
11 Reviews
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Just not good
21 February 2021
This is the type of film you can watch while looking at your phone the entire time and not miss a thing.
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13 February 2021
I dont know what to say... This film is something I haven't experienced in a while. Extremely powerful. Extremely real. Extremely relevant. Here we are, near 50 years later, and you could pass this story off as a recent event. This is a must watch by anyone and everyone. Educate yourselves, feel, and understand.
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Christmas Wedding Planner (2017 TV Movie)
Plz no more
13 August 2020
It's August. I watched this last December and I'm still mad about it. A lot of cheesy christmas movies are bad but this one is on a whole other level. Inter-demensionally awful. The acting, the script, the sets, just the whole vibe of this movie sucks. I usually enjoy films that are "so bad they're good" but this one is a rare kind of bad. It just makes you angry.
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23 April 2020
Could barely make it past the first episode. Horribly cringey and utterly pointless. The experiments are meaningless and so ridiculous. I was actually mad watching this.
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James May: Our Man in... (2020–2024)
Fantastic Fun
27 March 2020
Such a great show. Made me extremely happy and let me escape to Japan alongside James during this troubling time. This is the show Karl Pilkington was wishing he would host. Really hoping they do another series! Ten out of ten. Also Yujiro is awesome.
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The Lion King (2019)
A pointless, emotionless, rushed mimic.
11 August 2019
This was pointless. Utterly pointless. Lines were rushed and without feeling, the faces of the lions were the same whether they were feeling joy or fear, and it was a shot for shot copy. This was trash but Disney doesnt care because we're the idiots that keep going to see it. We see a mediocre mimic and they see a billion bucks. Ugh. In the the next copy.
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So bad its awesome
25 August 2015
Yes folks, this is one of those movies! Its soooooo bad, but so good. This movie just stinks. It may actually be worse than The Room. The only way this can be viewed is with friends. There is no way you can watch it on your own (please don't try, you'll thank me). The acting is bad, the production is bad, the 4th wall breaks are bad, and the jokes are bad. But all that just adds to its hilarity. I watched it with some buddies and we didn't stop laughing and quoting it for ages. Highly recommended. Surprisingly there are also lost of cameos from some solid actors/directors which makes this movie all the more baffling. 10/10 would watch again... With friends...
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Gone Girl (2014)
Um, what?
9 October 2014
8.6, people? Really? This has to be some kind of joke. Reading all the other reviews its clear that people are rating Fincher and not the film. This film was a solid 4, 5 at best. It is absolutely riddled with plot holes that make it so unrealistic that its infuriating. Yet it seemed to blow over 90% of your heads. Hmm. Let me say though that it is directed very well and has great music to make it intense, but thats it. I thought the performances were good, but Rosamund Pike was just so monotone and boring. Reminded me of Julianne Moore's performance in that god awful film about nothing... Safe. Creepy, yes, but very boring and uninteresting. I thought the sister did very well though so good for her. Honestly though, every performance should be good in every film. Thats why those actors make it to Hollywood in the first place. Right? I feel like people are rating this so high because of its shock factor. "Oh I didn't expect that to happen, 10/10!!!!!!" Like, what!?!? Lets make every plot less predictable and every new film will make it in the IMDb top 250! Hurray! Ugh. I truly cannot comprehend how this is so high. Its blowing my mind. Its higher than bloody Lawrence of Arabia! (at time of writing) Which is the best film evaaaa. How? Who? Ill tell ya who. Fincher! If people would stop touching themselves over the thought of Fincher and his past work than this film would be in the 7 region where it really should be. If you want to see this movie go for it, but don't be blind. Open your eyes please.
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8 August 2014
I thought this movie was great. There has been so much negativity around it for the past while; with people complaining about Bay or noses or cgi or whatever. It all worked out! When people see this movie try not to forget you're watching Ninja Turtles!!! Not Citizen Kane. And go in with an open mind, don't already hate it because Bay is involved. Now about the film, the turtles look great! Best ever in my opinion, and their fight scenes are also the best ever. More flipping and weapons and stealth than ever before. They even have the turtle van!!I thought Knoxville as Leo was kinda weird when I first saw the cast but I barely noticed and got over it quickly. Megan Fox was fine too. I didn't go to the theater to see April O'Neil so I don't really care who plays her. It just gave whiny fan boys something the complain about. I actually wish the film was longer, seemed too short. But during that hour and a half I had a grin on my face the whole time. I don't really understand the view of critics because they will bash this and say turtles that are ninjas is stupid, but at the same time praise Guardians OTG on how brilliant a raccoon is?... They are irrelevant though. See this movie! Even the biggest Turtle fans will not be disappointed, unless you're stupid. Bay actually came through in the end. Overall I would give the film a 7, but for the turtles I would give a 10, so we'll call it 9. Bossanova!
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Good but...
6 November 2013
As a huge fan of We Can Be Heroes, SHH, and Angry Boys, I basically knew this was going to be a great show. However I think this one has missed the mark. Don't get me wrong, Lilley does another fantastic job (as always) with Ja'mie. It just feels so repetitive. I went through the first 2 episodes without even laughing really, maybe cracking the odd smile. With the show focused just on Ja'mie it allows us more time to explore her life as opposed to her getting only a third of the screen time. In Lilley's past shows it seemed very fresh to keep changing scenarios with his many other characters waiting in the wings, but now that its all Ja'mie it just seems so blahhh. Very girly humour, very familiar situations, and same old Ja'mie. I would still rate it an 7 or 8/10, but its far inferior to Lilley's other works. But what do I know, Im Canadian.
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The life of Jay lived out to its fullest leaves the viewer feeling inspired and wanting to jump right into the surfing world
1 November 2012
As a passionate surfer I always look forward to surf films as they are few and far between.The past few takes on surfing by Hollywood have been hit and miss and I think Chasing Mavericks was right on target. The story of Jay is such an inspiring one and it is done quite well as far as surf films go. Similar to the story of Stacy Peralta in Lords of Dogtown, he is an outcast who wants to turn a blind eye to the dark side of those teenage years that many are captured by. Bullies, drugs, violence all play their part in the film, but what is touching is the father son relationship that is developed with Frosty and Jay. Overall it is a great film with lots of heart and few unexpected twists and as in many surf films its fun for us surfers to pick out the cameos of pro surfers and Chasing Mavericks did not disappoint. Peter Mel, Greg Long and tonnes more mentioned in the closing credits. I think this film got surfing right with the escapist attitude and how surfing is more of a love affair with the ocean as opposed to a simple sport. It will leave you inspired and wanting to jump right into the water to Live Like Jay.

P.S. Only bad thing is no mention of Jeff Clark. A little bummed at first but I got over it :)
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