish (no pun intended).

If it keeps up this quality, it may just be one of the best superhero shows ever made.

For now, a solid 8... with expectations for more.

I highly recommend it.


After watching the whole first season, I have upgraded it to a 10.

It truly is one of the funniest and best superhero shows ever made - I can't wait for season 2.

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Don't Look Up (2021)
Dr. Strangelove for the lowest common denominator
27 December 2021
But where it fails, and Dr. Strangelove succeeded, is that Kubrick understood you need the contrast of sanity, to make an insane story compelling.

In Don't Look Up, there are no redeeming characters. They are all morons, from top to bottom, even the "heroes"... and it makes the whole thing one dimensional and rather uninteresting.

Sure, we all get the social commentary, but it is dumbed down to such a degree, that EVERYONE gets it... and that is exactly a problem.

As the headline says, it's Dr. Strangelove for dumb people.
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Hawkeye (2021)
I spent the first 5 episodes...
23 December 2021
...being terribly disappointed with this show.

Finding it childish, lacking a well written plot, and slightly annoying.

So I was preparing to not watch then next season.

But then, in the season finale, the show suddenly found its stride, and became very good indeed.

So now I don't quite know what to think... especially not knowing if there will be a second season... but I find myself wanting one.

It's a solid 7 from here.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
The Godfather meets modern day Montana.
1 December 2021
Sure, referencing The Godfather leaves this show with big boots to fill, but it is actually a very relevant analogy.

But first, let me interject this:

References to "Dallas" and other crappy soap-like shows, that others in here make, are way off base. This show is not that, at all. If you want a reference in terms of the feel of the show, think "Banshee" with a much bigger budget... if you want a reference in terms of production quality, we are right up there with the best shows on TV.

Also, this show does not have any political connotations, calling it "woke" or "anti-woke" like some do - is absurd - it's neither, it's just a good show, irrespective of your political beliefs (which should not factor into what a "good show" is anyway).

That rant over - back to the Godfather analogy:

Set in rural modern day Montana, the show is centered around a horse and cattle ranch owner and patriarch, played by Kevin Costner... the "Vito Corleone" of the show, if you will... and yes, Costner is still a stellar actor, especially in a rural setting.

Luke Grimes playing the youngest son, is the Michael Corleone of the show, just as split between two worlds, and just as ruthless when he needs to be.... and he plays the role with such conviction, that you completely forget he is an actor.

Cole Hauser plays the adopted son of the house, an amalgamation of Sonny Corleone and Tom Hagen, and plays the role with such ferocity, that he is just about the coolest, hardest modern day cowboy - ever - on TV.

Wes Bentley plays our version of Fredo Corleone, constantly balancing on a knifes edge, being split between loyalty to the family and his own ambition.

Kelsey Asbille plays a breakthrough role, as the native American version of Kay Adams, constantly split between her love for the youngest son of the house, and her hatred of the family, that historically cheated hers out of land.

Last, but most definitely not least, Kelly Reilly is our version of Connie Corleone... but smarter, tougher and much more ambitious... I view her role in this as a career maker... she is just fantastic in this show.

It all takes place in beautiful big sky country, lots of horses, lots of cowboy work, lot's of gun fights and explosions, that are all choreographed with such quality, that every action sequence in the show seems real, while never feeling out of place.

I cannot think of a single thing, that brings this show down, and now in the middle of season 3, it is still the show I look forward to the most.

So I highly recommend the show, but you need to watch the first full season to get into it, like most really good shows, it starts off at a slow burn, to set up the characters and the plot... but don't worry, you WILL be entertained.
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Succession (2018–2023)
It started out as a 10...
22 November 2021 season 1,

Stellar cast, top notch production quality, and a very interesting premise - kind of the Hollywood take on the Murdoch family.

However, now in season 3, the fatal flaw of the show has become very apparent.

It seems both writers and production are so hung up, on presenting "fictional Murdoch and his family" in such a bad light, that not a single character in the show has any redeeming qualities, whatsoever, nor is there any significant development of any of said characters... they have become perpetual caricatures.

So by now the show is simply going nowhere... they are all still fighting over the same thing, and nobody learns anything nor changes, in any way shape or form.

It renders the show entirely without purpose, except as a social commentary on the decadence of "the very rich"... and we all got that message in season 1, so perpetuating it is both uninteresting and lacking creativity.

I had high hopes for this one, but have stopped watching it, simply because the story no longer has purpose.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Great start... but then...
12 November 2021 just turns to crap.

So much promise at the start of the first season, but as the season progressed, it got more and more like a soap, with zero attention to detail, and a plot that gets more and more unrealistic.

I'll give you a for instance of the low production quality:

I just sat through the 5th episode of season 2, where a mob hitman is emptying several magazines of his assault riffle, into the truck of our protagonists, from around 100 yards away.

However, for some unknown reason, the truck does not have a single bullet hole, it seems every bullet hit only windows and tires.

Also, the hitman never appeared to carry any magazines, but yet managed to shoot around 100 shots during the scene.

Yes, it is a very specific example, but it is indicative of the whole show... it could have been good... but it just isn't.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Once upon a Godfather in the West
8 November 2021
That pretty much sums it up, a "western version of The Godfather, set in modern day Montana".

Kevin Costner is his usual fantastic self, playing the Montana version of Vito Corleone.

Luke Grimes is fantastic as Montana Michael Corleone, trapped between the native American love of his life, and being the heir apparent to the dynasty.

Rip Wheeler plays a brilliant amalgamation of Sonny Corleone and Tom Hagen, as the consigliere who can erupt at any moment, while being hopelessly in love with the daughter of the family.

Wes Bentley is great as the Montana version of Fredo Corleone, riding that fine edge between us understanding him and hating him, while he struggles with being the homosexual son of an old school patriarch.

Kelly Reilly is on a tour de force, as a 21st century version of Connie Corleone, who is a player rather than a subservient woman, and might yet - in the end - turn out to be "Michael".

Kelsey Asbille is in a breakthrough role, as the native American version of Kay Adams - though her too with a toughness that suits the 21st century, and makes her much more than just the "frustrated wife".

The whole thing is spot on, though different enough to be interesting - as is the supporting cast and their side stories.

Pacing, camera work, score, lighting, sound, all great... and every fight scene and gun battle is well choreographed and appear fairly realistic.

I cannot put my finger on a single thing I do not like about this show.

  • Oh - and a side note:

I have seen some reviewers comparing this to "Dallas".

It is not that AT ALL, in any way, shape or form, except for maybe being based around a "ranch".

This is not a "soap drama" - this is "drama drama" - with blood, guts, explosions and people getting killed in droves.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
I am baffled
23 October 2021
Reading all the bad reviews that came before this - and knowing they can only be based on the first 3 episodes - I have no idea what those people are on about.

I seems like they have either watched another show - or that they are huge fans of "big action that makes no sense", and thus disappointed we haven't gotten much in the way of "alien action" yet.

I think this has all the hallmarks of a hit series, "the next Walking Dead" (in terms of viewership) if you will, but is cleverly not falling into the trap, of going from 0 to a 100 in 3 episodes, so that you have nowhere left to go but ""stupid"... and yes, for the record, The Walking Dead became stupid a long time ago... this seems to be crafted with more thought for longevity, as of yet.

Yes it is slow paced, yes the character development is slow, yes we are yet to learn where this story actually goes, how all these people, all over the world, relate to each other, and not least who the aliens are and what they want... but remember, anything really good (in terms of TV shows), often starts slow.

Now in fairness, I may of course be just as wrong, as I claim others to be, because we are yet to see the resolution - we are yet to learn what the actual premise of the show is - we still really only know "alien invasion", have gotten an idea of the main (multinational) cast - and not much more.

But my thinking is, that nobody would develop a show this slowly, unless they had an ace in the hole.

So far the acting has been impeccable, the action realistic (baring in mind this IS sci-fi), the reactions of the cast (both main and supporting) believable and realistic, the scenery well put together, the CGI well made, the storyline unusual and interesting - and the tempo, as said, is right up my alley.

I shall be watching closely, with fingers crossed.

For now it is an 8, with room for both improvement - and a huge drop - depending on where the story takes us the rest of the premiere season.


At the end of season 2, I have downgraded this to a 6.

I had high hopes, I liked the first season a lot, but it has just gotten too weird.

And it doesn't help we have a bunch of (ungifted) kids pulling off things that are entirely unrealistic, without any sort of training, experience or previous knowledge.

Not to mention the fact that (obviously for budgetary reasons) every location is suddenly almost devoid of humans, as if most of the human race vanished, but there are not corpses, no remains, it's just empty.

It is now a "meh" show, fine if there is nothing else to watch, but not really something you watch too closely.
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8 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
..... Chris Pratt's character says that, in one of the first scenes of the movie.

I really wish the writers, or the producers, or the director - or ANYONE - connected with this production, truly believed that.

Clearly they don't, because none of them apparently understand the concept of time.

The whole premise of this movie is time travel - but it is done so badly, that it makes you laugh out loud, at the sheer stupidity of the whole thing.

It's not the cool kind of time travel, were you go to the past to change history, or go to the future to learn things and bring them back - oh no - not in this movie.

Instead you sit there, for just shy of 2 hours, constantly thinking "why are these people time travelling to a war 30 years in the future, instead of staying and spending 30 years preparing for it?"

It makes absolutely NO sense - it's simply dumb - there is no other word for it.

You have to be either a kid - or mentally challenged - to enjoy the otherwise well made action and the well made CGI, with the giant plot hole staring you in the face throughout the movie.

I'm sorry, but the most this can get, is 2 points - and that is from someone who loves both Chris Pratt and big action movies.
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Cruella (2021)
Surprisingly good - and I expected to hate it.
7 June 2021
Of all the Disney characters - many of which I loved as a kid - Cruella de Vil was always the one I disliked the most.

It always seemed like a pointless and overly unrealistic character - I mean, come on, who hates puppies so much, that it becomes their obsession to kill and skin them?

So despite liking Emma Stone, I watched with some hesitation, expecting a movie as over the top and shallow - dare I say "annoying"? - As the Glen Close one.

Instead, I found an interesting (though still wholly unrealistic) origin story, in a fairly "dark" backdrop of 1970's London - but with little funny gems dispersed evenly throughout the script, without it ever feeling forced.

Think Devil Wears Prada meets Kingsman.

Joel Fry and Paul Walter Hauser, are very funny sidekicks, who both manage to not fall into the all too common trap of of becoming cartoonish.

Especially Paul Walter Hauser's work with the dogs is hilarious, and whoever got the idea to dress a dog as a giant rat, is a genius!

Emma Thompson is also excellent as the antagonist, and Emma Stone as the protagonist is simply charming, giving a franchise building performance - especially if they allow for the character, to not develop into the end we all know from the original Disney story. - It would be far more interesting if they took it elsewhere.

And yeah, some stuff is still over the top and unbelievable, but hey, so is Iron Man and a great many other movies based off cartoons.

I highly recommend it, and it's a great date movie by the way, because of all the fashion references AND the action.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
"Gossip Girl" in alternative history Victorian times
27 January 2021
That's pretty much it.

If you liked Gossip Girl, if you like period pieces, and you like a "woke" version of alternative history, where people of colour and alternative sexuality are held in high regard, and afforded all the rights and privileges they did not have in real history, this is most definitely the show for you, and you will love it.

Otherwise it's a "meh" show, that only just tops mediocrity, because of all the secondary qualities like costumes, score, locations and such being excellent, while the primary qualities of directing, script and acting are very mediocre indeed.

I for one will be giving season 2 a miss, and only watched season 1 because of Covid.
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The Pack (2020)
I wanted to hate this.
29 November 2020
I wanted to hate the absurdity of the idea, to do an "Amazing Race for dogs"................. but PUPPIES!

I wanted to hate Lindsey Vonn carrying her dog around everywhere like luggage................. but PUPPIES!

I wanted to hate the ridiculous American habit of putting dogs in outfits................. but PUPPIES!

I wanted to hate the Coonhound barking constantly throughout the first 7 episodes................. but PUPPIES!

So this show actually gets an 8................. because PUPPIES!
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