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My Name (2021)
Good detective action flick
20 October 2021
Little to no character development. Most of the characters are already fully developed and the only one with room to develop in character is Jiwoo/Hyejin. Every other character has already developed offscreen in the past. Examples of this are the majority of the main characters. Pildo is Jiwoo's partner in the Narcotics unit and he's a fully developed character already. He's a pretty generic cop superior/antagonistic protagonist. He's experienced and often butt heads with Jiwoo because there are sides of her that's shady but he is a good cop.

Cha and Choi Mujin are the most interesting characters imo and to no surprise, they are very important links to finding the answers Jiwoo is looking for. Both of these characters also don't really go through much character development.

Basically this show doesn't try to do anything special and is aware of what purpose it's serving. It is an action flick with a dark undertone. You're going to see some cringe scenes in which the main character is going to take on several men at the same time. They will inflict knife wounds on her which she will basically walk off the pain while some of the characters she dispatches will take one tiny knife slash or tiny hit to the leg and be incapacitated as unrealistically as WWE athletes struggling on the floor for several minutes after a strike.

However, there are also amazing scenes like when Mujin trains with Jiwoo at the gym on fighting and when Jiwoo shows the Narcotics unit how capable she is when she's told to bring Mango out and the scenes are entertaining; these scenes aren't anything unpredictable but they are done in a single shot with a continuous action sequence meaning the whole shot had to be taken each time they messed up. Don't expect a masterpiece; this is a good solid show that you can binge and will most likely enjoy as a slower paced action flick. If you're expecting Squid Game level of writing and character development/foreshadowing, this is not the show. My Name doesn't try to do anything clever like that; it is upfront about what it brings to the table and does a good job at it.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Not what I expected but as a standalone it's pretty good
28 September 2017
It's not what I expected. If you're here looking for the TOS or TNG experience, you're going to be disappointed. Instead look at this as a standalone.

The Star Wars with Star Trek universe is a bad analogy. This is without a doubt Star Trek. However it plays outside the boundaries of the Star Trek we are used to. It will be flashy, it will look awe-inspiring. The acting ALL AROUND is pretty good. Do I like the characters? I certainly liked the Captain for one. I'm not sure how I feel about Michael. She definitely reminds me of a mix between Ryker and Nerys; she's overconfident and is jumping at the chance to prove herself while at the same time may resort to extreme measures to protect people she cares about.

Unlike the exploration or the enforcement of morals, here we see a rather trigger-happy reaction. It's to be expected. It's how the Vulcan's dealt with them. The whole point here is that you act accordingly to the culture you are making contact with. If you offend their culture, they might very well resort to war. To the Klingons of this title, the statement "We come in peace" is just poison. Like witches word. This sentiment is reflected in MANY interpretations of Star Trek, both canon and fanfic. Even Axanar took that approach and that was a fan project/side scam.

The fact stands if you want what old school Star Trek has to offer, you should watch Orville. Orville is the perfect embodiment in spirit of old Star Trek. But this new Star Trek IS amazing and good.

You have to review the title from an objective standpoint where NEWVIEWERS completely new to Star Trek can watch and enjoy as well. I see a lot of people writing reviews because it didn't live up to what they had anticipated or was different from what they had expected which is pretty biased/lame/childish. The first two episodes were good enough to be movies and were way better than JJ Trek. You might identify this more with JJ Trek because of how the graphics look but make no mistake this isn't some just mindless flash and action. There's some serious dialogue in the script that makes this all too familiar with Star Trek's stance on approaching social issues. Also there aren't that many GOOD sci-fi's out. This definitely will be among the better ones airing currently. I might like Orville better but I will still watch this to get my Star Trek/sci fi fix. It's either that and Dark Matter and I love Dark Matter but there's too much ridiculousness there.
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Very impressed with graphics; this episode cements the atmosphere of the series
28 September 2017
I was very impressed with the ship battle scene. They made phasers actually look threatening and intimidating, not just some nerdy laser that goes "PEWWW." Also the depiction of polarizing the hull plating after it's been damaged was very cool. There are few things I found to be flaws though IMO that's more just personal biases. The constant Klingon is getting pretty annoying. The problem is they talk slow. You see a sentence on the bottom. I finished reading. They're still saying the same sentence for like 10 more seconds!

I understand they're trying to be more realistic and more authentic... but then why would they translate "We come in peace" in English? Also these Klingons are also fluent in English it seems. We're able to look past that trope and just accept "Sure they're only speaking English to make it easier for us." From an artistic perspective, what they did was impressive... but it's still annoying to watch especially considering Star Trek is based on dialogue, not action.

Aside from these gripes, I found this to be pretty good episode. I'm really wondering how the story will end up. I seriously did not expect that ending. I had assumed they'd forget the incident and have Michael instated as captain of that ship.
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I love TNG and TOS but they were flawed. DS9 compensates for that.
28 September 2017
IMO DS9 is the best installment but it should be noted it's not really "Star Trek" in a sense. It should more be called Deep Space Nine. They just called it Star Trek so fans can make the resemblance and it won't be hard to regain the steady and ready viewers instead of trying to market from scratch.

However DS9 quickly became my favorite thanks to key players such as Quark, Nog, Ben Sisko, Odo, and even Garak and the ever so vain Gul Dukat. I really love the take they took with Ferengi here. We've always seen depictions of Ferengi as these creatures that kind of seem inferior to us humans. They are greedy, vain, and even sexist. However in this series, we quickly learn that Ferengi are much more than just that. Greedy a little sure but when you watch how Quark criticizes Sisko of how humans are guilty of things worse than what Ferengi have done... and after learning humans nuclear tested on their own planet, we learn that creatures like Ferengi actually might look down on people like us for being barbaric savages. It's a recurring theme in this show that human beings are simply saints and ever so "good" because we live in peace.

"However take away the comfort and food and water and they become as savage as Jem'hadar or Klingons."

This is a nice antithesis to have to TNG where it depicts their society as this picture perfect utopia. We just know that's not true which is what Q was constantly trying to emphasize. We see here proof of how in the same universe, the very same humans who have "evolved" to be quite so perfect socially were not evolved... we're just adapted to our environment and our environment was kind/peaceful to us.

Much of DS9 serves as a very interesting episodic yet also linear story line so it serves a nice purpose of having story arcs while including episode wonders to dazzle you with new ideas of science fiction. As someone who religiously loves TNG, I will painfully and reluctantly say DS9 is way better. I also loved the episode where they go to Earth's past 2024 where there are sanctuary cities and where Ben is a colored man in racist times and the crew of DS9 were employees at a scientific journal office.
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The Orville: About a Girl (2017)
Season 1, Episode 3
I said it before and I'll say it again
21 September 2017
If you're watching this for laughs, you're not going to enjoy this. It uses humor as a complement but not as something that carries the show whereas any plot line that comes out of shows like Archer is driven out of humor.

This episode cements Orville trying to be a serious take at what Star Trek envisioned. And it did just that. People crying about this and that are literal clowns. Watch this episode or any other episode from Star Trek TOS or DS9 with serious ethical dilemmas. Not all of them end happily, especially when they try to uphold what's best in the long run. This episode is similar in fashion; it addresses some social issue that we might face today (as TOS has done) but approaches it so that you can ask questions and debate about it in ways that isn't so preachy but rather out of core ethics. The sense that we have the ability to choose what is best for us and not have things set in stone and dictated for us.

Obviously the writing is not as deep as Star Trek but they embody the same atmosphere of it. One problem I had with the ep was that a lot of the ways they showed that men and women were equal were superficial and you couldn't apply the same points IRL when seriously talking about the same issues. However it's not scared to tackle and confront these issues.

If you really go back and watch Star Trek TOS, it had a lot of bad tropes/poor writing/bad acting/poor plot lines/deus ex machina's too. Get off your high horse. Not to mention the technobabble. 90% of problems could be described by "There seems to be something interfering with the power relays or warp plasma injectors" and you can "bypass" a seemingly impossible to solve issue by saying "I can adjust the frequency which should force the power couplings to burst!" in Geordi voice.

Just enjoy it for what it is. There aren't many shows like this today.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
I have good hopes/expectations for Orville
12 September 2017
The 10/10 score is really deserving of how accurate they were in capturing the magic that was Star Trek WHILE incorporating its own small twist. Only the first ep has aired and it could go a number of ways.

However if you have watched ANY Star Trek installments in the past, this show will eerily remind you of those shows. While the picture quality looks crispy clear and brand new, they use almost 80s TV style tropes that Star Trek had but they do it so well and transition it well.

RT critics are crazy giving the pilot a bad score. Orville plays like a serious sci-fi attempt; sure it'll have Seth's touch of humor in it but it's 100% serious about the sci-fi aspect of the series. This will feel more like Star Trek than a Seth MacFarlane piece. Even the music and the habits of using the music to open up a new scene or transition is nostalgic to Star Trek.

While Star Trek Discovery has not aired, I heard it is more action which isn't bad but it's just not the same identity of Star Trek. Orville might be more your alley. The jokes are OK, nothing crazy. Humor serves as a complement, not something that carries the show. Playing at ideas, tech, etc is the key here.
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The Ranch (2016–2020)
Modern sitcom that's worth watching
2 July 2017
I hate making comparison to previous works but the style and jokes are kind of similar to that of 70s Show. Wilmer comes as Umberto too and I almost lost it. This show is wildly hilarious but also very sharp and brutally real. As a series altogether, it starts out pretty sad. The atmosphere is generally not very happy but it's amazing how they can spin it into such funny shows. The show is held together by the banter between the two brothers which is reminiscent of Hyde and Kelso. Some of you may cringe at me saying that but once you watch it you will understand.

This is something people who love sitcoms SHOULD watch but probably won't because of the setting and the characters it surrounds but that's where people make the mistake of judging this show too soon. This show has great lines and it'll keep you laughing.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
The Firefly of this Generation
19 May 2017
It probably won't be as good as Firefly and the pilot was sort of weak in comparison. However I believe the first season was to introduce the characters and show us how a band of former ruthless mass murdering criminals pull a 180 to try to do good where they can after losing their memories. There are a lot of interesting themes such as the space Zombies. Also while seldom the ship battles and graphics are very exciting. The show just keeps getting BETTER. The thing is I don't necessarily love any of the main characters except the Android. She seems to take inspiration from Commander Data on Star Trek which I love. Of course, she's not just some cheap knock off imitation either. There's a genuine story with the Android in which Star Trek NEVER explored or even got close to portraying what an android of such caliber might be capable of.

The reason why I cannot give it a higher score is because of the use of overly flashy and corny moves in fight scenes. Don't get me wrong. The action scenes in this show is enough to make sci-fi haters stick around. But you see the Android doing flashy movements that's really not necessarily to take down her opponent. It's just too unrealistic and a bit cheesy to see sometimes especially when she can hold a person up with one hand. The recurring theme in this show also seems to be giving and getting second chances. I really like the way they took the story in season 2 and how it ended. This show is definitely getting better and it cannot be stopped. Season 3 will be glorious.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
One of the better Sci-Fi films
19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When people think of sci-fi films or shows, they immediately think something along the lines of Star Trek/Star Wars/Firefly/Halo-like universe. Something with aliens, space travel, exploration, etc.

I believe there should be different sub-genre's of sci-fi; one for the generic futuristic sci fi setting we are all used to... and others that explore potential scientific approaches to first contact. Unlike Star Trek's flawed trope of universal translator, Arrival explores the simple incidence of that first contact. There is 0 action, there is almost no real PROGRESS in any goals other than communicating in the entirety of the movie. The film feels slow paced but you still felt the suspense. The soundtrack's ominous and eerie tone is also perfect in how they portray things we had not considered about some sci-fi aspects such as gravity manipulation.

All the while of exploring a great sci-fi theme, it tells a beautiful story of the character Louise which I believed could have been a separate movie of its own considering how many people can relate to that sort of thing.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Macrocosm (1996)
Season 3, Episode 12
LOL This episode
27 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Aside from the fact Voyager should be focusing on getting home, I don't understand how throwing a bomb at the holo deck would solve their problems if the viruses breed at a rapid rate AND grow. It's also interesting how none of them grew to get any bigger than the average size.

This episode had a good premise and foundation to be a great story but they ruined it by filling it with so many holes. The ending was also horrible and no one addressed the fact that the alien vessel that attacked Voyager "purified" the colony that was infected which they both instantly forgot because "happy ending" by throwing a anti agent bomb in the holo deck. Also why do the macroviruses make a buzzing noise? It would have been far more conceivable if couple of parasitic based organism took residence in Voyager.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Tattoo (1995)
Season 2, Episode 9
I hate these episodes
24 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I actually like Chakotay's character but whenever he goes on his Native mumbo jumbo it gets annoying. According to sources, the Star Trek studio's source was an "expert" who was outed as a fraud.

I really like Chakotay's character at first when it was obvious he was a Marquis officer and was kind of forced into Starfleet once again. Then despite clashes of ideas and loyalties, Chakotay proves he's a capable and worthy officer of Starfleet. THIS is what I like about Chakotay. He does what is right and will not let it slide even if it might involve his lover who is a Cardassian traitor.

Again screw this Native mumbo jumbo. I'm inclined to respect your heritage and roots but this is a sci fi, not re-explore some pseudo spiritualism that's not even legitimate by spiritualistic standards.
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Sirens (2014–2015)
Hidden Jewel of cancelled sitcoms
7 April 2017
This show is pretty amazing. The jokes are fresh and funny. The lines mesh right in and the characters feel all real, unique, and lovable; even the weird ones. Oh God especially the weird ones.

This show does a lot of things that MIGHT make some viewers uncomfortable on paper but the execution is so good that it erases all walls. If you are straight and have problems being homophobic, Hank is a character that'll surprise you. IMO the best characters are Brian and Billy. I would pay to watch a sitcom or spin off show about those two.

Anyways this show does a lot of what sitcoms fail at; making all of their characters including the side ones funny/fresh/vibrant and lovable. There is a dispatcher woman with a very loud and confident voice who drops profound womanly wisdom and logic.

This is an adaptation of the British version of the show which I will watch soon. However, I loved that they did this show in Chicago and showed a portion of what goes on in Chicago; kids and families end up getting shot and sometimes the show gets very real. Regardless, if you want something to watch that's entertaining and funny and definitely fresh/unique from other sitcoms, this is that one.

Don't let the fact this has been canceled stop you from watching it. Guaranteed better than most shows on today.
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I thought this film was pretty good but not horror
5 August 2016
I went in expecting a horror film but what I got was a pretty illuminating woes of people in desperate times. It wasn't a bad film. It was pretty good actually. I thought the characters' were pretty solid. It was interesting watching how the parents, whether they believed it or not, use religion as a herding factor for their family.

The film does not necessarily focus on a witch really but more on the family sort of turning on each other. I want to describe it best as possible without revealing much but it is as that one description says. Disturbing and creepy. Oh and the ending kind of sucks and ruined it so if that's important to you, then be wary but if you can look past it the film itself is pretty good imo. Slow paced.
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Overall a pretty good film; nothing special but heartwarming and very touching
15 December 2015
You are Omasou is a very interesting movie. When you first watch it, it feels kind of nerdy and dumb because every characters are dinosaurs with some serious human personalities. The main character is Heart and he goes through some serious confusion and suffering coming to terms of being a meat-eater and being raised by an herbivorous dinosaur as a mother. If you ever watched Land Before Time, that sentiment honestly felt so underwhelming. Here, it's a constant factor that goes on in Heart's mind.

The motif in the film feels a bit generic but I wouldn't necessarily call that bad. I mean after all most Hollywood movies nowadays are generic and no one else seems to mind the exact same format/layout in every movie they watch. Omasou however, is very touching and heartwarming. I couldn't help smile as the first interactions Heart had with Omasou, looking at him for the first time saying "You look delicious." Omasou, just born looking at Heart, thinks Omasou, which in Japanese I think means "delicious" is his name and although Heart's original intentions were to try and get a meal out of it, the two grow extremely close and there are times you would sort of tear up multiple times. Its a good watch for sure and I would probably want a sequel or a spin off show or something.

This is a hidden gem in a haystack. Give it a shot.
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Surprisingly amazing action flick that goes beyond action flicks
24 June 2015
First off, I'll start by saying I was not impressed by the trailers and immediately thought this movie wasn't going to be great. I played Borderlands so I do like this kind of setting as well (and they are almost identical; yes I know Mad Max came first).

As an action film that is already a sequel, this film is absolutely amazing. Once I realized it was like 98% action and 2% of the film talking, I was still impressed by the cinematography as well as the well directed scenes. This film has amazing acting on almost all parts. While the mannerisms and behaviors of the War Boys in the Citadel made me lose brain cells, I think the acting by everyone was amazing. Especially love how the movie starts off as well as the scene where they show the guitarists strapped to a giant amp.
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Deeper than you'd think, funny, and the show has a "city" vibe
1 November 2011
First let me start off by saying this show isn't perfect. There's a few things I would change to make it both more entertaining and meaningful. However, I'm no professional writer and I'm sure there is a more to it than meets the eye.

With that being said, this show is worthwhile to watch. It definitely is better than the other 1000 popular shows titled "BEST" but in reality is just another same exact BS reality wannabe or some drama-stirring show. This has a good level of every variety. There is drama but not the one that would annoy you or pick sides. Each main character has their own life and perspectives and they do well in portraying that. The collection of characters, however, is a little unrealistic although I'm sure there's a group like this somewhere. Ben is the main focus character along with Cam. Ben worries and stresses, but he's trying to do well and live his life best he can. Cam has faced the many dark sides of American society along with his cousin Rene. This show begins with them trying to make their lives respectable and worthwhile by doing legitimate business. Rachel, I feel needs to figure out what she wants... but with that being said, we all have been in the same situation where we really don't know what we want and we struggle with the decision. Rachel is possibly a great example of that. She has a great job, great life, great relationship. However, you see that she will always think about things. Kaplan is a bit insecure but he doesn't get fazed by it. He is a wealthy Wall St. corporate trying to live life with his good friends and find a girl. Kaplan is a bit of an open book but I'm sure they will delve deeper into his character. He's a lot like few wealthy people who buy their friends... but in this show it's much more than that. As the series continues, you will see Kaplan slowly truly become their friends but still hold that seed of doubt, that insecurity.

Each of these characters are all good friends, with the exception of Rene. Rene is a good character in my mind. It really is true, most people won't understand a man like him. However, having considerable mistakes in his past, he is trying to be an honest legitimate businessman. There are many people among us who drive you crazy and Rene will show a glimpse of his past self each time he comes across them characters. Rene is not afraid to admit to his mistakes. There are some criticism as to why he is in this show. I think it is a good mix to have someone in the older generation from NY as well. Rene and his crew provides good comedy for the show. Rene is running Rasta Monster (energy drink) and Ben & Cam are running Crisp (clothing line). It shows the cold hard world of starting your own business and just how difficult it is...

I've got few friends in the clothing line business and NYC is one of the cities in America that excel in trendiness and fashion. When I talk to my friends, it really is hard. My father is in a similar line of business working in NJ. If you WERE going to start off somewhere, I would not start off directly in NY as it would cause tremendous financial problems. My father also gets a lot of stress going to business meets in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, etc (as he's not the party guy, he's more of a stay-home-in-bed type a guy). This show doesn't accurately project the burdens and obstacles you'd go through in that industry, but in the social aspect it can shed some light.
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The Pacific (2010)
An amazing piece, with few flaws but great
14 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Before I watched this, I was intrigued by the Marines which may explain why I prefer The Pacific over Band of Brothers. First off, you can't compare them with what is "better" or "worse." Each mini-series hold the title of what the story is about. Band of Brothers were about the men in the company that band together literally as brothers during the European theater of WWII. The Pacific is about the psychological/emotional distortion in the "hell of the Pacific."

The Pacific begins showing THREE main characters. Eugene Sledge, Robert Leckie, and John Basilone (all real people). Although the introduction of these characters were abrupt, they perfectly built up this character development. Basilone has the least, if not none, character development which may be why many don't like his part of the story. It successfully portrays the connection the characters have back home. Leckie as a writer and seeming tension between his father. Sledge as a passionate and ambitious boy wanting to enlist and serve his country. Basilone, the one who loves the Marine and wishes to be put eye-to-eye with the Japanese.

The idea during battle scenes was to bring as much authenticity as possible while dramatizing time intervals/effects for battles. For instance, the beach landing scene seemed to portray a suspense feeling of fear in the Marines. The roar of the waves splashing at the Marine, sounds of battleship fire on Guadalcanal. As the story progresses to the events of Peleliu and Okinawa, you see the true face of The Pacific and why it was a horrible war.

Part 9 was shown recently, and without giving anything away; The change the characters go through psychologically is shown almost too perfectly. It is definitely a great piece. I also love The Pacific because it was these men who gave me, of Korean decent, my freedom. Who knows if I would've existed if these men did not fight the Empire of Japan?
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