
55 Reviews
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For All Mankind: Rules of Engagement (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
As with all modern shows the writing is mid at best
22 April 2024
The people who write shows these days seem like a pale shadow of past writers, they imitate but what little original they add is usually terrible and detract from the final product, the rest of the production is okey but obviously it cannot compensate for the bad writing.

One option is to just turn off the audio and I promise that whatever dialog you imagine the actors saying is way better than what their lines actually are.

The show is fine as background noise if you are doing something else as the stupidity will be less offensive that way and if you are distracted enough you might not even notice.
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Madame Web (2024)
What even is this? and why do they keep doing this?
27 February 2024
"Cassandra's Sight" plunges into the overexploited urban fantasy genre with a premise that teeters on the edge of intrigue and cliché. Cassandra Webb, a New York City paramedic, embodies the trope of an unwitting hero thrust into the supernatural. Her emerging clairvoyant abilities, rather than adding depth, serve as a convenient plot device that feels both forced and underdeveloped.

The film's attempt to weave together the personal journey of self-discovery with the high stakes of protecting three young women from a nebulous "deadly adversary" falls flat. The antagonist, lacking both motive and menace, fails to evoke the necessary tension, turning what could have been a gripping conflict into a lackluster chase.

Directorial decisions and screenplay choices prompt a recurring question: "What even is this?" The narrative, punctuated by predictable plot twists and expository dialogue, seems to underestimate its audience's intelligence. Furthermore, the film's reliance on visual effects over character development and coherent storytelling exacerbates its shortcomings.

The true mystery of "Cassandra's Sight" is not found within its supernatural elements but in its production. The industry's persistence in churning out formulaic narratives that have historically underperformed is baffling. One wonders how such projects continue to receive the green light, ignoring the clear signals from audiences seeking originality and substance.

In conclusion, "Cassandra's Sight" serves as a stark reminder of the creative bankruptcy plaguing certain sectors of the film industry. Its failure to engage or innovate begs the question: how can they keep doing this, knowing it always fails? The film, unfortunately, adds to the pile of missed opportunities where potential for innovation is sacrificed for the safety of the familiar, yet unsuccessful, formulas.
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Echo (2023–2024)
12 January 2024
This series seems to suffer significantly in terms of writing, acting, and overall execution, with its only saving grace being its cinematography. The writing appears to be a major weakness, possibly due to poorly developed plots or dialogue that lacks depth and authenticity. Such shortcomings in the script can directly impact the quality of acting, as even skilled actors struggle to deliver performances that resonate with the audience when the material is subpar. The acting itself being described as "terrible" suggests a lack of convincing portrayals, possibly stemming from inadequate character development or direction.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
Watching idiots get killed by bear
3 October 2023
If you ever wondered what would happen if a bunch of idiots were around a psychotic bear this is probably not a bad guess of what would happen, if you don't find that sort of scenario interesting/funny then this movie is probably not for you especially as 90% of the characters are so annoying that its actually a relief when they get eaten.

I could make a comment on how scripts are green-lite these days but that would make this review more then the minimum required characters long and since the script writers didn't care enough to make a decent script why should I care to make a decent review??
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Foundation (2021– )
Mediocre writing
30 July 2023
Making Isaac Asimov foundation into a TV series was always an impossible task but this TV show very quickly diverts completely from the story and only keeps a few core concepts from the original.

While not as terrible as the average TV show now a days, this is still not very good and plot relays heavily on characters mentioning or not mentioning specific details at specific points which can be forgiven if it wasn't done so often as to break suspension of disbelief.

The acting is pretty good, but not spectacular and I don't remember the original paying much attention to race so the casting of random people from Hollywood doesn't destroy credibility like it does in most contemporary TV shows.

All in all its watchable which is more than I can say about most TV series and movies at the moment.
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Silo (2023– )
Overall well written and well acted
4 July 2023
Unlike most modern "entertainment" this show is actually fairly well made and though it doesn't perfectly follow the book it does capture all the themes of it and the characters are fairly well written and played by the actors.

If I were inclined to score the show only against shows made in the last 10 years it would have received an additional star but I don't see a reason to lower the standard any more than has already happened.

I hope this represents a shift in entertainment more towards good storytelling and away from the overt politicized blabbering we have increasingly witnessed this last decade.
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Silo: Machines (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Massively stupid errors
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you know anything about geothermal steam, and I mean at all, the most dramatic scene will just leave you thinking how idiotic the writers must be as they have somehow mixed up water steam temperatures, that is 100 c, with 460 c the temperature steel begins to emit light. Even if you assume a huge pressure differential it still won't make sense as the mechanism wouldn't be able to open back up if subjected to that kind of pressure.

If this was a stupid magical sci-fi show I wouldn't care but the silo series of books were hard sci-fi meaning it respected what is actually potentially physically possible, this show doesn't!!!
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If you believe this one I have got a bridge to sell you
18 October 2022
Government fails at pretty much everything it tries to solve but at a huge cost to all us taxpayers. Unless you are a government employee you should be firmly against increasing any government spending and firmly for almost all tax cuts regardless of who benefits as it is unlikely that people who spend their own money would spend it as badly as the government does.

Literally all innovation is achieved despite of government as it usually tries to regulate anything out of existence that doesn't fit neatly into the buckets that the donors of the current politicians own.

This is a stupid propaganda series that just serves to empower the donor class and impoverish everyone else.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Written by dumb children for even dumber children
25 July 2022
Even the most poorly written teen series of the 90s had more coherent writing then this show and as a result the immense effort of all other people involved in this project was completely wasted. I hope everyone but the writers got payed well for the suffering that they had to endure.
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Writing, writing, WRITING!
17 July 2022
These days it seems impossible to find competent writers and as a result nearly all movies and TV shows falls flat on their face despite great visual design and reasonable acting.

Is it really that expensive to let a few good writers do the job rather then a myriad of incompetent diversity hires? How about trying meritocracy for a change...
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Vikings: Valhalla: The Greenlanders (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Just tired of the BS
10 May 2022
I have now cancelled my Netflix subscription, not be because of this show specifically but because of the trend this show is an example of.

There is a reason that people in the north developed lighter skin, its called vitamin D deficiency and causes really weak bones. This condition barely survivable today and would be deadly back in the viking age.

When you destroy any possibility of suspension of disbelief out the bat then the rest really doesn't matter.
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This is how you do a strong female lead
22 March 2022
Well written and well executed, the only thing that's kind of bad is the ending but then again with this kind of story its somewhat difficult to do a good ending.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
I hope they all die horrably
13 March 2022
When a story is about a group of people stranded on a spaceship for a long period I am fairly sure the intention is for the viewer to sympathies with at least a few of the crew but every single character is so unlikable that I find myself wishing they all just die horribly.

Once again the writers just tanks the show by making every character an idiot.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
The suspension of disbelief
9 March 2022
Hollywood crusade against history continues with this abomination that purports to be set in northern Europe hundreds of years ago and by their casting choices they have immediately destroyed any credibility.

If you know any history about the period you won't be able to watch this and if you don't you will be misinformed about history.

I sometimes think Hollywood want's to destroy any historical understanding in the population since so many choices are arbitrarily made that does absolutely nothing for the story or the production budget but are disturbingly inaccurate.

Hopefully the current crop of terrible people in charge will get fired once quality has degenerated far enough for people to cancel their Netflix like I have.
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If you want a dumb action movie, this will suffice
2 March 2022
If you don't care about the terminator universe and only want a dumb action movie this is a perfectly fine one but if you think that a story line spanning multiple movies should be internally consistent then you should skip this one.

My guess is that the people in charge of script writing have stopped caring about the craft of storytelling and are simply box checking at this point and if that's the priority the likelihood of the resulting movie being good is close to zero.
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Boss Level (2020)
A good old fun time
24 February 2022
One of the few movies I have enjoyed for the last couple of years. No stupid political BS just a good old heroes journey with a few twists to keep it fun.

A couple of decades ago this would just have been an 6 rating but these days its outstanding compared to the competition. If you have seen all the action/sci-fi made in the last couple of decades this one is worth a watch and a clear indication that though the woke mind virus has spread a lot it hasn't killed off all the good script writers yet.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
A decent sci-fi show
15 February 2022
Considering the low standards these days this one stands out as competently written and carried out. Of cause there is the obligatory diversity quotas but unlike almost all other attempts it actually perfectly fits the story-line and is therefore laudable and a great example of how to do things the right way.

I really hope that this is a sign of things to come and that the idiotic political crap can be put to rest so that we can again explore deep philosophical questions in Sci-Fi like we used to be able to a decade ago.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Just boring
10 February 2022
Its a very banal story line but because it is cut with lots of flashbacks it seems mysterious at first but quickly just turns boring.

The characters are fairly well written and the actors are doing a good job but the story is just not interesting.
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Borring but only mildly cringy
5 January 2022
The characters are pretty bad and I guess there was an attempt at having a strong female lead but since both the writing and acting is so bad you just end up rooting for the zombies to eat them all but it does take a few minutes to hate them that much so I guess its better then most movies these days.
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Santa Inc. (2021)
The death of comedy is WOKE
21 December 2021
Irreverent humor is based on telling the truth in funny ways, the problem is that the WOKE ideology isn't based in truth and therefore it all falls flat.

If your going to be a dick, you better be funny! And this isn't.
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Lobotomized writing staff
19 December 2021
I guess all the good writers retired when lobotomies became mandatory for all writing staff. When your characters are so annoying that you want to see them get eaten by zombies you failed at your job...
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Writers and prop people no longer exist
25 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The last professional writer and prop people have retired and the only one left appear to be mentally challenged children. The number of errors are too numerous but some of them are so stupid that they break the suspension of disbelief, like when deb pulls an entire round out of a gunshot wound! Writers write what they know, this is what happens when your writers don't know anything.
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A simple action movie
18 November 2021
While this is not great art its also not ruined with catastrophically bad writing or political idiocy. The standard BS that a small women can best a man or monster 3 times her weight is still there but that is apparently just how things are now and since its a Sci-Fi movie it could be attributed to some unexplained tech so its not as bad as in contemporary movies.
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Free Guy (2021)
Could have been an 8 if not for stupid politics
11 November 2021
The concept is interesting but not original as it has been done in numerous books already, unfortunately much of the fun is spoiled by stupid woke political comments mixed in at various points that just puts the idiocy of the writers on full display.
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Dune (2021)
Its a sold meh
21 October 2021
Watching it in the cinema was a bit annoying since the IMAX sound seemed to be turned up higher then the actual equipment was capable of reproducing sound so that the quiet scenes were fine but whenever anything loud happened the sound was distorted. Visually though it is really epic but that's about it, the acting was middling and some of the characters were much more annoying then I remember them from the books.

All in all if you have nothing else to do then its worth a watch but not a second watch.
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