
41 Reviews
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a childhood fantasy come to life
2 September 2024
I used to read Harold and the Purple Crayon to my kids at bedtime, and they loved it. This movie is very imaginative and follows right along from the books. What would happen if Harold grew up and drew himself into the real world? Surprising things! It was great. I especially loved the disaster at the Everything store. And drawing the airplane, and everything he drew turned out great. Moose and Porcupine threw me off at first, since they turned into humans, but they were excellently acted, especially Porcupine. And I loved every time Moose turned into his true shape.

An excellent movie for the family. I also noted that every time they rode on a bike, skateboard, or plane, they all wore helmets, excellent role models.
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A valiant effort but didn't hit the mark
2 August 2024
I checked this movie out since I enjoy Harry Anderson, and this is the last movie he made before his untimely death.

The science is poor, the acting is not great though they did their best, but I did like the music. The debate veered away from a debate and turned into a monologue, which is unfortunate.

I just want to point out, if anyone is interested, that evangelical Christianity, while many good people belong to that tradition, is not traditional Christianity. That label belongs to Catholicism, which is the church that Christ founded. The Catholic Church accepts evolution as a possibility for the diversity of life. No one, not even evolutionists, believes that evolution explains the creation of the universe. That's a separate question. And creationism does not demand that we disregard the fossil record and assume that the earth is six thousand years old.

So this is a sad effort to shore up beliefs that Christians in the apostolic tradition don't accept, but it was nice to see Harry Anderson, who I always enjoy.
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Exciting and full of action
3 January 2024
Really enjoyable movie that grows on you. I especially liked Joel's friendship with the dog. Only gap, is they didn't tie in the red dress, the dog just wanted to carry it. They should at least have given the dress to Aimee. Also enjoyed Mav1s, they should make a sequel and inanimate another Mav1s. Since it appears there are a whole line of them. Although with AI now, Mav1s seems old fashioned.

There are several unexpected plot twists that kept the action going. The monsters were well made. There is certainly plenty of material for a sequel, which I would like to see. They didn't even touch on what the scientists are doing, looking for solutions to the bugs.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Really not worth the time, despite great actors
9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this because I'm a fan of the principal actors, but it was frustrating. It's not that long, but I found myself fast forwarding through much of the last 2 sessions because I just wanted to see what happened. David Tennant is a brilliant actor, but watching him make really stupid decisions, totally out of character for a vicar, was painful. The ending is depressing. Next time I'll pay attention to the mediocre reviews and watch something else.

David, Stanley Tucci, and the girl who played the journalist are all amazing actors. I'll have to see what else the three of them are in and watch those.
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Good Omens (2019– )
Brilliant comedy
8 August 2023
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Brilliant comedic series. Pratchett and Gaiman make a great team, Michael Sheen and David Tennant are splendid in their roles. As a Catholic, I couldn't find anything to dislike about it. Until the ending of season 2, which was hijacked by the LGBTQ crowd, a shame. Sorry that Tennant, one of my favorite actors, went along with it. For Pete's sake, two men, or two women, can be friends without it devolving into a sexual relationship. C. S. Lewis has a lot to say about that. Gaiman should read him.

One of the the best parts, in my opinion, is the beginning of season 2 where Crowley is creating the universe; absolutely beautiful special effects.
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Manifest (2018–2023)
The ending makes up for the rest
23 June 2023
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I binge watched this over the last week or so, actually i skipped season 3 (because it's all just soap opera plots quickly resolved). But the ending turns out right, they actually got it together and made it the oldest plot in the world, a father sacrificing his son to save the world. It still works pretty well.

The last half of season 4 is pretty good, if you can overlook that it doesn't make perfect sense. But for a change, they didn't shy away from religion -- people are wearing crosses, praying when in danger, and talking about "the divine." Not to ruin anyone's suspense, but the ending was satisfying, if corny, but I don't mind that. The acting for the most part was good, I especially like Melissa and Josh Dallas, the two leads.
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Synchronic (2019)
Suspenseful time travel with some holes
17 May 2023
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I really enjoyed this. I found it to be suspenseful and fascinating, once the hero started using the pills to travel in time. The only problem I found with it was you have to read between the lines to figure out what's happening, lots of time skipped and assumptions made. Also unnecessary flashbacks during the climax, taking us back to time before the daughter disappeared.

Mackie is good, Ally is an appropriate youngster who can't quite make great decisions. They could have done a lot more with other times, but of course other times wouldn't necessarily put you in the middle of adventures.

Worth the watch.
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St. Paul (2000– )
Enjoyable epic of Paul's life
15 May 2023
I don't often watch Bible-based movies, since they are usually boring and add extra characters. But "Paul" was pretty good. The dialogue was almost all from Scripture. It brought to life events and people who with the passage of time and rereading the Bible, have become misty and myth-like. This movie brought the events of Paul's life into reality. It stopped before he reached Rome, but Acts doesn't have too much to say about that period either.

The acting was acceptable, though i was struck by how white the actors' teeth were. I suspect that folks two thousand years ago didn't have much in the way of dentists.
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Travelers (2016–2018)
The best scifi series on Netflix
26 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm watching this series on Netflix now for the third time. It's really that good, that it bears repeated viewing. The characters are people I'd like to know, the situations they find themselves in are compelling, and their reactions are human and believable. It should be followed by a movie like Firefly was, at least.

So my favorite character at this point is Marcy, played by an excellent actress who manages to portray an intelligent agent on a mission as well as a young lady who is developmentally delayed. . . But it turns out she isn't really, she was the subject of an experiment that went awry. That isn't revealed until later in the series, however. The show bears close watching to know what's really going on.
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The Cobbler (2014)
Better than usual for Mr. Sandler
19 February 2023
A very enjoyable movie, a fantasy with comedic elements and drama. I don't usually care much for Sandler since he's often pretty vulgar, but this was different. The unassuming cobbler took some risks and stepped up to the plate when the situation got dangerous. I wonder how many of us would be able to do the same.

I enjoyed seeing Ellen Barkin, Steve Buscemi, and Dustin Hoffman in this. It has good actors and they clearly had fun. The plot hangs together and makes sense. I think it deserves at least seven stars, I have no idea why it's so low, unless people assume that Adam Sandler movies aren't that good. But it's suitable for children, and it is worth watching more than once.
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well done movie about faith
6 February 2023
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I found this movie touching and suspenseful, even knowing the outcome. I kind of wish it had been done in chronological order, in that it showed the children praying, as well as the parents, teachers, and high schoolers, after the event had finished. It would have made more sense to show them praying during the hostage situation. But even so, it worked as they did it.

I was thinking of showing this to my 9 year old grandson, because it does show the power and effectiveness of prayer. But after seeing it, I decided it's too frightening for him; and he's not an over-sensitive kid. But the scene with the villain screaming at the boy was just too scary for a child.

However I found it well worth the watch. The acting is solid, the scenery enjoyable, and the story not to be missed.
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A thriller with heart
23 January 2023
I enjoyed this a lot, especially Gibson's role and Ray Winstone's portrayal of the ambiguous fixer. The ending is satisfying and a bit surprising. Someone said the ending was corny, which it may be, but I actually think it's true to life and what really happens at the end.

Plenty of guys you love to hate, and the flashbacks of the hero with his child were lovely. I really doubt a US Senator would be so sleazy, but what do I know?

Man, they sure want a lot of characters. Minimalism is my preferred style, so it's hard to think of things to say. I like Gibson, despite his personal problems, which are none of my business.
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A moving and thoughtful documentary
3 January 2023
A beautiful documentary, narrated by Jim Caviezel, exploring the origin, some of the miraculous elements of the image of our Lady of Guadalupe, and the effect it has had on the Americas and throughout the world.

I enjoyed the flashback scenes of Juan Diego's encounter with Our Lady and events of the past. The effect of his encounter on the indigenous people was astounding and a sign of God's great love for all people. The appearance of Our Lady did away with human sacrifice and replaced that with worship and adoration.

I also enjoyed the comments made by priests and historians in Spanish, which were subtitled, but since I understand Spanish it was good to have those to listen to.
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Beautiful and melancholy
9 December 2022
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As everyone has noted, this is a beautiful movie, especially in the marsh scenes and the wildlife. The heroine, Kya, is a gentle soul who has raised herself against all odds, alone after being abandoned. The kindness of the black couple and the lawyer are a couple of the few bright spots in Kya's life, enabling her to survive.


Some have described the ending as horrific, when it's revealed who the killer of Chase really was. It was subtly done and could have been missed, as the elderly Tate looks through Kya's diary and drawings. I did not find it horrific, but understandable -- Kya was really a child of nature, raised by herself to survive, seeing the efforts to survive in nature all around her. The predator who means danger must be destroyed if possible -- that's the lesson of nature. She was gentle and loving to those who loved her, but amoral in her drive to survive.

I believe there are better choices to be made. But if we abandon civilization (or are denied it, in her case) we have nothing left but nature, red in tooth and claw.
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The Lincoln Lawyer (2022– )
Better than the first movie
18 May 2022
I really enjoyed this, more than the movie with Mcconaughy because the hero is more charismatic. It follows the book pretty well, but I love to see plots fleshed out. I took me a while to get used to Haller's slight accent, but it works.

Looking forward to the next season.
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Gideon's Trumpet (1980 TV Movie)
slow moving but a crucial case
16 February 2022
This movie is slow moving but fascinating. The scenes with the Supreme Court held my attention, as their deliberations are something we seldom see. Henry Fonda is a pleasure to watch, in his portrayal of Clarence Gideon who petitioned the Supreme Court to allow indigent defendants to have a court-appointed attorney. It was a landmark case which is too little known. Mr. Fonda manages to make his role sympathetic while remaining a touch irascible, uncommunicative, and focused on his self-appointed task.

This is a movie which should be seen by more Americans.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
All the trapping of Catholicism, none of the power
9 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a Catholic convert, and here's my take on this.


In this series, vampirism is used as a symbol for addiction. The show is really about man battling against his addictions. Though God is mentioned a lot, here there is no battle between God and the devil, or good and evil.

I found the show highly offensive, because it uses the liturgy of the Catholic church, and Scripture from the Bible, as props for a vampire story. The cinematic techniques and the acting are excellent, which makes the series even more disturbing. It's like using a cathedral for a pigsty. It doesn't just use the liturgy, it uses the most holy liturgy that Catholics have, the Mass, and it's not just Scripture verses, but the most important ones that Jesus spoke, perverting them to fit the plot. I would feel this way about disrespecting any religion like this.

I know vampire movies have used Christian symbolism before, but I've never seen a fake mass celebrated and it really leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. I hasten to add that even in the show, the mass is invalid - if you inject vampire blood (or any other substance) into the wine, it renders the mass invalid. Vampires are fiction; they are not real. The Catholic church, on the other hand, is very real, not the myth that this show would lead you to believe, Mr. Flanagan to the contrary.

Our Lord deserves adoration, not calumny. His bride, the Catholic Church, deserves respect. I don't recommend this show.
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sweet and charming
23 January 2022
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A charming fairy tale with a mermaid, a handsome captain, a lovely heroine, and a hardline king who sees the error of his ways in the end. William Hurt was great in a subtle way, as was Brosnan.

No political message, no environmental message, just wholesome entertainment. The settings were excellent.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Enjoyable action movie
26 August 2021
Enjoyable action movie, pretty good acting with an interesting twist near the end.

But if we spent half the money that we spend on movies about the for-profit medical establishment in the US, on efforts to get the universal healthcare that every other civilized nation has, maybe we wouldn't have these movies.

But it's all about the money, isn't it?
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Cargo (I) (2017)
Enjoyable and heartwarming
24 July 2021
I really enjoyed this movie. Martin Freeman and the young girl did a great job with their roles. My only question that kept bothering me, is how did that baby stay in a clean diaper all that time? That was the only unrealistic part.
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Enjoyable and comforting
31 May 2020
I found this movie enjoyable. The midwestern scenery alone is worth the watch; the wide open fields and small town atmosphere remind me of my childhood. Greg Kinnear does a great job as Rev. Burpo; the acting is good. It's slow paced but that's part of the enjoyment. It does show some scenes from Colton's vision or visit to heaven, which I enjoyed. I don't know whether the child actually visited heaven or not. I certainly think it's possible, and doubt that a four year old is sophisticated enough to invent everything he said. He is certainly not the first. So I choose to believe it, and find it comforting. It's a lovely movie that I will probably watch again.
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Intolerance in Action
29 March 2020
The other reviews are examples of this film's message: that Americans who dare to stand by their beliefs should be silenced, according to the people who preach tolerance but practice intolerance. It's not a great film, it's probably a 5 or 6, but that's because of the budget and acting, which were not terrible, just average. No worse than your average sitcom. Certainly not a 2 or 3, as other reviewers suggest. I liked that it didn't portray the characters as black and white: the protagonist was ambivalent, and his gay friend supported him while disagreeing with his opinions. If you think that having an opinion that differs from that of vocal social activists is hate speech, you will despise this film. But if you think that in a civilized society, people have a right to hold different beliefs and to express them, you might find it of interest.
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Sweet peaceful love story
6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I read Russell Janney's book The Miracle of the Bells about 60 years ago, as a teenager. I've read a lot of books and forgotten many of them, but for some reason this one stuck with me. I must have been a little in love with Bill Dunnigan. And now thanks to the miracle of interlibrary loan, I've seen the movie. It appears that critics either loved or hated the film. It follows the book pretty closely, though in the book more attention is paid to the miracle of the statues.

The acting is good, the pace is calm and serene befitting a movie made in the '40s. It's fun to watch and remember how my dad used to dress like Dunnigan, always wearing a hat. Critics complain that the plot is silly, that being a Hollywood star wouldn't inspire the people of Coaltown, and for Olga to give her life to give her townspeople something to dream of is pointless. Maybe, but Janney carried it off in the book, and it was a best seller in mid-century. After the war, people needed hope, and this was one of the heavenly visitation type of movies popular then.

I recommend it for fans of Fred MacMurray, Frank Sinatra, and Valli, and of small towns.
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Time Trap (2017)
Suspenseful and exciting
3 October 2019
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I really enjoyed this movie. Fascinating concept, competent actors. It needs a sequel, although without the concept of the time bubbles, it wouldn't be the same. Another explorer needs to go into the caves and find more stuff. I wondered why all the Americans were rescued, but not the cave men or Spanish explorers. Seems like a major plot hole. Aside from that, it was attention grabbing, intense, and suspenseful. Worth watching.
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Confusing plot
17 August 2019
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Maybe if I watched this again I would understand it, but the wooden acting and confusing plot didn't grab my interest enough to do that. So the hero has an accident and is injected with some kind of drug that makes him prone to time travel. A cop's great grandfather is hung for his murder, since it appears that he vanished/was killed in the past. His brother's fiancé was killed in the accident. A guy in a disguise offers advice and vanishes, Another guy frames hero for the murder of the great grandfather. Another guy pulls him out of jail and informs him his life has been stolen in the present. and we are left like that. None of these pieces seem to fit together, or if they do, it's a Chinese puzzle. Brilliant minds may find it fascinating.
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