
54 Reviews
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Need more like this
31 January 2024
I wish we had more shows like this. Alfred Hitchcock, twilight zone, amazing stories, tales from the crypt. All creative fun stories with production value. I am a huge fan of these types of shows and often some of the most creative original content is found in a series like this. Add Guillermo Del Toro to the list of great creepy story tellers like Hitchcock and Rod Serling. The Autopsy was fantastic, with F. Murray Abraham. Lot 36 with Tim Blake Nelson. Pickmans model with Ben Blake and Crispin glover. All the cast of these episodes did a great job and the creativity and production value really make this series entertaining.
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Star Trek: Picard: Surrender (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I could give this whole season a higher score than 10, but especially this episode. The Deanna and riker heart to heart was simply beautiful and needed. They are fixing everything from previous seasons! When the Vulcan was murdered I was devastated cuz I wanted her in Legacy. When Data nhad his battle with Lore I cried. When Worf saved Riker and started hitting hitting on Deanna I laugh/cried. This episode of an amazing season deserves more than a score of 10. New Data, new picard, a riker/Troi acknowledging pain, Raffaella and Worf being complete badasses! And a cliffhanger with troi finally using her powers as well as Spock. This episode was pure magic! Thank you so much Terry Matalas! Paramount please give him Star Trek Legacy!!
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Lot if 1's and lots of 10's
20 February 2023
This film seems to demonstrate the divide in America. You either loved it for what it is or hated it for what it is. At the base this film is well acted, great cinematography and a great story. I loved it, but all those that continue to stress politics in film will either give it a 10 or a 1 depending on there own politics. All the people talking about inaccurate history are probably the same ones who don't want accurate American history taught in schools. Watch the film separate from your political ideology and it is a really good film. If this came out in 2010 it would have been the number one film of the year. Post 2016 it's all political.
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The 90's
14 December 2022
If any of you remember the 90's, Disney was great at taking established successful stories and turning their sequels into junk. Lately all this Disney plus stuff has felt like that. Other than Star Wars, most of the marvel stuff, willow, and now this. I will still watch them but very disappointed. Mandalorian bad batch, and Andor have all been relatively huge successes compared to anything else original that Disney plus is putting out. National treasure started from cheesy but entertaining films. Nicholas cage made those movies fun. How can disney think they can do this without him? He is an icon!
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Just kind of ended
12 October 2022
The film started off great. Good story, acting and cinematography. I feel like I could have enjoyed a whole extra hour of this film if they would have wrapped it up more successfully. The ending was disappointing. They did a great job building the story and making you empathize with the characters, so much so, I feel this is why I felt so disappointed with the ending. When you have a name like Stephen King attached to it, I think it raises your expectations. Overall, it was a good film. I just wish they would have done more with the story and the ending. It felt like they used all their time with the build up.
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
5 October 2022
Why is it that in 2022 they make such a crappy remake of a show that was instantly great in 1986? I even re-watched the original pilot and it's still better than this crap. I will keep watching for a bit but that pilot episode was terrible. The acting is bad the script is bad and the cinematography of the 80's is bad. How could nbc/universal be ok with putting this out there? It's seems they were banking on updated technology with effects and imagery, without the great storytelling and acting they had in the original. Starting the series off with a robbery gone wrong vs a test pilot dying? Bad choice.
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In Time (2011)
9 August 2022
The comparisons to our modern day age of haves and have nots, getting healthcare or not, getting charged or not, making bail or not, being a victim of predatory loans or not, is spot on. This movie is as relevant in 2022 as it was in 2011, as it was in 2000 as it was in 1990, as so on. Nothing changes. This is a great take on a modern day Robin Hood.
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Prey (I) (2022)
The Predator we deserve
5 August 2022
This movie was fantastic! Great story, great acting. It had so many elements that kept you excited the whole movie. It makes you want to believe this actually happened.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Expensive empty action
25 July 2022
Great actors doing a moderate job. Moderate script, with moderate directors. Netflix again puts out another soulless action movie. They definitely don't have a high opinion of American movie goers.
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Empty emotions
25 July 2022
Overall it was a good film, but I doubt it will be one I watch more than once. It's painful for anyone who has lost a kid or lost anyone to cancer. But ultimately the show didn't accomplish the feelings of those emotions. The humor didn't make up for what was lacking, depth. The ending also felt rushed.
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Hellboy (2019)
It's just fine
5 July 2022
This film is definitely not as good as del toro's two films, but it's definitely not as bad as some reviewers have said. The cgi wasn't great, but I enjoyed David Harbour.
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28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love the different take on a MCU movie. The horror aspect of this film was fresh and fun! Incorporating some of the ideas from what if? Was great! Overall it was a fun new marvel movie, not more of the same, creatively different.
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27 June 2022
The plot, fight scenes were terrible and felt forced. There were some funny parts but overall it was not a good film. Everything was predictable and cheesy.
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The Boys (2019– )
I would give it 20 stars
24 June 2022
This is currently the best show on tv. Anthony Starr deserves an Emmy for his role as Homelander. He is absolutely terrifying. One of the best bad "good" guys of all time!! Karl urban and jack quaid are absolutely fantastic! But Starr steals the show! If he doesn't end up with at least an Emmy nomination, it's an absolute travesty. Watch this show!!
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Fun reunion.
10 June 2022
This movie is definitely not as bad as people have been saying. It is long, but you know that going into the movie. The reunion of old cast and meeting up with the new cast is fun and there is a lot of action. The story mimics the original Jurassic park, which I found fun.
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I wish I could score higher
4 June 2022
Incredible movie, everything you want from the movie experience! I will not spoil anything for you but!! Rooster is goose and goose is a bad ass!! So it follows that rooster is a bad ass. Go maverick!!!
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Halo (2022–2024)
19 May 2022
Halo as a series stands alone without knowing anything about the game. I never played a halo game until I was like 6 episodes in. This show made me want to play halo. It's a great new edition to fans of sci fi! The negative comments aren't justified at all, especially if you are a true fan of sci fi. Enjoy!
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The Lost City (2022)
16 May 2022
Romancing the stone and jewel of the Nile were better, but it's still fun. It really seems like they could do more with less in the 80's and 90's. Computer tech is great in most instances but the digital "natural" scenery was painfully obvious.
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Strange new worlds is f*%#ing awesom
12 May 2022
This episode is so good! You get to know legacy characters better, it presents a new challenge that the crew has to solve and the acting, writing, effects, and cinematography are amazing! #bring backspocksbeard.
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Great fun
8 May 2022
If you like Austin powers or Wayne's world you will like this. It's great to see mike meyers at it again! I gave it a 10 because people are being unfairly rude. But it really is a lot of fun.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
3 March 2022
This season is going to be incredible, just based on the first episode! So many tributes to TNG fans, and the story is really exciting for new fans! It feels like the Star Trek next generation movie the fans can be thrilled about! Q, guinan and more! The footage of what to expect this season at the end of the episode really gets you wanting to see it all as soon as possible!
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Don't Look Up (2021)
28 December 2021
Earth gets the reset button it needs and the worst of humanity survives. Probably closer to the truth than any other apocalyptic film made. It's funny and poignant. Jennifer Lawrence was fantastic, as always. Tyler perry should be a newscaster, Jonah hill is great as a bad guy! And Meryl Streep is a better Trump than Trump was.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Great unique movie
5 December 2021
I gave it a 10 to try and offset the ridiculous low scores this movie is given by closed minded people. It's probably an 8 but still a great score for a unique sci-fi movie with great acting and cinematography.
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The Lost Symbol (2021– )
26 November 2021
The fact that they completely changed the meaning of the original content is not forgivable. The actors were fine, the scenes and cinematography were cheap. Dan brown is a sceptic this story took out all the doubt from his original story and made it all about religion. No science. I can forgive changing things to save money and shorten the air time, but not completely changing the point of the story.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Kobayashi Maru (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
25 November 2021
Best season premiere yet. I don't know who the a holes are that keep ragging on this show but it's fantastic and the real fans and ratings prove it. Ignore the naysayers. Kobiyashi Maru is a great trek episode!
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