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15 August 2021
I"m using my 10 for a must-see message. Crowe, et. Al., convey the uselessness of killing 45 million "victims" on a sentimental, personal level. The death of a 61 year old artist by Covid-19 watched through a window by wife and teenage daughter still did *not* move them to get vaccinated. What will it take to end war if the moaning wounded across the fields on that peninsula doesn't move you... we have more work to do and I thank this movie for helping. All my friends will know of my experience here, thank you, sincerely. Lawson di Ransom Canyon, 2021.

PS. Short reviews are like dancing to architecture. Our words here are just to let you know that some of us think the time to write about the message and the time to see the message will not be in vain. Please pay this forward. Everyone has the right NOT to be killed and the declaration of human rights is improving, racism is in decline, child hunger is less, knowledge advances and if this still is too short.... I'm at a loss to verbalize how affected this movie is.
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Lorelei (2020)
Every Life has value. That is what makes you a Dad.
4 August 2021
There is a Chinese Idiom that the gobermint should know who needs help in our world. The rich are fine, but there are those in need and you look past them to help those that don't need help. Great Story, well written. The actors mesh with real life and such good direction thtat will make you cry and happy for what you have. Must see because , I promise, some part will resonate and we will connect. Lawson di Ransom Canyon.
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Consider Possibilities Outside Normal Pieties.
25 July 2021
Your brain growth needs to hear "sides" of the story, use critical thinking, and maybe to even change your mind in a good way. Thank a god of my own understanding for freedom of speech. Our diversity depends on it. Bravo Oliver Stone, great education, great art. Lawson.
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Palmer (2021)
Finally A Movie Worthy of My (you, yours, ourselves, youse guys) Time
25 April 2021
The clearness of Living and let Live rings home the desire of the UN to include another basic human right; That everyone has the right NOT to be bullied. The differences between cultures is a vitality of the human condition. These men we lock up will become our neighbors and in need of facing a bit of reality and perspective on the positive side of ALL humanity. What a gift we and no one is better than being YOU. Sincere thanks to all concerned. Lawson.
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Doing Nothing for a Year and still Wasted My Time
20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Please watch this if you must. But, after it was all over, a feeling in hollowness overcame me, a saddness that all these people involved could not convince me that even one aspect (even the costumes, and cinemaphotography) made me feel anything to write good about.

Usually I can find something, somewhere to try to say something good about....ummmmm maybe the color. Yeah the bright colors and vibrant contrasts really gripped me. I am colorblind. Maybe I can go to the Thesaurus and find a new word for a new low....nope.
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The Fight (I) (2020)
8 August 2020
Thank you ACLU. I cannot imagine the rights they want to trample on. If you are not for the civil rights for the people you don't agree with, you are not for human rights at all. The ACLU director said it most correctly when he said that if we didn't let the racist supremacists have a voice than Trumpets would not let Antifa have a say, or they might even say *you* can't express your opinion.

That ICE men and women, even those without children can sleep at night with children apart from their loving parents is surreal. This lack of caring that no parent would choose for their own but don't think twice about taking *your* child away is testament to how low our education system has sunk. Does anyone think that idea is a stretch? You have to really train and indoctrinate people for years to remove their caring for others. You have to strip away Sundays from the moral teachings of church and give the day to the NFL. War will not end until men stop going to war. No Justice, no Peace. Rev. Lawson said at the John Lewis funeral says these ACLU legal eagles need our help keeping the horrid policies front and center. Nice movie, get more help, become a taxing entity, 1% for dissent . Wilson of DC
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Citizenfour (2014)
it Took Smedley Butler 40 years to Learn what Cit4 knows
11 February 2020
Having just skimmed Snowdens' book Permanant Record, I realized that over and over again in my head, I go back to the Cit4 documentary. IMHO the silent majorarity in America and American wannabees are "Pretending to be Asleep" to the facts adn become the hardest to wake up. Time to get out of Brazil Glen? I wanted to give this 12 stars but I never read those first so sorry for the trickery....did it work? pass it on. L di RC
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A Hidden Life (2019)
Commie Hippies on the Other Side !!!
11 February 2020
Thank you for the introduction to George Eliot, wow. War Monger, Pacificits, Peacenik, Silent Majority and many other tropes that want to expand their perspective have to include this in their curriculum. Like Twains War Prayer, their are other ways to look at things. My son, while you may never see these words, this movie is the basis of all those politicos that want to stop being a spectator and advance the curse of war. Smedly Butler was late to the party but he wrote and knew War is a Racket, now you know too. Lawson di Ransom Canyon
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Sully (2016)
A movie that makes you want to be a better pilot !!!
11 February 2020
Jack Nicholson in searching for a compliment to Helen Hunts' character gleefully declares in As Good As it Gets, that she "makes me want to be a better man" I know nothing of the photography, diriction or makeup, but all involved with this movie (including those of us that paid to see it) should feel proud of the message and pass it on.

Lawson di Ransom Canyon
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Hannah Arendt (2012)
Shocked That the Causes of Totalitarianism Not Clear
25 May 2019
It takes many aspects coming together to make a holocaust. That Zimbardo has shown, ordinary men can suspend thinking. That each of us can be guard or victim in the right situation. I here admit that "a friend" said to me that the Mexicans should speak English like Jesus did. I know a flat earther and if one more ex military person reminds me that "it" is above their paygrade, I'm going to puke. In the Graves of Acadamie, Richard Mitchell argues that if we can convince people that they are smart, they will assist us in the loss of all thier money and property. We play a part in the horror when we agree to wear the armband, Nazi or star of david. She was so ahead of her time and to those that a failure exists is that making the facts clear and relevant to the bewildering herd basket of the majority is a tuff sell. The opulent minority know, the wolves on Wall Street know and now it is time to take our friends that can be "woke" a sit down come to reality meeting for our sustainable future, IMHO. Bravo Margarethe. Lawson di Ransom Canyon unread, unedited raw idea, sry.
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Green Book (2018)
3 January 2019
Viggo makes a character good at heart. Even in his violent scenes, the anger is understandable. As a history lesson for the way it was, it took men like this to push the envelope. Like when Howard Zinn went down south to teach at an all black girls school. Viggo sees the bigotry in his fellow whites and crushes it where he can, he's a good example for anyone that cares, IMHO. Great movie. Lawson di Ransom Canyon
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Proud Mary (2018)
So Predictable There are No Spoilers, Just More Violence
26 February 2018
Just have to register my low vote because of the waste of time I spent watching this. Yes, it's tough to follow Panther, but even if I didn't watch that first, this movie, to me, is exactly why Parkland School violence happens. Strong contention? When you devalue human life, and in this case it doesn't matter white, black, young or old, life becomes devalued in the real world. IMHO. Maybe not overt, but little bits and everyone involved thinks the hugging and happy ending is sweeter because the survivors love. All life is valuable and you think, oh, it's just a movie with no effect or affect on the world. Time to reconsider that we can make a better world. Lawson di Ransom Canyon
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Unsolved formulae of Love.........Spoiler alert
28 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The spoiler is that human emotion will be displayed all throughout the movie.

Why do we read reviews? Maybe because if someone puts into words a connection that the movie gave them, we too might experience a heighten humanity also.

My son had a awful math teacher, a slow old women just barely holding on to her job, struggling under the stresses of a complicated curriculum and less than respectful students as a result, my son included. I got a call about the bad behavior and after hearing his side said imagine that she is holding that job cause of the health benefits for a sick husband or crippled child, would ya'll treat her the same way? Of course not but the decreased perspective of the yet developed mid prefrontal cortex has that inability. Turns out the crippled kid was a true story and the long hours for an elderly primagravida had taken its toll.

This movie is about another perspective and the sensitivity it take to weather the storms. I like walking in others shoes and if the writer works it out like this kids mom does, the world will get better. Common wisdom from common people, it's amazing. I thank all involved and honor them with my time to hear the story and add to mine. Lawson di ransom canyon
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Strip the Cosmos (2014– )
New Stuff with Amazing Graphics
23 December 2014
A lot of what I see gives me things to think about. Often I'll ponder and forget, but this series is the penultimate of the futuristic sky. Imagine you or your ancestors fighting in the civil war, when all of a sudden an airship flies over and scouts your troops. Imagine the wonder that some time in the future a commander dreamt of the ability to get a different view. Now the idea of flying is a non-sequitur, it just is and who would think it's not possible? Now project 200 years from now when they look back and say that such-n-such (you) gave us the first inkling that this-or-that was possible. Do we dream because of vanity or is dreaming the luxury we provide in our society? I think that if this series continues the way of episode one on black-holes (and their opposite) dreamers will want to tackle the tough foundational exercises of physics, calculus, etc. Highly get out there and dream or at least inspire a dreamer. Jingle Bells 2014
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What makes a great movie?....Ed Harris
5 April 2014
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Do you know someone that used to be the kind of person that if I had an old car restored, it had to be original in every detail or else not worth the effort. As I grow older, I enjoy the modern changes in instrumentation and suspension, along with the safety features. We appreciate those that are stuck in their old ways but this film was so much fun to see the actors in character, the camera-work and direction. I've been told lately that everything to me is political and after "Footloose" I might agree that I can find a political back story in most everything. The artist must follow their own heart, for that is biased enough without consciously considering the "factual" in an art piece. IMHO-IMDb Bravo ! Lawson di Ransom Canyon
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Sometimes a documentary will introduce you to the one person that can change your life.
18 May 2013
Wise men know that they don't know everything. That is the genius of the US Constitution... it can change. Our society changes. Sometimes, clear and concise argument can make flip-floppers of any of us. "The house I live in" was just such a film to me. In one segment of a solving the problem sequence, Gabor Maté MD, came out of the dark like an archangel from a stormy sky and slew my concepts of education and happiness.

How he changed me, was as profound as Mark Twain's War Prayer where he brings forth the idea of a spoken prayer and a silent prayer. God hears both and from his grave Twain's writings elevate my humanity. I considered the education system as the last hope for a dysfunctional nuclear family bereft with poverty, low wage and poor nutrition. I now agree with Maté (BTW é is: alt0233) that without out a good family life, without the stressors that make you watch the horizon for wolves, you can't learn. And while the education system says it can control the home life, all it's slogans, money and pedagogy... it is doomed to failure. The Prison Industrial complex is made clear as Richard Mitchell makes clear the Graves of Acadamie. The drug war funds lots of retirements and has to be stopped because the metrics say so and we say so. It's a good path if you want a lot of your injured soldiers to find work when they come back, brainwashed in the pseudosuccess of authoritarianism never reading 2 time medal of honor winner Smedley Butler. These systems of control are very fragile and close to falling... support this film, learn from this film and push back. You'll be amazed at the happiness right around the corner, IMHO. Thank you so much, to all who took part in making this film. Lawson di Ransom Canyon 2013
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Timothy Green- Unchained
5 January 2013
I saw Django and T.Green in the same week! I'm so inspired that we can use the skills we have to make things better. Control used to be with a stick and Timothy shows us the path to happiness is a multivectored route. Kill them with kindness is a strategy, also, with a cherry on top!

I'd like to see a Ted talk with Tarantino and Hedges about pathways to entertainment. Do I think Timmy Green will ever earn what Django does? No, but it should, IMHO. We think the civil war and all it's death was needed to end slavery, but it's just not true. Many nations ended slavery without any war at all. Solving your problems without violence almost sounds un-American but exceptional us does not mean everyone else is a demon to be demonized.

A gentle great movie... you can kick the girl in the head and become best friends forever. Time is short but everybody has the right not to be killed, IMHO. I choose the Green way and tread on kings. (sic)
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Testimony On How Far We've Come !!
5 January 2013
How ever "hard" or violent you think this movie is, reality was much worse. I think you will be rooting for not black or white, rather whoop and cheer for what is right. Samuel Jackson was a surprise. Foxx, the usual greatness. Favorite quote: "You a freeman and choose to wear that?" Haven't we all been there at one time? This movie makes me proud of how far we have come and to realize that the next stage of world peace and equality are possible. Spielbergs' Lincoln is so East coast and QT is so Texan. Wonderful, smart shock and awe. No horses were harmed in the making of this movie and nobody really died at CandyLand, just a movie and I don't feel desensitized towards the sacredness of human life, in fact I'm inspired to help the cause for all of us riding off into the sunset in peace. That is what we all want, really.
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Jack Reacher (2012)
" how many would live their life like me? " Jack Reacher
3 January 2013
Why do you read reviews? I like getting an idea if I should consider a movie from a random comment, if it strikes me, I'm more inclined to give it a go. But really I write for myself, to see if I can get a clarity about the time I spent watching a movie that moves me. I can usually find a good line or scene that is original and that can be enough. In one scene Jack says, "How many wish they were born, knowing what they know now, ask yourself, how many would do things the same way all over again and how many would live their life like me?" The movie is full of "thinking" commentary, do you think? All the time. The movie asks questions about how we live our lives, make our choices and consider the next move. The logical questions, that I didn't consider makes me want to read Childs more. Makes me want to be clearer about choices I have to make vs. no choice in the matter. Highly recommended for the raise of an eyebrow, a shirk from the desk sergeant, evil vs bad choices are displayed with such skill I just have to say something, tell a friend, talk about the insinuations. Thank you writers and director, I have been moved and better for watching this.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Fun Theory; Good Entertainment, Good message, Better World
10 December 2012
I can't imagine taking time to write for a mediocre film. Either you should go see it, or take the warning not to waste your time. Go see Cloud Atlas. Why???, that is the reason you read this, the reason I try to connect with you, to make a better world of course. Yepp, can't help it, won't try to stop it, lots of work to do and this movie in a very entertaining way educates you, your family and friends that we are all in this world together, not just now, but we've crossed paths in the past. Our spirits and progeny will cross again with a vague feeling of strange familiarity not to be realized in the future. None the less because of that connection we accept no criminal abuse and strive to have a life, respect other lives and move on.... Enough already, see if you don't agree, I think we connected and you will find the goodness. To be continued. MarkL
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The Beaver (2011)
Is it a Spoiler to Remind you that You are Not Alone?
12 November 2012
Some quote of Hitchens from someone else regarding the selfishness of Ayn Rand, the quote was about that being selfish is talked about enough to have to add to it. But the positive aspects of our lives so well picked out by Carlin in Jammin remind us of our togetherness. I've been moved by a tenet of atheism that suggest "if" this was it...our 80 +/- years on this planet... would we treat people differently? A great topic of discussion, hypothetically. So many friends just want to send the demonic enemy to their next life, so it's not real death.

Anyway, that Foster, gently, reminds us again, that there is someone close that loves us, pimples and all, can and should be repeated as often as necessary, as often as possible. That the ways to happiness are diverse and only limited by your imagination to fix. You have the right to fix it as you see fit, hell we created the situation, part us, part experiences. The elevation of humankind is reaching the singularity, hand in there for 12 more years and you could go virtual. Great movie, IMHO. Just gotta stay vertical and reach out a bit to smooth over all the rough spots we have, it's the best option, we all have faced it and just maybe, a few become better for it, to tell the rest how far we've come! Thank Jodie, Thanks Mel. You made my day.
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Cleanskin (2012)
All men have the right NOT to be KILLED
15 July 2012
Just saw this and the lack of respect for life is tearing our world apart. The potential every child has, every family and somewhere it has to stop. We cannot keep stooping to the lowest common denominator or terminator. My son learned the Gettysburg address and we discovered (while reading it backwards)that Lincoln wasn't talking about Americans when he said All men are created equal, rather All men; black, white, brown and women, children too. The UN was created when we discovered that armies cannot stop a solo assassin. We need to work on the underlying causes and the frustration and "nature" brings such pain and death has to stop, IMHO. So this movie very much invigorated me to the cause of Peace, thank you all involved.
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Red Tails (2012)
All men are created Equal and All Men can fight for what is right
26 May 2012
A great movie which shows that by working together we can overcome the xenophobia that persists. We have made great strides in working together for the victory of liberty and freedom like the Red Tails did. Our accumulated knowledge has shown that respect for life is possible with dedication to these truths: that are self-evident, all men are created equal. In reading more closely the Gettysburg address, my son has discovered that Lincoln wasn't just talking about Americans, rather all men. And now, more than 7 score years later we find that we can once again reach new levels of equality, not just on the local level, but even on a global level. Thank you very much for your work on this movie, and thank the families that support your endeavors for the good stories we can tell.
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Elegy (I) (2008)
At your Crossroads, which path will you take.
12 March 2012
Life with crossroads happen. Every person has a crossroad to define the next segment of our lives, either the road not taken or the risk of judgment makes cowards of us all. Wisdom comes from truthfully looking back at those choices and helping the next generation. Kingsley's character has the choice comes at the invitation to a party. Whether it is nobler to join our friends in the decision to join their choices or hide away and hope the fix happens without them.

If you can imagine the noblest among us having difficulty dealing with these decisions, you can imagine us mere mortals frozen by the same choice. The answer is to know the difference between the week and the weekend, the importance of the work of our life and the course of our lives. To bear the brunt of the slings and arrows of our heart or jump into a life not known we all know. To enjoy the pursuit of happiness for whatever short time we have or to chicken out in the comfortable world we have created. Choose the bold, is the lesson this movie teaches me. Aim for the top even if you are just a teacher on TV. It's Penelope Cruz for crying out loud and every minute it lasts has a chance to be the best life can bring. Their are so many parties we have decided to skip even though we know afterwards, when the pain in our chest subsides, we will be stronger for the decision, no matter the foolishness it may present.
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Strip Search (2004 TV Movie)
Indefinate Detention, Psychological Rendering...Are You Ready?
2 January 2012
There is a Woody Allen Movie where an officer of the Law asks Woody for his driver license and he pulls it out and tears it up in front of the cop saying how he just can't handle authority figures. I've often wanted to try that, but I have a child.

Preparing my child for travel and situations that this film portrays is every parents responsibility, IMHO. We have inalienable rights as humans, some listed in the constitution and as it says others not listed. In the fair use doctrine of the current copyright law I can download this movie for the purpose of writing this review as an important film for parents to see. I decide what Fair use is, not some SOPA board.

Yes, I profited from this movie and so should you and Stanley. Just read some of the reviews of others that saw it and decide for yourself if it isn't a thought provoking movie for some, and drivel to others. That's good enough for me to consider because education is the consideration of ideas that I don't always agree with. Now imagine it's your son or daughter. And you ended a sentence with a preposition, OMG.

With the signing of NDAA last month, this film has to be distributed more widely, I want the rights to distribute it because it talks about American exceptionalism and the reasons we are against torture and for inalienable rights including due process. As Phillip Zimbardo says, these situations are situational and with just a little pushing you could become that interrogator or worse, the subject of the "Rendering".

If your children are like the children in the opening of the film and agree that giving up a little freedom for some security, they will have neither. So what do we do about it? I'm looking for that film, any suggestions? Don't miss this opportunity to replenish the tree of liberty peacefully before the Mountain crumbles. We are the sovereign kings of our own destiny, the experiment continues with many bumps in the road, teach your children well. Lawson
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