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A mediocre story acted out by an exceptionally competent cast
25 July 2019
I was never a huge Dev Patel fan and I'm still not after watching this movie, but if there was any doubt about his acting talent he's put it to rest here by pulling off a "tough guy" role convincingly, despite his bookish appearance.

As for Radhika Apte, I've always found her exceptionally talented and she's no different in this movie. She brings a realism to her roles like no other actress who comes to mind. I can say without any exaggeration that every performance of hers that I've watched has been Oscar-worthy. I'm certain she'll get there someday, given the right opportunity.

About the movie, the best compliment I can give it is: I was never bored. The director uses a light-handed approach and never gets in the way, everything plays out in a natural, realistic manner. Even parts of the story that should be high-points don't really grab you by the gut, this I think, stopped the movie from being memorable in any way. A crime-adventure-thriller that plays out like a slice of life movie. Also, the story doesn't seem to want to go anywhere exceptional or evoke anything more than a casual interest from the viewer. It's a decent casual watch but if you want a high octane crime drama that'll blow your socks off, look elsewhere.
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Sacred Games (2018–2019)
A convoluted mess with brilliant performances
19 August 2018
Sacred Games is a decent watch though the 9+ rating is undeserved for the series as a whole.

The weakest part of the series is the story is all over the place, it tries to do too much and you don't really care for the most part what happens to the people involved.

With that said, the series is directed very proficiently, the cinematography is excellent and though it's not extremely high budget stuff I have absolutely no complaints on the technical front.

The strongest thing going for Sacred Games is the multiple stellar performances. Siddiqui is brilliant and so damn charismatic. There's no amount of praise that could suffice for Radhika Apte's performance. It's worthy of an Academy Award, I have seldom encountered any actor, male or female, give such a natural performance. Saif, to his credit, doesn't come off as a flashy movie star and gives a solid performance as a humble cop. Did they have to dress him up in skin tight clothes for every scene though? In any case, it's an endearing performance, he was one of the few characters I empathized with. Even the actor who plays Saif's deputy gives a brilliant performance, there is literally no bad or unnatural performance to be found, even the bit actors are good.

Another strong point is the action, interesting events occur throughout and no episode is boring. I have no problem with vulgarity or gore but at times found that these things (especially the swearing) was used as a crutch in a misguided attempt to keep things spicy and "realistic," when you do too much of something it kinda loses its impact.

Sacred Games is a decent watch, not bad for a weekend binge, but that's all it is. A coherent, more interesting and focused storyline, carried by such a brilliant cast could have been something exceptional. But it's heartening to see the level of proficiency the Indian film industry has reached. The future is bright indeed, laudey!
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Heroin(e) (2017)
Angels among us
9 November 2017
There was nothing new or revealing in this documentary for anyone who is even reasonably conversant with the news.

The one thing that stood out for me was the lady who worked at the fire department. There was no mistaking her caliber. It's people like her who lead humble lives but walk head and shoulders above the rest of us. They go about their days doing what most of us would find physically and emotionally draining to do even once, expecting nothing in return but the joy of helping another.

There are no words to express how much respect and affection I felt for this strong, selfless stranger.
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Tracks (I) (2013)
Arduous, self-involved and meaningless, much like the protagonist.
2 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There are some foolish or self-centered (or both!) people in this world who will do exactly what they want even though the cost of their little adventures may have to be shared by others.

The protagonist here is basically an asocial woman with people issues (not judging so far) who decides to take a suicidal trip into the desert. She obviously doesn't care for her life (which again is perfectly OK). She decides to take her dog along for this borderline suicidal trip, now here I have a problem with her decision. The dog ends up dying quite horribly later on in her little excursion as one might expect. The selfish fool also has a baby camel along with adult camels on her fun little ride.

Watch this film if you want to see the amount of cruelty our race can perpetrate on other species while meaning well and being completely oblivious to the actual harm our actions cause.

The half-wit's adventure was published in Nat Geo, which led to a book, which led to this movie. Basically, society took a person who was essentially an idiot and encouraged her and patted her on the back. Why? Because she did something different and she suffered and got lucky to make it out alive - and we as a society are bored and need to get our thrills vicariously.

There is a point where an Aboriginal man is shamed to walk with her on her meaningless whim of a journey - she may not value her life but the people around her do and are made to pay the price. The man has to accompany her, ironically, so she can take a shorter path and walk less. Another way to walk less would be to pack it in and go home but that doesn't give you any boasting rights. After the walk with the man is done she's ruthless (and selfish - but that's already been established) enough to ask him to accompany her for the rest of the journey.

I guess my problem is with the real life protagonist and to a lesser extent with the people (like those who made this movie) who encouraged her.

Mia Wasikowska is a brilliant brilliant actress and does a bang up job of portraying a troubled recluse, oblivious to the effect her actions have on others. I only wish she had never played this idiot. I wish this movie had never been made.

There is a final scene when the protagonist take a plunge in a deep blue pool of water. I know she went on to make some money out of her adventures but I was still hoping that a pool of hungry sharks would rip her to shreds and put her out of her misery. Alas, her story disappointed me even at the very end and she made it out OK. To walk the world with her head held high because at one point of her life she was very troubled and did something really dumb.
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Decent action flick, extremely harsh reviews/ratings are unjustified
8 June 2014
I didn't intend to review this movie but am doing so because I think a lot of the reviews are really slanted and uncalled for.

A lot of reviews of are calling out historical fallacies and giving the movie 1 star ratings. I think this is completely unjustified. This is entertainment and must be treated as such. HIstory aside, there's more than one element of pure fantasy in this movie, so one hardly expects the historical portrayal to be completely factual.

The storyline is average, the visual effects and action sequences are without doubt state-of-the-art. I generally hate never ending, mindless action sequences but the ones in this flick were quite watchable, there were even a few brilliant moments.

The best part of the movie for me were the characters, I find the Persians far more interesting - Xerses and Artemisia (Eva Green) are both fascinating. And my biggest gripe with this film is that these fascinating personalities didn't really have much to do. Sadly, the 300 franchise thrives mostly on action sequences and plot lines stay on the back-burner, I think that's where the opportunity of making brilliant sequel was lost and the viewer was left with a decent but forgettable action flick.

It'd be remiss of me not to give the gorgeous Eva Green a standalone mention, she looks amazing throughout and more than badass to fit her part. Her presence alone was worth the price of admission.
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Written by 14 year olds?
10 February 2012
One of the dullest movies I've sat through in a long time. The plot has more holes than a sieve. Written by people who've seen too many movies and decided it was really easy to write a plot themselves... just pick a whole bunch of clichés from different movies and here we are. I was going WTF every 2 minutes, there's some serious suspension of disbelief required in order to sit through this whole turd. I was just forwarding my way through it in the second half when things got really preposterous.

The only reason people would be drawn to this movie is the fact that it has some genuinely charismatic actors like Guy Pearce and Jennifer Carpenter - both of them completely wasted on this POS. You'll get to see Jennifer Carpenter more in 5 minutes of Dexter than through this whole flick. Nick Cage, in a perfect world would be playing supporting roles in comedies. Instead, our fxxud up choices decided that he be an action star.
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The Strangers (2008)
The Strangers Video Game! (a.k.a How stupid can stupid be?) - (Spoilers)
12 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
You play either a bad guy or Liv Retard, a mentally challenged person/victim. Liv Retard is attacked randomly by three very creepy people in masks. But fear not, they're mentally challenged too! The point of this game is to find out who needs more help.

Scoring system: When sh1t starts to happen the scoring system gets activated, gain points by: Calling your unarmed, wussy boyfriend instead of 911, keep talking about random stuff till the bad guys cut your phone line If you're a bad guy bang randomly on your victim's door at 4AM and scare the living daylights out of them before you think of disabling their phones. Yes, they may have a cellphone which isn't charged (you don't know that) but what you do know is that your victim has the intelligence of a barnyard pig, that evens things out.

Back to the victim: Start mumbling "This isn't happening, this isn't happening" to try and make it all stop. Alternatively scream "Go Away!" because the attackers are equally stupid and just might take you up on your offer.

When your main door mysteriously creaks open go straight to it but don't shut it immediately, wait for the bad person to peekaboo you in a mask. Now that you've scored shut the door! While running around the house randomly try to knock everything down, silence is not a virtue, make as much noise as possible. Randomly fidget with household devices and break them for bonus points. Lamps need to be smashed, not switched off - every idiot knows that.

(Bad guy) Now that the victims know it's life or death and have got themselves a shotgun, roam around aimlessly in well lit areas of their property. Because, every victim needs a second chance.

(Good guy) If you discover your car's been completely smashed up and broken into go sit in it. When someone taps your shoulder look everywhere but in the back seat. Yes, you have the butcher's knife in your hand but that's strictly for kitchen use, not for attacking bad people who break into your house and tap you randomly.

(Liv Retard) Sneak up behind your scared sh1tless boyfriend and whack his shoulders hard to show him you've missed him.

(Liv Retard) Don't wait for the bad guys to hurt you, self-help is the best help. If running into furniture isn't enough make sure you hold a knife by the blade and squeeze! (Good guy) When all else fails and you suspect a horrible death awaits you in your house take off your tie and slowly dress the one inch cut on your girlfriend's palm that isn't bleeding. Philosophize about why sh1tty things are happening to you. Do all this in slow-motion, because remember folks, the point of the game is to be stupid! When a bad guy in a Ford truck is about to tail end you, stare at him for a good 30 seconds before getting distracted by a guy in a mask 20 meters away from you. Driving off or getting out of the car on time gets you a penalty.

If you have a shotgun in your hands and the bad guy is chopping up your door with an axe (the door has been breached multiple times but that's not the point, the dude has an AXE!) - ignore shotgun, block door with grand piano.

(Bad guys) Painting nonsensical messages in lipstick all over the vic's house or playing his country records gets a few points.

(Good guy) After you accidentally shoot your best friend don't bother to reload, instead start banging the walls and crying coz maybe the guy in your house with an axe will think twice about messing with you then. Roam around your house a good few minutes before reloading. Reloading is a bad thing and attracts severe penalties! (Liv Retard) When you do get to a radio don't say your name and address - say "Helllllpppppppppppppppppp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" instead in an ominous voice, draw out both words as long as possible for maximum points.

Take a final parting shot at stupidity when you're lying on the floor stabbed multiple times, scare the hell out of your son by screaming in his face! (Bad guy) When Liv Retard asks you "Why are you doing this?" don't say anything menacing, instead answer, "Because you're stupid!"
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