
15 Reviews
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Cyberpunk 2077 (2020 Video Game)
Dave your money
20 August 2024
Cinematically it's great, but as a game it's far from.

The city is amazing, truly captured cyberpunk, and though people may complain about it being sexist it is worth noting it's dystopian.

The cyber ware is good and stays fairly true to the rpg of old, which is great.

The characters are ok, sadly the game is based on many long conversations, this make the story really boring.

The side missions are ok but repetitive.

The game has so so many glitches, issues that could have been identified from the simplist of walkthroughs, pretty pathetic.

The driving mechanics are atrocious.

I got the game on sale for around half its original price, which is reasonable for what you get.

The game will now be deleted and NEVER replayed.
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Good, not glorious
25 June 2024
A good movie and worth watching if your a mad max but be aware it's not as good as fury road but definitely better then thunderdome..

What was good: 1 - Solid cast and good variation of characters 2 - loved the links to the 2915 video game - now there's a movie to be made.

3 - the war rigs were pretty good 4 - Story ties into Fury Road well

Items I didn't like: 1 - movie had a lot my motorbike focus than cars. The modded madman cars are a big draw and kits can be done with them. They did what they could with bikes but they are not as adaptable (also I am acar guy) 2 - Chis Hemsworth giving his character a whiny grating voice really took a lot from the movie. They could have done a lot more with this character, not intimidating at all - Mediocre 3 - The ending was a real let down after the build up.

4 - Lack of a solid soundtrack, the surround sound on Fury Rosd is full on, in Furiosa it's tame.

Question: Was there a hint to the next movie.... Joes new son being introduced and minimally used raises questions, mainly "is this introducing the antagonist for the next mad max?" - see comment regarding video game made into movie, let's hope.
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Has no place on the Omen franchise
28 May 2024
Poorly written and poorly executed.

This movie attempts be part of the Omen series claiming yi be a prequel and yet it seems that the film makers have not actually seen the originals. The links are inaccurate and fail the connection, parts from the original stolen/reused and a last ditch effort to link by needing to call out character names.

  • This movie was an insult to the original series.

Rather than an Omen movie, it is remarkably similar to another horror "Immaculate".

Immaculate on the other hand manages to stand on its own 2 feet, being better written & directed, not to mention it is not trying to ride the coat takes of other success.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
If you have 2hours to kill
28 September 2023
This movie is nothing more than a time filler.

The movie is so unoriginal, taking hits from other super hero movies and badly bashing them together.

The acting is far from great, special effects are average at best, and the writing/dialogue are weak is very poor.

The movie plays into Hispanic stereotypes which is a real shame as hinders both equality reflected in Hollywood and also makes the movie worse.

And who the hell thought about the casting:
  • George Lopez as as a good idea. Stop giving this guy work, he's not funny and can't act.

  • I assume Susan Sarandon is the n need of the money, why else would she be part of this considering what she has delivered before.
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American Horror Story: Multiply Thy Pain (2023)
Season 12, Episode 1
It's all over due to bad casting
26 September 2023
Started to watch in the hope things had improved from the previous series, sadly the decline continues with terrible casting, Kim K has no place in a program like AHS.l (or in TV, radio, print... anything really)

There used to be an awesome cast and great storyline, what happened, scraping the barrel.

Unfortunately this casting of the pathetic reality tv personality makes feel physically sick, we should not be advocating for these talentless, egomaniacal, talentless trash. - fire the casting director!

AHS, you are dead to me now. - which is sad after AHS1984 redeemed you somewhat.

Shane! Shane! Shane!
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One Ranger (2023)
John Malcovick does charity work?
12 May 2023
A poor story, poorly executed with terrible acting bank with production value.

You can only assume John Malcovich appearances was eiither:
  • charity to help
  • the entire budget
  • he's bankrupt

This movie reaffirms that rotten tomatoes scoring is provided by tomatoes as rated >6, IMDb more realistic with a 4 but certainly sone kind reviews it didn't deserve.

If you have 2 hours to waste, there are better things to watch, like paint drying.

Remake it with sone capable actors it could score a real 5-6 out of 10, but why bother.

Also, how many stereotypes are you trying to fit in 1 movie. Sad, just sad.
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Errr... What just happened?
17 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A very terrible ending to a great franchise.

This movie is on par with the other Halloween movies we pretend don't exist, and aligning to those, this is nothing more that a last minute cash grab.

Michael becomes a token character, which really hurts fans seeing as The Shape is the draw card., instead Michael becomes a week old man hanging out with TMNT in the sewers.

A prodigy character, which frankly has no place, becomes the main focus - no one cares. The many different Michaels has been tried a failed, why try again.

The movie seems to glance over the ending of Halloween kills, which was a great ending where Michael takes out the angry mob.

Laurie's introduces her granddaughter to an accused child murderer, why would she do this considering the past - utter nonsense.

I would score this less if it weren't for the actual close which sone reasonably well. Other than that the cast/crew should ashamed to release such a tragic movie to end an Era.
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A Dogs Breakfast
8 September 2022
The comedy failed, more slapstick, about as funny as cancer. The great soundtrack couldn't save this movie.

The storyline is not weak, rather poorly delivered.

The characters are wasted in this film. The villain is reasonable considering the mess to work with.

I will be considering Ragnarock to be the last Thor movie.

Gave it 3/10 as special fx were ok and there ARE worse movies, but not many with a similar budget/cast.

Chris Hemsworth had done a great job with the Thos character until now, this movie undies all the good.

Sadly Taika is going to make a Star Wars movie, so that will also left in tatters.
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American Nonsense
12 April 2022
More American nonsense for conspiracy theorists.

If you watch, see it as a comedy and it's not bad. As a documentary it's complete and utter nonsense.

A country with such sort history, they seem to think that have more history related mysteries than those whom actually have history - another show of "look at me" which highlights the declined intelligence of a nation.
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Ancient Aliens (2009– )
Rating depends on the context
12 April 2022
America: As a documentary it's the biggest lot of nonsense ever written. <1/10 Rest of World: As a sarcastic comedy, it's genius 9/10.

There a complete lack of logic, objective views or credible material, all of which you keep you watching wandering how people believe this nonsense (then you remember, it's American).
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Phenomenal (except season 4)
3 February 2022
Coen brothers brilliance!

Season 1-3 Well cast, well written and utterly enthralling.

Season 1 is an 11 out of 10 Season 2 is 9 out of 10 Season 3 is 9 out of 10

Then there is season 4..... :( 2 out of 10.

Poorly cast, particularly Chris Rock, why do people give this guy work? He's terrible!

The female outlaws are badly written, poorly used characters.

The darkness and humour are completely missing.
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The Witches (2020)
12 November 2021
This remake removes the characters from the original story was a significant part of its meaning and charm.

The acting is pitiful, with few characters having any presence at all.

Ann Hathaways accent was terrible.

And as usual, Chris Rock ruins anything he touches, I don't know how this guy still gets work...
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Supercar Megabuild (2016– )
Oh dear god: back in your box
24 September 2021
The engineers seemed ok.

Khan thinking him and his henchman as London gangsters are pathetic.

Mr Khan, you designs are unimaginative and so bad I would let you make toast!
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No just no
24 September 2021
Terrible in everywhere, starring no one of acting ability, backed by.... some sort of story line.
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Not straight to DVD straight to betamax
17 September 2009
This film is terrible!!!! Half the cinemá left before the end, and I wish I had but I want more than my money back, I want compensation as well as the lost time added to my life. Tarrintino you are a hack, you have done nothing worth while since pulp fiction and reservoir dogs, go home and give up. Myself and many other will never even consider seeing any of your movies again. Don't see this, you will get more enjoyment shaving with sand paper

The plot: Thin and poor Comedy: hardly, stupid childish crap entertaining to the mental age of 3 Action: not at all, basic poorly executed violence. Storyline: Must have got up and walked out to.

I can believe I am even taking the time to comment on this movie, its that poor it doesn't even deserve my time.
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