
3 Reviews
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Caveman (1981)
Silly fun in 60,000 B C
25 October 2003
Some have been a bit harsh with this little film and totally missed the point. We all know that dinosaurs and man didn't coexist but that is beside the point. This film refuses to take itself seriously and why should it? What I found charming was the language the cave folk used,not until a man from the land of the rising sun,seemed to help us viewers with some of the more obscure words. Like the difference between"Aloonda and Zugg-Zugg". (There's a difference?). It figures that the Japanese man would offer the translation,but he gives up and goes along with their slang. John Matuszak,former NFL player,was a perfect casting as Tonda. Some of their very important "discoveries" are a real hoot too. Look for a surprise actor playing the Snowman!
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Brannigan (1975)
The "Duke" in London
25 October 2003
There are many elements in this film that are referred to other than the plot. Quotes from W W II for instance,about the Yanks being "over paid, over sexed and over here". However,this is still quite an entertaining escape. Wayne is right at home in his pursuit of his quarry and leaves no stone unturned,a surprising auto chase has the owner of an English Capri sick to his stomach,pure Wayne! As for owning this movie? Only for serious collectors of John Wayne's films.
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Sticking it to those stuffy Brits!
25 October 2003
Now I don't share the views of that other critic. Many of Grodin's movie characters have similar traits.(See him in Catch-22) Really this is a worthwhile film and a good show. He seems to have left out one of James Mason's darker performances,as he sticks it to his stiff employer! Trevor Howard is delightful as a psychotic,eccentric billionaire.(How much money does the guy need?) The film is narrated by Grodin in a matter-of-fact way that adds to the dry humor. All of the actors pull off their characters well...

P.S. I watch a great deal of movies.
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