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Started slow, improved in the middle, ending ok.
30 August 2024
I was about ready to give up until about 30 minutes in. Then it picked up. Hemsworth did a great job. Bad dude, but a smidge of human in there. Tom Burke did a great job as well.

I thought Anna-Taylor Joy was a bit scrawny to pull it off, but she made it work. Great casting.

Typical silly Mad Max plot, but fun as hell. They use more gas trying to get it than they find. Not sure why they couldn't just head in the direction she came from to find the oasis or whatever it was.

Cars are a fun and a hoot. War boys are even more expendable than the redshirts on Star Trek.

If you liked the others, you will like this. So recommend to fans wholeheartedly.
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Previews misleading, wonderful but tragic stories mixed in
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't what I expected after seeing previews of the first story. But, I am glad I watched it.

Wagon train bit was heart wrenching but life is often, if not always, ultimately that way.

Great acting, interesting and intriguing stories, and beautifully filmed.

Harry Melling was brilliant as was Liam Neeson in another tragic bit Good to see Tyne Daly as well. She was great in a small part. Hell, all off the actors were great.

The last story was my favorite. Too me, it was perfection. An entire movie in itself. Many of the stories could have been their own movie.

I love watching Coen brothers' movies.
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Ridiculously over the top, but had its moments.
3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed watching it, but damn there were a lot of absolutely asinine moments and ridiculous events.

I knew it was going to be stupid going in, so I told myself to ignore all the stupidity and enjoy the movie.

Parts were good. Statham is always fun to watch, and the other leads were quite good, except the actress who played his daughter. Maybe not her fault, maybe her dialogue and and her role in the film.

The Megs were actually well done as well as the other critters. And the action was quite fun at the beginning. And the overall production values were quite good to excellent.

Parts were amusing, the dislogue was mostly fun. But, it kept getting more and more ridiculous. Both the stunts and the actions characters takes.

For example, three Megs were chomping up tourists in a harbor. Meanwhile, his daughter was in a life guard tower watching the events in horror. She spots a lady struggling 100 feet offshore. She apparently has time to climb down the 40 foot tower, get to the beach, find a surfboard, paddle out to the women before she drowns or gets eaten by one of the ravenous Megs. And of course they don't chomp her as well.

The way he kills the Megs is preposterous, but fun if you can manage to overlook how preposterous.

It's hard to do, very hard to do. If you like Sharknado movies, this is a couple steps above those:)
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Obliterated (2023)
16 December 2023
I can like stupid shows that are fun as much as the next guy, but this is so contrived it is painful to watch.

Acting is fine until they try to act tough and macho. Then it sinks to putrid levels.

Dialogue is lame and cheesy.

Maybe it will improve, but damn it is hard to describe how bad this is. Special effects are good and people are pretty, nice butts. But, not enough to make me want to watch any more episodes.

Sex is even boring. I am not sure why they felt it necessary to include so much nudity, except to make up for the rest of the nonsense.

C Thomas Howell is the only redeeming actor in the bunch.
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Big Fish (2003)
Absolutely loved it.
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what the critics who gave this poor reviews watched. Ewan McGregor did a great job. As do Albert Finley. I loved how they matched reality to the stories the dad told.

I found it very moving, amusing, clever and unique. If you have an imagination and heart, you will thoroughly enjoy this movie. I think kids should all see it, it will give them more compassion and understanding of those who think and look different.

The actor who played the giant died too young and will be missed.

The direction was great as were the costumes and visuals. It was just a delight to watch. I need to put it in the queue to watch again.
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One of dumbest movies I've ever seen
5 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Way too much CGI. It's overwhelming and distracting. Probably just as well because the dialogue was poor.

The actor who played Kang was the only good thing about the movie. However, he has to be one of the dumbest 'supervillains' on screen.

Why didn't he just take off their suits when he had captured them? Or even just kill them. But no, he had to 'Doctor Evil' it.

In addition, the idea he didn't notice a million fricken ants in his domain is absurd.

Further, why he could build that huge empire but couldn't figure out how to shrink the power source without her is also absurd.

And Kang was somehow able to get away from a million ants, but couldn't beat Paul Rudd in a fight.

The dialogue was atrocious and making Michael Douglas look young was well done, but disturbing in an odd way.

I feel it actually made me dumber for having watched it.
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How It Ends (2021)
Enjoyable and unique
24 April 2023
I found this movie to be amusing, entertaining and thought provoking. Lead actresses both did excellent jobs in their roles.

The cameos were fun, especially the three from Always Sunny.

Definitely unique and interesting take on the end of the world.

It doesn't move quickly, nearly all dialogue, but it does make one think about settling up on some of the many regrets we all have accumulated over the years.

A couple quite moving scenes as well as a couple odd ones.

I really liked it as did my wife.

I am not one to blather, so I hate the minimum character requirement.

If you like quirky movies that don't have marvel action and CGI, give this one a try. I highly recommend it.
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Eureka: Do You See What I See (2011)
Season 4, Episode 21
Fun and clever episode.
25 January 2023
Did anyone notice Cerra had her old nose in the last scene. Must have edited some old clips.

I thought it was fun and clever. It's a Christmas Special, lighten up people:) The show normally doesn't take itself too seriously and most of the lots of the episodes are preposterous. Just enjoy it for what it is.

I laughed out loud a number of times. And enjoyed the animation. Clever use of different animation types.

I am watching this 12 years after it last aired. We didn't get the channel at the time. Andy has turned into one of my favorite characters.

This is one of my favorite episodes to date. It was fun watching his transition between animation types.

I am going to be sad when i get through all of the episodes.
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The Mac Davis Show (1974–1976)
I loved this show
8 January 2023
I don't understand why there aren't more reviews for this show. I was a big fan of his easy going charm and talent. I was particularly fond of the bit where people in the audience would give him song titles, or some such, and he'd come up with a song on the spot. The skits were fun and the music was good for pop country. He was a very talented man who wrote great music. He had a good, if not great, voice. I really like him in North Dallas Forty and was surprised he didn't have a better career. He seemed like a good man, and he will be missed. For lasting fame, it seems better to die when you are young and handsome, and just not fade away in old age. RIP.
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Slumberland (2022)
A lot of fun.
20 November 2022
Jason Momoa was part Beetlejuice, part Jack Sparrow.

He did a terrific job and was great fun to watch. He has turned into a very versatile and likable actor.

Chandler. Barkley and O'Dowd were also very good in their parts.

I don't know what the critics were whining about, I really liked it and would have loved it as a kid.

A few laugh out loud moments, and touching ones as well. Well paced and fun action sequences. Special effects, with a couple exceptions, were outstanding for what they are.

The plot, while somewhat predictable in parts, was unique and fun.

While not perfect, I would have changed nothing. Great job in my mind, critics are too critical:)
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Lou (I) (2022)
Entertaining. Janning died a great job.
28 September 2022
One could nitpick the flaws, but all such movies have them.

I found it entertaining, if not enthralling. Janney was a great character, who was mostly believable in the roll. Her story, and others could have been a little more fleshed out to make a bit more sense on why they did what they did. But again, no movie of a similar genre has done much better.

Some of the low ratings seem to be the same bros who see wokism in everything. I am guilty of that myself sometimes, but this doesn't strike me as such in any way. Except the protagonists just happen to be women.

I would have liked to see some tweaks made here and there, but overall liked the characters, the acting was solid ther than Janney, who was great. T.
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Father Stu (2022)
Amazing story, told well, incredible acting
28 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wahlburg did an incredible job. Unfortunately, he won't be recognized for it as critics hate religious movies.

While some details in the movie are not accurate, the salient points are.

His brother died very young, he became baptized at his girlfriend's request, after a brutal accident he decided to become a priest, he developed a rare and devastating muscle disease, he had a crisis of faith but overcame it the church balked at ordaining him, but ultimately relented. He became a parrish priest but his body kept deteriorating. He ultimately went to a nursing home where parishioners visited him in great numbers.

You don't have to believe a lick in God to recognize the bravery this man showed in achieving his goals, and while dealing with a devastating issue.

If his choice wasn't to become a priest, rather a football coach, or some such, we'd see Oscar mentions.

Critics need to look passed their animosity toward religion and judge a movie on what it is.

This really happened to this man.
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Absolutely absurd premise.
19 September 2022
The CGI dinosaurs are excellent. And it's fun to see Sam Neill and Laura Dern, and even Jeff Goldblum:) However, they didn't have nearly enough to do. But, fun nonetheless.

But, the plot is absolutely gawdawful.

The idea that people would tolerate dangerous dinosaurs running loose is beyond absurd.

It would be a hunting free for all.

I like Chris Pratt, but he sucks in these movies.

I dislike having to write so much, this movie doesn't warrant anything in-depth. If you liked the last couple, you may like this one. But, all were bad in my mind, this is the worst yet. Action scenes have their moments, but give a bunch of good ole boys some serious weapons and it's game over dinosaurs:)
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The Lost City (2022)
A less fun Romancing the Stone Update.
10 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big Sandra Bullock fan. And I like Channing Tatum as well. Both are very likable actors.

The movie was enjoyable, but the romance was a bit forced and not very believable.

His transition from a bumbling ditz to a hero is also a big stretch.

But, the acting is good. Radcliffe makes an surprisingly good, bad guy, and all three stars Bullock give 100 percent.

It's worth the watch, I probably expected too much. I may actually enjoy it more the second time not having any preconceptions. It did have some very good scenes, amusing as well as poignant. A few too many eye rollers though.

It simply didn't have the charm of Romancing the Stone, in great part because the romance between the leads was not believable. She is a good looking woman, but not such that someone like him would be enfatuated with. Nor was she particularly charming or nice, to make up for it. At all in fact.
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Each episodes get better
10 September 2022
I see the l fan boys are voting any favorable reviews down. Ridiculous.

3rd episode was better than the first two, the fourth was better yet. First two episodes were 6 and 7s. 3rd and 4th were 9.

Characters are getting better developed, more and better action, and getting more of the good v evil setup.

Galladrial is still a bit annoying, but I imagine she will continue to develop as well.

The star dude is an intriguing ad. Don't know if his a Gandalf ancestor, Sauron, or what, but looking forward to what they do with him.

Orcs are as nasty, if not more so, then ever.

I am a Lord of the Rings fan, but not remotely an expert in the lore. Nordic In care. I enjoy the world and can enjoy the story for what it is.

I am beginning to see what they spent all that much money on.

Some illogical things going on, but nature of the beast.

I will obviously continue to watch.

Even when I was afraid it would be mediocre, I was still glad they did it. Great world!
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Caveman (1981)
A number of laugh out loud funny scenes
8 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie. I laughed out loud at a number scenes. It isn't meant to be taken seriously. Ringo and Dennis Quaid were great. It had a simple but fun plot. Lyle Alzado in his prime made a great big bully. Barbara Bach id of course a looker. Shelly along looked good as well. Nice job by her. A scene of them singing was catchy and clever.

The bug landing on Ringo's face was a great scene. And the stoned T-Rex wax worth a good laugh.

If you enjoy a bit of slapstick you will have enjoy this movie.

Dang, have they increased the number of characters necessary? My ADHD is already kicking in.

People giving this 1s or 2s are missing the point or taking it way too seriously.
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Blown Away (2019– )
The glass blowing is great. The poor me back stories not so much.
22 August 2022
Obviously, a relative dying sucks, but it doesn't need to be rehashed over and over again.

The glassblowing itself is fabulous, and I started focusing on just the end products and ignored the journey.

Very talented people. Kudos to them.
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Snatch (2000)
Professional critics with low scores missed the boat.
22 August 2022
Statham at his best. Pitt is great as well. Other supporting actors are all terrifically cast as well.

Sure, the movie doesn't solve the world's problems, but it is great entertainment.

Well written, amusing and great fun.
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Hudson Hawk (1991)
Critics were overly critical
20 July 2022
I thought this movie was different and a lot of fun. It was not just better than I expected, it is a good movie. I don't get where the critics were going with their reviews.
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I loved it.
19 July 2022
Very well done. I loved the concept of the angels and how it was implemented. Cage was low key and almost flat, but it worked well. Meg Ryan was at her cute and charming best. Dennis Franz played a great character and did a great job. A shame he retired relatively young. He has been missed.
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One of the most entertaining and fun sci-fi movies ever
18 July 2022
Great movie. Almost perfect.

It amuses me how so many of the critics of the time bashed it.

All of the actors were perfectly cast and did a great job.

Laugh out loud moments, touching moments, and just plain fun moments throughout.

I think Gary Oldman made comments critical of his performance, but I loved his character.
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Boo, Bitch (2022)
Simply bad, almost gawdawful.
15 July 2022
Not sure who this nonsense is aimed at. Language and some themes for adults. Acting, dialogue and plots for tweens.

I thought it might get better as it developed. Nope:
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Jiu Jitsu (2020)
Not as bad as reviews indicate.
9 July 2022
While not great by any means, it was certainly watchable. Lead isn't a particular good actor, but he certainly looked the part.

Plot was nothing new, but it still was a decent take on the story. Could have used a few more tweaks to story and dialogue.

5 is a fair score, I bumped it up one to counter some of the low scores.
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Entertaining, but needed some polishing.
5 July 2022
Scenes with Hart, goofing things up, weren't funny enough, nor action scenes quite well done enough.

Woody and Hart had a good rapport, but why Woody kept him around was never very well explained.

Woody is one of my favorite actors, but he was to old and not athletic enough for the part. Statham would have been better.

I enjoyed it well enough. Hart tickles me, but it just was missing something.

If you can put any semblance of believability aside, you will enjoy it.
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Outer Range (2022–2024)
Started off great. Got really weird.
18 May 2022
First few episodes were a great family western, then mystical and odd crap started. Initially, it was cool, but as with all such things, the more it starts to resolve itself, it doesn't live up to expectations.

I still am looking forward to the next season to see how the hell it turns out.

Actors are all solid. Brolin and James in particularly. Much of the movie is filmed very darkly and it's tough to make things out. Adds to the moodiness however.

Good effort overall.
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