
8 Reviews
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a child's view of science, engineering, and life.
30 June 2022
It is really annoying when someone who knows NOTHING about science or engineering tries to write a drama about it.

The lead character portrays someone who doesn't have the patience or intelligence to pass a college physics class, let alone discover nuclear fusion. It is just absurd. She is a mess of emotions, risking her life and perhaps the future of earth because she takes umbrage at things a strange alien says. She brings her car to a sudden stop on a road where people are driving 70 because she is upset. The entire work looks like the director, actors, and perhaps writers had not the slighted clue what a scientist or engineer is about.

Too bad, because the plot has an interesting start. But I must rate this series not worth my time any more. I can't enjoy a movie that constantly collides with how people in my world act.

If this portrays how the average artist, business person, or marketing person see science and scientists, we are in real trouble as a society. That others who write reviews don't immediately see that also is doubly disturbing.
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Foundation (2021– )
Some good cinema with many flaws
3 January 2022
The imagery is mostly excellent, worthy of the Asimov's best work. But it diverges in key areas from the plot of the series and has jarring and illogical plot elements. Characters behave at times in stupid ways that are not believable.

Worst is the relentless march of Politically Correct elements, which make it as tiresome at times as an old Soviet propaganda piece. White men are bad. Women are good and the strongest fighters and more aggressive than men with better developed characters. Do all new film works need to go through these litmus tests before approval?

Still I'm going to rate it as something fun to watch. We just need a better version to come along. And please, for G's sake get rid of the PC next time.
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dysfunctional movie
30 July 2018
Poor use of music and sound. Disjointed plot. And WHAT director uses actors for key different roles that look almost the same? The father of the girl is almost impossible to tell from the chief villain. I had to rewatch several times and still could not tell the difference.

How anyone could rate this higher than 5 is beyond me.

The lead actor did a decent job. None of the other actors had a chance to really develop their characters. All were 2 dimensional filler roles.
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Muddled mess does not deserve the high ratings
27 March 2016
Movie does not deserve the ratings it has received. It had an inconsistent story, Characters were not believable. Being somewhat familiar with US geography, I could not figure out where the action took place when watching the film. After researching it found why - it was filmed in something like seven different locations! This fractured filming was all to typical of this movie. Indians shot primitive bows with the range and speed of a high powered cross bow. People supposedly familiar with weapons and hunting shoved their guns into people's faces when any idiot knows can be grabbed before you can shoot. The film did not follow any authentic history line. It was just a muddled mess with a few some good points.
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Lucy (I) (2014)
Imagine a corny version of the Matrix
13 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Read the reviews, saw the movie. Now I understand the mixed responses to this movie.

The movie is definitely worth watching. Scarlett Johansson is hot, although the director did not take enough advantage of her fine figure in my opinion. It had some very good action scenes and plot twists. And at least half of the plot made very good sense. The bad side was at times it was so silly I wanted to laugh out loud in the theater. The plot was completely ridiculous in parts. For example, at one point where her IQ is something over 200 she walks into a hospital. But she openly carries a large hand gun through various crowded rooms - DUMB. And no one notices.. Put it under your jacket! I hope this one gets a good redo in a few years by a director more serious about his scifi.
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Astro Boy (2009)
Vapid remake of the old cartoon
23 October 2009
Movies for children don't have to have unbelievable characters, poor plots, and cheesy lines. Unfortunately Astro Boy has all these in spades. I wouldn't take my kids to it. I regret I saw it. The people who made it must have a twisted view of what children are supposed to be like. The movie has a chance to make a social comment on the dignity of life in any form - created or naturally born. It makes some grasps at this but falls short even there. The father (played by Nicholas Cage) is a particularly poor character. I like you Nick, and grimaced with every poor line you read. Have some self respect! I give this just above a 1 since I didn't walk out on it. Sorry Astro.
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Watchmen (2009)
Waste of Time
8 May 2009
I was so disappointed by this movie. I am usually a fan of comic renditions but this was an exception.

Characters were two dimensional. Sometimes they seemed like supermen, other times, awkward, bumbling idiots. It was as if some kid with little life experience had written the script and directed it. The plot had lots of holes in it. For all the effort put into this it came out strangely half-baked.

From a different angle, it should not have been rated R. The full nudity and explicit sex scenes are not appropriate for anyone not already sexually active. The censors were asleep on this one.
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Lovely film of human emotion
5 January 2009
I was surprised to see this movie that showed feelings I would have only expected in a Western film. After living in China for several weeks and feeling the large gulf between my culture in NW USA and Beijing, I found this movie quite refreshing. It showed me again that people are basically the same, given similar conditions. Dialogue was excellent - very well written and intense, although a little hard to follow by subtitles and watch the character's actions at the same time. The plot was not quite as predictable as a typical Hollywood film, which I also found refreshing. I look forward to watching more films by this director.
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