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Detonator II: Night Watch (1995 TV Movie)
Nightwatch : Featuring a talking watch
27 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure if I need to enable the spoilers for this movies as very few people will ever see this film or even care that I may have spoiled it.

Pierce Brosnan sporting a musketeers mustache and some kind of mullet reprises his role from Death Train, and so does Alexandra Paul who died of cancer in Baywatch. (Death Train is better than this movie) The opening sequence features some kind of South American looking Soldiers chasing Pierce and his commando partner across a beach whilst they rescue some children, for some reason that currently escapes me, or the scriptwriters for that matter. These guys could not hit a cows arse with a banjo. They fire away aimlessly at some very static looking actors. Pierces partner get shot and dies. Pierce rescues the kids. The death of his partner affects Pierce in way many us will never be able to comprehend, but he does his best to at least make us feel his pain through the medium of acting.

Next we learn that something known as 'Nightwatch' has been stolen, It could see stuff in old paintings the human eye was unable to perceive, schoolboy penises and stick women with boobs under the top layer of Renaissance art, the kind of thing Rembrandt always had to cover with paint after his art school mates had tried to ruin his canvass.

So the director of some UN style organisation remembers how good Pierce and Baywatch were on Death Train and decides to get the old gang back together.

Pierce is given a watch with a TV screen in it, he can use this to talk to his boss. There is no earpieces so whenever his boss calls him up everything he says is clearly audible to everyone around Pierce at the time, Pierce just talks into the watch in response. He looks mental whilst doing this.

After this we head to Amsterdam where a man Baywatch 'Just wants to talk to' runs through town and decides to start shooting at Baywatch. He takes out a few civvies before escaping on a boat and crashing said boat into a barrel of oil? and erupts in a fiery explosion. Pierce has row with a big bloke after breaking into his house boat, and then they continue there quest to recover 'Nightwatch' in Hong Kong.

All of this makes no sense.

In the end I'm sure Pierce and Baywatch win.

The action scenes are cheap, the gunmen can't shoot and I'm not really sure what Alistair McClean has done to deserve so many of his books made into bad movies.

This film is bad.
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The Mod Squad (1999)
The Nob squad
9 May 2006
I had the misfortune to watch this last night on the BBC, I expect I may have been the only viewer. From the beginning there was something quite wrong about the movie, after a few minutes of viewing i managed to work out what it was. THE MOVIE WAS BAD! Not bad in a good way like Wolfpack or a Seagal film just plain old shoddy bad.

Why was this made into a movie? I've seen a few episodes of the TV series and thought it was alright but I only saw repeats of that because they made this.

I spent most of the film trying to work out what the story was and by the end I was none the wiser. I seem to remember at some point a character, maybe Farina's mentions that the Mod Squad can get in to places regular cops can't. The 'place' turns out to be a 'club', one of the toughest places to get into, maybe it was student night? I lost track of the plot at this point or maybe there was no plot and the movie was just chopped together from various leftovers from other TV series remakes.

Was it an action comedy? I don't remember any laughs.

Overall this movie lacked the real scene stealing power of someone like Seymour Hoffman as the bad guy. With him Ribisi would have had somebody to bounce off.
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The Business (2005)
Did somebody order a cahnt? Cos ones just turned up!
19 April 2006
The Business. Its not a bad film,but at the same time its not a good one either. Watch this if your bored, but only with your mates so you can laugh at it.

The Playboy is a great character, and the curly haired chap with the nutter mullet is highly amusing, although i suspect he'd meant to be scary like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas.

It trys to be goodfellas but it just does not work. I can't really be bothered to write more on the subject, watch it your self and you might see what I mean. If you don't bother to watch this then its your own tough luck; you may be missing aht.
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Wolfpack (1987 Video)
A hidden gem.
5 July 2004
This film has it all. Great action scenes, Fantastic dialogue, Nazi subtext.The sound track is something to behold. And the stories not bad either. The film was buried in the States but like Donnie Darko it was reborn on release in the UK.

It's the story of a High school Football team that under the influence of an unnamed organisation, decides to clean up the school of drug dealers, punks and pushers. To do this Star player Jack "Boot" Butkowski runs for class president. But they go too far and students and teachers alike begin to feel the hunted by the "Wolfpack". Only one man is brave enough to take a stand disillusioned Tight end Sam Adams. He is reaching for the stars but is being dragged in to the gutter by the Wolfpack.

Adams goes head to head with the Jack "Boot" Butkowski,star Quarterback and leader of the Wolfpack, in a blockbuster finale.

if you get the chance to see this film take it. It can usually be found in the darkest corner of your local budget video store, or petrol station counter. I believe the original copy that started it all came from WH Smith in swindon.
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Hard Men (1996)
They were dressed by 'Man at C&A'
25 May 2004
Badly dressed, rubbish brit gangster flick. There is a loopy young buck with different coloured specs to show what mood he is in. Ross "Pretty boy" Boatman is the big name in this, the film is bad. Its before he found hid true calling as a big money poker player. UNDERWORLD AUTHENTICITY is added by Mad Frankie Frazer, a good honest villain. I can't be bothered with the plot, i hate this film. I wanted to watch men in black but my mates got this instead.

Watch this film and then watch Rancid Aluminium, you will be amazed.
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27 May 2003
I have seen bad films but this took the p***. Made no sense, and all the characters do is swear every couple of seconds, oh and i think one has a low sperm count. Its that good. A welshman plays a sweary cockney. A posh english bloke plays a foul mouthed unlovable rogue of a paddy, and some lesser lights play dim tarts.

And there are some Russian gangsters. Oh yes some one has a gun and maybe talks rubbish whilst high on drugs.

Avoid this film like the plague.
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Ironheart (1992)
This movie has no plot and five lines of dialogue
27 May 2003
The acting was bad, and the plot, well i don't think there was one.

Some fat blonde chap who is always dressed in a dinner suit, kidnaps a sort from a nightclub, i think he then kills a copper. pointless fights then happen Kidnapped girl is put in cage on a boat, why? Tough uncompromising martial arts trained cop turns up, speaks bad english and does stuff that does not make sense. Its utter tripe. But he does have a nice car. christ on a bike, this film was a waste of 90 minutes.
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Robot Jox (1989)
Excellent film. deeply political
27 May 2003
What a master piece. To take the cold war conflict and transport it to the future. This film is satire of the highest order. In my humble opinion it outranks Dr. Strangelove.

The clever naming of the two superpowers, as the Confederation and the Market. Cons being commies and Market, The west! outstanding. The Clever use of gen Joxs, was ahead of its time. only are we really seeing the dangers of genetic engineering. Robot joxs tackled the issue head on in 1989.

The message of this film is about the comradeship of the humble man and how it can overcome the wishes of government. This movies screams DON'T DO IT YOU FOOLS YOU'LL KILL US ALL.

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Crash and Burn (1990 Video)
I am a glutton for punishment
27 May 2003
The cacksters that brought you Arena and Robot jox now bring you this. CRASH AND BURN.

When i was a kid, two films in Gold video, Cheadle Hulme, always stood out Arena and robotjoxs. My dad being a sensible man always refused to rent either of them; because they looked crap.

I have bought all of these films and have to say crash and burn is the worst of the lot. It was the giant robot that did it for me. Why did these people make loads of films about dodgy stop motion robots?

It says on the cover of the box "From the makers of Robotjox and Arena," like this is some badge of honour, trust me it is not. Robotjox had a touch of class but this movie is cack. Watch it for its badness. It seems to have been filmed in an old warehouse, that just happens to have a huge hulking robot rusting away in the garden. Aaaahh

BAD BAD MOVIE. Damn you Transformers you caused these films to be made.
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