
5 Reviews
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Passion Play (2010)
A cheat story...
28 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine the surprise when i found out that this movie robbed an hour and thirty minutes of my time. it's not that i hate the actors, it's that the story lacks substance and then, after wasting my precious time watching the whole freaking thing, i found out that it's not really happening! it's all just a dream! a freakin' dream all concocted in his head before he died! what the frack is that!? the movie droned on about days of him living together with that angel and magically it'll be revealed at the end that he's dead? what's up with that!? i would totally agree if it's just a day, but for a week? A WEEK? come on! he slept, and ate, and drank, and got some, and played, and got hurt, and got beaten up, and applied for a gig, and everything and he didn't even noticed he's dead??? who would buy that bull!? i know i wouldn't! and that's not even the half of it. the story drags on getting the viewers to feel the movie which sadly didn't really helped at all considering they dragged it too much without building the character first which meant that you would not really relate to the characters on its minutes of slow paced "artistic" panning camera which would really test your patience to fast forward it or just up and quit watching - which i should have done if not of my love in watching films even if it's horrible.

the movie it self is built on that dragging scenes which could be cut off. you can seriously cut it off to about 20-35 minutes and still be able to understand the story - until afterward figuring that its a BIG CHEAT because the writers didn't have any brilliant idea to come up with a better ending or a better script - or maybe both. ^_^

i suggest finding other worthy drama film worth your time. the script is lame and the director tried to be artistic which is a major fail on his part.
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Full of mediocrity, absurdity and lame scriptwriting....
15 April 2011
This movie, though is not to be considered as horrendous as the others, tries very hard to entertain viewers with cheesy moments which undoubtedly is one of the things a Filipino looks for in a movie. clearly not intellectually engaging and is truthfully a waste of time. that's saying much because you're going to miss your life if you chose to waste your time watching this... there are lots of things you could waste your two hours to... like sleeping or just browsing youtube... at least there there's no money involved... it's like you're paying them for you to get tortured and get ripped off... who does this?

the editing sucks, the delivery of the dialogue sucks, the plot sucks, hell, even the actors sucks... i could give Sarah a pat on the back for doing her part but the rests just makes you squirm in your seats for being inept to do their jobs. makes you wonder though if those workshops they offer really works... but hey, they are still better actors -twice i believe- than what i've been seeing on GMA7 so "YAY!" for that...

gave it 3 out of 10 for the effort. clearly the directors and editors themselves needs some sort of training... indie film directors are much better directors than they are...
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Walk away, Just walk away and never look back...
25 July 2010
I cannot begin where to start...

first of all, m. night should stop directing, producing and even writing and focus on doing something more productive than rob other people with their money and stealing away some cool Nickelodeon cartoon and turn it to a freakin' mesh of absurdity and nonsensical rambles. he could have a desk job or so, that way we cannot see what he's been up to and that way he couldn't hurt every fan(and potential-fan)across the world. and maybe, just maybe, this world can be a better place to live in.

the whole movie is in shambles. it's like a whole messed-up collage of nonsensical clips brought together by a three year old and then added some narration thinking that it can really help them to actually get away from the abomination they just created... it's a freakin movie and they're not showing the story, they're actually telling it making us feel that we're reading a comic strip on the back of the cereal instead of actually watching it – that's how crappy it is. They literally stripped the whole book one of the original and paste it together squeezing it to an hour and forty three. Well i could've forgiven them but see, they included unimportant dialogues and scenes that are not pertinent to the development of the story. They didn't even get the names right. It literally looked like m. night didn't even try to watch the whole Avatar Animated Series. He didn't even tried asking about what it really is and what's going on! And don't get me starting with the supporting characters. Appa is ignored, momo is ignored, hell all of the important supporting characters are ignored(except for aang). You can surmise that even if they all die at the end (including sokka and katara), nothing would ever matter. Because character development IS NOT in Shyamalan's vocabulary. Even Aang(the hero) lacks his character build-up he needed. In his defense, Shyamalan did try. He just tried! No actual substance can be found on this disgraceful movie. It's not even a movie, it feels more of a video clip. A video clip with very expensive cgis and sets. And if there's moral to this movie, well... one can only guess what it is.

There are many inconsistencies to the characters and to the logical organization of the thought it wants to convey(like m.night is high on burning rubber or something). The acting is horrible. The dialogue is freakin' repulsive. It's as though every scene is very awkward and we feel a spine tingling sensation whenever they talk to each other leaving us to think of walking out of the theater –but was always hindered by the mere thoughts of hope for them to redeem themselves in the end which kinda sucks because they didn't.

If you are a fan, you might get the gist on what they're saying because you already knew what's happening. You're just waiting for it to happen. But if you are not then you'll just scratch you head and pray to whatever your God is to rewind time when you can chose some kick-ass films like INCEPTION to watch instead of buying the lame tickets that you're grinding in your palms.

This movie is so wrong. It's so wrong in different levels...

I may have forgotten some few things to include here to be mad about but that is a blessing i'm thankful for. (^_^) ,v,,
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Push (2009)
AHA! I Know What's the Problem!
11 May 2009
Push is a good idea. Making things complicated around for the audience to be entertained is a very good thing to do - that is if you explained it to them at the end.

The story idea for push is really a good one. the only thing that escaped the writers was the ending. it seems that the movie was not well thought through - and that's what pisses people all around the world.

i totally understand the writer's point, the director's or even the producer's for giving the heads up at this movie. it seems as though they have been creating this whole world for themselves that's why the only ones that 'get' the movie were the ones involved in 'creating' it. they should have extended the film in order to explain details further not leaving people watching it half-blind and all.

i'm not into destroying this movie and all but i got to tell what's on my mind(i get the story if you're askin' by the way) in fact, i really enjoyed it and got all riled up because i understand the whole plot. i guess you have to be someone with a quick and wild imagination to get what they were doing and to be in their sorry for the people who lacks it though. you'll never really get this movie even if you watch it like a million times or so.

clearly the problem in the story is that it really doesn't explain much for the slow ones - or the ones who're not into the stuff. if the movie staff(or whoever created the movie - director/writer/etc) have been more open to the idea of elaborating what they were doin' and all then maybe, just maybe, they would've gotten a lot of praise instead of ~duhs~.

i recommend this movie - ONLY - to the ones who read sci-fi books, into anime/comics or have wild imaginations. if you do not possess the qualities then you wouldn't really enjoy the film and would lead you to cursin' and moaning in agony like the ones that gave this a bad review.

gave this an 8 because it really made my day. though i don't get the idea of them being in hongkong. they could've done so much better...
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Kung Fu Panda (2008)
It's my Favorite Movie now!
14 April 2009
this is, i believe, the best 3d animation i've seen in years! it's very hard to create something like this. the animators must've spent months in rendering and clean-ups. the story's quite good; the comedy is new & refreshing; and the voice acting was right on!- except of course for the voices of jackie and lucy, i didn't heard them that much, they didn't have big roles here.

i wish that they don't try to create a part two of this. this is enough i believe. if they try to create another one like this, it would ruin its name and the very essence of it. - like the other movies that had their sequel. (^_^).v.. | that would be very bad, especially for the fans.

it's good in the theaters but it's more enjoyable on dvds.

three cheers for dreamworks *yey* for delivering us something like this.
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