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'Scuze The Breezers!
15 May 2002
I tell you folks, that was THE FUNNIEST line of irreverent dialogue I've ever heard! Seriously, I can somewhat understand why Aussies who have reviewed this very smart, funny and VERY whacky film are besides themselves over the stereotypes and how some of their brethren are depicted here. Now, yet another group of people understands and feels what minorities everywhere feel when the same type of satire is done to them, but to an extreme! But, hey! Loosen up a bit-just let that "Breezer" rip! It's all good! I exchange emails with several Aussie folks Down There regularly, and they seem to talk and act very much as I do. So I can watch this film knowing that what I see is "over the top" in it's characterization, and NOT indicative of all Australians. Every ethnic group has it's "lower elements" for sure. But, I'm sorry, this was some hilarious stuff! All these characters were two sandwiches shy of a picnic! I've always been a Rod Taylor fan, and he steals this flick wholeheartedly. That guy is still one of the finest actors still working, and I know he's up there in age now. These folks live in a world far removed from reality. The remarks ("beef curtains", etc) are fresh (most of us here in the US have NEVER heard these expressions) and the whole town gathering nightly for 'Rogers & Hammerstein' movies (and a LOT of beer guzzeling) as the high point of another dreary day reminded me of the Wizard Of Oz's munchkins singing. Yup, sure enough, the plot had some holes for sure, but otherwise, the performances were great, from Johnathan Saaech on down.

I flat out loved this film. It was quite a pleasant surprise and yes, I agree it has cult status written ALL over it! See it for a monster laugh! I'll be willing to bet it caused quite an uproar when released!
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