
13 Reviews
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Eerie and poetic...
16 May 2022
Action packed spooky thriller it is not.

Nor is it "The Mummy". But still eerie enough to make you want to see more and understand.

It reminded me of "The Witch Project" minus the fizzy camera work.
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Riveting !
16 April 2022
Honestly, I don't understand all the backlash I hear about this film.

The story is so well told, the acting is excellent, and the Italian accent, far from being distracting, allows you to get into the mood of this incredible family.

The cast is spot on. Who better than Jeremy Irons to portray the strict Gucci, with his delusions of grandeur, always living in the past and Al Pacino, the mafia-type brother, not to mention Paolo, the sensitive but misunderstood nephew with a creative fibre.

Lady Gaga is excellent and so is Adam Driver.

A few things I didn't like though : In 1978 you didn't dress in stilettos ; the clothes are all wrong.

And the Klimt paintings hanging on the walls ? Really ?
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Call My Agent! (2015–2020)
Let's not forget Dominique Besnehard
5 February 2021
Dominique Besnehard is the producer and the real person behind this series. It was his idea based on his souvenirs as an artists agent that was at the origin of the project. It was essentially based on his autobiograhy "Casino d'hiver" Netflix came long after. I reckon "Hervé" is very much what D.B. must have been like when starting in the business.
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Blow Out (1981)
Box office failure
4 February 2021
This fim was shown right at the beginning of the Diana era ; released on the 24th - wedding on 29th and start of Diana mania from then on. No wonder it went under the radar...
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Joke turns ugly
31 January 2021
I first watched this film all those years ago and really enjoyed it, but came across the play only recenty and recorded it. I'm on the 3rd time watching it and must say, although the movie is very good, the play is even better ; it has more dynamic, more rhythm, more frantic outbursts. The team is the same, so are the actors save one ( Pierre) , plus one ( Françoise ) But the film is a must watch nevertheless.
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The Public (2018)
Big George
30 January 2021
Very surprised to discover that the guy playing Big George is not an actor but a rapper. And he didn't get any award for his outstanding performance in this movie ? Really ?
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Dark (2017–2020)
Much too long
30 January 2021
It should've been a 3x6 mini series. The first one was amazing but after that it was just dragging on. And the last episode was such an anti climax for me. On the up side : the music and the opening titles.
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Kings (2017)
Original take on 92 LA riots
18 January 2021
Don't understand the bad reviews. I thought it was a rather good film mixing real footage of the events with the story of a family who have difficulties to make ends meet. At times it has a kind of documentary feel due to the cinematography. Halle Berry is very credible as this warm hearted Mum who makes everything for her and others kids and there is real chemistry between her and Daniel Craig. All in all worth watching but too short, and ends rather abruptly which is a shame.
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Unbelievable (2019)
6 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with everything that has been said about the acting by the two detectives ( Collette and Wever ) and the "heroin" Kaitlyn Dever and also Macdonald who were all top-notch. But there is one actor that wasn't mentioned : Eric Lange ( Detective Parker ) The relentlessness in which he corners Marie ( Dever ) into admitting this was just a lie, that she made all that up, and then this part at the beginning of episode eight ( the email with the evidence ) when you actually see his jaw drop and his embarrassed silence... That was extremely good acting !
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Paterson (2016)
Poetry as a film
8 June 2020
Poetry as a film

As the days go by, monotonous and uneventful, you wait for something dramatic to happen. But nothing comes and then you realise you take infinite pleasure in the quietness and the beauty of it. This film is a poem from start to finish. It reminded me very much of " Departures " 2008 ; how apt that a Japanese poet should show up near the end ! Just watched " Han " ( "Sweet Bean" ) : another one to add to the list...
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Woman in Gold (2015)
Incredible story
16 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If it were a work of fiction, people would say it's a bit far fetched and not really believable... But everything is true. What makes the film so compelling is that it shows History as it happened . It also sets the record straight about how Austrians were happy to welcome the Nazis all those years ago. But more than this, it is filmed as a thriller diving into History, spiced up with a bit of courtroom drama. The actors are all incredible. Helen Mirren is not a surprise, she is excellent in everything she does ( you could put a sac of potatoes over her head and she would still be convincing ) but Ryan Reynolds is so good in portraying this young lawyer in for the money who comes to realize that he is fighting for his family too, that he moved me to tears. Those two fought against a brick wall and bit by bit achieved to destroy it. It is a marvellous story and a great film.
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Possessions (2011)
A recipe for disaster
20 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Take a couple who can barely make ends meet and invite them to work for you in a luxury chalet, lend them the said-chalet for a minimal price, treat them in a nonchalant manner and watch as the envie, resentfulness and anger grow...

Excellent performance all round, especially Rénier and Julie Depardieu.

The story is a real one and happened only a few years ago. It was splashed all over the newspapers and the news on TV. When you've seen everything there is to know about it and you watch the film, it gives you shivers.
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Woody Allen with a bit of Blake Edwards thrown in
10 October 2015
If you had no clue about who the director was, you would think it's an Allen movie right from the start. You even have some of the actors we've seen in his films, lately. Even the ending reminded me of some of Woody's. Add to that a bit of Blake Edwards (Victor/Victoria period)and you have an enjoyable comedy with several stories among the main storyline.

Imogen Poots is incredible as a call girl with brains and heart. She has an accent I couldn't put my finger on ( I thought she came from eastern Europe ) but have read since that it's a Brooklyn one. Owen Wilson is as you expect, funny and charming. In fact all the cast is hilarious : Watch for Jennifer Aniston's hysterical act as a therapist from hell.

All in all a delightful film with a great cast.
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