
3 Reviews
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This is NOT Spinal Tap (it's not even Fear of a Black Hat)
8 December 2004
Ever since Reiner and co. made the timeless classic This is Spinal Tap there have been the obligatory clones that don't really steal the idea but rather go the "in the vein of" route. Spinal Tap was a brand new type of movie, the 'Mockumentary" and god bless those who have tried and succeeded, ie, Fear of a Black Hat. And god help those (pun intended) that didn't ie, this complete waste of time.

It's clear that the dialogue was not improvised the way a good mockumentary progresses, the words and situations were obviously planned and not really all that thought out. I saw every joke coming and was not charmed or surprised with any of it.

There are a few gems in the casting with pre fame appearances from Andy Dick and Chris kattan but other than that you can't rely on this film to entertain.

There is one piece of irony here, ...And God Spoke (the movie about which this mockumentary is made) looks like a far funnier film to watch. There should have been much more of that in it.

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Unseen Importance
22 January 2004
Everyone knows the importance of this film. Some of the moods and feelings that this movie produces cannot even be put into words. But perhaps the most important thing I've seen this movie produce was in the person of Byron Smith. Byron was a Lieutenant in USA's neo-nazi movement. He was your typical tatooed skinhead. I met him during a prison visit where I was doing volunteer work. I have met many of these people and he was the most devoted and intense. He watched Schindler's List to prove to others that he could do so without being affected by the 'lies' it contained; Byron was wrong. This movie changed his life. Since his release he tours the country paying visits to skinhead and nazi groups with a DVD player and a well worn copy of this movie. They listen to him because he still has the tattoos and knows how to reach these people. Take away everything this movie has accomplished and changed save for Byron Smith and it was still worth all the money, time and sacrafice it took to create.
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Jason X (2001)
Cut Them Some Slack
25 October 2002
This movie is exactly what I had hoped for and what should have been made. I heard and read many reviews stating that this movie is ill-conceived and edited poorly, etc. IT'S A FRIDAY THE 13th MOVIE FOR CHISSAKES!!! It's supposed to be all of that. I would have been dissapointed with anything more cerebrial and better made. I think that the execs at New Line knew what they were doing when they bought the script and hired Issacs to direct. Sure they could have sunk a few million more into the picture and made a "better movie" but that would not have been in the spirit of the franchise. They further realize that Freddy and the "Nightmare" series is the darker and less campy horror franchise and that the "Friday" movies are FUN. Kudos to all this movie and enjoy it for what it is.
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