
4 Reviews
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A beautiful film...
23 April 2003
The first time I saw this film was in the movie theater with one of my best friends--both of us musicians. By the time we left, both of us were bawling our eyes out. This film is very touching and well done. Granted, there are accuracy errors (every film has those) and I've noticed several complaints about the music in the final scene (why are people so nitpicky?). I had a band director much like Mr. Holland when I was in middle school, a man who struggled at first as a teacher but soon became a beloved and inspiring director. Every time I watch this film I think of that man, and how he changed my life for the better. It's a movie I can truly relate to.

Okay, enough reminiscing. :P If you want a film that will tug your heartstrings, this is it. Rating 9 out of 10.
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Yojimbo (1961)
23 April 2003
With a Japanese professor who was completely obsessed with Toshiro Mifune, it's no surprise that we watched this film in class. I came into it thinking that it was going to be boring. I couldn't have been more wrong. As far as action films are concerned, this is probably one of the best I've seen. (The guy with the pistol was kinda goofy, though :P) And the sequel Sanjuro is even better! Definitely worth watching! Rating: 9 out of 10.
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Incredible book, not-quite-as-good film...
20 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
But it's still great. I'd like to see any other director try what Peter Jackson has done and come up with similar results. The acting is impressive, the cinematography, special effects, costuming, all amazingly done. I like the approach Jackson took with switching back and forth between the Frodo and Sam scenes and the scenes with the rest of them instead of splitting them completely like in the book.

(some spoilers ahead)

I do have a few beefs though. Faramir was characterized completely wrong. He was made out to be such a jerk in the film, where in the book he is a much gentler soul. That bothered me. Also, the appearance of the elves at Helm's Deep was off the book plot, though the idea seemed to work just fine. Haldir's death was uncalled for though!

(end spoilers)

Overall, an incredible film. Not as good as the book, but still one of the best movies I've seen. Rating 9/10
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Oh brother...
20 March 2003
I was twelve when this thing was released, and being a major video game nut I was really looking forward to seeing it. I was a bit disappointed. Bob Hoskins was great, John Leguizamo was great, but the storyline and execution of the film left a great deal to be desired. Entertaining at points, completely lame at other points, overall definitely not the best film I've seen. But it's still not the worst I've seen. Rating 4/10
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