
13 Reviews
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
An expected failure
27 August 2016
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As it is the case with franchises that should have been left alone after the first original instalments, unless a brand new and unexpected story-line is brought forward, Jason Bourne fits the bill for the standard commercial sequel.No original plot, attempt to find substance in a prequel kind of way, very predictable and door is left open for more of the same are all traits that define that genre and JB has them all. I really enjoyed the 1st three movies and while the 1st one didn't have quite the same/vibe feel of the trilogy I found that it was an entertaining and enjoyable action movie in its own right.Jason Bourne is neither, though it has plenty of action but one simply doesn't watch a movie of this calibre and reputation solely for the standard fight and chase scenes. So 5/10 is my score and had I known it would be such a disappointment I would have waited for it on Netflix or cable TV. FYI: I usually rank my movies as Theater material, Video club worthy, can wait for it on Netflix or regular TV if it ever gets there and last and really the least(lol): Not worth my while.
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Prometheus (I) (2012)
Solid sci-fi entertainment!
9 November 2012
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Well-rounded, good story, decent action plus potentials for a solid trilogy unless Ridley Scott decides to tie it to Alien with only two movies.I hope he does not cause this story has a life of its own and does not really need Alien to continue to be successful. The idea that we somehow,were created on purpose by other creatures in the universe and that we are part of a scheme that we are not even privy of is to me a new and thrilling concept and though the movie answers this question it leaves two big ones open "why did they create us?" and " why did they want to destroy us?" plus it does that without giving the viewer the feeling of being cheated, like you just watched part of a movie cause at the end of the day it came full circle by answering the initial question but just raised a few more after having done so. Prometheus belongs to the same category as Moon,Pandorum, Avatar and District 9 which are among the best sci-fi movies I've seen in recent years.
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Braindead (1992)
The epitome of stupidity surpasses only by its ratings!
26 October 2012
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I watched that movie after coming across a few comments about it calling it the goriest movie ever but I was not expecting a horror\comedy which turned out to be the worst one I've seen by far in my lifetime or simply the worst movie I've watched ever period.The only reason I'm writing this review is to bring down it's score here....7.6!! Are you kidding me?? So it belongs to the same category as the exorcist and the shining? ... and to warn people about the fact that if you are not among the craziest fans of slasher movies genre, this movie can ruin your night just like it ruined mine. Right off the bat, the movie lets you know that it does not take itself seriously with a few absurd scenes where the cheapest special effects and absurd dialogues rule. It goes downhill from there, although at this point one can already ask oneself " how worse can it get?"..well much goes from abysmal acting, to stupid plots and ends with the lamest and most gratuitous and distasteful gory images that one will ever come across. I don't care much if this is the type of film that Peter Jackson wanted to make,the point is: it's just a terrible movie and as such it does not deserve such a high rating which is probably due to the fact that the director have since then made movies such as The lord of the rings trilogy, kingkong and DIstrict 9 which I considered to be masterpieces but will not retroactively excuse such utter mess and disgrace that Braindead represents. Not in my book anyway! The most I can give it is 2 because I laughed at its stupidity and bad taste but I will give it just 1 so I can lower it's very overrated and misleading score even more on this site.
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War Horse (2011)
Please somebody tell me that I just watched the parody of this movie not the real one! yeah it's that bad!
5 October 2012
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It's beyond me how this movie got such a high score!it is so cliché and Cinderella like that you can flat out predict everything that's gonna almost feels like you are watching some sort of parody of the genre because one can't possibly imagine how a movie can be so corny. The music, the story, the cinematography and the lines are all cheesy! This is considered a drama\war movie, well, watching it it did not feel like either! Not for a second I doubted that it will turn out okay for the boy and the horse and when you stop fighting and decide to free up a horse instead and have a very friendly conversation while doing it,it is kind of hard for the viewers to take the war seriously. I think Spielberg lost his way as he tried to appeal to kids and a family audience with this movie and ended up creating something that will make you cringe and shake your head in embarrassment and distaste especially if you are a Steven Spielberg fan which I am ! SMH!!!
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Act of Valor (2012)
One of the best action\army movie I've seen in a while!
2 July 2012
This is fun at this best! Out of the 142 minutes this movie last, I don't believe that there is 1 minute lost or miss-used.This is a fast-paced, straight-to-the- point, well- rounded and action- packed film. The plot is not hard to follow, no unnecessary complicated twists (that unfortunately seems to the trend nowadays in the genre) as an attempt to be original. It is as direct and concise as the mission it depicts and that is a very good thing. On the down side, some of the dialogues sound cliché and could have been delivered in a more natural way but for having spent a great deal of time around army guys I can honestly say that they can sometimes sound exactly like that.

Over all this movie delivered on what it promised as he portrayed acts of valor in a very entertaining way! Hoorah!
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The Grey (2011)
Just OK!
2 July 2012
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I only saw the rating of this movie after watching it and was very surprised with it,this movie is definitely not a seven in my book!5 and a half is the most it will ever get from me.

This is your typical plane crash and the surviving passengers trying to make it out alive scenario with a feeble attempt to put some depth and twist into it. I find that they missed their target in both categories. The depth in the form of the main character's memories of his dead father and wife never created the connection needed to feel for him nor did the open ending serves the purpose of an interesting twist.

The man versus animal aspect of the movie also seemed at times over the top and cliché, one can't help making the connection with movies like Aliens and Predator but not in good way. On the plus side the movie has superb scenery thanks to the snow covered Wilderness images and it also contains enough action to make it an okay movie but nothing more as far as I'm concerned.
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the usual sequel!
28 December 2009
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This flick fails,as most sequels do,to bring anything new to the table. Not that the 1st one was exceptionally original but at least the concept was new and that alone was enough to save it from being dull. But now a weak story is created in order to bring life to the museum but not to the movie unfortunately. The more the merrier seemed to be the motto for the sequel ,everything from sculptures,paintings and octopus became animated but fail to create enough funny situations to make this a decent comedy. It's fair to say that:Night at the museum 2 will not make you laugh,nor will it make you think and definitely wont't surprise you, therefor it has the full package of the commercial sequel!yep it's all about the Benjamins!
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Too Hollywood like!
28 December 2009
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This movie does a decent job calling out the American justice system,it is also full of suspense and is overall entertaining but I cant help giving it no more than 6/10 and here is why: The Villain is way to powerful to be believable,he actually reminds me of the Joker in the Dark Knight but as opposed to him, he is an one-man-army and is no comic book character. Also ,Jamie Fox did not strike me as a prosecutor or as a D.A at all ,he looked ,talked and acted more like a cop,part of it is his fault -under par acting- and the other is the script's putting him where he has no business being-investigating at night,blowing suspect up in his cell-. Last but not least ,the ending is just terrible:transporting a bomb-which can be remotely detonated at any minute- from the city hall to the prison cell,putting it under the bed and waiting in the dark for the bad guy to show up so the D.A can set him up to blow himself up !come on!cant get any cheesier than that! Too bad cause the story had potentials!
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REC (2007)
have your Tylenol handy!
20 December 2009
All through the 89 min I never felt like I was watching a movie,I was just among those trapped in the apartment building.You can't get any more involved than that,the shots are in your face,the people are hysterical,the events kept going downhill until it is just complete and utter chaos.No wonder it left me with such a headache! Nevertheless I give this flick 6/10,it could have scored more in my book if there was less camera shaking and less shouting,at times both seemed over the top. I also never felt the urge to find out or understand the origin of the infection/disease but was more concerned with the tenants fate,I think this has to do, at least in part,with the way the story was developed,putting the emphasis on the killings and hysteria and playing down the events that lead to that.It's too bad because when you remove the gore and the screaming ,the movie suffers from a lack of depth and mystery that classic horror movies are made of. As far as I'm concerned Paranormal Activity still leads the *live footage/amateur video* category.
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Food, Inc. (2008)
just the facts!
18 December 2009
This documentary does a good job educating the consumers on how food is produced,packed and marketed in U.S nowadays. By going back repeatedly to how it was before it shows us how much it has evolved and also the effects of those drastic changes on food prices, American eating habits and ultimately on their health. The movie does all that without ever going over the top or becoming apocalyptic, which seems to be a trend for these type of movies nowadays,it does call out the greedy mega food corporation and the state officials for not arming the regulatory agencies better but the consumers are also at fault here for not informing themselves enough on the content of the products in order to choose what's best for their health not just for their wallet.
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Home (II) (2008)
wish more movies were like that!
17 December 2009
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.I give this movie 8/10 because the story is original and well told,the actors definitely held their own and it kept me involved all the way through. it's more than a family living near a highway. The film starts and they are already there and from pieces of conversation you get to know that they've been living there for at least 10 also get to see how simple,normal and even happy their life was before the hwy gets finished.At first ,just like the viewers, they were puzzled,wondering how life will be once the road is complete.Then when it happened,they tried to live their life as if did not happen,the kids will keep on crossing to the other side to go to school until traffic forces them to go under it through a water drain,Mom will try to keep up with gardening and hanging dry her laundry outside until it became impossible.

One night as life became harder and harder for them living by the now very busy and noisy road the husband decided that they must leave but a big fight ensued because Mom wanted to stay, so they ended up staying.Having not much of a choice now the husband became resolute to make the house livable again by cementing all its doors/windows in an attempt to make it noise-free,and that's when things got even worse. While watching this movie I became like a member of the household,worrying for them like they were my own,felt sad when they lost their privacy in their own home because of a traffic jam and even thought I was having problem breathing as they were walled up in the house. Please don't ruin this by asking yourself too many questions and looking for loopholes in the story ,just accept the fact that it's the family's choice to live there- people in real life make way stranger choices than that- and you will be in for quite a ride!
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too much of a guess work!
14 December 2009
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Though I don't consider myself a hardcore horror movie fan but I have seen more than my share and don't get easily repelled by the weirdness or the lack of logic-to a certain degree -in the plot.But this one did not work for me,the movie never came full circle as far as i'm concerned. There is no way Granny could have pulled all those brutal murders off and killing all those people, because they are just involved somehow in the same dam project , is far-fetched it's not like they killed her son,would she have killed the whole town if they had. They never bother to explain how the boy or the dead junkie came about,and why on that day and not before.what triggered it. And what's up with the 3rd dead creature killing bloody boy at the end of the movie,some people think it's granny ,some think it's the dead guy that got shot in the precinct ,either way it's way too soon for him/her to come back if we stick to the logic or lack thereof of the plot.he's 1 year early! I'll finish by saying despite all that, the movie did keep me glued to the screen because i thought that somehow it would all make sense but it turned out that some scenes were thrown in just to add to the thrill but did not lead nowhere.This could have easily be a great horror flick had everything that took place throughout the 1st hour or so were justified at the end but it's not the case,it's weak because dead coming back for revenge has not been original for a while now and if you are gonna leave people guessing,you better come with a better plot than that. Passing grade from me ,5/10, because of the fast pace,a few good chills and a couple of 1st rate pair of boobs!
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worth watching!
10 August 2009
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I would not necessarily put this on a must-see list but this is a well done flick.Contrary to some viewers I did not see the trailer therefore I was not expecting an action packed thriller so maybe that helped. The movie takes his time in developing the main characters and the sory itself thus making it easier for the viewer to put himself in their shoes.While most of the movie is slow -to- medium-paced it never gets boring and the actors performance is up to par with the story and the beautiful landscape of the Hawaiian island shown throughout the movie. I'm not going to spoil anything but there is a lot of chance that the movie surprises you even if you are usually good at guessing the twists and plots in other flicks. Very decent entertainment!
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