
4 Reviews
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It's a sequel people, but is it faithful?
2 November 2002
Sequel yes, why? Who knows but if you take this movie into it's own little world and try and not link it to the first movie (which I must admit can be hard, with the original Hanson Brothers still on the same minor league ice hockey team) try not to think of it has a sequel because it will spoil the first one for you.

The first one was a cult classic hit for sport movies. But this one, isn't exactly the worst sport movie I've ever seen. The hockey probably wasn't enough to keep sport movie fans attentions, but it did have enough for the non sport lovers to actually think "oooh violence on ice-not bad" a little go ;)

Callum Keith Rennie (an astounded Canadian actor - who probably signed for this film because of the first ones status and a film about ice hockey) is slightly wasted in this movie. We can see him in other roles that show of his natural talents as a brilliant actor, but playing Palmberg, it was enough to keep watching and laughing.

A female coach... ohhh not really that much of a plot twister... and Stephen Baldwin's screen performance wasn't exactly fantastic.

I think people reacted badly to this film because of the first one. They should never have plainly labelled it as a sequel as the "straight to DVD" shows how much it was liked by audiences (it just wasn't.)

But I had four of my wisdom teeth removed the weekend I rented this and it kept me occupied long enough to forget about the big open wounds in my gums, so really, give this film a chance. You can laugh, if you can just get over the fact that this film is a sequel. - :)
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Trapped (2001 TV Movie)
It's a T.V movie folks... simple as that...
2 November 2002
Basic. That's what this film is... basic. The film title is the general gist of the whole film but what more can be said about this little ditty of a movie?

Well, it's a T.V Movie so don't expect it to be utterly brilliant to box office standards, but... there is a but, can it surpass the time to keeping peoples butts to their seats? Quiet simply (yet again) yes. Okay it's not a brilliant film but it can hold enough suspense for you to stay and watch what happens to these unfortunates who are "trapped" in a burning building, in Las Vegas no doubt which I thought was a nice little twist. Some flaws of course, but the general acting wasn't too bad either. Respected Canadian actor Callum Keith Rennie co-stars along Meat Loaf and William Mcnamara.

Callum Keith Rennie (who has an astounding cult fan club, which really I have to admit I'm starting to sink in to) is an astounding actor, so why these odd choice of films? Well, it's not too bad, it's just a basic (there's that word again) film, so don't expect too much, and he has a bit of screen time and is quirky and appealing to keep you entertained. His on screen wife, played by unknown Suki Kaiser, I thought was brilliant. I really loved her take on her character and was generally miffed by the ending with her character. They don't necessary bounce off each others characters in a great jaw dropping way, but there's enough there to keep you wanting more.

The plot is simple and how they actually get out is easy to figure out if you pick up on enough clues in the opening scenes, but overall this T.V movie isn't half bad and it will keep you on your seats to the end. Some nice shots and acting parts (mainly from Rennie and Kaiser)and the end I was generally surprised of a little twist, but saying that, don't go buy it (like I did, mainly for the C.K.R action) if you're not a fan of any actors starring, the movie plot itself isn't really that fantastic. Over all out of a 100 I'd give this movie probably 56/100 - :)
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Due South (1994–1999)
Was such a good series that finally ended
2 November 2002
There are many fans of this series that ended a few years ago. A lot of fans were upset to find the replacement of Ray Vecchio a younger (ish) man with hair. Yes, folks... that was Callum Keith Rennie. But you shouldn't let the switcheroo affect you. He didn't replace Vecchio (well to a degree he did) but he was his own character, did his things differently to the old Ray Vecchio and was quite obviously Stanley "Ray" Kolwaski living in another mans shoes to keep old Vecchio's life safe.

I enjoyed the new series and yes, it was different to the previous two seasons, but as many television programmes change and develop you just have to go with the flow.

Paul Gross and Callum Keith Rennie along with a good list of other cast members kept the Due South programme running for all of our enjoyment. It was witty, action packed, funny, had great music, fantastic acting and it still had that "cop" feel to it. It truly was a magnificent drama/comedy programme that will be sadly missed.

I really miss the show and cannot wait for the DVD release! :)
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The Last Stop (2000)
The Last Stop... welcome to the dead of winter
2 November 2002
I bought this on DVD without actually seeing it before. Just, boom, bought it just like that. I wanted to know if this film had originality with its "thriller" genre. It's not too far off either...

We have a set of "typical-stereotype" characters here, but if you expect that, then you can enjoy the characters to their full potential. Callum Keith Rennie has a small role, but as usual is quite phenomenal on screen, capturing your eye at all times. Winston Rekert is a good actor too in this dark film. The location and sets are brilliant and the imagery is interesting and different. But as for the story line, it is reasonably un-original, but it does hold your interest from begining to finish. The only downer is Rose McGowan's performance which can only be said to be a little "wooden" but perhaps this is what she intended for her character. Who knows. All I know, is that I did enjoy this film with the "who done it" theme and interesting quirky characters. Not half bad :)
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