
6 Reviews
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Serious, Mysterious and Fun!
13 September 2006
I'm a Lovecraft fan for a couple of years now, reading the most of his books and stories, and viewing several films based on them. This one is by far the most satisfying. The film leans heavy on the acting instead of monsters or great filmsets. They only use one monster which is the worst scene of the film since it looked like a bad operated rubber doll. They could've easily cut that out or better: make a suggestion of the monster instead of showing it. Other than that, it's a thrill to see this film because the acting is really good. Heyerdahl is spectacular as H.P. Lovecraft himself. The rest of the cast is also very convincing except maybe for the character of Warren who was making it more of a stage play. The storyline is actually a combination of a couple of stories from Lovecraft, and it really works very well within this film. Sometimes i caught myself smiling just because it was so much fun to see all those stories touched with such integrity. If you like mystery and fantasy: try to get a hold of the DVD.
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Alexander (2004)
Just not enjoyable.
25 December 2004
First i like to say that i hate all those comments saying: "forget all the bad comments, blablalba..." and "Forget all the praisings, blablabla..." Everybody has an opinion and is honest in it. I just saw this movie, and found it not enjoyable. Which makes Alien vs Predator a better movie, because although AvP had crappy content, i did enjoy myself in the cinema. For Alexander: after half an hour I wanted it to end. For some reason Oliver Stone has made this movie torture for me. It's very obvious he tries really hard to stir emotions but for me it didn't work. To be honest, I just wanted everybody to die in the first battle. A battle which Stone tried to point out that Alexander had great tactics. I'm an historian and know well how the strategies went. But it wasn't shown in a way that anybody could understand. Also the time leaps didn't seem to work. It just pulled me more away from the movie. For me, this was a long boring b-movie.
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Bottom Live (1993 Video)
The best one in the 'live'-series
29 December 2003
It seems that everything Rik and Ade make is either found brilliant or crap. Being a fan of Mayall i am biased but i didn't found all their live shows that great. This one, their fist is the best. From here it's downhill with the live material of Bottom, with second best being the 3rd "Hooligan's island" show. Ade and Rik have just the most stupid and funny characters you can imagin. The plot is pretty weak, but who cares. If you haven't seen it, please watch. One had to know for themselves if your a Mayall-lover or hater. It's just something you have to know in life.
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The Favor (1994)
Worst acting I've seen in a long time
29 December 2003
O my God. This is so bad it's nearly funny. Yes, nearly. The twists and all the cliché's are in here. I just saw the movie with a friend (because we had breakfast and put the TV on) and just kept shaking are heads.

Harley Jane Kozak is so overacting it's just pathetic. And why Bill Pullman is playing in ANY film is beyond me. The guy has ONE look. The "i lost my glasses and now i have to squeeze my eyes to see anything" look.

Brad Pitt just wasn't convincing. He's done far more better jobs than this.

This film is just BAD. No surprise from a director who gave us 'gems' as 'Mystic Pizza' and 'my favorite martian'.

Sorry, i hate to be all negative about a film but this one gave me no choice.
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Young Adam (2003)
tension but no climax
8 September 2003
This film has great acting moments and splendid photography but For me, this film lacked the climax or plot-twist to make it a good movie. There are simply not enough interesting things going on. Personally i think a movie doesn't have to make the viewer "feel good" but there must be at least some form of excitement and satisfaction. This movie didn't got me in any excitement. I didn't sympathize with any of the characters, which is not a must but this film was slow and has an uninspiring plot which made me not care where it went. Lars von Trier also makes films with unlikable characters, but he at least makes exiting drama, things happen, there's movement and most important, surprise. The most exciting scene was probable the rape-scene when joe smeared custard and mayonaise all over Cathy. Not that I like these kind of things at least I was surprised.

Young Adam is a sombre slow film with some beauty. But not enough.
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Wendigo (2001)
Good acting and Directing, poor outcome
15 January 2003
Forget all the comments about the poor acting. The cast did a terrific job. Very convincing, dry (dogma style-ish) acting and directing.

The movie does very good in setting the mood and intriguing the viewer.

The movie does poorly on climaxing. A movie, in my opinion, has to have waves of intensity. On the moments of climax the movie just doesn't push enough, plus, the beast(s) are just too unconvincing to scare. It would be better to or: keep the beast in suggestion, or: make better monsters.

The end is also not satisfying. Not that every story has too have an end that closes the circle, but there was just too little to hang on to. Maybe the storyline of Otis had to be dug out a bit more. I don't know.

Want to see great acting and directing? (in some scenes the acting is just as natural as can be) Go check this out.

Want to see a haunting story with lots of scares? Go rent 'The exorcist' or 'The Ring'.
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