
7 Reviews
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Sweet and Irresistible...and Quite Relevant.
18 April 2014
We sort of just stumbled into this film at a local "art house" type theatre, and what a treat it was! It's the kind of refreshing indie film that can renew going to the movies when you've overdosed on big Hollywood formula "blockbusters." The cast was outstanding, in particular, the two leads Christian Walker and Billie Worley were just phenomenal. The story tackles a lot of heavy topics that are so current and relevant to "red state" gay people...but it does so with a light-heartedness that just works really well. Without giving away anything, there were several times where I was sure I knew where it was going, and was taken off-guard, and then was happy to see that everything ended as it should have. I really can't recommend this one enough.
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Monster (2003)
Monster of a Movie
16 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
***Possible Spoilers***

Believe the hype. This movie is outstanding on several fronts. The story is simple. The emotions are complicated. It's possible to see how circumstances made this woman become "serial killer Aileen Wuornos," and at the same time impossible not to feel for some of the men that she killed and their families. It asks the viewer to evaluate the characteristics of "good people" and the qualities of "bad people" better than most movies that attempt to examine the internal structures of morality. The overall feeling of the film is dark and isolating...reminiscent of "Boys Don't Cry." Charlize Theron's performance is as good as it gets. She just nails it, no two ways about it. Christina Ricci, always a favorite, was just ok...though not really her fault as I don't think that her character was given any room to develop. But, did I mention Charlize Theron?
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9 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***May Contain Spoilers***

I'm still not sure if I liked this movie or not, but I definitely found its form interesting. I kept wondering throughout just where the heck this movie was going. It seemed to go off on various tangents, building mini-dramas, only to drop them at the last minute, leaving the viewer just hanging. At first it seemed to be building a story around little Billie's adoption then it backed away. Then it insinuated a drama based around Channe's encounter with the neighbor boy and then dropped it. It continued this pattern through Candida's relationship, Channe's early promiscuity, and Marcella's growing drinking problem. All leading up to Bill's death...which is treated in the same anti-dramatic style. It seems to me that the whole point of the movie was to experiment using an anti-dramatic form and style where very dramatic episodes are abandoned just before the viewer enters the realm of real feeling.
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Spun (2002)
Tweaked Out Realism
7 August 2003
As I think many people have pointed out, this movie is not for everyone. But anyone who has really seen the inside of the world of crystal meth, will realize how brilliantly acted (especially Mickey Rourke and Brittany Murphy) and directed this movie was. If you think this movie was irritating to was supposed to be. If you think that it has no real got it. If you think that the characters were undeveloped...the cast did its job. If it leaves you wondering whether how people could spiral so far, then it has truly served its purpose of giving you a glimpse into the reality of speed.
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Utterly Irresistible
28 February 2003
I just saw this movie at the Miami Film Festival and I can't recommend it enough. It has an original premise, great characters portrayed by strong actors, a good script and a refreshingly creative way of telling the story. The story centers on the at times friendly competition between heaven and hell for the soul of a boxer (Demian Bichir)who's really not worth saving. Heaven sends an angel (Victoria Abril) and hell sends a waitress/dark angel (Penélope Cruz) to persuade him. Heaven is portrayed as a black-and-white 1950s Paris and hell looks an awful lot like America but sounds a lot like Britain. One of the most creative aspects of this film is the use of language. When the story is taking place in Heaven, French is spoken. In hell it's English and in the real world it's Spanish. The use of language is much more than aesthetics, it is definitely a commentary. The actors flow from one language to another with grace. Speaking of the actors, Abril is absolutely exciting as she brings natural old-fashioned glamour back to the screen and Cruz is simply brilliant in this film. Other performances by Gael Garcia Bernal as the CEO of hell and Cristina Marcos as a rogue cop are outstanding. Really, see it for'll be so happy you did.
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The Hours (2002)
It Sure Felt Like Hours.
18 January 2003
I knew when walking into the theatre that I was going to love this movie. I knew that I was supposed to love this movie. At the 3/4 mark in the movie I was wondering when the love for this movie was going to well up. What clever plot twist would show the brilliance that I just knew had to be lurking just 'round the corner? By the end I didn't feel love for this movie...I felt cheated.

I will agree with everyone else...the acting was, for the most part, top notch. Julianne Moore and Meryl Streep delivered as always. Nicole Kidman's performance was, I felt, noticeably weaker. And Claire Danes is always a treat, even in a very small role. Ed Harris' performance was adequate, if a bit overacted. But acting aside, I really did not like this movie. I can't for the life of me understand the rave reviews. At no point was I able to see into any of the characters. Some films deliberately create a sense of isolation by not allowing a connection between the audience and one, or some, of the characters. I'm pretty certain that this was not the intention here. I think I was supposed to be moved by the sense of loneliness that dominated each of the main characters. I think I was supposed to empathize with them in their battles with the mundanity of life. I couldn't. I think I was supposed to feel for them in their struggle with neuroses. I didn't. I think I was supposed to think that the way the three stories were woven together was a stroke of artistic genius. It wasn't. I really didn't feel anything at all throughout the movie, except cheated.
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Movie? No. Soundtrack? Yes!
3 September 2002
Though I've never been to Manchester, I owe much of who I am today to the subjects of this film. I was six years old when the punk scene began, but caught up to it in my early teens. I spent most of my early teen years listening to Joy Division, New Order, and the like. Towards my late teens I moved on, and evolved, as did Manchester, into the acid house and early rave scene (though my raving days were in San Francisco). So, of course, when I heard about this movie I couldn't wait to see it.

Having said all that, I found this movie to be quite disappointing. Though it told us throughout the film that the birth and evolution of the Manchester scene was a historical event it failed to show us the true energy and excitement. It is a film about Factory Records, but it seems to intentionally avoid creating a sense of what the punk-then new wave-then acid house subculture was about. Factory records was obviously created out of a passion that is all but missing here. The story line is incoherent, though not in the avant-garde way that i believe it was meant to be. If you didn't spend the eighties living off the music that was the Manchester scene, don't expect to learn anything about it from this film. If you did, like I did, then there will be parts inspired by the soundtrack that will instigate a great longing for the days, when underground really was.

There are some good points that should be noted. The portrayal of Ian Curtis is amazing. And the dancing Happy Mondays guy and shots of the Hacienda crowd while Voodoo Ray is playing will, for a moment, take you back.. But, be warned, the comedown is harsh.

Recommend the movie? No. Buy the soundtrack? Definitely!
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