
26 Reviews
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Not for me
25 February 2023
Look, the movie actually started off alright. I thought it began entertaining, especially with seventies and eighties references to movies and music. It had potential until it started making reference to race. I went into this hoping for a quaint comedy and what I got made me shut it off at 30 minutes. The crazy white families line turned me off. I'll admit it. This movie had potential but it failed in racial identity politics. So I'll pass but give marks for casting and direction. I'm sure the rest of the movie may have been alright but I was unwilling to endure it because I just can't sit and watch a movie that goes out of it's way to insult ANY race. So sorry, for the first five it was ok, after that I have better things to watch. This script sucked, No fault in the actors.
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The Menu (2022)
Ah, my review
4 January 2023
I never really review. With this I'll be short. This makes me miss true film. Ina torrent of trash we are placed a dime. Worth a watch for the intellectual. When I say intellectual I mean, those who watch film. Not movies but film. I have been watching both film and movies for decades and I love them both for what they are. However, when a film comes I recognize it for what it is. This film is cerebral has so much call back to other films but also stays with the social current it's impressive. Is it great? Nope. Is it damn good, absolutely. If you truly watch film then watch. It's a Kaizer without doubt.
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Tulsa King (2022– )
I never make reviews but...
13 November 2022
I didn't know anything about this. I found out by accident. Look, I am a Stallone fan. Have been since Rocky, Rambo, Cobra. Even M. A. S. H. (1970...yeah I'm dated now). Stallone, in my eyes, deserves the upmost respect for his craft. When I was a kid he was a talking point for humor from my peers. Fast forward to today, this man has weathered the hollywierd storm. He has outlasted his peers and become something so much more. Ahnold? Willis? This man is a gem. Imagine, 75 and going strong. Great actor, good eye for a dying business and very, very good start to his first adventure into streaming tv. I take me hat off for you sir.
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Nope (2022)
Wasted Potential
28 August 2022
First off, Daniel Kaluuya was amazing and I look forward to his career. That aside, this movie was just a wasted opportunity and lazy. This film had so much potential but poor writing destroyed it. The only reason I remained invested was Mr. Kaluuya's performance. I was so hopeful for this film but was utterly disappointed in the end. Great idea but very poorly executed. For the first time in my fifty years of watching films I feel robbed of time. This film had all the potential to be good. Nice direction, beautiful cin but somehow it got lost in a muddled mess of complete nonsense. Had it not been for mr. Kaluuya my rating would have been a 2. Hey, I loved Get Out but this not even close. This film is a mess top to bottom and that's too bad. I may try to watch a future Jordan Peele film but I'll do it sceptically. In closing, this movie is just not good but Mr. Kaluuya makes it easier to watch. O look forward to see more from him but Peele....not sure.
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The Bubble (2022)
10 April 2022
I am seeing a lot of negative reviews here and I do not understand why. The tongue and cheek in this movie is hilarious. Some jokes fall but a lot of them are on mark. This film properly lampoons how pathetic hollywood is. I assure you that I have probably seen a hell of a lot more films than 95% of IMDB critics and am way more eclectic in taste. Movies are movies and this one is funny. Is it great? Nope but it's worth the watch. Especially if you enjoy sarcasm.
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Free Guy (2021)
I just don't care
24 September 2021
I found this film to be funny, engaging and fun. This is a film that doesn't take itself serious in the least. It's the popcorn that's needed right now and Reynolds and company filled the bill. Yeah, I saw some other reviewers talk about "identity" politics being involved (not the case) or there was poor writing (again just not the case). This was a film that had a proper purpose. Almost a throw back to when film were just simply silly and fun. Not trying to prove anything any not difficult to follow. Just plain old simple fun and fun for the whole family to enjoy (and that does not happen anymore). I recommend this film without doubt. Quite nice.
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Cry Macho (2021)
17 September 2021
Absolutely sad. The story was pandering and the acting for an Eastwood film was completely sub par. I have been a hardened fan of Eastwood for decades. Starting with Rawhide and (reruns of course) and Revenge. One of my favorite films from him is either Any Which Way but Loose or Unforgiven. It's hard to really pin point to be honest when I think about it. He is an icon. What I do know however is that this movie is a travesty. In my eyes, this is not an Eastwood film because it lacks all of the important points that would make it so. In closing, He should not have acted in this film in the least. I gave this film a four because of music, style and tone but I refuse to go any further because it lacks in character, depth, acting and more importantly writing. It's just a tragedy that this will be his last film. Sad.
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The problem
21 August 2021
The problem today, in film, is that viewers expect a "marvel" movie or a "superhero" movie or a movie that is just a spectacle. They expect flash without design. A sight without actual story. People these days look to film for something to just "see" because their attention span is equated to a fly and that's just sad. I remember watching the original to this film and, even given it's flaws, appreciating the idea, the story. To be honest I was apprehensive about this remake but I am glad to say I watched it. This film was done the way films used to be done but have been seemingly forgotten...through art. Look, this film was done for actual film lovers. Individuals who actually look at film as an art form. Individuals whos make base on the story, the characters and such. Not for how many "CGI" explosions there are "bad ass" moments. Film used to be about story and this is what it should be. Sean Connery would be proud. Great film for any true film lover.
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Val (I) (2021)
The story of human
8 August 2021
I watch this and I am reminded of the reality of being. I am reminded of how fragile we are regardless of stature and that our stories are much more similar than we would like to admit. This film is a testament to all of us because it resembles all of us. Sure, we're not all "hollywood" actors but I assure you, we've all done our fair share of "acting" in our lives and continue to do so. Thank you Mr. Kilmer for this. Thank you for sharing this.
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Just a follow up
30 March 2021
I had actually forgotten in my last review to state that I am pretty confident that three quarters of the reviewers crapping on this show have never READ a comic book in their life. I grew up with comics. I had the pleasure of reading Amazing Fantasy fifteen in my youth. You people have no idea on how a comic should be. Episode two, getting better. Advice to the tourist, just stick with "captain" marvel and the last of the's what's best for you.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Something I have been waiting for for a long, long time.
26 February 2021
I am an old school comedy fan. For myself, one of the funniest sitcom comedies was Night Court because of it's dark rhetoric. The blatant lunacy, dialogue, twisted story arch and characterizations. It represented a caricature of the human condition in my opinion. Then, after so many years when I thought truly dark, intelligent humor had become a thing of the past, I get this. Look, for myself I haven't laughed out loud during a show in such a long time. The acting is beautiful, the writing engaging, dark and humorous. This show is a breath of fresh air for a guy like me. It showed me that humour can still be.
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Geostorm (2017)
People just forget what movies are
18 February 2021
This film is Science Fiction. Let me repeat..SCIENC FICTION. I thought it was entertaining. However, I see other "critics" basing their opinions on the fact that this film was too fake, bad science. Seriously? Look, if you look for realism in film, stop watching film. If you look for realism in science fiction films then don't watch Alien (or it's sequels), Avatar, Terminator, Ghostbusters, fact, stop watching science fiction movies all together. Read biographies. My opinion, this movie was entertaining. Nothing more. A good time waist like any other science fiction film. People have to stop looking into syfy for some deep meaning or realism otherwise it makes no sense to even watch them. They're not called science fact films people. It's about imagination.
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Nut Shell.
17 February 2021
I am a huge fan of film. Have been since I was a child. I look at film from the perspective of what I think it should be, fun . This film is on the level of Evil Dead, Japanese anime and Troopers. It's fun and not to be be taken serious. I would love a sequel because it's fun. Hopefully it happens because this was indeed entertainment. Great? No. Entertainment? Absolutely. Good film.
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Palmer (2021)
Mr. Timberlake..
7 February 2021
Coming from a person who grew up absolutely despising "boy bands" and the like, Mr. Timberlake was often a butt of jokes in my circle. To be honest, I looked at him as a talentless fabrication in the 90's. I would have never imagined an entertainer that I looked at as so lacking prove me so wrong. I enjoyed this movie very much. The story was touching and the acting was very good but what brought it was Mr. Timberlake. I would have never have thought he could pull off a roll such as this. I give my rating because of his performance. Quite impressive to say the least. I almost equate this to Shia in "The Peanut Butter Falcon". Great job by all.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
What happened?
23 October 2020
My wife and I got so invested in this. Started off so good. It was original and fresh. Somewhere it lost its direction and that's just sad. So much hope for something new and fresh. The last episode was horrible, watch it and tell me different. My only regret now is that I recommended it. In closing, make another season, we're not watching as I am sure a lot won't and that's sad because this show had so much potential to be honest. To new viewers....the last ep, jump the shark.
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A travesty...
28 August 2020
I first watched the original when I was 14. It became a staple of quotes and mannerisms that have actually stayed for decades with me. I still quote some lines to this day to my children. This new induction, however, made me quite sad. Unlike it's predecessor, this film chose to virtue signal, pander and actually change the canon without care (look to the kids...they were not girls in the first sequel). The writing was lazy and just seemed to be done in a forceful way as though it initially was attempting to appease an audience that had waited decades for a sequel but finding out that they gave up (such as myself) and decided merely to pander to a more WOKE medium to garner attention. Alex would have done best in creating a sequel to Freaked and Keanu needs to stick to John and better horizons. This movie (and I'm talking from an original fan of both) sucks and you can print that.
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The Meg (2018)
People Expect Too Much
2 August 2020
This movie is what it was intended to be. A cheesy, fun shark movie. Nothing more. As for the critics who pass on it over the China "thing", shut up. You're being stupid. This a silly popcorn movie as what it was intended for and I recommend it if you're bored and looking for some fun silliness to pass some time.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
How is this not Trek?
12 March 2020
Look, I've looked at some of these reviews and obviously they know NOTHING about Trek. I have been watching Trek since I was five. I'm forty five now. I wasn never a "Trekkie" or the like but I appreciated the show, the concept and the stories. I have seen every single episode of the original Trek as well as TNG, Deep Space and Voy. I have watched every movie including the new incarnations and I can truly say, this IS Trek. People who crap on this obviously are tourists of Trek and nothing more. This is Trek and it proves it..
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Sorry to all but....
4 March 2020
To me this is Star Trek, heart and soul. I have been watching Trek since I was five years old. That is forty years now. I have watched all it's incarnations good and bad. No, I am not a "trekie" I am just a fan. A fan who has been around and a fan who takes it for what it is, a series of shows and nothing else. To me Picard is finally an ending to a chapter in this part of the original Next Gen. A story that has to be finished. The new cast is refreshing and the easter eggs are nice. Critics who proclaim this as boring, in my opinion, were never Trek fans to begin with because if they were they would understand the concept of this. I find this show a refreshing ending to the tale of Captain Jean Luc Picard because that's what it is.
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Guns Akimbo (2019)
I like this topic
1 March 2020
Samara Weaving IS Harley Quinn. She proved it in this film. You want a good Harley movie? She's your ticket.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Thank You Jon Favreau
16 November 2019
Thank you for making a show that combines my love for Star Wars and my love for Lone Wolf and Cub. It's absolutely brilliant in my opinion.
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Just Funny..
4 February 2014
I think it amusing, half of you that are on here to bash films were probably not born when Romero first hit "Night". All you know is "CGI" these days. Yet, during you incubation, REAL films occurred. You Twighlight, Hunger Games idiots (which comprise a lot of you these days have no idea of cinema and it's purpose. Your purpose is to complain and nothing more simply because in "real life" no one give a crap on your opinions. You people are pathetic. How hard is it to actually enjoy a film for what it is? Just a friggin film. People pick apart films too much theses day. It's like they expect it to mirror life on a real scale. What ever happened to just pure fantasy and escape? This is whar movies are intended to be. All I say to you nerds that have to pick apart a film simply because YOU disagree it! Stay at home at 45. Don't try to attempt a life because life don't want you. Better yet....shoot yourself and save everyone the trould of having to take care of you after your mom gets murdered by your dad...'cause I would probably do the samre if I had a kid like you.
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Due Date (2010)
Plains, trains and I wish I would have turned it off
23 February 2011
I was recommended this film initially, thus I viewed it. I must mention, after watching it.....I wish I would not have. Don't get me wrong, it had its somewhat funny parts but in it's entirety it was unfunny. I love a good romp and I also love toilet humor but this film was seriously not funny (aside from the few moments). Downey is a good actor and I can not for the life of me devise why he would do a film like this. He is letting himself down with something of this calibre. Now, Zack Galifacwhocares, well is he a good actor? I think he must have good friends because he can't really act. Think about it, every film he has done, even since bubble boy has been the same character.

This film is a regurgitated concept with a few new gags. I say watch Plains, Trains and Automobiles with Steve Martin and John Candy.
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Beautiful Visuals
13 January 2011
I will admit, I first hesitated in seeing this film as I am not a huge fan of animated children's films or perhaps more specifically, not a fan of the current animated children's market. I grew up with classical animation (Snow White, Fantasia and so on) and I have always found that to be more of an interest to me. However, I am always willing to give every film a chance.

My Review:

While first watching the film I was actually taken back by the superb graphics I was witnessing. The environment in its entirety was breath-taking but once I settled in and continued to watch I began to notice certain details of the film I found to be lacking. These problems actually stemmed from the story itself. It wasn't that the story was bad,generic perhaps but not bad. The problem with this film was the speed at which it took place. Yes, I realize this is a children's film but I still felt like it could have had more flesh to it in order to give the audience more character development. In films such as these the story is always pretty generic and the makers have to rely on the characters to stir and capture the viewers. With this film the pace seemed a little too fast and in this (for the amount of characters involved) there was little time to get a feel or feelings for really any one character. Aside from this however it wasn't an entirely bad experience. Zack Snyder is a very good director and had a good vision for the film. It was nice to see he has good diversity as a film maker.

Bottom Line: Great Visuals Good Voice Acting Nice Direction Story Line Was Too Quickly Paced

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Not bad, as sequels go.
13 January 2011
I admit, I was very much looking forward to this sequel as I was a fan of the first. I will admit that although I did enjoy this film, it did feel a bit lacking. Perhaps I was hoping for more of a documentary approach as its predecessor had. That aside however, the movie did deliver some laughs and enjoyment and it was nice to see the duo of Terry and Deaner back together again. It's also note worthy that a lot of the dialogue was improvised which adds to the genuine feel of the characters which in turn gives the film a more natural and fluid feel.

Another thing I found quite interesting was the footage of the Oil Sands where the two secured employment. Now, I am far from being an environmentalist but, even in the few shot, you could see how disgusting that area is. I realize that this place keeps a lot of Canadians employed but the environmental impact (just by seeing all the emissions from the area) has to be severely negative.

Bottom Line: This film is recommended to those of you with a silly sense of humour, viewers who are simply looking for some light hearted laughter.
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