
15 Reviews
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Deluded Whisperers
16 December 2022
This is not about elephants, it's about people, manipulating animals so the people feel good. They shouldn't be painting them and making them part of their religious traditions. These animals should not be chained up and washed with soap. It may as well be a circus. Very disappointing to see so many high ratings and gushy comments. Watch it again and look and listen. Why should they draw all over them and hang flowers all of them? And the music was hideous especially the violins, the whole score contributed to the facade that the situation was perfectly natural. My message to the Whisperer is 'you are not that animals keeper, you are his captor' Enough said.
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the end is nigh
12 June 2022
After loving this programme for years and never rating it or reviewing it, I am now forced to with the new judges. My 5 represents the years I loved Gary, George and Matt, and it can't go any higher with descriptions from Andy like 'its bangin', these 3 judges just do not have 'it' to be able to carry this show any longer. RIP Masterchef Aus.
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Big Mouth (2017–2025)
Declining as the seasons go
9 January 2022
We really enjoyed Season 1 and 2, but have noticed the decline to the point that musicals are a big part of season 5 and its almost like they are trying to out gross each other. So as much as we enjoyed it to start with, funny, rude, clever, brings out the immature side of us as adults, and a stroll down memory lane as many reviewers have described it, we are now at the point of no longer recommending it to others as its gone past the cute stage and jumped the shark.
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Vigil (2021– )
Another lead Detective who is troubled
11 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Amazing how Brit cop dramas insist on one 'DCI' doing all the work, when in reality they are likely to be deskbound overseeing a reasonable size team conducting the enquiries. Let's tick the diversity box too while we hand out the roles. When DCI (Suranne Jones) interviews a 'suspect' on board in episode 2 she spills the beans on all her 'I think this, I think that', instead of asking some hard questions. And he is such an arrogant character, with a complete disdain for her, it beggars belief that he just rolls over and confesses. Superwoman also amazingly find the scene, tests blood and drugs all on board on her own. - Now having said all the negatives, the concept was entertaining and interesting, especially the power battles between Navy, Police, Security Services etc, that was enjoyable and makes the viewer wonder how it would play out in reality...and for the record, I did feel a bit claustrophobic but ultimately tired of the cheese served up with the troubled DCI.
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Mrs. Brown's Boys (2011– )
From an era gone by
11 October 2021
This drivel was funny to those in the 70s, and maybe even the 80s, now its just embarrassing. Stop, please stop. You may say 'well don't watch it then' of course I don't, but have seen it and given it the benefit of the doubt a number of times, with the same result. Just stop. If i didn't watch a few episodes then I couldn;t give it an honest review.
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Vegas (2021– )
Too try hard
6 May 2021
The idea of this appealed, but political correctness and an insistence to promote Maori culture seem to get in the way of the credibility of the story line. It seems to glorify Maori culture and violence, when gang members are nothing but thugs. Yes, maybe some fo them are family men too, but in general they are just part of a boys club. I am sure there was a way to include Maori culture in a more positive light. But ultimately, stink acting bro, stink script writing.
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
Great viewing - deteriorates after season 5
10 February 2021
Got caught up in this during lockdown and binge watched. The first few seasons were hilarious, goofy, my family really enjoyed them. Season 5 started and we noticed we were not laughing as much and some of the stories seemed desperate. Before we knew it we became aware we weren't looking forward to sitting down and watching as much. We soldiered on, loyal followers and fans. As we started season 6, the characters were unrecogniseable, the topics more serious and became sickly sweet, pretty much wasting our time, stretching out stories to make a season that was obviously coming to an end and not going to be renewed. Just to make sure we weren't alone I began googling season 7 and realised we were not alone, so half way through it, we flagged it. Not wanting to even see what happens at the end, and have no regrets. Classic example of a dead horse being flogged, the writers and creators had clearly run out of ideas. The term 'jump the shark' came to mind when the crew took up jobs in Inidana but were still based in Pawnee!!!! say what??? silly.
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Movie 43 (2013)
Why all the hate??
7 February 2021
I have watched this 4 times over the years, what a hoot!! stupidly funny if you just relax and lower your expectations, however the presence of the A list cast is what makes it funnier, why would Richard Gere agree to talk about teenage boys having sex with machines?? I am baffled why it has been so poorly thought of, childish immature, slapstick funny. Its along the lines of Hot Shots, Airplane or Flying High, Police Academy or any parodies, which of course can rate lowly but still entertain and summon a laugh. My recommendation, chill out and sit back and have a laugh.
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Bad Blood (2017–2018)
Bad something
17 January 2021
Thoroughly enjoyed series 1, great acting and story line and my rating is torn between the two series. So this review is relates to series 2, with my 4 stars as an average over the 2 series. The characters and acting in this series was so over the top it became laughable, the Italian brother and sister and the character Luca were simply terrible. I can only assume some of the positive ratings have been written by people who were so absorbed and enjoyed season 1 so much they couldn't bring themselves to say anything negative about this. The writers and production crew from season 1 must have been under pressure to reproduce the quality of series 1 and missed the mark completely, it is truly terrible. I kept watching, hoping it would get better. Save yourself some time and watch something else.
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F Is for Family (2015–2021)
Too funny
21 July 2020
Reminds me of my father while I was growing up in the 70's, different country, but same miserable attitude. Great writing, love this show, and even better watching it the second time around.
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Hunters (2020–2023)
Initial excitement subsided
19 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was genuinely hooked at the beginning, having not seen or read anything about Nazi Hunters, this appeared exciting and interesting, what a concept. However as the show wore on, the main character Jonah was just unlikeable, and angry young man whom we never quite worked out why he was so angry, and where he got his skills from. There was no in depth look into his life, but it didn't stop at him, i don't recall getting any background on any of the Hunters as to how and why they were doing what they were doing. As far as Al Pacino goes, was he trying to out act everyone?? Did the director at any stage say 'Hey Al, dial the accent back a bit, we can't understand what the hell you are saying'. In the end, a face lift??? such an anti climax.
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A Million Little Things (2018–2023)
Sucked me in
26 March 2019
Oh wow, did the first episode suck me in?? It sure did, it was intense, it was a must watch, had to find out how this all came about. But it also sucked me in to thinking this was going to be great television, entertaining and dramatic, HOWEVER, what unfolded, before my very eyes, is exactly what some others have alluded to in other reviews, the characters were simply not likeable, they were worse than that, they were irritating and fake and that goes for the kids too. One other reviewer put it nicely, 'people don't speak like that', the whispering and melodramatic lines delivered, which seems to be prevalent in many shows these days is just God awful.

Gary is at the top of the list as irritating,I honestly wanted him to shut up. How could Maggie have so much to do with a family when she has only just arrived on the scene? Eddie just cheesy (there is that word again, able to describe so many sins) Depression takes many forms, but Rome couldn't convince any viewer that he was actually suffering from depression, and just when you think his wife might be one of the group without any monsters, out they come, yawn!! Delilah can whisper her way through a day time soap, or alternatively assist someone with sleeping issues. Katherine was the closest one to not annoy the viewer. The gay 8 year old story was just cringe. Eddie and Katherine's son had nothing endearing about him at all, cast as the cute Asian didn't work. How could so much happen to one set of cheesy friends over a short space of time. Another reviewer also summed up my position "I'm strangely fascinated enough to keep watching although I laugh and shake my head the whole time wondering why I am wasting my time'.

Thankfully I recorded this so I could fast forward and was desperate to see how it unfolded at the end. i should have known better, a cliffhanger to suck me in for the next series....I will not be making that mistake again. Its schmaltzy and tries way too hard, truly awful.
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Top of the Lake (2013–2017)
Don't waste your time.
5 October 2017
I have only watched the second series, having done some research on the first series. This started out with a lot of promise ended up farcical. Elisabeth Moss lacks credibility as the lead and also as a police Detective. Her boss oozed being a real cop while the two females were a bit of a joke. Nicole Kidman plays the tree hugging gay mum with startling accuracy as far as a stereotypes go, but she was one shining light in what dragged on to become very average entertainment. Having surrounded ourselves with televisions shows like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Narcos, Ray Donovan, Ozark, Get Shorty this offering from Jane Campion was very very weak. It amazes me what peoples expectations of gritty drama is, when reviewers on here rate Top of the Lake so highly, when it is clearly in a much lower category than the example of shows I have just listed. In concluding, a few hours of my life I have wasted.
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Line of Duty (2012–2021)
Fantastic and Gripping start but…….
6 July 2014
This series had me hooked in the opening episode, and I quickly checked on IMDb to see it rated very well. However as the series progressed I had to ask whether the writer had any Police consultation at all, because there were so many holes in the plot and unbelievable actions it begged disbelief. The mere idea that anti corruption officers can just come and go as they please, trying to search staff cars, check their computers, smash office windows, waltz in and try and take part in any investigation is simply so far from the truth.

To add to that I found Martin Compston and Vicky McLure completely miscast, insipid and unlikeable not to mention lacking credibility. I do not know much about these actors, but they simply were not believable in their roles. As I watched the demise of it episode after episode I rechecked on IMDb and read more reviews, quickly warming to the ones that awarded it a lower rating. Lennie James was good, and the stress and desperation of his characters situation came across brilliantly. That I am afraid is where the positives ended.

I really enjoy writer Jed Mercurios Strike Back, while having some unlikely scenarios at least has some expert and experienced consultation, and Bodies is fantastic. But this??? meh….
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Bridesmaids (I) (2011)
More enjoyable than the rating on IMDb
3 January 2012
We set out to watch the female equivalent of The Hangover, we were wrong. And gladly so. This film was far more entertaining than we expected. At the time of viewing IMDb rating was only a 7, so this left us with a low expectation. Pleasantly surprised, and Kristen Wig was fantastic. We finished up wondering what all those who rated this lowly actually expected. Great movie, entertaining and light. The laughs were nicely spread out through the movie and at no stage did it lag. Some great supporting cast with the guy from the English TV series The IT crowd and also Matt Lucas from Little Britain. Don't expect them to be funnier or get too much limelight. the star of the show is Wiig. Obviously a very talented and underrated artist, writer, comedienne, actress, producer and not bad on the eye either.
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