
23 Reviews
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The Swerve (2018)
Depressing, pathetic, sad
30 October 2023
This movie doesn't have any redeeming qualities. Might as well kill yourself now, or watch it and feel like killing yourself afterwards. If you think I'm exaggerating, go for it. Then become a heroin addict since there will be no point to life other than pain. I love dark films. I don't mind being sad at the end. This film has nothing more than misery to offer.

But I must go on... what is your worst nightmare? What are some of the most awful things that could happen in life? Well, imagine no further. It's mundane misery at your fingertips. No imagination. No enduring hope, just absolute anguish.

That's your thing? You'll love this.
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The Strings (2020)
Slow burn... for people into sound and emotion
25 September 2022
Maybe you want to watch it alone. Chill. Smoke a J and have a glass of whiskey... watch and listen, let it slowly bloom and don't expect much. Not for those isn't high action or thrills.

I like the music. Curious about whether the music is a real artist or not. Some might find this pretentious, so if you enjoy things that others find pretentious, this might be for you. There aren't any explosions or jump scares. You get it. It's your thing or not. It's not bad in any way. You like it, but you wouldn't recommend it to most people you know, just the few freaks who like to dwell and ponder. They're probably romantic. Just a little anyway. I dunno. It's the whisky and the J.
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Don't believe anything you read here.
30 June 2022
Watch it and judge for yourself. You probably already know what side you're on, and if you're alt-right, you're probably already brainwashed by internet propaganda so you're not going to like this.
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Wander Darkly (2020)
17 February 2021
I hadn't cried in a long time. There's really not a lot to say about this film that the watcher shouldn't experience for themselves and that hasn't been said my past reviewers.
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Preservation (2014)
Don't turn your back!!
9 August 2020
...if you're in a life or death situation with a person who is trying to kill you.
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Zeroville (2019)
Great soundtrack
17 July 2020
Didn't pull off what it was trying to do, but I still enjoyed it. I'll repeat what a couple others said, Franco should keep trying and Megan Fox needs more roles like this.
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Grand Isle (2019)
This film had everything it needed for a great story...
9 June 2020
...but it let's you down. There are blatant plot holes. It goes where you think it'll go without explaining a thing. There are too many questions left unanswered. I expected so much more and it could have delivered. It watches like a film that ran out of funds. Sad really. It had so much potential!
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The Deuce (2017–2019)
Entertaining, but shallow
4 June 2020
I love this show! It's fun, but only got attached to maybe 3 characters...
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Had so much more potential but ended up being an after school special
19 March 2020
Real disappointing. What's the moral of the story, kids?! Lame. Is this what the world has come to? Pete Davidson, why did you do this crap? Eh It's not that I don't *get* it. It's that I think it's lame.
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Where are the rest of the reviews? Why can I only see 18?
27 February 2020
It's a cute enough movie, but I don't think they nailed the "aspy" personality AT ALL. These people behave like they have down syndrome. My son has Asperger's and I have friends with Asperger's so I have a pretty good idea of how people with Asperger's behave. This isn't it.
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Cam (2018)
15 October 2019
Make sure you have a firm grasp of what deepfake is before watching this movie or you'll never get it.
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12 August 2019
Boring story. Nothing happens that you don't expect. I hate snakes. Exploits worst aspects of religious thinking.
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PEN15 (2019–2021)
Love it!
10 August 2019
These women are so great and clearly have a good memory of being that age. I think.

Anyway, I'm shocked at their real ages! I knew they were adults but I expected early 20's.
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A background in David Paulides might be helpful
4 July 2019
I've noticed that people who come into just one of his documentaries or talks tend to hold a skeptical point of view, which is respectable as long as you keep an open mind. Once you realize that he has done extensive research on hundreds, if not thousands of these cases, you'll begin to realize that a pattern emerges and something strange is going on. If there were only these 4-5 cases, then yes, they can be easily explainable. It's easy to say this person fell, this one drowned, this one was abducted by a human, this one ran away from their family, this one committed suicide, etc ... But what do you say to thousands of similar cases that have not and cannot be explained by the forestry, the police, the FBI, the green berets? It's just weird. I love that there's mystery still in this world.

Paulides frequently discusses the fact that it's the cumulation of these bizarre disappearance which paints the full picture on coast to coast. This documentary is more for people who understand this, or for those whose curiosity will be piqued. A documentary allows him to give a more detailed and comprehension view of some individual cases, otherwise this documentary would be hours long.
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Toad Road (2012)
You have to have
26 June 2019
Experiences with psychedelics and designer drugs to get the premise of this story.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
If you love musicals, you'll love this!
14 June 2019
Great reinterpretations of the songs and very well done. I loved learning about Elton John's history, which I didn't really know. If you're not into musicals, you won't like it. The music helps tell the story.
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Nothing new... Move along...
6 May 2019
You'd expect someone who was in an intimate relationship with Bundy to have something unique to add to the narrative, but it felt like a brief glossing over of just about everything, from their relationship to his crimes. I wanted to like it, but the name didn't fit the film.
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Song to Song (I) (2017)
Aesthetic perfection
8 April 2019
I don't mind when director's spend years perfecting their cinematography skills while telling love stories.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
Can't tell whether it's good or I just want to know why.
31 January 2019
I'm watching this and I'm not sure I actually enjoy the dialogue or any of the characters at all, but I keep watching it because I want to know why what happened in the very beginning happened.

... Guess I'll find out. Honestly, this far it feels kind of boring other than I want to know why. Kind of annoying.
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Terrible directing and editing
22 December 2018
After four years following Grace Jones around you should have a better final product than this!

Grace is a legend! She deserves justice!
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Terrible possession movie
30 November 2018
I usually like possession flicks. Most of them are pretty creepy. This fails at that even. It's hardly scary, it's bordering on boring, the story is lacking, almost every scare is cliche. I would feel bad for these filmmakers if they didn't get their film a Blockbuster release. Wtf?!? How did that even happen?
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Clever, amusing, cynical, existential...
16 September 2018
I enjoyed this. It was quick-witted and funny. The dialogue is a dialectic between two cynical intellectuals who fall in love at a wedding they both felt obligated to go to. What could be better?
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Dialogue had as little substance as the film premise
8 September 2018
No saving this film. Terrible, boring, not amusing, poorly written, vapid, glorifying everything horrible about money grubbing and being "crazy rich". I mean, the point of the movie is to degrade an educated, self-made economics teacher. No value in education or hard work that doesn't result in an absurd amount of wealth.

Would be better if it were about "crazy" rich Asians, rather than "crazy rich" Asians.
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