
36 Reviews
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A Higher Law (2021)
deontological trash
21 February 2023
Such a nice start, and it is ruined in purest atheist fashion. Starts with great aesthetics, -it even surpasses my orthodox standard for church music- and philosophy, with virtue.. shown in most if not all of the characters. But it does not last long. 30 minutes in and it slowly degrades into nonsense and vice. It corrupts most of the characters, there is no more virtue to be shown by anyone, the philosophical depth is thrown out. For , no , reason , other than to serve a dirty plot!!!

This is antichristian propaganda, but it lacks the sophistication necessary to pose a threat. Sadly.. as chritians love a good challenge, and being asked tough questions.

Nuff said . Deontologically crap.
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1 October 2022
I like to think myself christian .. orthodox not catholic, so i have little to do with the war and hate waged on catholics by the left.. that soon snowballed into antichristianity.

This movie is well done, and it tries to promote the beautiful beginnings and beautiful ending of sinead. I ahave no clue if either the beginning or the end is correctly depicted socially, but spiritually I feel like it is.

I do not think her coherent or full of integrity, just as i dont think the feminist movement full of integrity. It is all another proof of how bad gets packaged as good and for most people it is hidden.

I like to see this movie as objective truth in my optimistic way.. that shows directly her virtue and zeal and indirectly her incompetence in managing all the conflicts the good from bad, the known from unknown, the impulse from prudence.
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Miracle (2021)
incredibly low iq movie
29 September 2022
Aesthetically its fine, acting is fine.. but conceptually it makes no sense.

Plot is bad, human actions are nonsense.. and philosophically it's a malevolent universe against god..against rationality .. common sense even.

It supports a technocracy where both taxies and police and archaic religion is gone .. you can't go half measures .. it is not binary. This is what the movies suggests.. the world as a dichotomy. Ironically considering that is what they project towards the "old" world.. as something bad, sad, tragic.

I gues i am grateful that the competence of the creators was low enough to raise too many logical problems and not create good art )
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Whitney Cummings: Jokes (2022 TV Special)
covid wasnt kind to her philosophy
27 July 2022
A looming sense of decadence.. i have never experiences with her. Probably the last show I ll check from her. Was my favorite girl comic not long ago.. so weird.
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Influence (I) (2018)
2 April 2022
I kinda hate the male lead..+ spelling could be done better. But i can still appreciate the writing and.cultural value for autism.

It also raises or at least shows hint of the issue of autonomy and fleeting human wants and needs.
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Heaven's Gate (1980)
few points
28 March 2022
  • action scenes unstimulating
  • depending on the above > adapting dying of characters in a more dramatic meaningful way.

With a good editor it wouldve been a solid 7. With a few touches of genius an 8.

Funny but the information packedi n the movie is not too much, its just right.. but its not well written / directed.
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19 March 2022
A lot of dead space, redundancy, unstimulating images ... but first of all... a forced french accent narator. Id punch him. Its hardto listen to. Didnt finish the movie.
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simply yes
19 March 2022
As the old lady figured out 1st comes diet , then everything else. There are virtually infinite allergens out there in nature.. let alone in drugs.

I randomly found carnivore diet and to see thwe level of systemic foulplay is revealling.

If covid did something good, it did open peoples minds to the conspiracies directly affecting their loved ones.
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19 March 2022
If you hear Russ. You might think his sins werent that great.. whats the big deal. But the closer you get to truth, the higher the standards weigh upon you. And apathy is a huge sin.

Is it funny he looks better now than he did all his life? Seems by design to me.
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18 March 2022
Great production value.

This was so aesthetically pleasing that little else would matter.. but being a christian project it makes it tenfold more pleasing.
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Troppo (2022– )
mistakes were made
8 March 2022
Casting is fine.. minus the lead girl and it makes the old mistake of overcompliating a situation, they added 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 over 7 conflicts , equally grave conflicts. You cant carry that stuff along and still care )
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21 February 2022
Carbs are poison, especially for diabetics.

The quality of the production is not great, and i particularly hated how the trailer gave no hint of the solution .. this is no click baiting material, its not a thriller.. people need the information and need it immediately.
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20 February 2022
I love conflicts, and these two artists, these two personalities .. they find their words well. Its a very rewarding experience, it sucks that i dont like their music much ) this is what all couples should do, having video evidence of how conflicts go.. is the best practice for change. Ive done it id love more movies like this. I hope this becomes a trend.
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Upper Story (I) (2020)
bland and low qual
15 February 2022
Study marhsall rosenberg and you will understand how inner conflicts work and how you get to manage selfesteem properly ) their theories are imature and pointless )
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Love Me (I) (2021– )
4 January 2022
Decadent depiction of incompetent familly running in circles awarded with happy ends undeserved. Immortality reqwarded. And low virtue throughout the leading char.
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The Last Duel (2021)
2 December 2021
Decently acted, but the characters are bland, too much redundancy.. and the fighting is horrible , action scenes are detrimental.

Also the french setting is distracting .. pointless.
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True Story (III) (2021)
30 November 2021
Enjoyable. Wesley snipes was the bomb as always but stretched thin with some irrational moves that look poor on characters .. and eventually on the movie. ) the less competent the characters the less value the movie brings.
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South Park: Post COVID (2021 TV Movie)
finally a decent take (so far - part1)
25 November 2021
The previous ones were on the wrong side of the isle.. now its pretty hard to be .. considering time proved all conspiracies and virtues ) it doesnt backtrack its mistakes that much, and it doesnt push all the buttons, but it also doesnt do much bad. So its enjoyable.

The path towards virtue is winding and the bias needs to take several hits till its subdued. By 2024 i sense a southpark revolution.
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Too Hot to Handle (2020– )
sane ethics
12 November 2021
Sadly its 2 drawn out.. and ppl are too unconfrontational.. about losing money.

It needs more shaming.. or higher costs. Or better casting.. but its a breath of fresh air morally.
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Melancholy (2021)
no clue what it was about
7 November 2021
Dropped out after 30 minutes, fast worward a little, didnt see anything i liked .. bad acting, bad directing, bad writing.. i dont care about the rest.
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Dangerous (III) (2021)
more good than bad
5 November 2021
It couldve been great. The main character is decently constructed. Characters in general are well constructed and dont feel npcs.. perhaps not fully exploited.

Writing is decent, direction is meh and the plot is bad.

The honest grade is 5 ) but i support these qualities in a movie more than anything else.
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couldve been an 8
2 November 2021
Casting 5/9. Only worthy mention is ofc the old man directing was the weakest part.. romance is forcefed and has no purpose at all.

All in all, enjoyable considering the drought in the boxoffice.
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The Premise (2021)
dope series, political and competent / compelling
17 September 2021
Unique in this aspect, the aspect of political relevance and accuracy ) brings the top and subtle details of this culture war.

Well acted, well built.. a bit unrealistic and exaggerated but its worth the trip.
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Diet Fiction (2019)
17 July 2021
Decent direction. Really easy to digest and packed with essentials. The stakeholders added .. dont represent the diet spectrum and are mostly plant focused..

The answer is easy to find elimination diet + test.

You will eventually reach the carnivore diet ) 95% of the time good luck.
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14 July 2021
The american side story is very bad -1 points megan fox is very bad also -2 points

i have a hrad time understanding the director that let her look so bad in this movie.. while making a decent movie in the process.
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