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My Old Lady (2014)
This is no comedy
2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm willing to bet that "My Old Lady" was not the original title, but something tagged on by a producer or distributor. I wished they had chosen one that suited the mood of this film...which is much darker/tragic than "My Old Lady" would suggest. Kevin inherits a Paris apartment and is forced to live with Dame Maggie because a contract says she can live there until she dies. Kristin plays her uptight, suspicious daughter. Doesn't it sound like they're going to get into much ribaldry and hijinks? Aren't you expecting the snooty, sarcastic bon mots to fly out of Dame Maggie's mouth? Yeah. That does not happen. This movie is most definitely a drama about three tortured souls with a secret shared history. Dame Maggie is great in everything she does. Kevin Kline has solid dramatic moments that show the depth of his range. But Kristin Scott Thomas' character is poorly written and the least flushed out (not her fault). Then oddly, it felt like the screenwriter gave up in the last 10 minutes of the film, and just tacked on an ending. Heavy conflict between all of them for 90% of the movie, then, within minutes, they inexplicably resolve their differences, and everything is quickly wrapped up, and they all live happily ever after. These three magnificent actors have all done stellar work in much better films. There were some good moments. But they deserved a better screenplay.
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Danny Ocean stars in "Saving Private Art"
7 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to see George Clooney play George Clooney, Matt Damon play Matt Damon, Bill Murray play Bill Murray, John Goodman play John Goodman, and Jean Dujardin play a clichéd Frenchmen (right down to the French beret and scarf) a incredibly mediocre film based on a compelling true story that's badly written and directed, go see "The Monuments Men". It's an "Oceans 11" team of art curators, historians and architects sent into France and Germany. Their mission? "Saving Private Art". The obstacles? Almost none, once they knew where to look. It was apparently the easiest art heist in history. The plus side? it's a stretch...but I did like Hugh Bonneville playing someone kinder and gentler than Lord Grantham in "Downton Abbey"...and Cate Blanchett? She's always great, but she truly doesn't have much to do here, other than speak with a French accent and look irritated. Don't be fooled by the star-studded cast like I was. This movie is a waste of your money and time. All of these actors have made far superior films. And this story would have been better served by a more accomplished screenwriter and director.
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ER: Love's Labor Lost (1995)
Season 1, Episode 19
Love's Labor Lost
12 March 2009
I watched ER for about the first 6 seasons. I always thought that this was their best ever episode. I sobbed like a baby while watching this and I rarely shed a tear. The Jodi O'Brien story was absolutely riveting and heart-wrenching. Anthony Edwards should have won the Emmy for this. Bradley Whitford (pre-West Wing), as Jodi's husband, was also fantastic.

ER during the first few seasons was really on top of it's game. I have to admit that I'm nostalgic for the original cast. I lost interest after most had left. Congratulations on the 14-year run and thanks for bringing us years of high quality television!
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Showgirls (1995)
So bad that it's funny
16 March 2003
"Showgirls" is a soft core, B movie with a successful screenwriter attached. This is the kind of crap that they show on cable at 3:00 am.I can't believe that this movie was made by a major studio. The only conceivable reason was that screenwriter Joe Esterhas' previous attempt, "Basic Instinct", made such a killing at the box office.

It is so atrociously bad, that you kind of have to see it to believe it. The sex scene in the pool, between Elizabeth Berkeley and Kyle McLachlan, is laugh-out-loud funny ... and it's not supposed to be. And of course there is the prerequisite lesbian kiss between Ms. Berkeley and Gina Gershon.

Does Joe Esterhaz actually believe that he write for women?! This man seriously needs to grow up. His idea of what a woman is, is absolutely demoralizing.
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Some brilliant moments but it leaves you wanting...
29 October 2002
I thought the first half of the 'The Rules of Attraction' was brilliant but...then I was disappointed in the second half, mostly because the director overindulges in the edginess of the movie and therefore, the story goes nowhere we haven't already been. Editing would have helped.

I thoroughly enjoyed the performances of the actors. Kudos to James Van Der Beek whose portrayal of the misogynistic Sean, blows the lid off of his teen idol stereotype and shows no sign of 'Dawson Leery' anywhere in this film. He definitely creeped me out...and I've known a few misogynists in my time...hey, I think I've even dated this guy! Shannyn Sossamon's touching performance as Lauren, the object of Sean's obsession, is the one humane voice of this film. I could also identify with the character of Paul, played by Ian Somerhalder, whose unrequited gay crush on Sean is all too real. Lastly, I loved Kate Bosworth's small bit, as one of Sean's pickups, where she cries when he sings and plays guitar for her. Too hilarious!

A very complex and disturbing look at Gen X's malaise. Too bad the director tries too hard to make a 'cool' movie instead of just telling the story.
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Talking to Americans (2001 TV Special)
Not to be missed!
29 October 2002
A brilliant and hilarious look at America's complete ignorance of all things Canadian. Rick Mercer, formerly of 'This Hour Has 22 Minutes', is a brilliant comic political commentator and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's poster boy.

Examples include: the infamous (then Governor) George W. Bush interview where Bush is pleased to hear that Prime Minister Jean Poutine supports him in his campaign for presidency. (For those of you out of the loop, 'poutine' is a French Canadian dish consisting of fries, cheese curds and gravy.)

A must for any Canadian to watch. Some Americans who take their patriotism a little too seriously (NRA members need not watch) may take offense but, if you're an American knows anything about Canadian-American relations, you would find it a hoot.

Michael Moore's fans would love this show. Coincidentally, the producers of Moore's 'Bowling for Columbine' also produced 'Talking to Americans'.
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