
22 Reviews
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3 July 2023
Brilliant, riveting performances. Caveziel was stunning in lead role. All actors and actresses involved were emotionally invested. It is hard to watch the flogging scene but it was brilliantly hot, you felt like you ere apart of the scene, , I winced with every blow, it made me think about hat it would have been like in real life.

Pilate was well handled and actor was very convincing. Herod was the only quibble, it was a bit awkward making him a effete half wit. I have seen it 2 times and was moving both times. Very easy film to recommend. It is not a film for children or the faint of heart. 1010.
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fine if diversity matters more
31 January 2023
If the goal is a diverse cast and preaching, it is a 10 for 10, for story, acting, and pacing it is awful. A diverse cast is an awesome thing, but when diversity is 1st thing yo set as a goal, you fail. Start with a premise in mind then cast, and if you nee to tweek because the best actor for a role is not how you originally envisioned , cool. But hiring just because they are not white i never a god idea.

There are no shortages of talented POC actors to choose from, yet here all they went for was , well their not white, lets cast them. This sets inclusion back, people should be hired based on talent and how they fit story.

The story is convoluted and plays like fan fiction. Just should have been better, better cast, better writers and better story.
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21 November 2022
I loved the song when it came out, I wished it had a video, this was really good , I could have done without the political messaging abut the patriarchy, but other than that video matched the song perfectly.

Think was very well cast. Sadie was solid but I wish she had been more consistent in her lipstick game, varied from none to perfect, I much preferred the perfect to none. The sets were exactly as I would have imagined, they could have been better with the lighting.

I have seen it 3 times and think it is her best video by some margin. I wish she would go back to this style of music or country.
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Driven (2001)
lipstick is great, plot non exstent
14 November 2022
The rating of 5 I gave this was because of Estella Warren and her lipstick. That was the highlight, sadly there was precious little of her in it, though I am grateful for the swimsuit scene.

The plot if you can call it that is very standard damaged man baby with loads of talent acts like an entitled brat (think Lewis Hamilton w/o the shameless race baiting) who cannot act right. He rebuffs all attempts to help him grow up. Enter hot girl, she of course is his rivals ex, he flips for her and there is an utterly pointless love triangle. I must stop here and say, despite it being pointless, this s by far the best part of the movie, and the stunning performance of Estella Warrens lipstick was Oscar worthy. Til Schweiger is the other part of the love triangle and I pretty wooden, but at least he is not OTT like the horrible Gina Gershon who in addition to avoiding red lipstick does her usual overacting and then there is Burt Reynolds who is of course the obligatory baddie and he is awful as a character and actor, Sly does a decent job as sly.

Not a good movie ,
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Uncharted (2022)
Didnt expect much, want disappointed
2 November 2022
I understand it is a movie and there must be some suspension of disbelief , but his was way beyond that. How did they get the 2 intact ships in that cave? How did a helicopter lift the ship.

The casting was odd, Holland is a good actor, has some charisma but was a poor choice here, he is the size of a hobbit. Hard to take him seriously in this role. The women were unattractive and unbelievable, there was no chemistry with male leads. But hey they ticked diversity boxes and apparently that matters more than a good fit. Selena Gomez would have been better and more age appropriate for Holland, the actress playing Chloe looked at least 15 years too old for him.

The action was well done, and lot was decent, just felt , wow glad I didnt see in theaters and saw for free on a flight.
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26 September 2022
Where to begin, this falls victim to the new quasi feminist trope that women have to be seen as smarter, stronger and better in every way then the men. This results in unconvincing fight scenes in which a 100 pound woman body slams a 250 pound man. Women can be action heroes but make it realistic, let them win via finesse or smarts, over powering is not believable. Women have a lot to offer but it is different than men, why try to make women action heroes exactly the same as men? The whole idea is to make it different so let them use what they have , charm, intellect guile to achieve their goals.

The plot is simplistic, action bit boring and fight scenes unbelievable.
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Broken Arrow (1996)
22 September 2022
Broken arrow belongs in the top 10 of 90's movies, the girl played by Samantha Mathis,gets in a fight rolling around in duct, almost nuked, had to swim for it, gets beaten up by a navy seal and her lipstick is still perfect. Travolta chewing on scenery like a fat guy on a klondike bar, Christian Slater being well Christian Slater, and the chronically underappreciated Delroy Lindo, an awesome movie.

The action scenes are great, somewhat unbelievable at times, but still a lot of fun, the plot is so so, it is the characters and chemistry that drive this film, I loved Howie Long as an NFL layer, but the man cannot act.

A movie not to be missed .
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Nashville (2012–2018)
21 September 2022
Good show, and loved 1st 4 seasons, then it became obvious they would never let rayna be happy and sort of fell off. The acting was great and the songs and performances on stage were convincing. One guy was miscast, Oliver Hudson as Jeff, he is so typecast as lovable goof Adam on rules of engagement. Seeing him as the evil rather manipulative record exec was really had to buy, kind of like Alan Alda as anyone but Hawkeye Pierce from MASH.

Hayden was great as Juliette and loved Clare Bowen as Scarlett , her lipstick game was always strong. Connie Britton was really good as Rayna, though maybe 20 years too old for the part .

Definitely worth watching !
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
20 September 2022
If you want a fun show, this aint it. If you want a feminist anti man story, well this is definitely for you. This is not made for men, and that is fine, but the show runners need to understand why men are not into this show. It is not because men hate women, it is because this show hates them with the intensity of 10,000 suns.

It was so anti men that my wife was like, nah it'll be fine when asked if she was going to watch further. You cannot vilify an entire segment of the population and expect them to watch your show.

The acting in the few episodes we watched seemed fine, way, way to many close ups of lead characters face making a constipated face. F you are a man hating leftist, this might be your go to show Any others will struggle to enjoy it.
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25 August 2022
The actor who played Dolph's supervisor at FBI is the worst actor have ever seen, was he playing as a parody? Bellamy is wasted, BUT, I loved this movie, its jabs at woke culture was priceless and Darla Taylor was a bit young for Dolph , but her lipstick game was subtle and strong. Just a lot of fun.
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Reacher (2022– )
21 July 2022
This is what happens when you respect the source material. For most art left the woke stuff out and focused on a great book adaptation, s it 100% faithful to the book? No, but it is faithful in theme, tone and characters. This was a masterclass in adapting a beloved series to TV, too bad lord of the rings amazon how decided never mind the source material and Tolkien, this is what he should have done.

The acting was superb, casting exceptional and everyone seemed invested in their character. My only critique of anything, Roscoe could have used some lipstick.
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Fun but some flaws in continuity
4 July 2022
Thought it a fun movie, at the very least was entertaining . What struck me was the continuty errors, the lead girl, her lipstick changed scene to scee.
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Wanda's lipstick game was only thing stong in a mess
16 May 2022
Wanda's commitment to perfect lipstick is admirable , the rest of the movie is a white hot mess of stunning visuals and inept story, felt more like a wanda movie with a cameo by dr strange.
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Justified (2010–2015)
Best show ever made
18 March 2022
This show is paced brilliantly, never dull, beautifully shot, the world building is 2nd to none. You feel fully immersed in the world of Harlan, the characters are fully fleshed out and no mary sue's, all have strengths and flaws. The chemistry between the leads is next level. I was even impressed super loon rapports character. I can gush on and on, but I will summarize. This is the best show ever in terms of acting, writing, plat, character and world developing , best show ever and nothing is close.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
every time you think it cant get worse..
9 March 2022
Watched reviews by heel vs baby fact Thomas unlimited , the critical drinker, and was not believing the show could be that bad, no show could,

I was wrong, it is that bad. I suffered through a few episodes and some things became obvious 1. They hate straight men, particularly white ones, not a single straight white man that is even vaguely redeemable.

2. Plot holes 3. They take the suspension of disbelief to all time levels.

4. Characters are underdeveloped unlikeable and unbelievable 5. Cannot decide if or is bad acting or writing so awful that even Streep and De Niro couldn't make this watchable.

6. No one seems to be good at their jobs 7. Fight scenes are not believable 8. The batmobile is a joke 9. Why is alice running loose, 10. The only thing they seem to care about is emphasizing how woke it is, the plot, writing etc seems to be 2nd to screaming look how gay we are, look how non white we are. Nothing wrong with a diverse cast, why not use a diverse cast in a great show, where writing and characters matter ?
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the best of the sequels
3 March 2022
No one would have cared that star wars had a female protagonist (I love Daisey Ridley, I am a fan boy and will tolerate zero disrespect for her). The objections to Rey were not because she was female, it was because the 1st movie was rehashed a new hope and Rey had no journey, she started off the strongest jedi ever and was too perfect, needing no mentor, never failed could do everything instantly. Daisey deserved better.

As bad as this was , it is the best of the star wars movies made after the return of the jedi .
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Can I rate higher than 10?
23 February 2022
This was fun, no cursing no gratuitous sex, fun romp of a movie, well shot, well acted, charismatic leads.. Amazing film. I recommend to any film lover , you can watch this many times and never tire of it.
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Point Break (2015)
guilty pleasure
23 February 2022
I really enjoyed this, Teresa Palmer should never be shot without perfect red lipstick, other than that, no complaints, pure fun, much some popcorn turn off the brain and enjoy,
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One Of Us Is Lying (2021–2022)
if the breakfast club was woke
22 February 2022
So many issues, lets start with casting.

They are supposed to be 17 or 18, bur main charcters are ranging fro early to late 20's, zero chemistry between them, the styling is appallingly bad , the girls wearing 1970s make up and chains, is ridiculous.

They only romance they show is the gay one, Have to throw in shot at police, an absolute woke mess.
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Hawkeye (2021)
Super woke the rise of another mary sue
22 February 2022
Want a series about Hawkeye, well you aint getting one, you are getting the Kate Bishop show with a guest appearance from Hawkeye. Bishop is surrounded by every leftist trope, anti men, pro lgbtqpai +, white guys are portrayed as corrupt incompetent caricatures, the tiny women unrealistically toss men 2x their weight abut with ease, there is ZERO suspense in these fights as the wokesters will never let white men defeat women at anything, hell hey wont even let a white man mentor a woman, all the women are perfect and better than men at everything.

A joke, one that keeps playing out endlessly.
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The Rookie (2018– )
cant make a cop show when you hate cops
15 February 2022
Season 1 was great, fascinating, but each season the show runners could not hide the fact that they are in the defund the police camp. When you do any research about Fillion, he is best pals with far far left loons like Trudeau and his leftist agenda has ruined a great series. The show wants you to hate the cops but identify with the lead characters who are all cops or a rabid leftist lawyer, Show became utterly unwatchable.
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Red Notice (2021)
predictable but not bad
14 February 2022
Watched with my 17 year old daughter, the twists were telegraphed , the rock was fine playing the rock, he has zero range, he is a charismatic guy but is the same guy in every movie, Reynold is meh, Gadot can rock red lipstick like no one since Jennifer Connolly in the Rocketeer, but is not much more than eye candy.

Its an ok movie and has some laughs, no preaching so a tepid thumbs up.
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