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15 September 2024
Spectacularly bad. Who wrote this? The King Arthur and Merlin twist was beyond odd. And The Transformers fought along side humans in World War I and II? Age of Extinction was okay, I wanted to go back to The Shia Laboufe (sp?) trilogy. Thank goodness Bumblebee and Rise of the Beasts did help to sort of rescue the franchise. Honestly, I just finished watching The Last Knight for the second time! I saw it the first time probably when it came out in the theaters. I remember seeing some of the scenes but I didn't recognize much of the movie. I must've fallen asleep in the theater or maybe I took a very long bathroom break? I don't remember. My tip if you feel like watching this, turn the volume way down and just enjoy the visual effects.
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Leo (I) (2023)
very enjoyable
20 January 2024
In our house, Adam Sandler does no wrong. I've yet to see an Adam Sandler movie I didn't like. Some are better than others. This movie isn't his pinnacle best, but it's still enjoyable.

This is most definitely aimed at the kiddos but there's still some subtle Sandler humor for the

The wife and I watched this while the kids slept. Some of the musical numbers were cute, some had some tongue-in-cheek humor.

My wife is a teacher and when the movie flipped and focused on the teacher, that was a welcome surprise. Cecily Strong's performance was on point. Watch until the end, you'll find yourself loving the substitute.
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Inspired, Inspired, inspired.
12 October 2023
Definitely not the TMNT I remember, I'm an 80's early 90's kid. After watching, did some quick Googling, this movie isn't based off just one iteration of TMNT. Mutant Mayhem attempts to draw inspiration from literally every TMNT property before it.

I don't think this is the best TMNT outing though, not the worst either; see TMNT III. Lots of pop culture references and I didn't particularly care for Bepop and Rocksteady here. The improvisation approach is interesting, however I think this approach works best when all those involved have the skills to pull that off. I don't think John Cena and Jackie Chan are as capable at improv as Maya Rudolph, Seth Rogan, and Paul Rudd. Improv is a skill and I also don't think the kids that voiced the Turtles were particularly adept at improv either.

The surprise ending gives me hope that the cast will be more mature in the next installment. That being said, I have a feeling the next movie may take the approach that Spider-Man: Far from Home did. Turn the city against the Turtles.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
The show mocks Trekkies
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Which is why I believe die hard Trekkies take serious offense to the show. Ensign Boimler embodies Trek purists, those who could quote a show word for word, or insist on speaking in Klingon. As William Shatner once said, "It's just a show!" Then you have Ensign Mariner, she embodies the lighthearted take on Star Trek.

This iteration of Star Trek is very self aware and takes every opportunity at skewering all Trek tropes. While I wouldn't consider myself a Trekkie, I do enjoy Star Trek and have seen enough of it that nothing goes over my head. It's a comedy in the vein of Family Guy, American Dad, Rick and Morty, and Futurama. But the creators still give Trekkies familiar and well-loved callbacks. The DS9 episode was cute and nostalgic for me. I look forward to more Star Trek hijinks!

We are in a Star Trek era where there's something for every fan of all things Star Trek. TOS was about the novelty. TNG was idealist. DS9 was soap operaish. Voyager is an outlier for me. Star Trek: TAS was an attempted revival. While Prodigy seems to be the most inclusive, IMO. When I say inclusive, I'm not going on the variety of characters, I'm going on the characters being more easily relatable. Prodigy is a "coming of age" series that's less about the lore and more about trials and tribulations.

I've not watched Picard or Strange New Worlds but plenty of reviews seem to highlight more serious and darker tones, but given there's a SNW crossover episode, with LD characters, I may have to give SNW a try. Props to the creators for giving me a reason to watch a series that I may not have watched otherwise, very sneaky you guys!

For me, the serial aspect of the show keeps me watching; much like the movies Star Trek II to Star Trek IV feel like 1 cohesive movie. You don't always need a villain or monster of the week to keep a viewer invested in the material. Lower Decks is pinnacle binge worthiness.

The haters that have given so many negative reviews, seem to forget 1 very important fact about Star Trek. TOS lasted 3 seasons, the show became a cult hit after it went in to syndication. The first Star Trek movie came on the heels of Star Wars IV: A New Hope. I believe the Star Trek fans owe a lot to George Lucas and Star Wars. SW IV was the inspiration for bringing TOS to the big screen. So TOS wasn't originally a bona-fide hit, so much so that it only lasted 3 seasons.
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Spirited (2022)
A sequel to Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol
27 November 2022
Somehow this movie manages to be canon, sequel, parody, and fresh. It pokes fun at the usual Christmas tropes, the Charles Dickens classic (along with reimaginings, i.e. Scrooged), and musicals

I love Christmas but there are some major peeves I have with it. The commercialization, rehashed classic songs, rehashed retellings; this movie had all fresh musical numbers, some of them were even quite catchy.

The ending was unexpected, tragic, and sweet all at the same time. The movie just felt original.

After reading many reviews, it's apparent that the musical aspect of the movie isn't well liked. I'm not a huge fan of musicals either, but this one just felt different. It's a musical that is also aware that it's a musical. Some of the characters even complain during the musical numbers. That's the whimsy here for me, it's a self-aware musical parody.
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Not the best..
25 September 2022
Not the worst either. Fans should be able to agree on one thing though, it's better than The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Just finished watching on Peacock. The onslaught of negative reviews and the giant locusts part of plot kept me out of the theaters. Saw the first one in 1993, in the theater. None of the five followups have ever measured up. An impossibly high bar was set. When ever I watch the first movie, I still get the chills, the goosebumps, the sense of awe. It was nice seeing our original favorite 3, but I really didn't feel a sense of nostalgia. I think it was the plot, or rather plots, that distracted from the nostalgia. Yeah, there seems to be more than one plot. There's some character development, but this is a popcorn flick so confuse the audience with grand effects, some cheesy humor, and maybe you got something fun to watch.

And so we are left with a very open ending, oh the possibilities. Please Hollywood take your time with the next one, flesh out a consistent plot first. Not asking for pinnacle acting or plot, just give us something with more heart and wonder, that's where the first excelled.

Also, the Barbasol can of shaving cream was a nice nod and I'm very aware of how Dodgeson ended up having the can in his possession. I really do think there should've been some sort of callback to Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous. The ankylosaurus vocals immediately made me think of Bumpy, so there's that.
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Nostalgia and Visuals
20 May 2022
The plot is a little "thin" and dialog is just plain weird. The original cartoon wasn't too groundbreaking. It plays very similarly to the original series, except this takes place in the "real" world. I loved the show when I was a kid but now I'm an adult, a little more critical and just more aware.

When you grow up and watch some of the kid movies, like The Little Mermaid for example, you realize that Ariel gives something precious away just so she can smooch a guy that she is smitten by. Eric and Ariel end getting married after knowing each other for maybe a week or so. Or some random stranger comes along and kisses a girl and poof she wakes up. I'm trying not to nitpick, but as you get older you start seeing things through adult eyes, rather than a child's eye.

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous has the nostalgia but also some intense scenes and not a wafer thin plot. Season 5 starts soon and it's a Netflix original. Netflix has a habit of dropping shows after 3 seasons, so having a 5th season speaks to the overwhelming viewership the series has had.

Nostalgia and visuals, that's where Chip N Dale: Rescue Rangers the movie shines.
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Star Trek: Prodigy (2021–2024)
who's the target audience?
7 November 2021
7 November 2021 This show wasn't made with the intention of appealing to "Trekkies". Now consider what cartoons you watched as a child. I'm just going to go right out and say it, I'm in my early 40's. A few of the cartoons I watched; Alvin and the Chipmunks, Heathcliff, Inspector Gadget, He-man, M. A. S. K. The cartoons I watched when I was a twerp really weren't complex. This cartoon fits right in with the competition. Trekkies can watch this with their children and introduce Star Trek to their kiddos using a child friendly approach. Star Trek has long presented mature themes and adults have always been the real stars of the show. This show represents a change of pace for the brand. Even if this is a knock off Star Wars Clone Wars, if kids enjoy it that's really all that matters.

Star Date 10 January 2023 Yeah, kinda cheesy but hey.

So, I'm back to update my review. Just finished the final episode of season 1. Still love the show. I have to commend the creators here as the dialog is smart, the pacing can sometimes be a little slow, but the plot never deviates. The old kids shows were so formulaic, each episode being really a stand alone story. I enjoy the arcs the series took throughout the first season. Most every episode flows in to the next. I'm starting to see more kids shows adopting a serialized format, where each episode lays a foundation. I have 2 daughters who are really in to My Little Pony and the newer MLP:FIM series has elements and plot lines that can only be followed if watch the show regularly. Miss a few episodes and you end up missing key details in a plot arc. Hopefully the show will be renewed, the season 1 finale left open more to tell so I have my fingers crossed.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
An existential experience.
25 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Witty, fun, thought provoking. Who knew that deep philosophical material could fit in a sitcom. I just finished binge-watching The Good Place, the show ended on a high note for me. I loved the concept that getting everything you ever wanted or doing everything you ever wanted could become boring. You get in to heaven and after a period of time you're like what else is there to do. "Whenever you're ready." The fact that we, the audience, never see what lies beyond the gate. The characters don't know what to expect. Once you decide that you're ready to move on from The Good Place, you can walk through a gate into oblivion. I already miss the show, the characters, the existential questions. I would love to see the show continue because I fell in love with all the main cast, but better to end on high note rather than "milk it"
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Kind of thin plot
14 September 2021
Pull out the musical numbers and the movie becomes a short. I am curious, is "Brooklyn" Barbie a "token" character or is Mattel looking to expand the brand? Can we look forward to an all new show that follows "Brooklyn" Barbie? A product line is going to follow, that's a given. This appeared to be a way to premiere a whole new product line, hence the thin story. This was much better than the Lost Birthday movie though.
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Rat Race (2001)
Ehh... So so
3 September 2021
I saw this movie years ago, I remember enjoying it. Just recently rewatched it and much of it is cringeworthy. Maybe I'm just more grown up now. Twenty years will do that!
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3 given for the nostalgia
2 July 2021
Nothing at all like the 1st and 2nd movie. I was really hoping this movie would come close to being as good as 1 & 2. Very disappointed in this movie. Is there a time traveling phone booth anywhere? I'd like to go back and tell myself, "don't watch". I'm glad I didn't pay to see this in the theater.
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Charming (2018)
It's not refined cinema.
30 June 2021
But it's not trying to be refined. Those scoring the movie low are looking at this from the grown up perspective. Lenora isn't your typical damsel in distress, but she is an unlikely hero here. The movie turns classic Disneyfied fairytales on their head. Is it predictable? Yes, but only if you're a grown up. This movie is part of the shift in gender roles. It's a girl power movie. Lenora is an anti-princess and she's comfortable with being that way. You can be an anti-princess and maybe still have a fairytale life, but you're gonna have to work for it. Something tells me Lenora isn't the type to get married and "settle down". Don't submit to a submissive relationship! Fairytale lives don't just drop in to your hand. Disney classics Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty all show a fairytale ending without much effort on the part of the female. Work it Lenora!
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Luca (2021)
Not the greatest Pixar movie
18 June 2021
It's a sweet, family friendly story. It's fun, funny, and simple. The scenery is amazing and the music is great, this does set it apart from most other Pixar movies.
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Not your average kid's show.
21 May 2021
Ok, I'm WAY passed the target audience, I'm an 80's kid. I have kids of my own that are much closer to the target audience, seriously I do! I saw the 1st Jurassic Park in theaters. It took 15 months for it to be released on VHS, dvd's weren't a thing yet. The kids programming back in the day was nothing like this! I'm hooked, now if I can just get my kids to watch with me.

Just finished binge watching JW:CC again. I love the tie-ins to the theatrical releases. Seeing the scenes taking place, the series ties in very well with both JW movies.

Did anyone catch the J5 referrence? Yaz and Darius are pushing a vending machine in the original visitor's center. Kenji quips that he's useless until he carbo loads, lol. He deposits some quarters and then says, "c'mon J5". Could this be a small reference to the movie Short Circuit, the robot's name is J5? There are many lines and small references to other movies throughout the series.
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Is Thanos really gone?
13 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Characters killed in Avengers: Infinity War weren't brought back by the 2nd snap. Vision and Loki were killed. Thanos wasn't actually killed at the end of Endgame, he was snapped in to non existence. Using Pym particles and the Antman suit, one could go back, retrieve the Infinity Stones, and with another snap Thanos can be brought back. In theory, anyone with Pym particles and the Antman suit could travel throughout time, retrieve the stones, return to the present, wipe out all life in the entire universe, then go back in time to the point the stones were taken.
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Excitement and Energy
19 April 2021
The movie felt rushed at times. We've been binge-watching Barbie movies. The latest, Barbie and Chelsea The Lost Birthday lacked substance and didn't really bring anything new to the brand. This was an incredible movie, in the Barbie lineup. Very strong characters even in the beginning of the movie, I wasn't sure if the characters would change much. I was pleasantly surprised to see each character grow as a person. Loved it! Now how do I watch this in 3D?
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Fun, cute, predictable
16 April 2021
This is most definitely for the little little ones. It was nice, but not up to par with other Barbie movies. Previous movies and even the shows have had more depth, this is also not a musical. No inspiring messages either, but it was wholesome and safe. If you're already a Barbie fan and/or you're older, you'll see where the movie is going within 15 - 20 minutes. Hopefully the next Barbie movie will have a little more depth. The next movie is slated for some time later this year.
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Very dark comedy
24 March 2021
Tropic Thunder, Very Bad Things, maybe The Cable Guy. This was raunchy, vulgar, and graphic; but I expected that. The movie does a great job skewering Hollywood actors. I was surprised to see Emma Watson, I have a feeling she really enjoyed her part. All the actors that played themselves looked like they had fun with their part. Kevin Hart is a great example, he essentially "roasts" himself. I think the premise for the movie was, "what would the viewing public like to see happen to us?" Let's say you hated James Franco's take on himself here, you might wish for his character to meet a grisly end, wish granted. Franco and Hill both have a couple serious roles under their belt, i.e. Moneyball. I'm not aware of any dramatic movies with Seth, Jay, or Craig. This movie isn't for everyone but I enjoyed it for what it was. An over the top dark comedy. All of the actors here are very aware of how everyone else back on Earth perceives them.
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not a review, but...
26 February 2021
When is season 3 dropping on Netflix? Oh, loving the direction, in one of the earlier episodes, a swear word is heard. Very intense, not lighthearted. We see the severed head of a beloved Autobot, not something I recall seeing in any animated version of Transformers. "Transformers cartoon, for grown-ups!"
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Once Upon a Time (2011–2018)
Save a community garden?!
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Look, I get the importance of places like community gardens. Using a community garden as the plot vehicle of an episode is fine, I suppose. But using it as a plot vehicle for a series? I kind of like the other changes and other stories, though I liked young Henry more. The community garden plot just brought everything down. The stories would move along, then bam, the community garden thing shows up. Press fast forward through that weak arc. Ended the show on a down note. If you've not watched season 7, do yourself a favor, don't watch. Producers ended the 6th season with a cliff hanger; when season 7 started the show fell off the cliff.
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WandaVision (2021)
Not cliché
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first 2 episodes sparked an interest for me. It starts off a little slow but there are hints of twists to come. We know Wanda and Vision from MCU and if you're a fan, you know there's something going on behind the scenes. The 50's backdrop/setting gives me a Wizard of Oz vibe, it's a curtain hiding something, but what is it hiding? We know this show is going somewhere. I have a feeling it's going to be like a rollercoaster ride. Right now we're still being pulled to the top, we've done these rides before so we know we're in for a treat. There will be common elements throughout, if you're a fan you'll see those elements. The helicopter and mysterious voice on the radio, the very fact that Wanda and Vision have no clear recognition of who they actually are. They kind of know their powers and that they're different, but they have a past they can't recall. They're trapped in some sort of Matrix that is on the fritz and they're being watched. And there's a rescue operation going on. Think Jim Carrey's The Truman Show, with a scifi/superhero element thrown in.

Episode 3 starts revealing a plot, the 2 are definitely "trapped" in a sort of fabricated reality. It's definite that someone is up to no good.

Episode 4: This episode reveals where the series fits in the MCU. Each Avenger is damaged in way, some have had to wrestle with loss, some of them have sketchy pasts, and some are incredibly afraid that their past is going to catch up to them. Some are so afraid of losing a loved one, that they'll go to extraordinary lengths to make sure that doesn't happen. Backstories are important, it provides insight on the character. We know Black Widow has sketchy past, the upcoming movie is going to shed light on how Black Widow got to where she is. Vision is unique, the one Avenger without a past, so no backstory. But Wanda, much like Black Widow, has a complicated history. Wanda wasn't always an Avenger, pre-Avenger Wanda was an enemy agent for Russia. Wanda's history explains the 50's/60's sitcom feel. Others in Westview are somewhat aware of what's going. Vision appears to be the only character unaware of who their captor is. Wanda knows way more than she's saying. Read up on Wanda's complicated past, pre-Avengers. I'm seeing some parallels in WandaVision and Once Upon A Time. And if you aren't familiar with the movie, The Experts starring John Travolta, watch it. The 50's/60's sitcom style is based off actual shows from 50's/60's. The captor has a twisted idea of American suburban life, based solely on the television programming of years past. The end of episode 4 really sheds light on what's going on. A review of the earlier Avengers movies that Wanda is in, or a quick Google search of Wanda, will answer why and how.

I'm hooked and I'll likely add my thoughts on episodes 5 & 6 once I've seen them.

Just finished watching episode 5. Wanda is powerful, but she has a limit. Vision is a product of one of the infinity stones and if you recall Dr. Strange, that was a reality/mind bending movie. The MCU movies have a variety of tones; some action and explosions, some have a fair amount of comedy, some tend to be a little political. You really have to appreciate the MCU to understand and accept the variety of tones. WandaVision, I think, is a mixture of tones. Is it comedy, scifi, adventure, action, romance? I don't think it the fits perfectly in to any one or even 2 categories, I think that's what makes it a hard watch for some viewers. Remember, Thor: Ragnarok. It had splashes of comedy. Even Avengers: Endgame had a splash of comedy. Thor with a beer belly? Dr. Banner embracing his Hulk persona and enjoying taking selfies, c'mon Hulk taking selfish is kinda out there. Mark Ruffalo, Chris Pratt, and Paul Rudd really are the ones who give us the most laughs. The MCU doesn't take itself seriously. There are uber obsessed MCU fans, that seem to every little detail. Relax, enjoy, have patience and you're sure to find that WandaVision has appeal.

Oh, I think Wanda is using the power of one of the infinity stones. There are more MCU shows in the works, I think the infinity stones will be an integral part of these shows.
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5 December 2020
Bart the Bear, an incredible disciplined actor. That's right, credited just as any other actor would be. Wonder if ever he got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? Has an animal ever received an award for their acting?
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More comedy than scifi
4 December 2020
The first one is much much better. This is almost a farce. The plot is wafer thin and a lot of the dialog was cringe worthy. I've not seen all the MCU movies, but they're on Disney+ and I've been watching them in chronological order. I stopped this movie around halfway through just to write this review. The only thing I can think is someone made bet, how bad can we make this movie and still rake in a profit? I'm glad I didn't see it in the theater. The visuals are the best part, if you don't care about the plot and the dialog, the visuals probably looked incredible on the big screen. My rating of six is based on the visuals. I'd give this movie maybe a 4 for the plot and dialog. I'm going to try to finish this movie, since I figure something in here is going to carry over to a subsequent MCU movie. Think of the MCU as a book, this movie is one of the many chapters and to follow the book one has to read all the chapters or you miss something in the storyline.
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Converted Barbie fan
1 December 2020
Love the direction Mattel Productions has taken. Just waiting for new episodes. Can't find anything about another season of Barbie. When will Go Team Roberts come back for season 3?
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