
5 Reviews
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Why the bad review? Stop hating!!
25 April 2008
OK so this isn't the best movie in the world but NO WAY is it the worst movie. The plot has been done a million times before but if the story line was so bad people wouldn't keep on doing it. I read the reviews and thought oh no i'm going to hate this but sometimes you have to take a chance and i'm so glad that i did.

This movie is REALLY REALLY good. I'm not a Paris Hilton fan and her acting wasn't the best but yet i still really liked this movie. Maybe it's because i'm a romantic at heart that i liked this movie but i really would watch it again and will be telling friends and family to take the time out ignore the reviews and watch the movie.

I give this movie 9 out of 10 and i don't normally rate movies that high but this movie left me with the feel good factor. I did laugh at some of the jokes and it's really not a bad movie. Take a chance and watch it for yourself you never know you might like it, i know i did.
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Great Movie!!!!
17 December 2007
When i starting watching this movie i expected very little so i didn't have my hopes. I was so wrong!!! This movie is really good. It tackles a lot of issues has a really good storyline and is very touching.

It's the sort of film that you watch and think anything is possible and you really should judge people. If you haven't seen this movie you really should. I'm not going to say it's the best movie in the world but is it worth watching YES!!

The plot is really good and the acting is also really good. From the time the movie started i was hooked. I wanted to know what had happened and how it was going to end. I can't compare it to any other movie because it's like no other movie i've seen. The start has a touch of American History X i guess you could say.

I give this movie 8 out of 10

Worth watching!!
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Where was the plot?
13 December 2007
First off i'll give this movie a low scoring 4 out of 10! It was nothing more than a wannabe film. I felt very let down watching this film. I was lead to people it would be more drama and more facts about the true story it's based on. Instead i spent over an hour watching middle aged mean break the law and take drugs.

It's abit like football factory but with no real storyline and not a good ending. After watching the film i was left wondering "What was that film all about?" If you like films with no real storyline and a lot of drug taking and swearing then this is the film for you.

I'm a BIG fan of mob and gangster movies but this film did not live up to the hype. I can see where the writer was trying to go with the film but it never reached it's destination.One of the worst British films that i have ever watched. If only the movie had more of a storyline this would have bad an excellent movie.
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Never has a funeral been so much fun....
13 December 2007
I have to rate this movie 9 out of 10. I've not long ago seen it and my sides are still hurting from laughing. A friend of mine went a saw it awhile back and she came back saying it's not worth watching. I decided to watch it for myself to find out and..... I'm SO glad i did. I really wasn't expecting very much but i found myself laughing so hard that i couldn't talk.

What an amazing British film. It's a most see film you really won't regret it. This is a film i must add to my DVD collection. If you haven't seen this film yet what are you waiting for, this film will put you in a good mood.

The cast is very good, the storyline keeps you entertained from start to finish. I can't wait to see this again. I can't say that about a lot of films that i have seen but this one was brilliant. I can't remember another British film that i through was as good.

A MUST SEE!!! 9 OUT OF 10!!!
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Cougar Club (2007)
What a let down.....
11 December 2007
I was expecting good things from the movie but i was left feeling very let down. Not once did i laugh or even give a smile during the film. I kept thinking when will this be over. It's like a comedy with NO comedy. The film failed to keep my attention and i found myself thinking of other things.

I was expecting it to be like American pie with a twist but it's nothing like American Pie. I've never been so bored watching a movie. I've not long ago finished watching the movie and already i can't remember what happened in it.

Terrible film, Terrible Cast, Terrible Plot.... In a word this movie is TERRIBLE!!!
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