
6 Reviews
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
This is not a movie. This is a wakeup call.
29 December 2009
I enjoyed this film very much. But when I started to think about it, this was not just a film. It is a reflection of the society we live in today. Most people go to the movies to escape life. They would much rather see a WWII fairy tale, or blue people fight against humans for their planet. I did enjoy both of those movies, but what I felt about this one was different. I watched this overall depressing tale about a man with no life and a world where people can lose their jobs at any second and the boss doesn't even care. I walked out of the theater to the blazing cold night only to realize that I was looking at the same world. This is not a film. This is a wakeup call for the people who continue to look away and that are in denial that we are in a recession. And I must say, with stellar performances by George Clooney and Anna Kendrick, this is a darn good wakeup call.
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Expected one thing, but got so much better (spoilers)
18 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting this to be a gut busting, laugh out loud comedy. It was not. Instead, it was dark humor on steroids. I laughed more at the fight scenes than I did for the funny parts. This movie is hilarious. But you will not get what you expect. Walking into it, I thought it would be a basic movie. The mall cop catches the flasher and falls in love with the girl. Instead, he almost kills the flasher and ends up hating the girl. Plus, there was no true hero in the film. That is something everyone could relate to. In my opinion, this could be a cult classic. You won't get what you expect, but if you see this film, you will most definitely enjoy it.
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Watchmen (2009)
Superb, but...
10 March 2009
I waited 8 months for this. I told my friends before we went to see it to get popcorn and go to the bathroom now, because we weren't getting up for the entire 2 1/2 hours. I even paid $12.50 for an IMAX ticket. I left the theater happy. It was a good film and and excellent addition for Snyder's so far successful carer. There was just one problem that I could find: The Mask Killer. For one thing(spoiler) Hollis Mason wasn't murdered. There wasn't a huge hype when Manhattan left Earth. No one hinted at the fact that Veidt's attempted assassination might have something to do with superhero murders. It didn't really feel like there was a mask killer. Other than that, i can find no fault with it and i definitely have to say it is one of the best comic book movies ever
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South Park: Free Willzyx (2005)
Season 9, Episode 13
Long live the ZIPODS!
19 May 2008
This was the funniest South Park episode I have seen in my life. Just the fact that these kids can kidnap a whale, take it to Tijuana, Mexico, and then put it on the moon is hilarious. I enjoy watching South Park, but this episode made me love watching South Park. I have a feeling that Free Willzyx will stay number 1 on my top ten South Park episodes for a long long time. Also, after watching this and many many other episodes, I have realized that these kids really have interesting lives. One of them should write an autobiography. I could picture it now: "A life of death" by Kenny McCormick, or "Screw You Guys, I'm going home" by Eric Cartman.
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The Departed (2006)
The Godfather for this generation
19 May 2008
This movie was hazy to me at first. I had questions like which side was Matt Damon on? Was Jack Nicholson going to find the rat? Was Mark Whalberg going to do anything important in this movie? But all those questions were answered. This film leaves nothing out. And just to see Jack Nicholson doing what he does best, it reminded me of Marlon Brando in The Godfather. This was definitely Scorsese's best film since Goodfellas. I truly think that it was the right choice for Best Picture. This movie made me have a whole lot more respect for Leonardo Di Caprio and Alec Baldwin, who I think did the best in this movie. It was a truly spectacular film, with a great cast to go along with it.
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Jacob Have I Loved (1989 TV Movie)
Worst thing I think I ever saw
14 May 2008
This was just plain terrible. I read this book for school, i made As on all of the tests, and to see it like this! My teacher forced me and 20 other people to watch it, and it was worse than Leonard Part 6, Plan 9 from Outer Space, and Hudson Hawk put together. The thing that made this film so terrible was enough reasons to want to kill yourself over. First of all, it was made on Hallmark. Second, the acting was terrible. Third, it was like completely different from the book. Literally, it was so bad I asked myself to be excused. Basically, I would rather watch Basic Instinct 2 than watch this. Take my advice, don't watch this film. No one would want to watch this. It was horrible. HORRIBLE!
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