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Yanks and High Speed Trains on film and tv...
1 November 2022
The Eurostar in the film is NOT a Eurostar.

NOT Siemens Valero ICE3 class e320/BR374.

Not even the previous Alstom e300/BR373 - retired years ago from the LSP to PGdN route.

Wrong manufacturer and model series.

Wrong seats, seat spacing wrong, interior wrong... First class has a 2:1 seating configuration with a totally different decor.

High Speed Trains operate with OHLE - Overhead power supply.

The Catenary is missing - even when entering the CGI - has the CGI staff viewed an Actual photo??

The Eurostar is going - at a very slow speed (diesel traction) and on a SINGLE track with trees and shrubbery too near the LGV (railway tracks) with train on a curve radius too small for ICE/HST trainsets.

When the brakes are applied... they use regenerative braking. Using Friction breaking would require five km to Stop!

Tunnel interior has ballast under the sleepers. Channel Tunnel has SLAB TRACK.

I could continue but I would digress about how EVERY hollywood production/owned/financed etc seem to think HST's operate on single track routes without over head line equipment!
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Good story with historic flaws
4 January 2022
A well told story, scripts, similar in genre to others who assisted Humans from a certain death. Well paced, interesting, and very good acting.

I would give much higher stars if it had not had a major plot oversight. It is the same error in every Hollywood or otherwise production. In the 1930s, Germany had AntiSmoking legislation. This legislation was very Strict. The only people in Germany who smoked from the 1930 until after 1945 were Foreigners. Showing nazi military staff, especially officers smoking in Uniform did not happen. No one smoked in public, in shops, when working, when on duty. Nazi officers were always in Uniform because they were always on duty.

Smoking only returned to Germany after 1945. UK and US created the huge market or their tobacco products. Post War Germans took up smoking in as a very high proportion of the population because to be a smoker was to portray one's self as... I was not a nazi, see... I smoked, the nazis did not smoke.

To this day, many decades, generations later, Germans still smoke far more than most other parts of EU and developed world. The stigmas of a previous eta still linger many generations later as exemplified by the percentage of smokers and the failure to fully eradicate smoking in places where people work.

Antismoking legislation in UK and PSAs have reduced smoking from 80% a century ago to 8% today.
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Superman & Lois: O Mother, Where Art Thou? (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Britain ... villagers with guns
16 June 2021
I had to actually Laugh out Loud when I watched the mods of angry villagers of Britain with GUNS! Yes Guns - shooting at him.

1. Guns before they were banned were rare and those who had guns had to meet rather strict criteria such as how to use training courses and all firearms kept in secure, Locked cabinets.

2. The US Gun, shot them up, bang bang, is not part of the UK or anywhere in the EU psychie. Going for the gun is the last thing a person in Europe would do.

3. If a non-terran were to land on Earth, the being would be far better off landing in Europe than anywhere else on Earth. There is not the us/them, kill anything that is not of us mentality. The shoot them up at the OK Corral is very USA not UK or EU. Mobs of Angry villagers are very Hollywood - straight from the mono/b&w screen of the villagers with pitchforks after Frankenstein's creation. Lol

4. British accents are extremely varied. If he had landed and was held in the area with the accents of the 'mob of angry villagers' and held in a military facility, etc - he would definitely not speak RP - received pronunciation aka Estuary English.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
Funny, different, Ascension based on near future...
20 January 2020
Ascension was an Earth based ship picking up with the ship decades into voyage. Avenue 5 is an Earth Based Ship, from the 'day one' of where the years/decades begin of the life in a capsule in a building underground on Earth.
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Treadstone: The Cicada Protocol (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Ahh makes sense
2 November 2019
Watching this had made the Bourne Films Make Sense. 10 stars for the Very Hot Sexy ladz! Nil points for implying the journalist was working as a London Black Cab driver because she was down on luck and so HAD to drive a cab to pay her bills etc. A London Black Cab driver makes many many more times the typical salary of a journalist. To be a LBC driver, she would have spent an Average of 3.5 Years learning "the Knowledge" to be licensed. Cab driving is Not like USA where it is viewed as the bottom of the barrel of jobs anyone could do for work. Low points for car chase scenes simply because they put tourist identifiable venues virtually adjacent to each other in London and Paris. Some are km apart, no if turn left or right at next intersection.
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Drunk History: Halloween (2018)
Season 5, Episode 13
This Episode was the First and Last I will ever watch of Drunk History
11 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you are going to make a program about History whilst pretending to be Drunk... When you are actually sober, try checking the history before perpetuating propaganda. The Puritans are stated to have practiced a pure version of the bible. Historical FACT: The KJV bible that is used was first published in 1604 by King James I (England), IV (Scotland)... this 'new' book was forced upon all to be the tenets of faith. Puritans did Not like nor want to use the NEW book. They wanted to continue practicing xtainity as they had been doing for the previous centuries... not the way this new state issued and mandated book. They were so devout in their wanting to follow the 'old ways' they asked to leave England. They were ushered on their way, first to the Netherlands and then to the Western Hemisphere. The first batch died. BTW, the 1604 Plymouth Rock was NOT the first English Colony on the Western Hemisphere... the first was in 1585 at Roanoke in what is North Carolina today. The second batch of puritans survived and continued to live and practice the 'old ways' steadfastly refusing to follow the New book. They also refused to follow the Laws of Jurisprudence. The Salem witch trials ended because Logic, Reason, and Jurisprudence were shown to be more effective than bodily fluids, dunking, and all sorts of old ways. The opinion and views of guilt or innocence was no longer just the domain of the biggest thug leader of the group. This perpetual rehash of propaganda of a pure version of the bible... needs to buried along with all other aspects of man made institutionalised superstition.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Brother (2019)
Season 2, Episode 1
ST reboot forgot Metric!
18 January 2019
2000 FEET to go...

Star Trek post TOS has always used the metric system. It is the correct and easiest to use in Science. When the Metric is mixed with Imperial... billion dollar Mars probes blow up! The USA and Liberia are the only countries still using a system of weights and measures the Rest of the World ceased using over a half century ago. Why is ST attempting to revive a system as dead as Cubits and shekels etc etc etc

I hope the rest of the episodes in this series do not go where Scientist's would have ceased going 100s of years before STD!
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Ancient Aliens: Secrets of the Pyramids (2012)
Season 5, Episode 1
Seriously need to update the mythology to real Science
24 December 2018
The GIS of the pyramids and the (at the time) known internal structures are good graphics. BUT this perpetualisation of the myth the Pyramids in Giza were tombs is non-sense. It is Now a scientifically accepted fact, the Giza Pyramids were electricity production power housing units.

There have never been any bodies/mummy's in the electricity plants. Additionally the LARGE stones making of the Giza Pyramids (with the exception of the reactors - the kings and queen's chambers) were made with a concrete, poured in situ and were not cut and dragged long distances. The mortar mix was made ground/pounded into the small detritus to make the granite concrete with papyrus layer between each so each block kept it's block shape. It is why with settling, they fit together with perfect accuracy. Let there be light, there was light and a multitude of electrical equipment that did not need to carry the fuel source... it was in the air, transmitted around the globe.

Seeing people chiselling rocks is nonsense when it was crushed into detritus and mixed with water etc to make the perfectly shaped piezoelectric electricity production pyramids.

Your programme looses credibility when it ignores the obvious Scientific FACTS.
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Outlander: Do No Harm (2018)
Season 4, Episode 2
Riverrun House....
24 December 2018
Even with every river and stream in the America's having a dam and flood controls, there are still Floods. During the 1760s to have a house built on such Flat Flood Plain so near the river... the house would be flooded many times per year and would not actually be able to remain standing. Houses near rivers would have been built on pile driven posts to elevate the house at least 20 feet (6 to 7 metres) above the high water mark. That house would could not have lasted a single torrential rain flood. Do the set makers not have a basic understanding of geography, geology, and architecture??
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Outlander: Wilmington (2018)
Season 4, Episode 8
Historical social nudging that never was... Stop saying Taxes!!! It was Never about taxes.
24 December 2018
Taxes taxes taxes... I have heard this mentioned since their arrival in the colonies. The War of Independence was NOT about taxes. The War was fought as a work-around to circumvent the Treaty of 1761 and the Royal Proclamation of 1763. These were to prevent the colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Watershed the European powers had to prevent the westward hoe as per agreements/treaties with the First Nations Peoples. Everyone wanted western expansion as a manifest destiny, so the ONLY way to get colonists to the west without being stopped by the European Powerhouses was to have a faux war... have it last 6 to 7 years - to socially nudge the mindset of the colonists, then to all of a sudden have the British Military loose. Voila = a New Country is created and it is neither tied nor bound by the treaties and agreements made by others. This new country was the solution to the 'Indian Problem' as it was viewed. The country was created and the colonists... well went all the way to the Pacific Ocean slaughtering the First Nations Peoples with each advancement westward. To present the story as needing taxes to be raised/paid to build grand homes, is FALSE. They had slave labour and Indentured Servants, so the cost of buildings were just man-hours which the land owners already possessed. Over 80% of Europeans arrived as Indentured Servants and 100% of Africans were sold to the slave traders. Slave / Indentured Servant... treated the same with the exception the IS's would be released at age 21 or 25 (if they had not married nor any pregnancies - if so tied to the landowner for life) and would be granted 40 acres and a mules for their years of servitude typically from the age of 8 or 9. If you were 10 or 11, you were sold into IS as a 8 or 9yo. Stop glazing over the real historical facts and stop perpetrating the myth of taxation as the cause of the faux war of 1776.

*The Proclamation of 1763 angered the British colonists because it prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountain range. Furthermore, those who had already settled in the region were required to relocate to the eastern side of the Appalachians.
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Outlander: Do No Harm (2018)
Season 4, Episode 2
Extremely Poor Historical Accuracy
12 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
During the entire slave trade era from slaves shipped to the Middle East and then to the Western Hemisphere... No European (nor Arab) slave buyer ever set foot on soil of Africa. All slaves were captives in tribal war-fare and were sold to ships when they arrived at designated areas where slaves were often kept for days to months awaiting a ship to arrive. Stop the myth of European and Arab slave traders going ashore and 'capturing' the indigenous peoples. If the 'captives' from tribal war-fare had not been sold into slavery - they would have been executed as casualties of war. Claire being insistent on freedom against the established laws... IF she had been canny, she would have given the slaves on the estate freedom on the estate and paid them for their labour and then charged them for their housing and food. This is what occurred in 1865, with the same people doing the same work being paid and paying back in a zero net sum gain way of life.
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Welcome to Sweden (2014–2015)
lacks gravitas
24 May 2014
I watched all 10 episodes: I did not find the character Bruce to be a character that was 'likable'. He was missing personality. His character is a slimmed down version of his father, Patrick Duffy's portrayal of typical Americana. Aubrey Plaza? WHO?? Never heard of her and she was not funny. I read about her and it states she does deadpan humour. Her humour was DEAD and non-existent. I see it has been picked up for a second series, I hope the writers can actually make Bruce and Emma - likable characters because at the moment everyone I know who has watched all the episodes simply think - bruce to back to USA and stay there as the rest of world has a more evolved mentality towards life.
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p i s s poor content, quality, quantity, and narration
27 April 2014
I looked forward to watching the updated version of carl sagan's original version. In the interim decades, I have watched many BBC productions on the same subjects. This is a poor production, aimed directly at the bible belt mentality of limited intelligence Americans! The BBC versions are Scientific, Science based, Secular, and in no way are trying to be a 'counter argument' to the religious fundamentalist rightwingnuts of the USA. The USA can keep their rightwingnuts - the rest the world will continue the advancement of Humanity! It is really a sad state of affairs when a programme that should be aimed at the general public - does nothing but pander to counter the religious zealots who should just crawl back under the rock where they live. Also the geezer hosting this is NO 'David Tennant' when it comes to narration. For future advice, when producing such tripe - keep it in the Fantasy Land of Americana Hollywood!
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USA television and films and Trains
6 February 2014
Every Hollywood film or television programme that spends money on the CGI to make trains as in this and the first incarnation of the hunger games fail to comprehend and realise that NO ONE operates trains 'bi-directionally' on a single line. Would a freeway be built with 1 lane with traffic going both ways? NO

Trains have an UP and DOWN line and if high capacity area's - have 4, 6, 8... 20 etc sets of train tracks. Each with a Dedicated Path.

Any one who runs trains bi-directionally would be a high speed crash waiting to happen.

In short, it is only logical, but something that with CGI trains on CGI tracks would be not that difficult to show the UP and DOWN tracks.

Yes the CGI was scenic for CGI but it is not reality and I continue to see every single Hollywood television programme or film with trains on a 'single line of track'.
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19 May 2013
Centuries in Future and they still open with non-important 'red shirts' driving Automobiles!

Automobile's/Car's aka personal/individual transport is nothing more than a FAD. when the OIL runs out so will the fascination with Cars. Over 90% of the Human Population do not need, want, nor require a automobile/car - just to get from A to B. A short WALK (yes I know something totally ALIEN to Yank's) and a train/tube/metro and a short walk and at place of employment or shopping or entertainment... clogging a world with everyone having a personal / individual transport is about as far fetched at putting cars in the sky that can fly, yes they can be made but with "how many killed in USA alone from 2D driving - just imagine the morons having to deal with elevation..."

Add to it, start of film was POOR I cant use word quality as it was dire. Using a child near death... The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few - and this film simply demonstrated how Humans are so Self Centred and up their own to where they own tonsils!
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The British (2012–2014)
What a load of TRIPE!!!
29 December 2012
I am only half way through watching the first episode of the Hollywood/Disney-fied version of British History and find it appalling and disgusting. Have they had a 'Single' Historian on the programme? NO! Have they had loads of actors and actresses who are 'known' in USA on - YES. Do these people KNOW anything of British History HFNO!

Not a single person on the programme has read Tacitus or reviewed the historical archaeological evidence? NO

Showing WHITE 'North' European looking Romans invading Britain in 56AD... The romans and all people's of the Med. Sea region of that era were black as the ace of spades! IF they had read Tacitus and the records of the Roman Empire, they would know the reason for the invasion was the 'Angelic' look of the peoples, strong - sturdy - white or red hair, with Pale complexions, that fetched the highest price on in the Roman Slave Auctions!! The invasion was about MONEY! Not about land, Southern France and Egypt were the bread baskets... the 'midge' infested North! Why do people of Italy have blue eye's today, the slaves that were paid in tribute 'post-Budica'! I could tell it was tripe when they said it was 10,000 Romans who invaded Britain, it was 5 legions of 25,000 (per legion) just to 'impose' their military might and take slaves from the southern half of Britain. This programme is total fantasy and it should either never have been made or the producers should have consulted REAL HISTORIANS. I shall NOT be watching the rest of this Tripe as it can only get worse and there is far too much of 'bash the British' attitude in a few nations of the world.
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Musical Instrument - Clarinet???
2 December 2012
When doctor Big Nose from ER tried to make out he was 'educated' with X bachelors, masters, PhD 's etc... the key point of the entire typical Hollywood fabrication, was Noah saying that he was thankful for his CLARINET LESSONS! - BUT then he plays the "make shift' instrument with the Right HAND at the top!!

ALL MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS have the LEFT hand at top when using both hands. they could have simply reversed the image of the film during that scene... but anyone who has even had BASIC Music Lesson's would know he has never touched a real Musical Instrument in his life!!!

No real musically trained person would EVER make such a gross Mistake!
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
major plot holes
7 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
predictable! firstly, anyone at the end of the 21st century still using MILES... is just pandering to a Yank audience who would not understand distance anyway when expressed in 'scienfic' termology. ANYONE who goes on such a mission and does not believe and KNOW it is a one way mission - is living in a Disney fantasy world. Calling it not a pre - alien film... get real, I might have been slightly amused if this was made in 1976 but to make it in 2012... very disappointing. Seems the studio's think because it has a half cooked plot that any kindergartener could follow and 3D (actually 4D) is going to get people to watch and think OH AH LA LA like with Logan's Run or Star War's, is sadly mistaken.
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Stonehenge Apocalypse (2010 TV Movie)
interesting but oversights
25 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
an interesting story, good on some details, totally off on others. in the rest of the world it is spelt AuthoriSed on signs Also the road block signage was American, not UK the steering wheel is actually on the otherside of the cars, vans, jeeps, in the UK as is driving on the left side of the road. T.Higginson English accent, could do with some work, A.Tapping is a bit more authentic but still to Americanised. If a 100 mile radius is to be cleared around stonehenge for it to be nuked, that would include all of London and it would not be possible to evacuate 30+ million people in a 100 mile radius in a few hours. Why fly to the USA to get the artifact to fly back to the UK when someone in the USA could simply put it on a supersonic military craft and have it in the UK in just a few hours.
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