23 Reviews
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Hustlers (2019)
Why is this rated so low? this is a very enjoyable movie!
21 February 2023
I have no clubs why this is rated a 6. This movie certainly deserves more. The story building aspect alone, it immerses you in a dazzling world of fake glam and risky business in the stip clubs of New York.

J-lo steals the show, she was made for this role! The ensemble cast does very well too. The script is good, it's funny in places but certainly manages to convey real emotion when it needs to.

This is just a good crime movie based afaik on a real story.

I re-watched it today and it certainly stand the test. Some people might have some trouble with the actions displayed but how's this different from other crime based movies or tv shows?
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The Suspect (2022)
A gripping crime drama with a very London vibe
15 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm actually quite enjoying this series, in spite of our main character's many flaws. It's a who done it style crime drama following the murder of a young woman.

Our main suspect, dr O'Loughlin, is first brought in as a consulting specialist but we soon find out he has connections to the case. The murder victim appears to be a woman he had an affair with.

The main start here ofc is Aidan Turner, who plays the role of this flawed man quite well. Even though you just want to slap him sometimes you don't quite know if he's guilty or not and we do have some other potential culprits who are good candidates.

3 episodes in and i'm curious where we're going.
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Pistol (2022)
An amazing and gripping look into the early punk days in Britain
15 September 2022
Props to Danny Boyle and the perfect cast, they bring to life the primordial soup of the emerging British punk scene in the late 70's. We start out by seeing the evolution of each member from a scoundrel into a pistol. It's mainly focused on Steve Jones - the guitarists' perspective, but i feel we get things pretty rounded up towards the end.

The way it's shot and put together also brings to life this steed spirit, the empty void of societal failure filled by angsty art and deviant desires to escape the mundane.

Only taking a star off because i wish they shown Rotten's OD and maybe a bit more of the circumstances around Nancy's death.

A must watch for all music lovers!
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why is this rated so low? this series is fabulous?
11 August 2022
Now mind you i give this a 10 instead of a 9 to compensate for the low rating but overall all this was highly enjoyable.

The most refreshing part was the historically accurate (-ish, as much as the budged allowed at times) costumes and interior décor! Unlike the tudors this series is trying to be accurate.

The lead actresses were great to watch the plot is interesting to see unfold even if you know the story.

I hope they make a second season.
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The Tudors (2007–2010)
too many historical innacuracies in an otherwise decent drama
26 January 2022
Where to even begin with this one? Well, it doesn't feel of the time period. I had to knock off 1 point for the awful dresses they gave these women, more akin to disney princesses than actual women of the 16th century. I mean, they weren't reign levels of bad, but still, very phantasmagorical. The men's were a bit better but not by much. But that pales in comparison to the ridiculously bad, garbage even, job the makeup and hair department did. The hair has 0 to do with the time period. Everyone had their hair down constantly and they even had the gall to have one of the actresses have short hair in season 4. The makeup is done by modern standards with mascara and contour. Absolutely ridiculous and distracting. Maybe they should watch wolf hall to see how it's done.

The dialogue was good and some plot points and drama creation was interesting, but it was too anachronistic in places, though i do appreciate the inclusion of some actual lines uttered by some of the ppl in question in real life, from what sources we do have.

Jonathan rhys meyers was miscast. Idk why they didn't even put a ginger wig on him?

Henry cavill shines through, eye candy ofc, but also some of his best acting work.

Natalie dormer was good too. The real anne had deep dark eyes though.

All in all, this could have been great, if they paid more attention to the costumes and makeup. Even some of the décor too.

Watch wolf hall, they do it better, or the Borgias!
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i don't get the low ratings this miniseries is just perfect
25 December 2021
I loved it even more upon rewatch. It is soo noir but in the best way. I love jay's character and the story has a few twists and turns even though we flat out know who the bad guy is from the get go.

If you like noir, the 60's or christ pine give this a shot!
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All Is True (2018)
this movie is a visual treat
28 November 2021
I can't remember when i last saw such a beautiful set & photography combo. The costumes as well are just beautiful and fairly accurate. This is just a treat for any history lover and especially one who's passionate about the Tudor period.

As for the movie, i liked it, it has some drama, and some intensity in parts but it's also melancholic.

I'd take a point off for the loose hair (not quite historically accurate) and for the slight modernization of attitudes. But overall a gorgeous movie!
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29 May 2021
So much more than a travel show and it perfectly shows off beautiful Scotland. The episodes are short but zesty and the duo is quite dynamic and funny.

Hope we get a second season!
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Snatch (2017–2018)
Unwatchable garbage
18 April 2021
I don't know what this is supposed to have in common with the original snatch apart from the 'accents' and i guess lifestyle. This feels like a clunky uni project from film school students. Like guy ritchie just told his kid to write the script and that he can have the name.

If you're going into this expecting snatch, then just don't.
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Better Call Saul: Bagman (2020)
Season 5, Episode 8
this episode was the Ozymandias of Better call Saul
8 April 2020
So many action movies try to do what this episode did - and fail. Vince Gilligan is brilliant, and this is the best season of BCS to date!
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am amazing nostalgic trip for the real fans eager to know what happened to jessie
16 October 2019
This is as good as a sequel gets. i missed the BrBa atmosphere so much, as i am sure many real fans did. i think the way jessie's story line was wrapped up was perfect. i was prompted to write this review by the whiny chitches that can't damn appreciate that we got another moment in this universe. i loved the ending too. it had a perfect melody and setting - without spoiling anything. jessie's journey is complete, and his progress as a character is palpable. i even enjoyed one particular moment in a special shop where he realizes a past mistake. and the cameos were well done and nostalgic. it was engulfing beginning to end and the two hours flew by.
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Frontier (2016–2018)
Fairly entertaining show based in the canadian wilderness in the 1700's
1 March 2019
I watch a lot of period/historical tv shows and this is one of the good ones. Now it's not perfect, the costumes are absolutely ridiculous and cheaply made, the dialogue can be anachronistic at times but i like the setting. The Hudson Bay is where the action takes place, far up in the Canadian north. The characters are quite well fleshed even though they can be a little too 'good guy' vr 'very bad guy'. But all in all i did enjoy it and if you're in the market for a historical tv show that's more focused on action than loads of dialogue than check this out.
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Not historically acurate, ridiculous teen dramam show-esque movie
21 February 2019
This movie is filled with historical inaccuracies and just ridiculous plots. It feels like watching a CW show in movie form. If this was billed as history-fiction i'd be fine with it, but claiming to be a historical movie (even end credits telling us what happens historically after the movie takes place indicates it to be so) and then having black and asian characters is just ridiculous. Look i am all for inclusivity in film making for people of all races (i like the inclusivity of The Walking Dead bc of that) but this is a historical movie. And frankly seeing those characters prevented me from being immersed in the story, took massively away from realism (key to any good historical movie) and at times just made it plain ridiculous. Also, so much emphasis on sex in the wrong ways....so the husband gives Mary oral sex, then she provokes him into raping her in another encounter? Mary had a gay best friend as one of her court ladies? What?? No, not realistic. Soirsea Ronan was great in her performance and Margot Robbie was good too. Costumes were on point. But all that mans nothing, there is no immersiveness, it doesn't capture you. Like other reviewers said just watch The Favourite instead!
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Amazing movie filled with heart and a sense of adventure!
10 February 2019
Ok, so fair enough, you have to suspend disbelief for a while... but once you do the characters come alive and take you along on their journey. It follows the story of Calvin Barr (Sam Eliott), a war hero who, during WW2, managed to achieve the feat of killing HItler. Now, many years later, an old man, his past seems to haunt him and push him to search for some new meaning. Many flashbacks of his young self (brilliantly played by the amazing Aidan Turner) seem to egg him on and bring about this mysterious air of melancholy that sets the atmosphere. His young love is on his mind through and through, as they share a few romantic, heartfelt moments. This movie has great soul, and is, in a way, a take on growing old, regrets and being the right person at the right and wrong time. Great cast and location. Highly recommended.
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Black Sails (2014–2017)
Extremely underrated show with great acting and amazing atmosphere
30 December 2018
I first heard about this show a few years ago and wrongfully thinking it to be based off of a video game decided to skip it. Well, bad decision on my part since i missed out on the joy of this creation. It is actually based loosely off of "Treasure Island", or better yet, what happens before it, in Nassau, then pirate capital of the West Indies. It has this very elusive of qualities that a tv show can have: the power of immersion, the good atmosphere that keeps you engaged. Supported ofc by a brilliant cast , and it is so rare to have such a spot on amazing set of actors so great in their roles. Luke Arnold as Silver (hot damn) and Toby Stephens as Flint most especially, though my favourite female character was Ann Bonney payed by Clara Paget. (Also a little shout out to the music department since it was on point from intro song to other effects across the seasons). The ending was definitely rushed, you can tell, sadly this is how it had to be when amazing shows like this don't get the audience they need to be in production while literal garbage gets many many pointless seasons. Well i guess i join the numerous new fans who sadly discovered this after it ended. The show needed more word of mouth and general publicity methinks. Either way, like other reviewers here have said, i hope they make a movie to at least give us more closure.
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Colette (I) (2018)
Ooh-Lala this film is very enjoyable
6 December 2018
I love period pieces and biographies so i was already sold, this one is very accurate and keeps you engaged. The acting is superb, the story is interesting and the dynamics between the leads alone is captivating. This is a sexual movie, but not in a crude way. It's very chic.
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Permission (I) (2017)
This movie is just ridiculous
21 November 2018
Over the top and filled with clichees. I thought it was written by some naive teenager. Don't waste your time. The only good thing abt this movie was Francois Arnaud
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Jonathan (2018)
complete waste of time
20 November 2018
Absolute garbage, boring characters, and ensel whats his name's annoying face through out. spare yourself the bore
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Outlaw King (2018)
Now THIS is how you make a medieval epic!
19 November 2018
This movie deserves all of its 10 stars. It has such a realistic take on the Robert the Bruce situation while managing to squeeze in a realistic romance and capture the imagination...the spirit of the era. The scenes are masterfully done, the scenery is captivating (beautiful Scotland) and (my weakness) the costumes and decor is spotless...perfect (considering how many a period movie has fallen into the pitfall of bad costumes)! Great cinematography. The action scenes are entertaining and i love the way this is portrayed, with realism but a lot of charm. Bonus, it contains one the hottest ahem....love making scenees that i've seen in a long while. I've re watched the movie and will probably watch it again in the future. Also, Chris Pine is surprisingly good here, doesn't look like the Hollywood pretty boy i know him as. Great movie, one of the best this year! Maybe an Oscar contender....
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A Discovery of Witches (2018–2022)
KInd of meh
7 November 2018
Lacks the ambiance, pace, snark, humour and wit of other vampire shows. I'm talking about the classics of the genre like True Blood, The Vampire Diaries and Being Human (UK ofc). The pacing is off, they get together too fast, sometimes there's no action other times there's too much. The direction seems to be off, the atmosphere is fine but not enticing enough in spite of the gorgeous cinematography. Also, the casting is weird... Matthew Goode is not sexy or vampiric enough, Teresa is just kind of meh and the rest of the cast don't work together for some reason. But it's watchable, will check out next season.
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The Domestics (2018)
Don't be fooled by the bad reviews it's actually very watchable
20 September 2018
I like end-of-world type of shows and movies and this one was highly entertaining. it kept me immersed and it was just pure entertainment. it feels a bit like the walking dead without zombies meets mad max. also this movie reminded me of how much of a snack tyler hoechlin is hehe - worth it just for that. also - the costumes were on point, exactly what one would expect of such a scenario. it's very crazy circus-esque and just a fun movie. both leads were actually great here.
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Amazing series that takes you in a deeply disturbing world of abuse but shines a light at the end
20 September 2018
This was an amazing show where i'm concerned. I really liked the first episode, it was reminiscent of Wolf of Wall St, but then oh boy did it go deep and dark in the second episode. Abuse is not graphic, but it hits you hard, makes you feel for the character. Mr Cucumber is great here, although i seem to notice he can only cry with one eye kind of weird. But i give it 9 stars bc of the time jumps and bc i think Jennifer Leigh is too young to be playing his mom, should've cast an older woman and did a better job with makeup. All in all you should give this a chance.
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Quircky travel show with a fresh take on some classic destinations for a short mini break, a must see for all travel show enthusiasts!
14 April 2017
The sexy and incredibly charming Richard Ayoade does it again! His unique take on a travel show manages to make you laugh out loud while appreciating the classic beauty of the (mainly European) cities shown. He brings one famous person along in each episode and it's just a good time all around! His deadpan sense of humor, rich quirky vocabulary and over all unmistakable charm make for a very entertaining travel show. Comedy and travel....what more can you ask for? I hope it gets many more seasons because watching it is a blast! (and frankly because i just can't get enough of this witty, funny, charming and sexy man) Best episodes are the Paris, Budapest, Florence and Vienna one! A must-see for travel show addicts like myself!
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